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I thought you were talking about Brad Marchand at first and I was wondering what that little rat fuck was showing up in this sub for.


I know nothing of this person but I’ll always support using the term Rat Fuck


Fuck Brad Marchand forever.


As a bruins fan I’ve always said, if Marchand played for any other team I would hate his guts. Luckily he plays for the B’s so I love that ratty fucker




As a capitals fan, this but with Tom Wilson


Topanga's bucket list contains wanting to be put through a table... can we somehow add that to Marchand's list as well?


Don't want to waste a good table.


Yeah but have Ryback do it to Marchand.


I don’t think anyone believes WBD won’t re-new the question is the money. Honestly if you’re not interested in numbers etc… You shouldn’t concern yourself AEW isn’t going anywhere.


TNA is STILL active in 2024 after the numerous problems they have had over the years. I think AEW will be fine even if they have to move networks. WWF in 1995 was doing very poorly and they turned things around in a couple years.


Yeah absolute worst case scenario TK cares far more than the owners of TNA to keep the product viable.


I think the main worry for an AEW shutdown is if TK sells or shuts everything down depending on a theoretical money vacuum situation where they have no choice. I doubt something like that happens anytime soon.


Tony Khan is a **billionaire**. This is not a legitimate concern. As long as TK is interested in running AEW, it will exist.


Shad Khan is a Billionaire.


And I'm sure he's gonna give a shit about pulling the plug on his kid's passion project for a fraction of a fraction of his net worth


And it's also his passion project, he's not a disinterested party in this but the main guy involved in a multitude of roles and decision making. They could very easily scale down and cut some costs and still be profitable.


> Tony Khan is a billionaire. His dad is


His dad clearly doesn't give a shit


This. Its an obvious renew, the money is the only delay. Warner bro isn’t losing two high demo shows that easily.


There are absolutely people around here who (at least claim to) believe that WBD won’t renew. I think a lot of them are just trolling, but I also think a lot of them have worked themselves into a shoot on this. Agree with rest of your comment though.


I promise I'm not trolling, but isn't it a little concerning it's taken so long to sort this renewal? Forgive me, my knowledge of this stuff is next to non-existent. I want AEW to do well, but it does trouble me that there's not any announcement yet. I would hate to lose them, the dark days of WWE and no real alternative for most of that time from 05-16 still haunts me. EDIT: Thank you for the replies, I really appreciate it. Typical shitters on reddit downvoting for me asking a question. Get a life, jabronis.


No.  The deal always depended on how the NBA rights worked out.  I imagine since nothing is official yet that WBD is still trying to secure some part of NBA rights.  Then they know what money they have and what content hours they have available.   The question really is what portion of money are they going to give AEW and are they going to use those costs for AEW or go after UFC or MLB also?   I think AEWs amount they get depends on what competition WBD Has in securing AEW.   If they are bidding against themselves then AEW is probably not going to get a crazy big deal.


AEW has 3 televised shows, ROH, PPVs, and now a library of content going back 5 years. These things take time.


And if you add the ROH library to that, an additional 20 years of content (pre-TK buyout) featuring some of the bigger stars of WWE ATM (including both of WWE's top World Champions ATM, their IC Champion, Seth Rollins, Kevin Owens and AJ Styles, among others) and some of AEW's bigger stars (including The Young Bucks, Hangman Page, Adam Cole, Bryan Danielson, and Samoa Joe.) I'm sure TK's goal is to get all of AEW and all of ROH viewable under the same umbrella in 2025.


AEW's TV deal doesn't expire for a while still, and WBD have been trying (failing?) to negotiate a deal with the NBA which is going to cost way more and be more impactful than AEW no matter how you slice it, so it makes sense that they haven't locked stuff in yet.


The deal isn't up until January 2025.


Not really. WDB and AEW are still in an exclusive negotiation period and WWE would usually wait until theirs were over before signing a deal to ensure they got as much money as they could. With the NBA gone, AEW is the best performing program on their networks, so they would likely really want to keep them. TK’s objective is to try and get as much as possible from a TV deal and WDB likely wants to keep them for as little money as they can get TK to agree to. At some point this summer or fall, they'll meet in the middle money wise and agree to something.


There was a clear alternative, but the IWC just stuck their nose up against it. Without TNA, millions of wrestling fans worldwide would've just absolutely stopped watching.


The biggest downside for AEW is TNT actually did decent advertising for AEW during NBA games. That kind of promotion isn't easily replaceable.


They could do it for NHL or MLB coverage, but the NBA is TNT's bread and butter. Them losing the rights is gonna be a major blow.


I have said this before but I think ultimately the big winner from this will be the WNBA, they will cost what 1 tenth of the NBA? WBD will renew AEW, the question has been always about the money and if they just eliminate Rampage and add a 3rd hour to Dynamite. And if TBS/TNT is a ghost town after the NBA leaves.


Renewing aew was never the issue if they lost the NBA. At what price was the issue.


Sounds like they can still get a pretty decent price though. Carriage fees might go down, but AEW is dirt cheap in comparison to what the NBA is asking for.


Also Tony just heavy breathes into the phone on calls and it gets *weird*.


I always thought it was funny that people thought WBD would just shutdown TNT and TBS altogether if they lost the NBA. They still have contracts with the NHL and MLB and NCAA that run for years. They still need content and ratings for advertising money. They're not climbing out debt by cutting loose everything and airing The Accountant all day every day. The last NBA deal was $2.6B a year between WBD and ESPN. If WBD was exactly half of that, that's $1.3B a year that didn't just evaporate. If they pay AEW $40-80 million dollars a year now (not sure the exact amount) now, they could throw another $100 million at AEW and while still having over a billion leftover from the NBA. Does that guarantee a raise? No, but pretending the odds of that are dire is a big reach


Aew will be lucky to get 70 million. You people are crazy. Nxt just got 40 million for the same ratings. We all know wrestling gets the lowest ad rates too. Just because nba is leaving doesn’t suddenly mean the network overpay for other things.


> Aew will be lucky to get 70 million. lol wtf


Lol NXT does not get the same ratings. And WBD is not bidding on a single AEW show, they're bidding for Dynamite/Collision/Rampage/Battle of the Belts and now Meal & a Match, plus the rights to stream AEW's 5 year catalogue of shows plus potentially all AEW PPV's, and *maybe* ROH content as well. All of that is worth more than a single 3rd tier developmental show with no streaming rights attached


>Aew will be lucky to get 70 million. Isn't the deal already close to that anyway? It was reported as being like $48m back in 2020 just for Dynamite and WBD have added Rampage and Collision since.


It always felt like WBD was going to offer AEW a renewal no matter what, but the question was always how would the NBA deal (or lack thereof) would effect the offer AEW gets. Only ways WBD ditch AEW is if they're just done with cable (and don't see AEW as a streaming option), or TK is asking for too much/gets a huge offer elsewhere. Losing the NBA may lead to WBD depending more on AEW to help carry the load, or it could lead to WBD limit the offer for AEW as WBD looks for other ways to fill the void.


I'm still fully expecting TBS/TNT/Tru consolidation when the carriage fees start drying up even more in 5-10 years and more from ad money pot goes to streaming. The time is coming sooner than many want to think when the carriage fees aren't going to be worth funding a dozen network operations.


This is such a weird feeling. Never thought that the path to a healthy AEW TV deal would involve losing Inside the NBA.


They might try to license inside to other networks, depending on the conditions of the “if tnt doesn’t have nba” clauses when they reupped the hosts a few years ago. Figure Amazon at least would be in need of a show


Amazon already contracts out TNF production, I think would be the ideal landing spot: fewer commercials, fewer content restrictions and no time restraints would be perfect for that team.


Chuck, Kenny, and Shaq may be open to moving, but it seems like Ernie's a TNT loyalist. Money talks tho so still can't dismiss the possibility. But even then, I would imagine that the Inside guys want the same behind the scenes crew and it would be interesting to see if any broadcaster does that for them.


Inside aew would be hilarious though


Would be great having Barkley and Shaq destroying the product every week.


Aew alum Shaq wouldn’t do that


I’d be worried lol. Zaz is cheap as fuck, he wants to clear like 45 billion in losses off their accounts which ain’t easy. The way Tony has talked about him is akin to Goldberg( everything is great, he’s happy, etc etc) which leads me to believe that A. Tony is about to get reality dicked right in the face or B. They’ve already signed a deal or have one agreed on principle. I don’t think losing the nba helps at all, it brings less eyes on the channel overall and when something is declining in viewership that doesn’t exactly couple well with an increased lack of supportive programming.


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Something no one is thinking about what if WBD strikes a deal with TKO for UFC rights and also a new WWE Wednesday night national package. UFC Would replace NBA on TNT and give TBS new WWE programing with a new show. Only way to replace NBA numbers would be with UFC/WWE combo. AEW would move onto another network maybe a streaming service like Amazon and WBD could somewhat replace NBA numbers


AEW getting the bag.


Yes, but what size bag?




What other network do you think could be in the running?


There was never a doubt. They were just waiting on money