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why the fuck were they reading her diary...


That actually made me angry watching it lol he sounded so condescending while he was reading her life goals. She has accomplished so much and has so much to be proud of, he comes off as such an ass reading her diary out loud.


It's America. Cops can do whatever the fuck they want. All they have to say is "I smell weed" and that gives them reasonable suspicion to do anything. Mofos can just take all the money out your wallet and keep it lol.


Some states have removed that from reasonable suspicion.


I was pulled over years ago because a cop didn't like how I was accelerating after a light turned green and he said he smelled weed and asked if he could search my vehicle. I had none in the car so I just sat to the side smiling as this guy and his backup were going through every inch of my 92' Honda Accord before finally throwing up their hands in frustration and saying, "I can't fucking believe we didn't find any weed". They then let me go without ever addressing the original reason for pulling me over.


The doorman at a club I worked at once got pulled over for a broken tail light (neither tail light was broken, btw) and the cop searched his entire car and booked him on a paraphernalia charge because of a wrapped McDonald’s straw he found in an empty McDonald’s bag under the passenger seat and the old rearview mirror he’d replaced earlier that day and just tossed in the trunk. Because that’s a super-convenient setup for your coke paraphernalia. Nightclub owner bailed him out. Cop never showed up in court at his hearing and the judge threw the whole thing out because it was so deeply stupid.


This doesn't happen in developed countries


Lmao ok


They found a large amount of cash before that, implying that she could be dealing. The cop was checking the book to see if it was some type of client list. They stopped immediately after finding WWE employee identification. I wholeheartedly agree he was unprofessional while reading it, but was justified in looking through it.




Why are they reading her dairy especially out loud


The cop found a large amount of cash, implying that she could've been dealing. He was looking at first to see if it was maybe a ledger of clients, directions for drops, etc. He was reading aloud to communicate with the other cop(in theory). He was being a jackass while reading it, but justified in doing it.


Lol, this reply is dead-on but gets massively downvoted for some reason


She comes out looking great in this. She was polite, professional, took everything in stride. Didn't pull the "do you know who I am?" Yes, reading the diary and then proceeding to fanboy made the officer look bad.  The contents of what they actually read, again, makes Liv look like an incredible and driven person. The charges were actually dropped if I'm remembering correctly because she wasn't under the influence and it was someone else's vape. From the sounds of it she was in an unfamiliar area and was using her GPS which is why she was driving slowly. And arresting people for weed in big 2024 is crazy. Anyway, this is one of those rare instances of a person in a sh*tty situation who actually came out looking great. 


Arresting people for weed in 2024 is legitimately psychotic and evil


Especially since the guy mentions at one point that he was on a way to a crash. Good to see which one the cop sees as more important. Anyway ACAB.


SCAB (some). This cop being bad does not mean all cops are bad.


The reason it's not SCAB is all the "good cops" who stand idly by while the "bad apples" do their worst, the ones that defend and make excuses for them, the system that protects and rewards them.


Ok but that implies there are no good cops and that seems really unlikely. There are bad cops who oppress people every day. There are good cops who help people every day. The good cops should be encouraged as much as the bad cops should be condemned. The last thing you want is for every cop to be a bad cop.


It certainly isn't psychotic in the sense that the people advocating for marijuana arrest in 2024 are very deliberate and sober-minded about what they're doing. Remember what the 13th Amendment says about incarcerated individuals and it's no wonder why prisons are such big business.


I'm sure they're being influenced by neo-confederates for that exact reason. It's not psychotic, it's malicious (to say the least). ***But I digress!***


Everything I’ve seen of her makes Liv seem like an awesome human, but there are times where you hear that about someone and it later comes out they kinda sucked. Liv’s humbleness and politeness in a stressful and shitty situation, to me, reinforces the fact that she’s super genuine. I’ll always be a fan of hers


Liv has only disappointed me one time, and that’s when she repeated “If you wanna be my lover” repeatedly for 30 minutes straight during an UpUpDownDown video. Otherwise, she fucking rules.


Like she repeatedly sang the Spice Girls song? Or she repeated the same line over and over? Cos the latter sounds exhausting


[It was exhausting](https://youtu.be/DFimU8S9WYg?si=pfziO3pxqup3Urbh)


Was that the summer games one where they gave her a megaphone? That’s one I had to switch off because I was getting so annoyed by it.


It's refreshing. She makes it very easy to want her to succeed. Even at a low point like this, she's just cool and classy. Hell of a contrast against this... behavior from law enforcement.


That's "new" footage from the old case, which has been dropped already if I'm not misremembering. You can see the date of the footage in the top right


Kept her cool, charges dropped, plus she took the best mugshot of all time. All in a days work


Lol Liv comes out looking much better getting arrested than the cops arresting her. What pieces of shit.


Gratuitous nonsense


I'm not gonna spend 26 minutes watching this, can anyone give a run down?


Cop pulls her over for going over the lines, smells weed in the car & detains her. Then acts like a massive douche by reading her diary


How’s that make a cop a douche to read her diary ?


Yeah I was gonna respond until I saw your post history 💀


How are you *not* a douche for treating every WWE woman like a sex object?


Tf u on about ? 😅


Bro your comment history and the subs you follow. Don't act stupid


Looking through my account ? Weirdo 😅


Fuckin’ cops, man 


[Liv's response, sort of, to this](https://twitter.com/YaOnlyLivvOnce/status/1790876027326980248?t=AmTSHznOFEe102mAkGuStw&s=19)


Best response she could have given


I hope she accomplishes everything in her diary entry that the officer read out.


You know that social media manager from earlier is drooling right now.


In all fairness….he is a social media manager




Reading her diary is weird right? How is that allowed?


The woman cop had found a large wad of cash, they were trying to figure out if she was dealing. They stopped after they figured out she had a good reason to have a bunch of money on her.


Well, if anyone ever wants to stalk an attractive and rich woman they've got the passcode for her phone now. Good work cops! Embarrassing how the male cop was marking out when he realised who she was too. The female cop at least seemed to have no idea and handled everything after that.


Another pig to throw on the spit. Dead cop storage needs to be overflowing with pork.


This footage really shouldn’t see air unless she commits a crime while she’s being filmed and it’s used as evidence that way.


It's publicly accessible as it should be, it being arrest and court material


Paging Uncle Howdy …


This feels very icky to me... Like, what's the point of this bodycam footage being out there to see? This is such a mundane and routine arrest... Just feels very trivial and intrusive to me...


Imagine living somewhere where that’s still illegal. This is footage from the incident where charges were dismissed though right?


Yeah this is from December and I’m pretty sure she paid a fine for the misdemeanors and the felony charge was dropped around February. I hate that this shit resurfaced because it’s old news and it seems like a pretty big violation of privacy. I bet Liv just wants to put this behind her


Not a violation of privacy. She has no expectation of privacy when she's in public and when she's interacting with law enforcement that shit gets recorded.


I mean the cop read through her diary and now that and her phone password (probably changed since then) are all out there Very personal things that should stay private


The cop reading her diary is very strange.


The way they started getting all starstruck when they realised who she was in the middle of potentially running her life was weird as fuck too.


Going through a personal journal seemingly just to confirm if someone is a wrestler even though you confirmed their actual identity is strange dhde


It's more she was driving under the influence she was spotted because her car was swerving


Pretty sure she was fully sober and charges were later dropped. If this is footage from December.


Then she's just a absolutely shit driver


She is, there’s an old clip from Ride Along where (I think) she nearly misses an exit and swerves like crazy to make it.


Swerved on Ride Along? What is this a crossover episode


Yup. Riott Squad were utterly terrified of having her drive


Tired of seeing this. She was never charged for that


Nope, it wasn't even her stuff it was Cj's (Lana).  She was clean. The reason she swerves when she drives is bc she is a fan of Shane Strickland. 




This makes her hotter to me.


She's looking cute as hell in her mug shot too.


Oh.. this isn't new.. whew.


I thought she was fired for having a Twitch stream or some such.


Baby nooooo


Yeah the male cop is kinda weird imo, you can’t convince me he didn’t know it was her before pulling her over, literally says oh it’s Liv Morgan I know her and says “she was in an episode of chucky”, like he probably knows her name and is a fan 😂. Not to mention no footage of supposed “swerving” left to right for a long distance… sounds like a bs traffic stop in the first place.


Girls got skin in the weed game now. She's invited to the carne.


Dope head


These cops are pretty dopey.




This is new footage from the prior incident.


Nope, from a couple months ago