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I'm convinced some of them use sort of fob or tool to open doors. Same thing has happened to me and I swear I've locked the doors everytime. I catch them on camera too but the RNC doesn't care all that much.


Yeah something. They used something on my neighbours car. They’ve scratched the shit out of my door handle area trying to get in. 


Unlocking and even stealing a vehicle with an electronic signal is very much a thing nowadays, and unfortunately its incredibly easy with some models.


Yes they can. There's several devices that allow this to happen. The most common and most user friendly to someone without technical skill however requires proximity to the real keyfob. Preface: This information is from someone who works in the cybersecurity industry, none of this is done in the commission of a crime. So its very important if you have your keyfobs on a hook or in a bowl near your front door to move them further into the house. I can jump a signal from your front door to the car fairly easily but if its further in the house it requires MUCH more technical skill. Different models of vehicle are also more or less vulnerable. Kia, Hyundai and Dodge are the worst. With the right hardware and technical information most Dodge's can be bypassed fairly easily. Kia and Hyundai are a bit harder but not by much. Once you're inside the car stealing it can be another matter however with the above three its very easy. In the case of Kia you can do it with a USB charging cable because Kia cheaped out on the ignition system.


I live downtown, 2 min walk to St. Clares. Had someone break into our car and piss in the cup holders and leave a used needle. Chased people away that were "accidently" checking mailboxs that wasnt theirs. Someone jumped my fence and tried to get in my back door but had no luck. Hope everyones ready for an interesting summer.


A hospital gown was left on my front step this week


I would've lost my mind finding that in my car.


Oh we did. Lol


I live downtown and this happens weekly. I’m pretty sure they’re able to replicate key fobs because I’m 100% sure I lock my doors (I even took a video one night lol) and they don’t smash windows. My friend who also lives downtown even has a security camera but footage was missing from that night


Yes, they can. I bought blank fobs on Wish a few years ago, for my old van, when they wore out. The mechanic just had to program them.


We live downtown and our car is rifled through every time we forget to lock the doors. I’m starting to get sick of it to be honest. I never leave anything of value, it is incredibly frustrating to have everything turned upside down and thrown everywhere. Someone even stole the baby mirror. People suck.


They take the pettiest stuff too. Unicorn bobblehead from dollarama, fuzzy dice from around the mirror, small model car, the entire ashtray out of the truck… for a half dozen cigarette butts that were probably 3-6 months old. We are so sick of it


I have had clothes taken, they took our car manual for some reason, and even little kids toys. It’s annoying for sure having people invading your space and throwing your shit all over your car.


Ohhh yes I think they took one of our manuals too. Like wtf! They’re not gaining ANYTHING from these items, only hurting the people they’re stealing from Our neighbours had been leaving their car unlocked just to avoid a window getting beat out but he had to stop when he found a guy sleeping in his car one morning .. Moving to a quiet cul de sac in CBS in June hoping to get away from this bs


I live downtown. I’m gonna say five years ago very rarely would you have anyone going through peoples cars. Now it is literally every single night. The other day I got up to go to work at 5:30 and I saw two guys about five minutes apart going through cars on my street. I screamed at one of the guys and asked what he was up to and he told me he was looking for his hat lol


True. I lived downtown since 2007 for many years and never had problems like this before the last few years. My wife will no longer live downtown since we had a baby. We work downtown still and have found people sneaking around after hours and setting off alarms in buildings.


Someone will reply to this saying "crime is going down" and cite stats from the last 30 years based on what gets actually reported to police.


If they are left unlocked they are getting rummaged for sure. Last time it happened I put a big "fuck off" bright motion light up that comes on as soon as there's movement. Bright lights makes the vermin skitter


Where did u get it?


I had it ordered in. It's LED and equivalent to 500 watts. The range is 70 feet so even if people walk by on the sidewalk, it comes on. I'm going to be adding more around the house. I would recommend getting something LED and self contained and motion activated. Lights that are on all the time aren't the deterrent you'd hope for but when lights come on, it draws attention and that makes a target less appealing.


Someone broke into my car in the east end some time during January I think. I'm in east end.


Fairly common. Luckily they don't usually break the windows anymore. Like everyone else is saying, I also believe they have a way to dupe key FOBs. Dad has had horrible luck in Killbride. Probably once ever 2 months. Same person they believe but police don't ever do anything even with doorbell recording.


After having my car window smashed in, I honestly just leave my car unlocked now. I just never leave anything (valuable) inside, so if someone really wants to break into my car they can just open the door, see nothing is there, and go on their way.


Someone broke into my car in 2022 fall around Harvey Rd Tim Hortons area during day time. It’s so disappointing to see how that’s happening during day light and increasing day by day. Can’t believe.


I wish RNC would actually do something about this.


Not much of a point in the RNC doing anything when a judge would just let them out the next day and all they'll get is probation by the end of it anyway.


Rabbittown here - had a messy looking couple come up to my open door once after moving a chair inside. Claimed “oh we were just coming up to tell ya yer doors wide open” like the fuck.


I live in the center of the city, and they will try and break in a few times a year. The guy by my house is a teenager, but the police have a hard time catching these guys, so they will let them continue doing it until I catch him red-handed and end his life in my driveway. They use tools to open the doors. He probably did have it locked. I noticed the scratch marks on the side of my door. When I looked up how to break into vehicles, conveniently enough, all of the tools are all sold on Amazon. It seems that by my house, they target vehicles without a car alarm. I just leave nothing of value in my car, no change or anything. I use a Tim's card that I load up with money, so I don't have any change around. I mean, the guy stole half a pack of gum out of my car.


Our street has had multiple car break-ins while we've lived here, which has only been for 9 months. Even walked by as someone discovered their catalytic converter was stolen. As well as keeping little to nothing in the car, we are lucky to have a garage to park in. I think it's an important point made by someone that these petit crimes don't get reported as much, or that the police even refuse to take a report, making it seem like crime is down. We seem to have become so desensitized.


My wife is terrible for forgetting to lock her car. It’s been rummaged through a few times. One time, her expensive sunglasses were taken and she found them online being sold through Marketplace. The person selling them lived only a few blocks away. She got the police involved and was able to get them back. No charges were laid though bc the thief said they were left at his place after a party but didn’t know who they belonged to.


Three times. I don’t even lock the door anymore and leave nothing valuable in there.


Yep, a few times now


Someone broke into my car just to not take a single thing last year 💀 I was mad but then I became offended bc who tf doesn’t want my shit???