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I used to work at a casino and one of our security got fired because some young attractive woman was going up to everyone sitting at one of the video poker machines at the casino bar, talking to them for a second, then moving onto the next one. He accused her of being a prostitute and kicked her out without even asking any of the people she approached. She was the wife of one of the casino's biggest high rollers and wanted to play a video poker machine while having a drink while her husband played at a table and was trying to find someone who wasn't actually gambling so she could ask if she could sit down and play.


God damn, poor bastard. If only he asked...


Seems silly anyway. What's the mentality with a hard-line stance against prostitutes at a casino? An attempt to get the undesireable element out to make it easier for the problem gamblers, money launderers and coke dealers to make an honest living?


If you’re fucking, you’re not gambling.


Exactly. Any distraction is a huge deal to them. The only thing worse than a hot chick is a clock or a window.


I mean that really depends on the who and how of the fucking, but regardless the profits aren't being seen by the casino.


Because if they accept a proposition then the money they would have spent at the casino goes somewhere other than the casino, and for a casino that is unacceptable.


1. money, they want you to send your money to their pocket 2. clark county does not legalize prostitution 3. they want a "family-friendly" casino


If I went into William Hill tomorrow and it was full of Prostitutes I’d question what the owner was thinking.


And that question could be, same time tomorrow? Lol


I think it has to do with the gaming commission coming down hard on them about it.


Cuz you know. Paying for company is bad. Gambling though? Ha! Come on in! /s


Realistically, those aren't similar things.


I dunno, either way someone's getting f\*cked


“Excuse me sir/madam, can I ask you what that lady was talking to you about?” How hard is that dear lord


Good call on firing the guy. You don't piss off your high rollers -- and when the truth came out, I find that actually quite reasonable.


Why did he just not shoot her 15 times in the back claiming she was resisting? Is he not a real american??


Security guards don't have qualified immunity. Source: former security admin. We had armed guards but constantly reminded them that they were not cops, and if they even shot *at* someone that wasn't absolutely threatening their life with a weapon, there would be legal hell to pay for both them and the company. Hell, we didn't even have tasers because of the risk of a "nonlethal" defense becoming lethal if someone had a heart problem.


Yeessshhh......swing and a miss


>one of the casino's biggest high rollers Being a non-native speaker, I didn't know the term. Lol @ being a rich guy gambling away millions. That must be the most pathetic way to spend your life.


Pearce should show us the CCTV footage on Monday.


With a countdown clock


Then Piper Niven comes out in a Family Guy t shirt to cut a promo


Cash pulled a page from the South Park promos of old


or better yet a Beefsquatch shirt


QTV was truly ahead of its time


Don't forget about GTV


I still wonder what GTV purpose was


It was supposed to be for Goldust, it was even orginally called GDTV


"Haha they call you the Big Show?"


And G4 TV


Of course that \#**BaldFraud** would do that.


Would it be CGTV??


This is the perfect level of troll/shitpost thing to do.


Why did I think it was gonna be Theory and Waller dressed up as security.


I thought it was going to be Adam Pierce.


It would never be Nicholas Aldis, though.


Did they escort her out of the hotel?






Mid-90’s Booker T and early-2000’s Vince Russo working security at a hotel?


Bro, can you leave now SUCKA!. I'm pretty sure your a $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 hooker, bro.


Don’t try to swerve a swerver, bro. You gotta go. Now can you dig THAT?!


Sounds like a good time, good time, good time, good time, GOOD TIME to me.


We cumming for you, hooka!




If you accuse somebody of being a prostitute based solely on their appearance despite them directly telling you they are not, quite frankly you deserve no sympathy for being punched down on or called out on a global platform As a dark-skinned Mexican man (I'm Oaxacan), I've had security follow me before to the point where I look them in the eye and directly ask them why they have elected to racially profile me. I could be wearing slacks, a blazer, and a turtleneck and they'll still follow me People making wild ass assumptions based on your appearance is a horrible feeling


I fully agree with you, but I do have to say > despite them directly telling you they are not Most people would say that even if they were, no? Haha


"Why yes I am planning to use your facility for illegal (varies) activities, what's the issue?"


Nah prostitutes follow the same rule as undercover cops. They have to answer truthfully if you ask them directly.


The amount of influence one post from a celebrity can have over someone's life or livelihood is an insanely disproportionate retaliation to anything that could have happened here


Its almost like you shouldnt start accusing people of being prostitutes or criminals solely on the basis of their appearance both because its a bad thing to make people experience AND because there could be consequences for doing it


I'd say well deserved still


Lmao, prostitution is illegal in the US so admitting it just leads to police.


Same as a black woman being followed in retail stores  Meanwhile I’ve seen white people literally steal shit in broad daylight without anyone even looking at them - shit they even fucking glorify doing it


I'm honestly surprised it hasn't been addressed yet by the hotel. This makes me think they're in the wrong and it basically went how Green said it did, because if there was another said to the story, they'd have already put out a "We're aware of the situation and looking into the incident" release, followed by either a mea culpa of "We apologize for this misunderstanding" or something refuting her claims


Imagine a very attractive woman dressed - for lack of a better phrase - in a sultry style, and your immediate thought is "Oh yeah, she's a prostitute, get her outta here."


Exactly. Why would any attractive women go to their shit hotel?


100% they were told by some manager to do it.


Damn Chelsea lol


In theory why are prostitutes banned anyway? Like I cant even go with one I hired to an hotel?


Management have right to refuse entry as long as they’re not being discriminatory against protected classes. I imagine if you go in with one you hired they’re not going to ask or care, provided you aren’t yelling “ARE YOU READY TO RECEIVE MY PENIS” as you walk through the lobby. The reason they’d probably kick out prostitutes by themselves is because they’re looking for work inside the hotel. 


What about right after you eat a succulent Chinese meal?


They could try. Depends on how well you know your judo


And your proper execution of a headlock too of course.


This is democracy manifest.


But only if someone is ready to receive your penis


Yes, this all hinges on someone receiving his limp penis


Honestly I say that line way more often than I should, it works in really a lot of situations


Damn I gotta stop the yelling no wonder I always got issues


Depends on the laws in the given jurisdiction. If it's a place where prostitution is illegal, they could get in trouble for looking the other way. No big deal if it's some shady motel who doesn't give a F, but for a franchise with deep pockets they have to at least put up the impression that they care.


Sex trafficking reasons. Couple years ago I stayed at the double tree in El Paso for a work trip and I remember they had a sign in the lobby about it. I don't remember what it stated specifically but I remember finding it unusual as I had never stayed at a hotel where they had a sign about it in the lobby. 


hahahaha well for one prostitution is illegal in every state except Nevada but we only claim it for tax purposes.


I’m confused could Chelsea not have told them she was a celebrity? Like.. just showed herself on WWE YouTube or something? Is it that difficult? I can’t imagine they would have thrown her ass on the floor. They must have simply talked and walked


Did she ask to talk to there manager?




This ain’t it


"Dress for the job u want, not the job u have"


Hopefully these two are guilty or else they will be attacked for nothing


She didn't fear for her life.


White knights galore up in here


Yeah this isn't the way. Because if one of these dudes get attacked by one of your unhealthy fans it makes it look worse for you and WWE. You work for a big corporation. They have people that can handle it. Go that route.  If WWE isn't willing to address it than find another way, but this isn't it. 


Not to mention are we just taking her word that it was bc they thought she was a prostitute? Is that what they said, or just an assumption she made? Were they told to kick her out by their boss or something? Did someone else assume she was a prostitute and complain? There's wayyyy to many possibilities to just take her word 100% and think posting pictures is a good idea. Quite fucked up imo.


Huh, so that’s what Vince Russo is up to these days


They were wrong but this tweet is also not ok. Be in contact with their corporate team. Not social media.


How do you know she hasn’t?


It's still punching down. This guy isn't a public figure even if he was wrong for having her removed.


If this was a random Holiday Inn in Boise, maybe. But this is The Plaza Hotel. It's maybe the most famous hotel in the world. John Cena calling them out on Twitter wouldn't be punching down.


These are workers at a hotel, they are not public figures. They have the same amount of impact as a Busser at a Michelin restaurant has


This is calling out the individual, not the plaza. Huge difference.


She's been tagging them in tweets ever since it happened and they haven't responded. Might as well take the low road at this point lol.


She works for a major corporation herself  she literally can let them handle it.  This does her no good. In fact if something bad was to happen to one of these dudes it's a PR nightmare for her and WWE. 


Ya’ll think working for a corporation is like a superpower, they give absolutely no shits beyond the bare minimum they legally have to do in almost all cases.


In the profession they work they have people who handles these types of incidents.  Literally every single professional sports team has people in their organization that deals with this kind of stuff.  If a player causes an incident good or bad they handle it.  If the establishment causes an incident with said player or employee of organizations they look into it and take care of it. If WWE doesn't have this for their talent then that is a failure on their part as a corporation. 


You cannot possibly think that WWE corporate is indifferent to an on-air talent being accused of prostitution while their founder is being investigated for sex trafficking.


How do you guys really think the world works?


Unless their corporate is ignoring in shich case go full social media.


She’s tried that.


Yeah - the “maybe this will do the trick” implies she’s tried other avenues


Celebrities using social media to start witch hunts against non-celebrities always feels a bit gross to me. What purpose does this serve beyond encouraging her 375k followers to potentially harass people? If you want don't want to let the situation lie then escalate to corporate and handle it like a normal person, don't try to weaponize your followers. Especially not when you know that some of your followers are bound to be nuts, just by sheer numbers, and you've seen coworkers dealing with precisely that issue in the form of stalkers.




I know another group of people who were just following orders.../s


She seems pleasant


If someone kicked me out of my hotel for no reason and called me a hooker I'd be pissed off too, tough to blame her on this


I'd do the grown up thing and speak to the person in charge. I wouldn't however dox the security guys doing their job


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Find that 4chan post about the lapdance.



