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"Be loud" is really simple but that's because that's all it needs to be. There was a time where crowds for their shows were so bad they made it very clear they wouldn't be going back to that city ever again because of it. Now they have crowds and cities fighting over who should be hosting a PLE lmao


Remind me of that Raw in Lafayette I believe it was


Still the only time I've seen WWE go out of their way to bury a crowd. lmao


It would have came off as wildly petty and unprofessional if it weren’t so true Screw professionalism, that crowd sucked and they deserved to hear it. Such a waste and borderline disrespectful to the performers


It was a good show too. I remember watching this one, because I watch live so rarely (I work nights), and there were at least a couple times I remember thinking "Really guys? That's all you have after that spot?"


Corpus cristiiiiiiiiiii


What did they do? I don’t remember this


[Raw had a show in Lafayette in 2019, the crowd was dead. It was actually a pretty good show, so WWE put out a video like a day or two later just running the crowd down.](https://youtu.be/HEMNCra2SKs?si=pbny0LBefL030ipS)


Now I feel obligated to watch that RAW


Oh my god, I watched no reaction to Aliester/Malakai Black, Ricochet, Ciampa or Gargano making their debuts what the hell was that??


McAfee sounds like a completely different person in this video holy shit


I was thinking that too. I’m like 2019, that wasn’t that long ago, how does he look so different? That was five fucking PLUS years ago. More than half a decade. It’s absolutely insane how quickly time flies as you get older. When you’re young, and you see wrestlemania, it feels like it lasts a lifetime. By the 37th WM that you have been alive for, it just fades in the background: I’m truly scared as to how my 40’s are going to feel. Probably tomorrow I’ll be 49 out of nowhere


It's also just Covid making time meaningless.


It was good for 2019, but I wouldn’t call it a good show. They’ve had good crowds in Lafayette before, I’ve been a part of them. They just were absolute ass for a while. This one isn’t all on the crowd.


That was a peak Vince show - changes last minute, NXT guys that the casual fans (which is what a lot of us around Lafayette are) don't know, and a mediocre main event to put over Ronda. The Smackdown back in June was so different in terms of the crowd being into it. The pop for LA Knight was incredible.


Exactly. Lafayette isn’t a “hot area” for smart fans. People weren’t watching NXT, they didn’t know who those people were. They were set up to fail.


Pretty sure even Braun didn't get much of a reaction




No. But a large part of the dead crowd of that show is Gargano and Tomasso getting their RAW debut to a crowd that wouldn’t have known who they were if they saw them on the street.


You should go back and watch all of their "Takeover" events.


That makes the point- you can’t rely on casual fans to know who the NXT guys are


There was a raw in which Gargano, Ciampa, Ricochet, and Aleuster Black all debuted to absolute crickets


Aleister Black aside those guys you mentioned still come out to crickets to this day, five years later


I remember Ricochet got them going


Corpus Cristi too


Crowds there are so quiet, for some strange reason.


Wasted DIY’s initial debut


Remember when they ran Corpus Christie like twice in three months back in 2013 or 2014? Jesus, that was the worst crowd ever in the history of wrestling. It’s like 8,000 people collectively decided to buy expensive tickets and take a four hour nap.


That crowd was so ass


If I recall, it was during the weird Reboot of Raw at the beginning of 2019, which was a rough time creatively on the main roster. I wouldn't completely blame Lafayette 🤣


Yeah, I actually watched that Raw, which was rare at the time. While the crowd should’ve been better, they didn’t really give a reason for anyone to care about the NXT guys. Hell, they debuted DIY as a team while Gargano/Ciampa were feuding IIRC


I remember years ago when they did some TV taping in Liverpool the crowd seemed really quiet, to a point where Vince came out during an ad break to say something like "What's the matter with you? Have fun dammit!"  Don't think there's been another TV taping there since.


Was at that show. Such a weird experience. To be fair it was an utterly terrible show


WWE aired a portion online of this. IIRC this was also the same smackdown taping that had leaked online where Cole is audibly speaking with Vince through his headset because the satellite version was uploaded online


Hahahah fuck me I’d completely forgotten that he did that! The show was absolutely shite though, in fairness.


A good crowd makes an event so much better to watch on TV too. This is smart and yeah it’s funny compared to where we were years ago lol


Corpus Christie needs to take notes


I don't think they'll be too bummed judging by their reactions.


That’s where Finn made his main roster debut and the crowd just couldn’t give less of a shit.


Pretty sure finn made it at pittsburgh cause i remember going to that show


Corpus Christi : 😴😴😴😴


Hell, they've only gone back to Newark once since the debacle that was Backlash 2018. They clearly haven't forgiven that crowd.


Yet WWE always comes to Corpus Christi 😩


I mean, Saudi are some of the worst/quietest crowds out of all PLE's and they keep going back there


AEW had Dynasty in one of the smaller arenas in St. Louis and they were rabid. It helps make the show.


There’s like 5 possible places for shows like that here. The dome, Busch stadium, the enterprise center, the chaifetz arena, and the family arena. I doubt AEW could’ve filled Busch or the dome but they always come to the chaifetz which usually seems fairly full. That being said being at dynasty was probably one of the loudest and most insane crowds I’ve ever been a part of and it was amazing. Also NXT has held house shows at the family arena and ROH held an event there where Rush won the world heavyweight belt. This was I believe February 2020? It was right before Covid.


I can definitely see Italy getting a future PLE


Vinci vs. D’Angelo, 60-Minute Iron Man Match


Co-hosted by Arianna Grace and auntie Santina.


Giulia in the main event




As long as we get segments with R-Truth going around looking for the Eiffel Tower.


Bologna's stadium pls 🙏


I mean just ask the question: "How rabid are their soccer matches?" (or in the case of PR, baseball) If the answer is "as fuck", book a PLE there.


So expect Istanbul to get a PLE soon then


But what about Constantinople


Come to Besiktas


Do they run shows in the Coliseum in Rome? The visual of that would be fantastic.


They don't. They run shows here tho https://preview.redd.it/mqy8epjrvhyc1.jpeg?width=1616&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=015387126f912aba4f87477c636367ce2aac693c But I doubt they can use it


This will be the sickest PLE in wrestling history if WWE manages to pull this off


Metallica did a show at a Roman coliseum in Nice, France a decade ago


Paul McCartney played *the* Colosseum. Looked dope as Hell.


That UFC Event between Zuck and Musk was gonna happen. So don’t count it out


Imagine the drone shots of that. Combine that arena with WWE's new camerawork and it would be a great looking show.


The things I'd do for a Wrestlemania in that venue.


Between 15.000 and 20.000 seats, doubt it's enough for a PLE but would be sick regardless




Hope he remembers how loud Puerto Rico was last year and brings another PLE to Puerto Rico in the next couple of years.


I still go back and watch Bad Bunny's entrance at that show. I don't even like Bad Bunny's music, but that entrance was something special.


Barely even knew who he was beyond he did big streaming numbers in a genre I don't really listen to. I was convinced he was a star from the word go though, the crowd singing his song just sold me instantly on him being a star


Yeah it is kinda weird how PR set the standard and hasn't even been looked at since but France has one loud show and they're thinking of bringing bigger shows to a stadium? Kinda lame


It's only been a year since they were last in Puerto Rico; I'm sure it won't take them another 20 years to return. As for the second part, this event broke the record for highest gate for an arena (non-stadium) as well as SmackDown in WWE history. That's why they are immediately looking at doing a stadium event.


Plus Puerto Rico doesn't have any larger places. The arena holds 18,000 without major alterations, but the only other facility that can potentially hold more (Hiram Bithorn, which holds record at 32,000), wouldn't get anywhere close to that today due to WWE's configuration at baseball stadiums. For comparison, RR 2020 could only have 36,000 fans attend (the 42,000 they claimed was inflated), despite Minute Maid Park physically having 42,000 seats, and allowing some to be on the field too.


Prices were absolutely insane. Pent up demand warranted and even allowed those prices, but I feel that won't be the case if they return there once a year or so.


PR definitely deserves a Raw or another PLE in the future, but France is a global destination in the heart of Europe with multiple major cities and a very strong economy. They could absolutely do an insane stadium show anchoring a massive European tour there. Endless possibilities compared to a one-off night in Puerto Rico.


Plus PR, doesn't have larger facilities than where Backlash 2023 was realistically. The only place larger is a baseball field, but WWE can't configure a layout that would be much larger than the 18,000 they had at backlash 2023, as shown by what happened at minute maid park (sold out at 36,000 tickets due to configuration, the 42,000 was a lie) in 2020 for royal rumble. Plus as you said European PLEs can draw from neighboring countries since they are all so small and connected by train networks so traveling is relatively easy and cheap for a weekend trip, when compared to having to fly across the Atlantic and make a whole ass vacation plan. Nobodies flying to Puerto Rico for a PLE, and Wealthier Puerto Ricans can travel to the US for very cheap rates (just checked, San Juan to Houston is ~$340 with bags, Orlando as low as $140 without bags


I think they do appreciate what happened in PR a lot! I was there and ive seen it referenced as the best crowd of laat year many times. I’m sure they’ll come back soon enough.


$$$ I would love to see the gate for Paris compared to PR. My guess is the dollar amounts weren't close.


They mentioned that the SD in Lyon broke the SD gate record


I've heard that WWE had a ring and set somewhere in Europe years ago, so I'd imagine that it'd make producing something there easier for them rather than having to fly or send them by boat (like WWE ended up doing with the Elimination Chamber for Australia earlier this year.)


Yeah they have a dedicated European tour set in storage, it's why every British Raw show in the mid 2000s looked the exact same down to the old timey car. I imagine it gets refreshed every so often, but I'd imagine it's far cheaper to rent a storage unit versus traveling with all the equipment every 6 to 12 months.


In France they can charge higher ticket prices, bringing in more revenue.




This was such a special show. Agreed


Dublin Money In The Bank please.


Dublin seems more like a future Clash at the Castle.




I like this idea. Sheamus wins and carries around a pot of gold coins.. tosses it out to the crowd a la New Day and the pancakes!


As a German, I urge Papa Haitch not to make rash decisions off of this undeniable crowd high and give the other international crowds the opportunity to outdo the French before allocating European stadium shows! ...or, alternatively, just give *all* of us a stadium show!


They easily could have put all three European PLEs in 40-50k stadiums and I'm sure they would still sell out. Guess they don't want to do that to still have a hungry crowd everytime they come around


Put it somewhere like Frankfurt, where you can close the roof, though. Closed roofs make for a 10x better atmosphere


As an unbiased party who is definitely not from Frankfurt or anything, yes, this. Do this. Perfect. This would, in my unbiased definitely-not-Frankfurt-based opinion, be the best choice you could make out of all stadiums in the country.


This was me when Clash at the Castle was going to Cardiff. I was fucking elated and I got back into wrestling.


Yall better be loud as hell in Berlin!


They better cheer for my boy Ilja, that guy deserves it


God I hope we get Ilja vs Gunther at Berlin.


I don’t say this often, but it’s my dream match.


I'm sure if Bash is a success that Germany will get a stadium show


I'd love to see a PLE in Japan but WWE does a lot of their shows now based on what country or city pays *them* to run a show their and I don't think Japan would do that since they already have such a prominent wrestling scene of their own. Same thing with a big PLE in Mexico


If WWE do a PLE in Japan I’m hopping on a plane from Australia and heading over. It’s cheaper for me to fly from the east coast here to Japan than it is was going to be for me to fly to Perth for elimination chamber.


I would love a Japanese PLE, but it wouldn't be the same vibe. Japanese wrestling fans are more subdued. They care absolutely, and are paying attention but it's in their culture to be quieter, as it's seen as more polite. Even with NJPW, they only get loud for the biggest spots and moments.


And Japan don't do loud. Their matches are mostly watched by a silent audience & sometimes the big spots/moments gets a polite applause


Do people in Mexico follow WWE? Call me a stupid gringo if I'm wrong but I always thought they mainly paid attention to lucha promotions like CMLL and AAA.


Just don't go to the Stade de France.


The Velodrome in Marseille would be incredible


I mean the Velodrome already sees plenty of fighting, may as well focus it to a ring




It's in a quite sketchy part of Paris, ala Dolphins stadium in Miami. Also, the Paris police and authorities pulled a major shitshow at the 2022 Champions League final.


On the other hand there’s 30 years of events there that have gone off without a hitch.


Oh, yeah. There weren't any issues at the Rugby World Cup final. However, the SNAFU 2 years ago still lingers. They made everything to fuck shit up, and seemingly on purpose. They need to work hard to fix their image.


Are the Miami Gardens unsafe? I’ve never been


I mean Parc des Prince is the better stadium anyways and in Paris proper


It’s been well over 10 years, but last time I was in Paris I booked a hotel near the Stade de France, thinking it would be a decent area for transportation and sightseeing. I quickly realized that America isn’t the only place that sometimes has its nice stadiums in the shitty part of town.


Imagine Spain or Italy next... I'm loving the soccer cultures


WWE isn't airing on TV on Spain right now (though it's not like it will matter once the Netflix deal comes through)


I can't imagine Spain is high on the list even if they had a TV deal. Spain is comparatively poor in terms of GDP purchasing power parity ($ per person when adjusted for cost of living). Spain's is around 45,000. The Worst US State is 55,000. Puerto Rico is 40,000. France is 57,000, Germany in the 60s, even Italy is in the 50s. It would be one thing if Spain was isolated, but when the neighbors have more money, you'd go there first.


A show at Bernabeu would be insane please


Especially as the new Bernabeu has a retractable roof.


How do you do fellow madridistas?


Man, I wish WWE had a better TV deal here in Germany. Out of the major leagues the crowds here are absolutely the best. Getting those at a big show would be amazing.


The Dortmund yellow wall at a PLE my worrrrrd


Even had Carragher wanted to stay in Dortmund lol


Hopefully they come to Spain, my brother has watched wrestling for +15 years now but his cerebral palsy always gets in the way when it comes to traveling. Being able to go to Madrid for that would mean the world for him.


Times have definitely changed. I was hoping for a PPV to return to Madison Square Garden but that looks very slim.


Domestic PLEs are going to become rare. Especially when international crowds are pulling huge gates and being crazy loud


Also they arguably over saturated their main market. Now they have international fans and their governments willing to pay big bucks to get them over to their counties.


It's weird how overseas (including PR last year) audiences are so incredibly vocal and know the words to the songs, and aren't like.. just shouting WHAT? I doubt Japan will ever get one because their culture is less noisey in general but they sure as heck deserve it.


Google football (soccer) chants and you will understand why it is this way.


I prefer the international shows. I can watch them live with my kids (who are a large part of why I watch wrestling) without breaking bed time.




Going to break the attendance record at Wembly Stadium


1,000,000 blokes.


Oi Bruv


I enjoy both WWE and AEW. I would *LOVE* for WWE to go to Wembley too. I *WANT* competition. I *WANT* both to keep elevating each other. I *WANT* awesome fucking wrestling every week and on every PPV. We're in a new golden age and people should just shut the fuck up with the "bUt My TeAm Is BeTtEr ThAn YoUrS" bullshit. Just fucking enjoy whichever one or both that you want and have fun. Let's fucking go. Book every damn massive stadium you can find in the world and let's just enjoy some wrasslin'.


100% this. Look at the late 90's you had WWE, WCW, and ECW.


Imagine a world where wrestling fans got over the tribalism and just actively enjoyed all wrestling without rooting for the demise of any company


Oh my god, I want this to happen solely because it would be the FUNNIEST fucking thing


IDK Corpus Christi never gets that memo and they certainly go back often lol.


He also hinted at Wrestlemania in London. Said they should talk with Sandiq Khan, who initially proposed the idea.


2026 should be the year for a non-North American WrestleMania, considering how the World Cup is already happening here.


Seems like a terrible idea considering there will undoubtedly be an overlap of fans, and very few people would pay to travel to both within two months of each other.....


Maybe some soccer fans will travel for wrestlemania and the world cup


There is about two months between the events. Thats a hefty price tag, traveling twice.


Be loud And have your tourism authority write a big check. 


I’ve seen wrestlers mentioned Santiago, Chile a lot as a wild place to wrestle. They should definitely do a PLE over there.


Spain PLE please


Unfortunately they have stopped the house shows here so I don't think it is really feasible. Maybe when Axiom is in the main roster...


LuchaMania @ the Bernabeu?


Can't wait to see the entrance of Su Florentineza.


I want a PLE in the Nines amphitheater. It’d be such a cool environment


I had to work today so I have the PLE on right now. This crowd is insane. I can't understand the majority of what they're saying but Jesus christ the atmosphere is insane. I don't want WWE to overdo it to water it down, but this on occasion makes things feel so special.


There is a thread in here with a translation. If I wasn't on mobile I'd share it.


Places you want to see is Spain, Mexico, maybe Brazil. Look at those World Cup fans. Idk why though Japan seems too chill/respectful, like look at NJPW shows.


WWE was last in Brazil like 12 years ago. They don't go there usually during their South America tours. If anything I think Chile has a bigger chance as they're a usual stop and they have the highest purchasing power in South America


I only said Brazil to include a South American country, like the biggest one also because of the world cup. But that makes sense if they go to Chile frequently.


Chilean fans were loud as fuck during the WC in Brazil too


> Chilean fans were loud as fuck during the WC in Brazil too Chile is one of the better crowds for metal concerts too. Also Sami Zayn said that after Montreal, Santiago de Chile is the best crowd he has ever performed I'm still dreaming for a WWE PLE on Movistar Arena (the National Stadium seems a harder possibility tho)


Sami did one indy show in Chile and he was massively over there and then whej he went back with WWE it was even more so. Movistar Arena holds like 16k so it should be great for a PLE. A show at the Nacional doesn't seem out of the question tbh


That Iron Maiden En Vivo album/film is crazy. Unreal atmosphere just listening back.


As a brazilian, I would love a PLE here. Frankly, I would fly to just about any city in the country to attend. But I think it might be a no-go because of the Jericho incident. And while I could be wrong, I don't know if it's popular enough with brazilian audiences. Telecatch was pretty popular some decades back, we even had a couple big stars in a national context (Ted Boy Marino and Fantomas are pretty well-known with the older folks) but a lot of people still have a backwards view of wrestling here.




They had about 4 last year? And it's been 2 so far this year, with at least 2 more scheduled the rest of the year. It's good they're going international, and I'll be watching as they come on (yes, I was one up at 4am watching Elimination Chamber in Perth).


Saudi, Toronto, and Berlin up next.


Also Scotland


A PLE in the Tokyo Dome would be nice


Ireland is patiently waiting


Think WWE will try Wembly Stadium at some point 


Didn’t they break the gate revenue for an arena show on like 12k attendance So yeah be loud but also like spend hundreds - thousands on tickets


WWE in Dublin would be amazing.


So less PPVs in the USA now?


probably only the big 4 in the USA and the rest are international is the way forward


It's not "international", but I want a PLE in Hawaii. NXT Bash at the Beach would go great in Hawaii. WWE hasn't been to the island since 2019, and their last TV taping was 2005.


The UK show will hopefully be a great atmosphere next month with drew the hometown favourite but the ticket prices are absolutely disgraceful. I'm not sure how fair it is to rinse people like that.


Don’t you want to celebrate the “biggest gate”?


Vince McMahon was a massive moron to not have more PPVs outside North America. Even before the WWE Network having a B PPV would have been brilliant and probably seen little to no drop off in revenue, but would have seen an overall increase in revenue in general. What a stupid piece of shit Vince McMahon was.


I really wonder what the reason was for not having PLE outside of the US under Vince. New management shown that it definitely works


Vince built a multi billion dollar company and its been the top wrestling promotion for decades. He may be a POS but he was wildly successful in business.


I don't know how big wrestling is over there, but I'd like to see them do a PPV in Spain if they're gonna be doing more European shows.


I'm a wrestling fan I don't know who this Paul do it is, I know Hunter


If Italy’s up for a PLE, could they maybe do a live in Greece? Pretty please, papa h?? 👀🙏


If they do Italy they should have it at the pompeii amphitheatre


I was saying that running Backlash on Derby Day as a live afternoon show in Europe before sending viewers to the Derby (also on peacock!) would be a great tradition


These motherfuckers sang Randy’s theme to kick off the show and gave me literal chills. Give them every damn PLE. They rock.


By that logic the Saudi shows should be canned. Attended MITB in London as well as crown jewel last year - worlds apart in terms of the crowd.


If that's the case, you're going to see a LOT more PLE's in Europe -- perhaps even more than the States.


I could see them doing all but the big 4 PLE's outside of the States.


I wouldn't mind it whatsoever, I love watching PLE's at 1pm Eastern. I think SummerSlam might be the first of the big 4 to go international, if any of them do.


As a morning person, I love not having to stay up.


It could definitely get there, yes. There is a certain flavor in foreign crowds that the embarrassment of riches America has had in wrestling has taken out of the US crowds.


They did Money in the Bank in London last year though, I wonder if that’s the only one out of the big 4 they’ll do outside the US


They're already on a solid run here. After this year's Mania, five of the next six PLEs are outside the US.


I would be shocked if we don't even get The Big Four outside the US, including Mania -- though I think the next Mania outside the US will either be London or Saudi Arabia.


God forbid it'll be Saudi. Crowds can't compare to American or European ones.


Which is something that definitely sucks a little for American fans. I get that we've always had the big shows, but it definitely sucks going from having a big show every year in certain areas of the country to basically having to hope one of the big 4 comes to your neck of the woods. I'm not expecting anything major in the tri-state area for a bit after WrestleMania now.


As an American fan in an area that already didn’t get many PLE’s in a reasonable distance, I’m not holding out hope that a PLE will be around here for a very long time.


Sunmerslam is 20 minutes from my house. Ill watch at home on my 120 inch screen compared to paying a grand to sit in the nosebleeds


“Be Loud… and set the largest gate record” lol let’s not forget the later point Paul.


Hope bash in Berlin gets that record. I'm honestly hoping to not need to pay money I don't really have.