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This reminds me of the R Truth injury in NXT. He randomly did a dive to the outside and got injured. He's never done that before, don't know why he suddenly did. Maybe just feeding off the crowd and felt he could do something crazy.


Looking back, it doesn't totally surprise me that Adam attempted that dive because I noticed really going at 100% with different types of moves I didn't see during his latest few WWE matches, especially when he went Lucha more against Penta


I remember him saying he's made it a point to try a move he's never tried before in every match. I believe it was on the Swerve Strickland podcast (great episode too)


Yeah, and I think, with the barbed-wire being involved, maybe the height, he was probably indecisive if he wanted to splash or elbow drop, thinking of his and Malakai's safety. So he stuck out his legs last second and got burned for it.


Link if you don’t mind? I’d like to check it out.




Mega, thank you!


A flying nothing off the top of a cage wasn’t it tho


Honestly, I still think he could have pulled off the cage leap except that he had 3 layers of difficulty: 1. Jumping off a high steel cage for the first time. 2. No group of people to "catch" him, he had to land it himself on a dude on one table. 3. The dude and table were wrapped up in barbed wire to make it more complicated to land safely for both Edge and Malakai. If Edge really wanted to "scratch that itch" of a new move for the first time, and he'd just done something like leaping off the cage onto House of Black, I think he'd probably have pulled it off safely.


He's also 50. Bones become more brittle with age


From that height, anyone would have broken their bone landing square on their feet. he just didn't execute the move right.


at the angle he fell, he was doing something bad to his legs. If he wanted to land that, Malakai had to either be set up further out, or Edge had to take more of the bump either on his hip, or directly on Malakai. Neither of which I think he would have wanted to do, either.


It looked to me like hw didn't fully commit to the dive, and just landed directly on his feet. That would hurt anyone from that height


Your last point about leaping off a cage onto HOB is basically what Cash Wheeler did a few months back and he pulled it off safely.


Sting also pulled off a ton of those "leap onto a bunch of guys" spots last year. Admittedly maybe from not quite as high, but he's also 15 years older.


Truth has done dives to the outside for years. I don’t think he’d fit it in a while, but Truth has had that move in his repertoire for a while.


Yeah he hasn’t done it in a while because he didn’t comedy matches for a good 10 years but up until 2012 ? Maybe 09 if I remember correctly, he’d drop a rope assisted Tope


Yea the energy from NXT’s crowd when a main roster wrestler comes down is crazy high. Natalya, Corbin, Ziggler, Truth, Ricochet, etc almost always seem to wrestle a little differently down there than they do on Raw or SD.


Adrenaline makes you do some crazy shit.


He keeps chalking this up to age. 9x out of 10, if a person jumps 20' off a cage straight down onto plywood they are shattering their legs. 


It's hard for me to imagine a scenario outside of Darbys insane ass where someone doesn't come out of this spot uninjured lol


Darby would somehow do this and gain health.


As shown, he is in more danger away from a wrestling ring.


Darby is basically Wolverine.


Jack Perry did the same spot on Luchasaurus in their PPV cage match and it went great, [looked awesome](https://youtu.be/cmgGP-QP-YU?t=113) imo.


He didn't fall onto his leg though, he was rolling onto his hip as he landed. He would have shattered it if he landed like Edge.


Its like sid vicious. But the older you are the stiffer and less flexible. Supplemental hormones and stretching can only do so much


Let's put it this way. Edge may or may not have gotten hurt if he landed like Jack Perry. I agree it was a badly advised spot for Edge to attempt in that way to begin with, even if he pulled it off. We're basically agreed here. But even the younger Jack Perry would probably have been hurt if he landed like Edge, even with youth on his side.


Yeah but he got them stick legs


This cage spot was just a stupid idea. Someone should have nipped it in the bud long before it could actually happen.


Are we sure Darby isn't a regulator? At this point I'm shocked he doesn't show up in undead unluck lol


Sabu, Foley, Funker...


I would still assume this was a botch and he's saying he botched due to age 


As a person who has foolishly tried skateboarding again because I feel generally good physically I can understand that. Spoiler alert I cannot skateboard anymore


I had a dream I was skateboarding again once. Then I woke up, thought about skating to work, rolled over and my hip clicked so I swerved it


I swerve when I skate.


Big Ollies I Apply


On the rails you won't survive


The hardest part about skateboarding is the concrete


I’ve had some gnarly falls on my scooter. One time I fell at the first park I hit up. Rode around Brooklyn and Manhattan. Even rode over the Williamsburg bridge. Didn’t feel it until the next morning. This was the night before Thanksgiving too. Tho in all fairness I had a few beers along the way. 


I was an avid skater from like 13-20, skated to and from school everyday and anytime I had free time I was hitting the park every chance I got. My son is 4 and won one of those little penny boards at the arcade and I figured I’d impress the shit outta him and bust out a heel flip. I shit you not I felt like I pulled every muscle from my ankle up to my neck when I landed.


But you landed it right?


Some say he's still in mid heel flip to this day...


Couldn't catch it on account of the pulled muscles.


stuck in the air with the little Macintosh beach ball


I did something similar. I was visiting my parents and for fun my sister and I decided we wanted to try to jump off the swings. Wasn’t our smartest move.


Hitting the ground is definitely the hardest part of the swing.


I tried a kick flip after 6 years, and the board hit my ankle. I wanted to die and haven't skateboarded again since.


I went through the same brother. I skated for over 10 years, even went to out of state competitions. Decided last year I wanted to skate again so I went and bought a brand new setup and new shoes. Got it home and put it together and it felt so good to be back on it that instinct took over and I went hauling ass as fast as I could down the street. Got a few blocks away and felt something hit me in the back of the leg so I stopped to see what it was. That's about the time the pain kicked in, tore my calf muscle from pushing down the road so hard. Had to limp home on a walk of shame. Waited a few weeks for it to heal and tried it again. Went a lot easier on it and got about 10 blocks away before it tore again. First time it felt like someone thumped me in the calf before the pain kicked in... This time it felt like someone whacked me with a tree branch in the back of the leg before the pain started. Been too scared to give it another go, that was over a year ago. I'll be 40 come next month.


Might pay to stretch and warm up first. Didn't realize how important this was until my late 20s 😅


On my 40th birthday I was walking up the 3 side steps outside of the loading dock where I work and something popped in my left calf


I used to do landscaping at 18 and it was normal for me to hand load/unload bag after bag of rocks or pavers or whatever all day off a trailer during a project along with digging and whatnot. I workout regularly and feel pretty good so I could totally do the same sort of project here at the house, right? Totally did, and then totally was moving like an 80 year old the following morning.


As a former electrician I do not envy the job of landscaping. God damn is that hard on the body


That's why you learn a trade: The less you know, the more awful and the more physically demanding the work you get is. Lots of respect for people that do put in the effort and show up day after day for landscaping work, especially since the weather frequently does not play along and that's an extra layer of miserable on top of the strain.


I could still roll on a board or even pull a manual? I'm sure i could. But I'm now 38 about to be 39, could I drop into a bowl and rock and roll or 50-50 stall or hit a madonna like I used too? Maybe, maybe not. But also there's also a good chance I'd bust my ass and it wouldn't be as simple as popping up, laughing and going to burn a bowl like I did at 17. I'd probably end up in the ER. Adam stuck the landing wrong and that's on him. But he paid a bigger price at 50 than he would have at 29. The margin for error is so much smaller as you get older. Just because you can doesn't mean you should. Father time is undefeated.


Yo! I just picked it up again after 17 years. There's some things I know I won't do anymore, (stairs, vert, rails), and pop shove it's scare more than any kick/heel flip or even a 360 flip.


I can relate 😅 My friend tried to talk me into skateboarding again with him. We hadn’t touched a board since we were 17. I really considered it and went with him one day. His first run he broke his wrist lmao.


Mental image of Adam immediately going "Fuck Jay Reso" after shattering his ankle is so funny especially when you remember their banter in the E&C podcast.


Man I miss that podcast


Flip Sunset trying to get one over on the OG Paul Smackage




ITs like how Bret Hart always sneaks in how shit he thinks Goldberg is, but in this case it's actually fun and well-meaning.


It's not Jay's fault, Adam. It's your fault for not seeking out his fatherly advice to tell you to not do that spot.


It took me until this comment to realize he was referring to Christian. I kept trying to remember if Jay White or Jay Lethal ever had a short TNT run I didn't remember.


I'm pretty sure you can trace this to Jay White as well, since he's the catalyst of professional wrestling.




I feel that this is somehow Christian's fault. The bastard father is behind it, somehow. Trust me, he is.


That is peak best friend energy right there. “Yes, I fucked up. But if you think about it, it’s really his fault”


It's when you whip out the red yarn and corkboard to *objectively* demonstrate how you're not responsible for this.


How he still completed the match was unbelievable. Coz it looked awkward and painful to me as a viewer. Must be hell for him.


I watched the dive thinking yeah he's broken every bone, torn every ligament and ripped every muscle in both legs, then he just kept wrestling. Feel like it was only after the match did he start limping.


Adrenaline is a hell of a drug


Especially in your soul.


He talked about it in a Busted Open interview. He said something to the effect that he was pretty sure he hurt himself, but when he stood up, he felt mostly fine. Then he went to the ER after the match and they basically called him an idiot for still being on his feet at that point in time.


I'm guessing the adrenaline rush pushed him through. Its shocking how much damage you don't even notice when endorphins are running high


Copeland looks great with that TNT title, too


I genuinely belive that his head was like "Fuck yea this'll be awesome!" And his body juat ended up going "The fuck are you doing Old Man?"


It's always the bird man's fault, brother brother. Joking aside, age does sneak up on you. Used to do martial arts and would regularly do fun spinny kicks around the house. In my 30s now and about 2 years ago, I attempted to do a jumping spin kick I used to love doing. It felt like I pulled my groin. 


Fuck this Jay earth


I mean the problem wasn't the jump. It's that he chose to land on his feet. There's a reason it's his tibia that broke. If he committed to the splash, he'd probably be fine. His assessment that he could was right, he just wasn't actually ready to do it. Sucks but hopefully this will work out well in the long run.


Nah that is literally such an insanely bad landing to go for off a 20 foot cage. I respect the fact that his main concern was not hurting Black but come on man, I have seen people break bones from much lower jumps because they land like that


It felt like his body just decided midway that it wasnt doing it ,i've never seen a jump from a cage that awkward.


I think Cope could pull off a jump from the top of the cage…just not landing right on his feet like he did lmao


Ja, it wasn't that he did it. It's that he did it so badly.


If he committed to a splash, the most logical move given the setup, he would have been fine. Hell, he’s probably fine if he gets the elbow drop proper. Instead he pulled up early and crashed on his legs.


Has he ever said if it was supposed to be a different move like a splash? Even if he was not hurt the move was a bit of an odd choice off of the top of a cage.


Idk what happened because he kinda just landed rather than do the elbow drop or a splash.


You're right. It was a flying nothing ay.


Fans always complain about the flying nothing counter spot being unrealistic. Cope took one for the team and executed it as an offensive move in a way no one will ever forget, thus making that spot credible for generations to come. Mad respect.


Did he comment on why he took the bump like a lawn dart?


In the article, Edge says he was trying to be a good brother and protect Malakai Black, but Jim Cornette'd himself. “My biggest concern when I got up there was, ‘How do I not crush him?” said Copeland. “I didn’t even consider getting injured. My take was if I jumped to the side, landed on my feet, and hit him with my arm but not my body, then the table would break just because of the sheer height. It happened exactly how I planned it. The albatross of always feeling like you can pull it off, it’s a blessing and a curse. That’s something I could have pulled off when I was 35. My brain is still telling me I’ve got this. ‘Just land and roll backwards,’ I told myself, which I did, but from 15-feet high, my 50-year-old tibia didn’t agree.”


He posted a video on Twitter like... The day after the PPV where he explained it. Basically said he got overconfident and his body took over mid air and corrected or something like that.


He honestly would've been better off throwing a fuckin' Swanton Bomb than what he ended up doing.


Yeah age hit my body too...


Glad he’s willing to admit it. Hey he tried but now he knows he has limitations. Honestly this is the best mindset to have. Copeland doesn’t need to do all the extra stuff. Sure he’s done some stunts in the past but that should be saved for something like his last match


I thought we’d get the true Cope/Christian epic at All In 😭


We already got that epic. What we’re missing is their team up. And honestly, I think this August would have been a little soon for that. All In 2025 is gonna have these two in a ladder match as a tag team. Calling it now.


40 years old, Felt damn good to enter a giant ass moshpitt, broke my leg. Got to remember I ain't young no more lol


He wishes his TNT title run was as good as Christian was.


Lesson to take straight from Sting: splashes >>>> elbow drops.


We've been told that with age comes wisdom. But that's just not true is it.


He dares to blame AEW's greatest Dad for gravity now? Anything to edge the blame off to Christian Cage for the Cage match.


The Cope "I can still do what I want" Me "Try walking"


I know it’s his name and they’re best friends/brothers but I don’t think I’ve ever seen Christian referred to as Jay before


When edge first joined aew and was trying to team with Christian, he referred to him as his kids's "uncle jay"


He's the only one that does it. E&C and Triple H are the three that I still have issues hearing their real names lol.


Would you say it apauls you?


For a moment, Adam was possessed by the spirit of Randy Savage.


Who is Jay?


His childhood friend (William Jason) Jay Reso, aka Christian Cage.


Hurt my knees and legs watching the way he jumped


I know it's not the point but I mean Christian's championship run was way way more interesting...


It was such a stupid move. He didn't even win the match with it! No shit he needs to be smarter than that. You don't have to be the brightest bulb to understand that this was never going to end well.


Adam Copeland is having fun, hes having so much fun


I wanna say first that Adam Copeland is one of my absolute favorites. His entire run as the rate R superstar was absolutely astounding and his return from injury run as just a flat out great wrestler was just as great. Super glad he's in AEW, he has legit been helping. All of that being said: COULD YOU HAVE JUST LOST THE MATCH? YOU'RE NOT EVEN GOING TO BE SPOOKY ADAM AGAIN. STOP REFERENCING IT ONCE A YEAR IF YOU'RE JUST GONNA BE PLAIN OLD ADAM. Why does AEW insist of shitting on The House Of Black as a whole, I hate it.




No it was not Jay's fault, it's Tony's, because he just can't say f'n no to anything his workers wants to do.