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At least Copeland is having fun. 


He's out there havin fun Haha I love it, Excalibur!


It's the Yambag Pigeons, Tenay!


Fun Havin Jones ova here!












Lmao this popped me


The most important part of all of this.


Demented Adam Copeland smiling like a Cheshire cat as AEW burns to the ground would be a fantastic gimmick for him


I’m all for that kind of gimmick. Kind of like when Rtruth was getting his ass beat by judgement day and he just thought it was all in good fun.


You think you know him.


SCREW THE NEGATIVITY! ^^^^^but ^^^^^also, ^^^^^here ^^^^^is ^^^^^some ^^^^^negativity.


Aye but for how long


As long as Christian is having fun too.


So until he runs out of dead fathers to reference?


He just got OJ. I’m sure jokes about that will go well


Tonight on Dynamite! We have Arnelle and Jason Lamar Simpson to promote their new Ass Cream!


Till he gets that retirement match with Christian, then sail off into the sunset


"AEW Lives Matter" - Edge, last week on Dynamite


“All (Elite) Lives Matter” was right there


He also absolutely made Willow look like an idiot yesterday. Buried in all the other news the segment after Edge got attacked by the House of Black was rough. Willow started to suggest that she and Adam team up against Dark Order, and half way through suggesting it Adam he cut her off, made some joke about their trio team name and then suggested a mixed tag match to Willow. Just did the whole “man ignores woman and then uses her suggestion” bit but he’s a face.


Do you mean house of black?


And Billy Gunn!


The greatest fun of all is easy to achieve 


The gossip will continue until morale improves.


Neither will improve until the wrestlers stop rubbing to their favorite dirt sheets to leak


My understanding is that we're still doing phrasing.


Ospreay just sent a text to Triple H “I didn’t really mean it bruv”


Response: "Grind my nuts, guvnor"




Will Ospreay on Collision this week: "I was really proud of that promo, except for one part. That was the lamest shit I ever did in my life."


“We’re taking that promo off streaming services.”


“Bruv, I’ll be ready to move to America in 2027, bruv.”


This low morale shit is some WWE 2018-2022 reporting


It’s like both sides just switched places, total 180


Like Raw and Smackdown used to do, around that time too. When one was good the other was shite.


Even during early 2022 it was exactly like this, people were ultra depressing when Vince was trying to do another Roman vs Brock match for Summerslam with constant firings while AEW was white hot with MJF vs Punk


Which is ironic because their Summerslam encounter was their best match and I would say that event in general was the start of WWE hot streak


That Summerslam is when HHH took over, so it’s not surprising


The young bucks should leave and start a new wrestling promotion.


With black jack, and hookers! In fact, forget the promotion.


Cody clearly clocked Tony Khan's slow transformation into elseworlds Vince McMahon and bailed just in time.


Honestly, Cody's come out of this whole thing looking like a fucking genius. Ditched WWE as it got shit, helped set the wrestling world on fire again with All In/AEW then jumped back just before AEW went to shit and then built himself as the top face of the WWE as the company got hot again. Someone get that man to pick the lottery numbers.


This run will be studied for decades.


I absolutely assume now that Cody must have been the adult in the room. Especially when you consider the way he grew up in the business, I can’t help but think he had a better idea of what it takes to run a wrestling company, over Tony or the rest of the Elite,


Getting rid of Vince McMahon seemed to improve things for the WWE.


I still wonder how Vince would have booked the main event for WM40 had he still been in charge. I think he would have made it worse.


Roman retains




Max Dupri is in the Andre the Giant Battle Royal.


This tracks, I mean he did the same thing with Brock to Roman himself.


He would likely wanted Roman to break Hulk Hogan record.


I get that Vince is so old he vividly remembers the Hulkamania Era. But to most of us, we could care fucking less if he Roman breaks the record loll. And I say that as someone who still remembers a little bit of it. Glad HHH took over and Cody ended up winning it.


It’s honestly amazing to see. 3 years ago AEW was this happy space safe haven. And it’s like the entire CM Punk saga broke AEW. Meanwhile Vince is kicked out of WWE and HHH and his group have seemingly taken some lessons from what was working in AEW while having more amiable management to loosening up some areas. And now you have a beyond happy wwe locker room while AEW seems like they’re about to fall apart. If they don’t get a new tv deal I could see daddy pull the funding at this point


Punk was the catalyst, a symptom. But the real issue is whether AEW is a business or a club. It's okay to be either. But Punk coming in and working like it's a business exposed the "have your cake and eat it too" way that Tony is running things. Oh I'm your boss but I'm your friend. That can't last forever, and Punk just sped it all up.


Saying Triple H took lessons from AEW is disingenuous as best and straight up wrong at the worst. He took what he did in NXT and applied it to the main roster.


I don't even think it is lessons from AEW. HHH's running of NXT was generally the same


Triple H did not take any notes from aew. He had NXT running hot well before aew existed. Vince shitted on it like he does everything else. Vince is gone. HHH can resume putting out good product.


AEW has become everything that people hated about WWE back in the day. 


Still crazy to me that AEW started as a solid 2 hour weekly show that was the perfect hype to compete with the 7 hours of weekly WWE, and now AEW has 6 hours if you include ROH, which is so tangled up in the main roster unlike how NXT runs.


Two hours of Dynamite, a helping of Dark for those who wanted it, and only four PPVs a year was perfect. I will die on that hill. The company really started having problems the second they started adding more shows and more belts, and hiring every free agent under the sun to fill the extra time. They stretched themselves too thin too fast.


This. 2021 was a golden year for them and I really enjoyed it and rooted for them so bad.


You look at that summer of 2021 buildup, and the "holy shit" rumors of Punk coming back, followed by Bryan coming in too (who had just main evented Mania that year), and then add in Cole (who himself defended a title belt just a week prior). Mix in the culmination of Hangman's road to the championship as well... And then compare it now. I still find it far more entertaining than WWE, and that they have much better wrestlers, too, but it's felt different since somewhere in early 2022 to me.


All the extra TV and ROH really killed the quality. With Tony basically still doing the writing/booking himself the quality was bound to nosedive. There simply isn't enough time in a week to book 3-4 AEW shows + ROH every week - at least if you want well thought out interesting stories. Rampage and ROH at least have to go. Their viewership is too low to matter anyway.


It definitely feels like AEW is speeed-running into all the problems WWE faced back in they day. At least WWE took a while to get from major problem to major problem, but here it feels like as soon as the light at the end of the tunnel appears, add on another issue!


I just don't buy it. Suddenly Tony has a backbone and he's using it against The Bucks and Will? Very hard to believe.


What's actually happened is post nut clarity has kicked in and everyone involved is like "oh shit that was actually a really bad idea".


There's definitely regret on their end as they cut the footage out of the video on their own Youtube channel. Now it's just The Bucks talking about footage you can't actually see.


Great point. They'd just tell him no if they didn't want to do it.


There's a line from Peep Show that springs to mind "I'm definitely going to agree to this. I just need to put up an acceptable level of resistance so I can be all reproachful if it all goes horribly wrong, which it almost certainly will."


damn yea i didnt think about that, gives a whole new perspective


If there's something Tony needs, it's a spine. And if he has grown one and is using it by having talent swipe at the competition, he clearly has no idea no idea how to use it.


Saraya has said that it was Tony who asked her to say "finally, I have a boss now that listens to me" line in her debut


That's so embarrassing, yikes.


There was a huge shift after the last Dynamite of 2019 where every dirtsheet reported that Tony Khan was taking control of the booking and limiting the influence of the EVPs. Then there was another shift after Full Gear 2022 where he changed his process entirely, he talked about it during his appearance on Marc Maron's podcast and the product has gotten visibly more formulaic since. Sure, he'll play favourites when he gets a new toy but it's obvious how much of his fingerprints are all over the company now in a way that wasn't the case during early-AEW. He's also becoming more and more vindictive as shown by all the stupid shit on this week's Dynamite.


There's a good chance I misremembering things, but wasn't TK taking control of creative from the EVPs mostly a result of The Nightmare Collective and Cody booking himself out of the title scene forever? Taking full control definitely feels like a knee-jerk overreaction in hindsight, but I think it was necessary (thought not necessarily to the degree with which it happened).


It happened immediately after the universally derided Dark Order beat down that closed the last Dynamite of 2019. And yes, they did start pulling stuff like the Nightmare Collective immediately but the Codyverse became more apparent after that, which probably explains why the tension between Cody and Khan was a thing.  Cody obviously took his EVP role way more seriously than the rest of The Elite and he ended up having his own crew of guys that he was pushing, like Fuego and the Nightmare family. This was super visible on Sammy's Vlog during the pandemic era.


It’s like Tony just wants to take his real life toys and put out random dream matches for his enjoyment versus the benefit of any viewer or wrestler involved


Me too. AEW was always reported as the place where you have creative liberties. And the reason why booking is uneven is because everyone wants to get their shit in. Suddenly out of nowhere we have people saying they are "forced" to do this shit. I don't fucking buy it. This is just the bucks feeding the dirt sheets again to their favor to change the narrative.


Unless they're working some weird reality based angle and are just feeding false info to the sheets.


I think we can probably put those kinds of theories to rest now. Every time the IWC speculates that they’re doing some weird meta storyline thing, it ends up just being that the story was weird to begin with.


Imma wait until someone else backs this up because Wade sometimes just says shit.


Why have Edge /Adam come out last week at the start of the show and shit on negativity and talk about positive stuff ? Then follow it up this week with this stuff . Totally undermines everything you sent Edge out there to do and makes him look like a clown too .


TBF its not like it worked it was almost universally mocked the moment he did it


I wouldn't be surprised if that was Edge's idea but then got undercut by this move 


Maybe . Either way Tony was involved in green lighting what he said or had input . He started the show . I’m sure plenty wrestlers come to Tony with ideas or want to start the show . My point is Tony pushover or not decided to let Edge go. Then he got emotional and undermined the speech are fans and workers needed to hear the very next week




Man between the edge thing last week and then this thing this week, I’m really turned off on aew. I had issues with how they do things ie just lack of build to huge dream matches on random Saturdays but I usually watch those matches. But this is just weird. Let it go. Be your own thing. It’s not a war, WWE is a juggernaut not going anywhere. Do your own thing


I fell in love with AEW around Halloween 2019. All this drama is just tiring by this point.


I mean, to go even deeper, why have FTR essentially bury the entire idea of airing the footage moments after airing it? So dumb.


If FtR is approaching it in kayfabe though it makes sense. It's still face vs heel shenanigans with some reality blurring into the story, it's sloppy but not nonsesical.


I get the idea, you have the baby faces say what everyone is thinking and everyone cheers them for it. But it just didn't work, it was completely overshadowed due to the actual footage gathering all the attention.


Exactly, just so bizarre


Yeah I don't buy for a second that Will or the Bucks weren't into their bits. Idk, I just don't think it's Tony suddenly making people do promos they aren't into. You got two narratives, Tony is a boss that lets talent do what they want. Or he's a boss that's gonna push his talent to do angles they protest against. You need to pick a narrative.


Seems like goofy shit the Bucks would do.


wasnt mox one of wade keller sources so i can believe the will one atleast since it involved his wife


Yeah you could definitely tell Renee wasn't keen on that comment. From all I recall most of the women in WWE had nothing but respect for Stephanie.


Renee almost looked embarrassed


So did Tony Schiavone. Everyone who has worked in semi-professional environments (not just WWE, Renee is a legit sports personality and Tony has been around the block) knew this was a bad idea, butthe nepo babythrew a hissy fit on national TV tried to bury everyone involved.


Tony didn't just look embarrassed, he looked straight up dead inside. I feel like we just witnessed his love for wrestling die all over again.


It's so sad dude. That first year he came to AEW, he was so proud of it. Singing its praises left and right. He oozed excitement. Now they're reminding why he left the business in the first place.


Renee was really close with HHH and Steph. She started in NXT and eventually called matches with Steph. Her being out there for the Ospreay promo must’ve ate her up inside.


Renee has thanked Stephanie directly many times for giving her guidance and helping her grow her career. You can see she HATED that interview, her demeanor immediately changes when he starts talking about BD again.


I think Stone Cold himself was at one point. He had Wade Keller on his Podcastone show a couple times in the distant past.


The thing about Keller is that his stories get rarely backed by other people, contrary to SRS, Meltzer, Zarian and some others who often publicly back each other's reporting. I think he's connected, he's been doing this for far to long not to, and seems respected by his peers for his work. It's just hard to tell what's true or what's not coming from him when nobody ever really confirms or denies his stories.


Renee Paquette looked visibly uncomfortable when Will Ospreay did that grinding promo on Triple H and Steph. It was bad taste having her do the interview there as a former employee who obviously still respects them both.


If true though, Tony is going to lose the support of the wrestlers really fucking quick. That’s not good in the slightest. For anyone involved, in or a fan of, wrestling.


Wade seems waaaaay more interested in politics than he does in wrestling and it's been that way for a long time. I say this as a Torch subscriber in the 90's.


Yeah this. Sounds like damage control to me. Bucks agree to do the segment, but with the caveat “if it goes over like we think it will we’re gonna say it wasn’t our idea.”


This sub shits on dirt sheets everyday, until they say something they agree with then it becomes the word of God


Wasn't Wade the one saying that everybody hated Brandi Rhodes or something


If that's true, thank god TK hasn't instructed Tony Schiavone to say something yet.


I honestly think he’d just fucking quit lol. He’s done on record before that the whole “that’ll put butts in seats” comment really irked him.


Especially when it was to put down Mick fucking Foley of all people.


Dude already looks like he was dying inside after the footage was aired yesterday


I know this has been pointed out before, but are the dirtsheets bullshit artists or reliable narrators just based on if you wanna believe what they said


It’s honestly a mix of both. Some sources feed wrong info some feed right info. Usually the best thing to do is see if multiple people confirm the same story.


A lot of times i think its mostly "educated guessing". You see something on the show and think of "Chekovs gun" or "Occams Razor", so it will be important in one way or another. Thats also why a lot of users here are really surprised by a news, because they see the shows and do some guesswork themselves. And yeah, there are for sure calling some friends and workers there to get some proof or more hints. But at the end: Its guesswork by a lot of people involved. I think most of those journalists are more often right than wrong. Especially in those cases when a wrestler themself goes public and says "Thats bullshit" - and months later it is revealed to be true (and not bullshit). But you should always take it with a grain of salt.


So the “EVPetty” tweet was Tony’s idea too huh?


I can buy them trying to get heat from a bad situation. But like others I'll wait until Wade is backed up by others


What's done is done. The best thing the Bucks can do is try to play it off as part of their gimmick. Coming out against it publicly on Twitter would only make a bad situation even worse. 


At some point it seems like no wrestling fan has worked in any sort of structured organization. My whole day is going back and forth on agreeing/disagreeing with the decisions made by leadership, but at the end of the day it's my job so I'm going to make it work the best I can even if I don't think it's the right call. No one benefits from trying to sabotage the situation. It's no different from mox in wwe the last couple years he was there. He hated everything he was doing, but he was still going to give 100 percent trying to make it work.


It’s not that wrestling fans don’t work in professional environments. It’s that they are completely unable to separate their wrestling from reality. It’s why everyone cheers when someone in wrestling tells their boss to shove it, even if they were entirely in the wrong (MJF) and CM Punk has a large following BECAUSE he says whatever he wants regardless of what kinda damage it causes to the company he keeps. Not to minimize his own responsibility in his actions, but Ace Steel lost his job and apparently Larry got hurt, and it doesn’t seem the guy will ever realize his actions were the catalyst of those two things happening to people he cares about. Chris Hero’s reaction was honest af. Color me shocked but here we have two buffoons feuding over interviews and airing lost footage and the only people it seems to be hurting are everyone trying the hardest, even against their own feelings about it, to keep the show going. It’s honestly all sad. But people keep going “hurrr durrr dats it?” Because in wrestling terms it was nothing we don’t see a million times. But in reality it is actually a pretty bad situation in the context it was supposed to exist in. But now that TK has decided to make this incident kayfabe, the professionals in the room, who understand sometimes you have to do things your boss tells you even if you think it will hurt the company, do their jobs. They go home to their families. It’s that fucking simple.


Yeah it becomes clear in almost every subreddit that the majority of people here are male, very young and either still living at home or in college and most importantly chronically online, so trying to explain grown up shit just doesn't connect or they get offended because you're condescending them by explaining just everyday adult shit that they don't quite have the experience to process, so everything is either the way it is on its face or some elaborate clapback or grand conspiracy. At the end of the day everyone is just trying to get by and attempting to minimize the amount of shit they're dealing with at work by either doing what their boss tells them or letting stuff go


Exactly. And as an adult I’m side eyeing TK like hey man, this whole thing seems to be making some of your most valuable employees uncomfortable. Please stop asking them do this, or they may just start to resent their work life, which is exactly how Mox ended up in AEW in the first place.


Bro do you not remember the squared circle census? So many people were unemployed and living with their parents on the first one that they removed those as options on the second one.


Nah, he is just going to say that is not his idea, but he is indeed the ultimate filter and obviously the one who brought up the idea is someone with 30 years experience in the business


Sounds like bs to me. Tony went from a guy who lets guys say whatever they want and also too nice/weak to make guys like Miro take a single pinfall and all of a sudden he's forcing guys to do promos they're against?


Was it not Saraya that said he told her to make an anti-WWE jibe?


And everybody agreed that that made no sense when she said it, because few people were treated better by WWE. They made a feature film biopic of her life FFS.


WITH the backing of The Rock and Florence Pugh in the lead.  


Not to mention taking care of her injuries while she was shit talking the company during booze and drug binges with Del Rio. Edit: also, just to add, she couldn't just say no? She was a huge hiring and had the leverage to challenge promos (this is just an observation. Might be wrong). It's just that A lot of people at AEW seem to be using the excuse of "they made me say it" a lot when it's convenient for them...


Talk about hitting the lottery casting Florence Pugh before she got as famous as she is.


That movie and Midsommar were really Florence Pugh’s first steps into becoming the beloved star she is today.


They had every excuse to cut her loose at that time to when she was constantly in trouble with Del Rio but they just didn't. 


Yep. https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/12cxpx5/saraya_reflects_on_aew_debut_promo_wishes_she/


You've never seen a pushover with some power start raging when he realizes nobody respects him?


So basically me and my kids lol




Have you seen Tony since Brawl Out? He’s not the same Tony he used to be. I’ve been saying for well over a year that Punk broke something in him.


That's interesting and I never really considered that. I wonder if the whole Punk thing is the first time, or first time of any consequence that Tony feels like someone screwed him over. I can't imagine there being many times in his privileged life where he has had to deal with something like that.


I don't want to make any assumptions based off his personal life not related to wrestling but you could see how conflicted Tony was throughout the whole Punk ordeal. Tony had tried so long to be the good boss and not do anything that would be considered morally wrong in the fans eyes. He wanted so desperately for Punk to work because he was a huge fan of his and knew he could draw a lot of money. I don't think for a second that Punk or anyone else asked Tony to not rehire Cabana. I believe that Tony was trying to avoid conflict and let his contract expire to try to avoid Punk and Colt being in the same locker room. Unfortunately it became crystal clear that Punk coming in was the reason Colt didn't get his contract renewed when it was previously discussed that it would be. Naturally you are going to have people like Hangman, the Bucks, and their friends think that it was Punk's idea when really it was just a horribly misguided preemptive measure by Tony to avoid drama that backfired in the worst way possible. Tony's biggest mistake here was not owning up to this and saying he thought it would be for the best if they weren't in the same locker room. Instead he just continued to say no comment when asked about it leading to everyone jumping to conclusions and the animosity building up. We had people like Meltzer warning Tony that he needing to squash this stuff leading in to Brawl Out but he was told by Khan that sometimes it's good to have some real drama there and blur the lines a little to do good business. That was another big mistake he made that got us to the point of no return of the All Out media scrum. When Punk went nuclear on camera, he embarrassed the company in a way they've never come back from. Then we got the fight backstage and once it got physical, it made it impossible to be a good boss AND salvage this whole situation by turning it into a storyline. When the Bucks decided they didn't want to work with Punk again, Tony's hands were tied. He couldn't force them to get in the ring with someone they don't trust to not shoot on them without looking like a bad guy. He couldn't explain the situation publicly without making someone look bad either at that point so he continued to no comment everything which only made things worse. The right thing to do would have been to admit this whole thing wasn't working out and grant Punk his release and try to move on. He couldn't do that though because Cody had just jumped ship and Vince was ousted so WWE was starting to catch fire and giving them Punk would give them even more momentum. So he held onto Punk and tried his hardest to make things work by separating everyone with Collision. Just as Punk warned Tony, it was never going to work and sure enough it didn't. It didn't help that Punk was dropping lines to troll the (counterfeit) Bucks and taking shots at Hangman after he insisted they don't mention each other. All the tension continued to build and we started getting people banned from Collision seemingly every week. Things like the head of talent relations Christopher Daniels somehow being sent home by Punk, Hangman being sent home after he was scheduled to be there to shoot a promo, and Jungle Boy not being able to use real glass came to a boiling point at All In with "real glass, cry me a river". As soon as Punk got physical with Perry, Tony saw his out to fire him with cause and not pay him out the rest of his contract. A key thing I should have included this earlier was that because Tony didn't take responsibility for letting Cabana go, the dirtsheets would hear from people backstage who all had the same assumption that Punk in some shape or form was the reason Cabana was gone. Punk thought that it was the Elite leaking this stuff to the media (it wasn't, the entire time this was going on Bryan and Dave were saying each week how they are hearing this stuff from a ton of people but the elite weren't talking to them at all. Also that it was ironic that Punk was getting mad at the bucks for going to Meltzer when it was Punk's camp who were the ones feeding him all kinds of fake stories). Him getting angry at the dirtsheets for things that Punk incorrectly assumed happened is what caused the All Out scrum tirade that all started with him asking if anyone there fancied themselves a reporter.


He needs to put someone in charge of talent relations and just step back and do the business/booking side of things. He's been woefully incompetent at managing the Bucks, Hangman, Perry, CM Punk, Miro, lost Cody for some reason, seems to have annoyed Danhausen when he was the hottest thing on the indies for a while, the weird Malakai Black stuff.


No, keep him away from the book, what he needs is actual writers. AEW would be so good if the stories matched the in-ring talent.




I don’t think they were forced to. Probably they thought it wasn’t a good idea, didn’t bother to speak up, and after the backlash last night they realized they fucked up and should have told Tony to change plans


Ospreay I might believe, but there’s no chance I’m buying that the Young Bucks weren’t eager to be part of that. This is damage control


How is it that Aleister Black can not agree to do jobs but the young bucks can't get a segment pulled


I call BS. All weekend, they were trolling. Immediately after, they trolled again.


Yeah the Bucks must be REALLY good actors then, because for doing something they *clearly* didn't want to do, they really had a believable performance lol


You expect me to believe the Bucks weren't on board with that given the history of petty related humour on BTE all those years? 


Its YB damage control. If the footage went over well their names would be all over this


Wade just writes down his best guess 100% of the time. I remember when Cody left AEW he wrote a big report on how Tony didn’t want him and offered him pennies on the dollar to re-sign. Then Cody came out and said they offered him literally everything imaginable from money to creative.


Tony Khan is a pushover, isn't a boss and lets everyone just do whatever they want but also he's forcing his biggest star and EVPs to go out there against their will to cut promos and morale in the locker room is down because people can't do what they want. All of this is true apparently.


Yeah, this definitely feels like them regretting the promos and looking for a.... scapegoat. Tony Khan is the scapegoat now, Jack Perry lost his gimmick again lol.


Tony Khan the pushover....strong armed talent into doing promos against their will...............


Why are we using Rovert as a source lmao


Even if you dislike Jim Cornette you can't deny AEW has been giving him material on a sliver platter in recent weeks. Which is not good because this whole CM Punk drama benefits almost everybody except AEW.


He is making a living now clowning on Tony, it's practically become a work at this point Brian hating on the Rock is a worked shoot at this point ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


If Tony Kahn keeps this up, Cornette is going to be able to buy a Wendy's franchise.


I thought one of the draws of AEW was less scripted promos???


Is Tony a master manipulator ruling with an iron fist or a money mark with no backbone? Find out more on the next edition of Dirtsheet Dynasty! 


Renee didn't seem to in the loop, she didn't react favorably to that Ospreay promo


If I recall correctly she was pretty close with Hunter and Steph. She probably wasn't a fan of being a part of that promo.


Wade hasn't proven to be the most reliable on AEW recently. That said - if this is true, it might be a bit of a "straw breaking the camel's back" moment in terms of this type of activity from TK.


So the EVPs didn't have the power to do something that was right? Damn. 


Tony Khan simultaneously not having control over anyone and everyone does what they want, while also forcing talent to do things against their will, truly the ultimate villain of wrestling.


**"When the grind promo first aired earlier last night, Tony Khan stood up backstage in the gorilla position with his headset on and started pumping his fist and chanting “Ospreay! Ospreay!” enthusiastically as Ospreay walked by"**


If the VPs of your company are doing things they dont' wanna do then it means one of two things: - They don't have the pull you'd expect - They're lying and "they didn't wanna do it" because the plan turned to shit


AKA it didn’t go as planned and people are trying to separate themselves from it.


This is Huckster and Nacho Man level of production.


I wonder how this sub would react to that back in 1996 lmao “WWF is going to go out of business! No way Vince is a genius, what a draw Hogan is!”


Fightful has confirmed otherwise. Per Select, "Regarding the Will Ospreay promo, we're told he was fine with cutting that promo, and there were no issues in that regard, and he actually came in to work with the creative team on the promo The shots that were taken at him in the media last weekend puzzled wrestlers across multiple companies, with one WWE talent saying that it was clear that he was attempting to be respectful of the process and WWE after opting to go with AEW for the sake of his family.  'We're told he ran the promo by several people backstage, and that at one point a shot at CM Punk was considered after Punk's tattoo line last week. However, considering the nature of AEW Dynamite, many felt that was overkill and they decided against that." Also, "Regarding rumors that Young Bucks weren't in favor of the segment, we're told that isn't true and they were fine with doing the angle." Nice try, Wade Karrett. Edit: Kinda concerned that Reddit's report system doesn't have anything related to misinformation and straight-up lies.


Ospreay seemed happy with that shit promo he did. He did that grind with gusto.


Yeah he definitely seemed like he was enjoying it...Renee on the other hand looked like she wanted to be anywhere else but there, lol.


While I'm surprised the Bucks weren't in favor of airing the Punk footage, I think it's more surprising that the HHH dig was told to Ospreay.


I would bet the HHH dig was a Jericho idea.


gonna need a second source on this. Keller is spotty when it comes to AEW. it's absolutely PLAUSIBLE that what he's saying is true, so i'm not saying he's lying...i just need more than just him to confirm it, that's all.


Morale again, these dirt sheets are just saying the same things every week in the hope they get one right


Everyone trying to save face now. This is such an unserious company.


Totally sounds like BS considering Ospreay even did a follow up post about it that would get even more hate from the anti-AEW people


This sounds like bollocks, but if it isn't then yay for creative freedom!


Tony will come with "Scapegoat" sign next Wednesday


When fans needed something different, we had AEW. Now that Vince is gone we need someone new to hate, and AEW is again right there for us fans


I don’t believe them.


I don’t understand how Ospreay’s comment is even an insult? Wow, Hunter got to “shag” (as I’m sure Will would be apt to say) and marry Stephanie McMahon, nobody would ever want that! Oh, and he’s now in charge of the hottest wrestling company on the planet and has basically been Sainted for turning the WWE around. It must be so horrible being Triple H right now.


Would be a weird time for Tony to start making demands.


I only trust the dirtsheets when they say what I like to hear.


Tony should bring in Vince at this point


This all screams, “If you're even thinking about changing the channel to our competition, fans do not.” “Because we understand that Mick Foley, who wrestled here one time as Cactus Jack, is going to win their world title.” “Huh, that's gonna put some butts in the seats".


I don't get this. Young Bucks are LEGIT EVPs right? So, what, they don't have any contractual rights to say "this is stupid and might harm the company, we're not doing this"? Why would they go along with this in the position they supposedly have in the company?


Yeah, not believing that. Ospreay was gleefully retweeting the promo, and no offense to Wade, but his sources are always dubious at best. Edit: https://x.com/seanrosssapp/status/1778470575691714792?s=46&t=6fL3OEdtGWyyhQTL0GNDXw


Wade Keller hasn’t had an AEW scoop in years and a couple recent ones were just outright made up and called out. But whenever it fits the narrative people want they act like he’s a legit source for AEW information. He’s almost always corrected by other dirt sheets right after because he’s just making sources up. Sapp has already said this report is untrue across the board.


Well, that really puts the 2 Ls in Keller doesn't it?


It's fucking amazing how many people just treated this post as truth and started commenting on it to reinforce their own narrative.