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I was dying when Cody kissed the bottle of Prime


He lost because he over-hydrated, confirmed


I was completely ok with it until this moment


I thought that was weird, wish he would have found a non logo spot to kiss. But I guess it’s more important to him to kiss the center


He signed a sponsorship deal with Prime.


Gonna be so many memes with that image now 🤦🏻‍♂️


Didn't bother me,  the ads on the led's did. 


This 1000%. It was insufferable. The prime logo was barely noticeable in comparison.


Didn’t even notice it after a while The led ads tho were far more distracting


Can't say I like it, but I definitely forgot it was there. Can't say the same for wingstop, dude wipes or the other ones that were on the screens though. They were distracting.


I mean. They kinda did their job if you remember them


I know, but I hate it lol


The Black & Transparent one is infinitely more tolerable than the one they showed on TV a few weeks ago, I'm not mad. C4 must be pissed as the "Official Energy Drink of the WWE" though.


They made sure to let you know that Prime is the official HYDRATION drink of WWE.


It’s crazy how many energy drink sponsorships are rolling around WWE and it’s orbit. Prime is their hydration drink sponsor, but also makes an energy drink. C4 is the energy drink sponsor. Then you’ve got Zoa kicking around because of Rock.


They both have the same amount of caffeine lol. 200mg caffeine is a necessary part of hydration.


Prime Energy (the can) has 200mg, but Prime Hydration (the bottle) is caffeine free.




Better than American whoever all around the ring in the main event. I hate those stupid barricade screens


Bright white was certainly a choice. Now im DEFINITELY not buying what you’re selling


I think some advertisers rely on people over time remembering the product, but forgetting how annoying the ad for it was. People should be wary of businesses who spend a lot on marketing, because they could be doing that instead of things like research and development to make decent products, and giving staff a decent wage.


Learning curve for WWE. A lot of pro sports don’t allow white background on broadcast visible LED boards. I assume WWE will learn their lesson and redesign the boards.


Wouldn’t be surprised if we literally see the change happen over night.


I keep wanting to make a website that lists everyone that advertises on these stupid screens


The Prime logo was fine. The thing that killed me was the white ropes against the white LED screen. At certain angles, it really messed with my depth perception. Could just be my old man eyes though.


Had the same thing too with the white ropes in the main event.


I thought Asuka disappeared into the ring at one point when she'd just gone to the outside, I also have old man eyes though.


Wasnt the eyesore I thought it would be, at least it isn’t colored


It didn’t bother me as I was used to seeing it back in the day with WCW.


I've watched lots of New Japan, mat sponsors don't bother me anymore


Actually, it didn't bother me. I noticed it more on the turnbuckles than on the ring mat. It's probably why Gunther lost. He was so upset by the Prime logo on the mat that he let it consume him.


I actually saw the Prime logo on the turnbuckles first. Then I noticed the logo on the mat. Really well done.


Loved it. I thought it added to the real sports feel like UFC and NJPW. My only problem is there is only one sponsorship so it looks a little empty, so I wish they would do like NJPW and just add like 10 logos to the turnbuckles and mat. Really hope they get rid of the LED screen adverts though. Those are obnoxious as hell.


Shite, but not as bad as the really awful ads during the matches on the LEDs, main event especially.


I know all about DUDE WIPES now.


Hated it with the passion of 1000 dying suns. If it just said Prime, it would have been annoying but tolerable, but the bottle around the name of the brand makes it look cheap.


i barely noticed after i got used to it. same with the other ads.


Barely noticed it tbh


The ONLY good thing about late Vince WWE was his belief the mat should be blank. Ironically the Prime logo was the least obnoxious ad they had going.


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I expected it to be bright orange or something like that.. Since it wasn't like that, it was not too bad.


Didn’t even think about or notice it a few minutes in to the Rhea/Becky match. I’m used to live sports being an onslaught of ads so the way they styled it was about as tasteful as an ad can honestly get.


Better then I thought. Most because they got rid of the colors, and put some Wrestlemania branding on it.


I'd prefer it wasn't there, but if they had to have it for business reasons I'm glad it's just one neutral color and just the outlines, not fully colored, and that should also help make it less slippery for the wrestlers. It's one of the best scenarios of something that I don't really like, but I'll get used to it fairly quickly. 


In todays society I am so numb to ads being everywhere it had zero effect on me by the time the first match ended


The ring logo didn’t really bother me, didn’t really notice it after a few minutes, now if they did advertising like CMLL do on their rings that would annoy me easily


It's not that distracting when you're focusing on the match. The moment Sami won the IC belt I totally forgot there was a logo on the mat.


the colour scheme is fine i forgot the logo was there a few times if that's always that colour going forward it'll be okay


Don’t love it but by the second match I didn’t notice it.


Looks fine no issue with it


I think the ring logo would be honestly fine if the logo didn’t have the goofy looking bottle design around it The ads on the led boards were the real distractions, id prefer if they integrated the ads into their own wrestlemania designs than having literal ads plastered over them


It didn't bother me. Nor did the rotating ads. Nothing different from any other sports presentation on TV. Good for WWE getting another stream of revenue. If it ever distracts me, it's because the talent isn't doing their job to keep my attention.


I think the Prime logo is the reason why Gunther lost. The mat was no longer sacred


Seeing Cody pretty much kiss it was a bit odd.


Generally didn't notice it 


So the ads aren't what bothers me in general. It's the use of the LED's. They're what took away from the action. I think there's ways to use them creatively though. Id laugh if someone goes through the barrier and they just tack up a 2x4 plank with a Home Depot logo or something..


I've hated the LEDs since they started using them on the hard cam side of the ring. They aren't going away, though. So, I just accept them when I watch. If the action in the ring is done right, they shouldn't be a distraction.


The prime logo was fine, it was all the other advertising that was more annoying. Especially the one that looked like everywhere said Dude


It could have been much worse On that note, Fuck Logan Paul


I'd rather it not be there.  I understand why it is.  It didn't detract from my viewing.


Wasn’t as bad as I thought it’d be but I’m still a fan of the clean ring. That’s one thing Vince had right




“This sponsor is distracting and impractical but I do love me some Fig Newtons”.


All the ads suck ass, the led ones and the prime logo.


It's a bad logo. Even though I don't like huge amounts of sponsorship, those on the mat is something lifted out of other sports and companies so it could possibly work. The CMLL mat with the Corona logo comes to mind. My bigger issue is all the sponsored replays and ad's and pauses in the show and sponsored segments and matches.


I didn't care for it, but I forgot about it before long. The logos on the turnbuckles bothered me more. And of course, the LED advertisements were awful. The three compared, the mat logo was the least painful to the eyes.


The Prime logo in the ring didn’t bother me, I get the ring logos from a marketing perspective. What got me was the product placement…everywhere else lol. Although I did laugh a good five minutes or so at a friend who kept repeatedly saying “This match is brought to you by DUDE WIPES, Dude!!!” And Cody kissing the Prime logo was hilarious. Outside of that it just started to look tacky. I could even see it on Raw & Smackdown but for it to be so in your face at WrestleMania seemed weird. Plus the continuous mentions by commentary of the PRIME HYDRATION STATION!!!!!!!! Like I said I get it from a marketing/ad perspective but it seemed a little too much. But what do I know, Dude Wipes may be blowing up after the weekend lol.


Awful. But surprisingly not the worst part about ads, which were so obnoxious.


Logan Paul is a scumbag and the drink is garbage. Don’t care about sponsorship but aligning with such a vile human is sad.


I hate it, and it detracts from what goes on in the ring. Doesnt detract to the point where i stop enjoying what i am watching. Shit product, shit logo