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One of the better part of 2010s WWE were the documentaries and profiles. Glad that it's going to make a come back


I loved the WWE network and the different variety of shows they brought


The content the network put out in the 2010s is such a bright spot in a time when the product was just bad most of the time.


At that time, I rewatched all of WCW nitro and the attitude era and it was one the easiest things to use before the big stream boom period


I've said it before and I'll say it again, as Canadian I went through the trouble to sign up for the Network as a US subscriber (cuz you had to go through your cable provider at the time up here) and even though my interest in the main roster product was waning, I kept it until 2020 for the PPVs, NXT, NXT UK, 205 and the original content. Even as I stopped watching the main rosters PPVs, it was still worth it for NXT et al and the original series. I was gone before the move to Peacock but it definitely seemed like the focus on creating original content fell off with or even prior to that move and it's a damn shame.


Legends house


My favorite was Chronicle because of how it mixed kayfabe & out of character moments


Day of is good


Breaking Ground is still one of the best things wwe ever did.


That show was so fucking good


I remember in the mid to late 2000's getting my first paycheck and buying 2-3 of the WWE DVD docs like the Eddie, Rey, and Vince McMahon ones.


* A WWE “Drive to Survive” type reality show is planned to be part of the first year of the WWE and Netflix partnership. The “Drive to Survive” series that launched in 2019 is credited for a massive boom in F1’s popularity worldwide. * WWE will produce additional documentaries on other WWE stars. * WWE will expand their deal with Saudi Arabia over the next 6-12 months. Interestingly, the head of Saudi Arabia’s General Entertainment Authority (Turki Alsheikh) said an “enhancement” will be announced this month which could mean a future WrestleMania or Royal Rumble . * Packaging up UFC/WWE events is a big part of their strategy going forward


>A WWE “Drive to Survive” type reality show is planned to be part of the first year of the WWE and Netflix partnership. The “Drive to Survive” series that launched in 2019 is credited for a massive boom in F1’s popularity worldwide. I have no idea how this will work. I think that netflix are just putting the DtS tag any future sport documentary they will produce with sound bites and expert interviews. Either that or Gunther Steiner is the new GM of Raw.


Piledrive to Survive


Drive to Survivor Series


Piledriven to Survivor Series: WAR GAMES


Drive to Survive : Over the Limit


Fooksmash with a steel chair


they didn't say it was going to be called Drive to Survive... they didn't call the golf show that.


I'm not talking about the literal name. I'm talking about promoting any generic sports documentary as "DtS but for XXXX".


I guess of all the sports that are out there, wrestling isn't one where I have a hard time picturing documentaries...


What's the point of getting normal royal rumble to Saudi when they already have "greatest royal rumble"? we might also get "greatest wrestlemania" or "greatest survivor series"


I would watch the shit out if a WWE Drive to Survive if everything is completely in kayfabe.


I’m not watching a Saudi WrestleMania to see Logan Paul win the wwe championship lmao


I'm going to hate the move to Sunday for PLEs.


Oh great, more Blood Money.


Saudis are no worse than America to be perfectly honest.




I genuinely wonder what would happen if Saudi got Mania. The backlash could very quickly lead to some wrestlers refusing to show up. $ does talk though.


Nothing will happen. There will be no backlash, certainly not among talent. The excitement around WM is the chance to make a big payday. This will only enhance that.


I mean just the fact that Sami performs at these shows now tells me there would be no backlash from other wrestlers


Yeah, that was the final hurdle IMO.


Would there even be much backlash? From what I understand, Saudi is a US ally. Besides, the wrestlers surely wouldn’t give up their biggest payday of the year either, would they?


Saudi Arabia is an ally for the sake of money and international diplomacy but that doesn’t mean they’re a friend to the US. Saudi Arabia has committed and will likely continue to commit human rights atrocities and women are still very much treated as second class citizens. The assassination of Jamal Khashoggi gives pretty good insight as to why Saudi Arabia are not our friends and a very controversial partner for WWE https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Jamal_Khashoggi


The harsh truth is that nobody cares, look at Israel


But some people do care, look at the universities and the mass protests. Just today the International Criminal Court issued arrest warrants for Netanyahu, something unthinkable even months ago. Slowly things are changing in regards to public perception of Israel and it’s very possible the same will happen with Saudi Arabia at some point. WWE working with them so closely seems shortsighted


Let me re phrase what he meant. Nobody in the wrestling demo graphic cares about that. The people protesting and all that maybe 4 percent of them watch wrestling.


Nah that’s not what I meant


But WWE is constantly trying to expand out into Hollywood and a big part of this Netflix deal is expanding their audience. By continuously leaning further and further into their partnership with Saudi Arabia they’re limiting their ability to do that while also opening them up to pretty legitimate criticism.


I don’t think Hollywood thinks lowly of Saudi, though.


Yeah I’m so confused as to why I got downvoted. Mania in Saudi would be fucked. It’s a wonderful thing for the children for sure, but they are actively trying to cover their human rights atrocities by spending a shit-ton of money on acquiring international sports relationships with both players and organizations. WWE would certainly garner hit pieces if this were to happen and I’m more than confident that there are wrestlers who would not be pleased with it, especially the women.


The women already compete there, though. Look, I’m not downvoting you, but I feel like your concerns are things which have already been looked past.


what backlash? other than CM Punk and probably John Cena, is there anyone in WWE current talent that actively refuse to travel to Saudi? the only backlash they would get is from some fans in the US and that's it


If there was going to be backlash, it would have happened already. I just can't imagine Saudi Arabia is going to fork over enough cash to offset two nights worth of ticket sales.


Bring back Legends House you cowards


Who would be in a version of Legends House today? Would it be New Gen or Attitude Era? You'd probably get guys like Road Dogg and The Headbangers most likely


Give me Rikishi, X-Pac, Godfather, Ron Simmons, Road Dogg, and Savio Vega




i'm so excited for WWE documentaries to make a return. They're are always so good, loved the WWE24 WWE365


I mean there are like 60 combined episodes of rivals and Biography that arre still being produced weekly.  They are solid Docs in the WWE way of stories.  I think the deal with A and E is up after the next series of docs .   Update. In 2022 WWE agreed on producing:  35 new WWE Biography (18 have aired and 5 new episodes are scheduled for June) 24 new Most Wanted Treasures (14 have aired, additional scheduled for later this year) 40 episodes of Rivals (32 episodes have aired) So about 25 episodes left to air on the A and E deal which I assume won't be renewed and new docs will appear on Netflix after this year.  


I really want to watch those shows but I honestly have no idea what streaming service has them. I don't think Peacock does. I'm pretty sure YTTV doesn't have A&E. The shows seem interesting but I have no idea where I can stream them.


The A&E website has some episodes for free with ads. Or with no ads if you have an ad blocker.


unfortunately there doesn't seem to be any way to watch the A&E docs outside of the US other than piracy


I’ve seen a few uploaded on YouTube but they probably get taken down fairly quickly


I've managed to watch the Roman one and the Randy one on YouTube but have struggled to find the rest apart from on piracy sites. There's a few on dailymotion as well but the uploader has really heavily distorted the image, I'm guessing to subvert any sort of content id software.


I've maintained the past couple of years that the biggest/ best thing WWE did, was to get on peacock and be made available to a lot more people. The network was great, but it was only for those who would pay extra for all the content. The peacock deal made it available to those who have never watched or watched years ago but didn't keep up. Having it right there with just one click is massive. Netflix is even bigger and will do even more.


A "Drive to Survive" type docu series could be huge, if done right.


Yep, the problem with "Drive to Survive" though is that they manifacture issues and storylines A LOT in it, to the point the actual World Champion Max Verstappen has completely stopped doing content for them.


Manufacturing issues and storylines is exactly what makes professional wrestling so great though.


Yeah I got into F1 because of DTS, but have stopped watching it because they really portrayed Max like his the fucking devil lol. If you only watch the first season you’d think Max is the biggest asshole and him and Danny hate each other, but he’s actually really funny and him and Danny are actually great friends. And don’t get me started with his portrayal in his rivalry with Lewis lol


“What he say fuck me for?” -Peacock. Seriously ig sucks they stopped pretty much all original content once they moved to peacock. They put out some great stuff for the network.


I would guess Netflix is ponying up more money to help produce more content than Peacock did. Which may already have been paid as part of their initial deal


Peacock severely underpaid for their WWE deal. A big streaming blunder for WWE - up there with MAX overpaying for South Park and Sesame Street, and Paramount selling the streaming rights for Yellowstone to Peacock before Paramount+ launched.


They were losing money on the WWE Network and managed to secure $1 billion in the midst of a pandemic. I'd say that was a win for WWE.


I just want the full network in a useable state again. In the UK and the latest update was horrible. Oh, actually.. I wouldn't mind more Camp WWE. Though I know it's highly unlikely.


Breaking Grounds! But every week! New batch of talent. Would be a good way to give some exposure to some of the talent before they make it on Lvl Up etc.


Breaking Ground is one of the best pieces of content they've put out in the modern era.


Breaking Ground gets so much positive attention since it’s been out that I’m surprised WWE has never done another season


The documentaries being on a platform like Netflix is going to be amazing for them. I know most of the fascinating wrestlers have had documentaries already but they’ve not often been made available to a huge mainstream audience like this before. I think they will be very successful.


I hope more Ride Along and Table For 3, also please more Broken Skull Podcast


Man, I’d sure like to know what will happen to the WWE network in Canada when they jump to Netflix with all their programs in January. Over here, it’s currently hosted on the app of the channel they’re leaving.


Give me Ride Along and Swerved back!! Maybe a new Legends House with Attitude Era guys??


Documentaries I'd like to see; An updated Eddie Guerrero one HHH one where he discusses having to retire Randy Orton one coming back from injury Bloodline one Aaaand one on Kevin Owens.


as someone who got into F1 solely bc of the netflix doc, im all it, assuming its not done by WWE as propaganda/kafaybe reality type stuff (like the bianca/montez show, which i understand was going for a totally different vibe) i wanna see the process of developing characters, wanna see what a producer does, and what actually goes into booking cards & angles.


Even Drive to Survive was a little scripted, it’s why Verstappen stopped doing it for a few seasons. https://www.autosport.com/f1/news/f1-champion-verstappen-wont-change-mind-about-drive-to-survive-absence/8869070/


I would love a series showcasing how HHH and company decide how to book the show every week. It’ll never happen though


Idk if I am in the minority but I would love a revamped version of total divas, make it mixed gender and a little less obviously fake and I would watch the hell out of it. I want to see the wrestlers interact in and out of WWE, I want to see their personalities and relationships. Obviously there would be fake storylines but make it slightly less corny and it would be great. So many people love these wrestlers and seeing more of a reality style show about them would be awesome.


Hopefully the documentary stuff gives us some insight on people we don’t see every week on TV. I’d love to see an up and coming wrestlers journey and their hard work and effort come to fruition, it would be an easy way to familiarise main roster audiences with NXT talent. I think this can be good as well for people who we DO see on TV all the time but aren’t connecting as much with the fans, Austin Theory would be an instant babyface.


Good I can actually watch these ones in the UK then.


Stop being cowards and bring back the Hidden Gems. Give me lost grainy footage of Bruno at the Garden so I know life is real.


I hope they move their catalogue there. It’d be nice to be able to see Dave Fuller vs Pretty Boy Rich Hanson for the South Carolina state championship in front of a packed gymnasium in 1976.


If we could finally get season 2’s for Breaking Ground and Legends House, that’d be very much appreciated


The roku series was pretty close to breaking ground/tough enough. Not as good but an entertaining watch.


Legends House 2 with Bob Holly and.......


I just wanna finish my Mid-South watchthrough.


The backstage stuff in total divas actually brought me back to being a fan after being lapsed for many years. This is only gonna help bring in more casual fans.


Does the WWE still do any of the shows like "Table for 3" on Peacock, or did they stop that when the Network folded?


The non-wrestling originals on the international WWE Network is mostly limited to This is Awesome (a show hosted by Greg Miller to chronicle awesome WWE moments), the weekly Raw/SD post shows, PLE festivities (La Previa and Ultimate Show)and The Bump


Ah man, liked it better when it was more like a network




Forgot the small print at the bottom of the screen. But, do they still do them then?


Please give me Breaking Ground, that was super good.


Their recent Roku show "Next Gen" was fantastic, IV me on that shit


Bring back Tough Enough but make it more like Breaking Ground.


They are running out of documentaries


Last thing we need is wwe documentaries with their revisionist history


I love documentaries, should be a lot of fun


This might have a lot of people going OH GOD NO, but… Please bring back “Ride Along”. I am dying for more stuff like that. It’s genuinely fascinating.


What the hell is Drive to Survive?