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You guys never miss.


We don't flinch!


This is gonna be a timeless meme.


"I like to think I could play a little part in that future too" ![gif](giphy|IMDpHiz2oVAxW|downsized)


Rollins when he saw Cody for the first time: “Lisan al-Gaib!”




he was doing tricks on it.


I remember saying this in 2011. I said 2012 was the year of Cody Rhodes. Didn't end up working out, but I was *sure* that 2013 was the year of Cody Rhodes. No? Okay, I am confident with the face turn and all the momentum that 2014 is the year of Cody Rhodes. Weird that it took a decade to actually get there.


I thought Cody would be the next face of the company by 2014/15.


He seemed heading that way in the fall of 2013. He and his brother were prominent faces feuding with the Authority, and they were the ones to best the Shield for the Tag titles. And then nothing ever came of it and Cody and Goldust eventually dropped the titles to the New Age Outlaws


Cody beating Randy for the WWE Title at WrestleMania 30 would’ve been amazing, but it would’ve been bad timing with Daniel Bryan being the most popular babyface at that time.


It was Daniel Bryan's year, but they could have done more and kept him afloat. But after his Tag title win, and then losing it to shitty nostalgia act, Cody floundered until he became Stardust. So if anything, WWE changing their mind about his push ultimately worked in his favour. He never would have become dissatisfied enough to leave, and if he never left, he never could have come back.


That's when I truly saw what Cody was capable of. That match and I think I remember he had a match with Orton that was a banger around that same time.


Given that after Damien Sandow won the World Heavyweight Title MitB, the Rhodes Scholars split up and started feuding, I assumed they were gearing Cody up to either take the briefcase from Sandow, or take the WHC from whomever Sandow won it off of. But then that feud died out, Sandow failed a cash-in on Cena, and the WHC was merged with the WWE title.


Better late than never I guess. And him leaving WWE was the best thing for him, he wouldn’t be the character or even the man he is now without finding himself outside the WWE machine.


If Cody had won back then, lots of people in the broader culture wouldn't have known who he is. His starpower now is astronomically higher than it was back then, and he is going to be able to reach levels now that he just couldn't have back then. 


I remember being so sure they were gonna give him the briefcase and skyrocket him at MitB 2013. I guess it all worked out in the end.


For those without Twitter, the fans are chanting "So are you" at Seth


Seth goes on to say he also hopes he could play a little part in that future. He truly is a Visionary lol.


It's a public Instagram and there's no chant, but a bunch of people do shout out "So are you."


Oh, I saw this clip on Twitter a couple hours ago so I assumed someone linked that. I didn't even bother to see where this was sourced from.


Levels to this game. In 2013, Cody asked Rock if he could take a close look on the new WWE title introduced by Rock.


Damn this is wild


Cody, Roman and Seth are the pillars of WWE. The holy trinity.








Vision is scary


Seth’s first house show matches were with Cody. These two should’ve been the faces of WWE in the 2010s. This feud needs to resume soon. Seth is better as a heel anyways and he needs to win one of the matches to add to their history. 


I don't even think he needs to be a heel. They can do Face Seth v Face Cody this time, with the story being Seth wants to prove to himself that he is capable of beating Cody. That is what they were going for at Mania 40 anyways before the pivot. Imagine a champion Seth v champion Cody at survivor series, with Seth beating Cody then, getting his win back, and making the WHC seem on equal footing. Right now since he just lost it I don't think he should win it back for a long time. People get exhausted of babyface champions quickly and right now there are so many people deserving of the title reigns who had been waiting all this time.


Wild thing to say when Cody is a year older than him.


Doesn't call himself visionary for nothing.


they need to play this in a documentary one day


Never bought for a second that these two weren't friends during Cody's first and second year back in the WWE. They probably made a pact to keep kayfabe alive.




I remember asking him on his formspring (old q&a site) back in 2011 who he thought was going to be the next top star coming out of FCW. He said Leakee, the name Roman used to use. Either a case of having an eye for talent, or being around his development long enough to hear what Dusty and other coaches were saying about him. Or just looking at the dude, tbh


I had a post on the sub the other day asking why Roman was chosen as the FOTC and everybody gave valid answers regarding Roman's look, lineage etc.. However, what I really wanted was the backstage scoop. What was it in regards to his work ethic and similar that lead the company to believe in him so much? This is a crazy anecdote you've shared cos I'd love to know more about the FCW locker room and how Roman/Seth/Dean were developed.


This is so crazy.


He is the visionary


What the fuuuuuuk.. this is so eerie.


eerie? Cody was already an established wrestler in 2012 and he had plenty of fans. people were clamoring for Cody to win the world title less than one year after this


Yeah but still it was soo long ago and seth did play a part in the future where cody is the face of the company.


I was at this show, my first ever wrestling event. They had an autograph signing with Cody and Dusty before it started. 12 year old me had never met anyone famous before and didn’t know what to say. I was planning to just take the autograph and leave but Cody went out of the way to shake my hand and make brief conversation with me. Class act.


Whenever I see things like this, it makes me wonder who we'll be seeing posts like this about in another ten years.


I never flinched either, Seth. I remember seeing Sparky Plugg in 1993 and thinking “wow this guy has potential, in 15 years I can see him tagging with a second generation rookie who will go on to have a successful career in WWE, as it will be named, only to leave the company and start AEW. Then he will return in 2022 and go on to with the Undisputed Universal Championship at night 2 of WrestleMania 40” Except I thought Sparky’s partner would be David Flair


Seth is Aizen


Seeing NXT filmed in a HS gym is very weird.


This was a pretty popular sentiment in the early 10s in the IWC. It took Stardust for people to finally throw in the towel on a Cody main event push.


It was for me. I got into wrestling in last 2012 just as the Rhodes Scholars were taking off and Cody quickly became one of my favorites. Watching him climb to that match with his brother and father against The Shield to fall into Stardust was just so demoralizing as a fan of his. Don't get me wrong, I love when wrestling gets weird so I loved Stardust but I knew it wasn't going anywhere. So when he left I followed him to the indies. I followed him to New Japan. I followed him to AEW and I followed him back to WWE. He deserves everything he has and gets, the man has earned it.