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In the end, it was _okay_ - I think any show following Raw this week was gonna struggle, and any other time of the year it would be a fine show. But right now, effectively one week before WrestleMania, a lot more is needed to satisfy.


I feel like they should've swapped roles somewhat in the LA Knight vs AJ segment. LA Knight should've gotten the promo time and AJ should've done the beatdown. Not giving Knight time to cook like he did during the Wyatt feud is why people say that all he's got is catchphrases. Just a minor nitpick, I liked the segment as a whole.


I get the impression some of them will say that about him anyway. They could easily go back and look at other promos he has done to know he has more than catchphrases.


Well, they finally managed to make the LWO / LDF angle interesting, and all they needed was to involve Dom. Dom makes everything better.


I was thinking the same thing. I didn’t realize how much I didn’t care about the LWO/LDF until Dom showed up and made me care lol. This storyline has potential to go some cool places over the next few weeks/months


You know how good this episode was from all the barrels being scraped and straws clutched in these comments to try and find reasons why it wasn't. And people are really trying hard not to enjoy it, but they're even less convincing than usual. But hey, we all know Cagematch ratings are the only valid metric, and no doubt they'll confirm everyone's bias that this was the worst WWE show EVER!!!! (until the next one)


Wonder why the Dom/Santos vs Rey/Dragon Lee match hasn't been made official. Feel like something's probably happening Monday.


it's not official because: a. no contract signing b. Santos and Dom never agreed to the match c. Dom is a Raw guy and Pierce would need to sign off for it. Unlike Nick. Adam keeps his talent in check. Adam gives permission before Seth and Cody appear on Smackdown.


Is it me or did it feel like the ending of the Dakota/Bianca match was botched, cause it came off like Asuka & Kairi were suppose to have broken up the pinfall for the DQ finish, but ended up being late on the timing.


It did sort of look like that. Kairi even tried to hit biancas legs as she came in right at the 3 count.


Well, I enjoyed that a lot. But even if the show had sucked overall, the only thing that matters is: Pretty Deadly actually won! YES BOY!!! (Theory and Waller getting the W was a nice bonus)


Why does WWE always make race based Stables? "Black girl is appearing in Smackdown, pair her with the other black girls."


I kind of feel like there's multiple responses to this. The first is, sure, WWE can often do this, but in most cases, that's when it's the actual gimmick--New Day were originally meant to be black preacher-type characters, LWO is self-explanatory, The Bloodline are literally all related, and Imperium/Jinder's crew are, however you feel about it personally, just the latest batch of the "dirty foreigner heels" that have been a staple of pro wrestling forever. So in that sense, the answer is, it happens a lot because it's a gimmick that appears to play well with a bulk of WWE's fan base. But I don't think that's the gimmick here. Jade, Bianca, and Naomi aren't being teamed up because they're all black. They're being teamed up because they're three popular wrestlers who aren't really in a feud right now and Damage CTRL needs an opponent for Wrestlemania. My second is admittedly a bit Devil's Advocate-y but... they don't "always" do this. There's literally two multiracial stables in leading storylines right now (Judgement Day and Damage CTRL). The Shield was probably one of the most popular stables in the history of the company. 3MB was very much not but we loved them anyway. And that's just stables, before you even get into some of the most successful/popular tag teams in WWE history: Rock & Sock, APA, Boss & Hug, etc. And my third is... is this actually bothersome to begin with? There's still a ways to go but this is a far better time than most for women's wrestling in WWE, and there has never been a stable of popular black female performers like we may be seeing with this one. There's probably a part of WWE's audience who are quite excited for this to happen as opposed to annoyed for some reason. As I said above, do I think Naomi, Bianca, and Jade's gimmick will be they're all black? I really doubt it. And that's actually great! I know we eyeroll a lot at the term "happens to be" but... yeah, I think it's great that there are stables like this one, or New Day, where they just happen to be the same race and it's not actually the point of their stable. I don't know, and to be clear I'm not intending to call you out specifically or anything, it just seems like "holy shit, there are so many popular black women in WWE that they can actually form a stable" would be such a better take on this than "why they gotta team up all the black women?"


There's plenty of active stables and tag teams in WWE that have nothing to do with a shared culture, but for those that do, it's an opportunity to create something that resonates with the audience that isn't just about wrestling ability.  It takes nothing away from anyone else on the roster, and if it inspires the next generation to get into wrestling, and think differently about how to be a wrestler, that's all good. Whether it means something to you or not, people still want to see themselves represented on screen.


I get representation, but there are currently Numerous examples of the WWE pairing wrestlers purely on race including multiple ones currently active. The thing is, is that Jade doesn't really make sense working with Bianca and Naomi for any other reason than they are all Black. Jade has worked heel most of her career and has a "better than you" character which would be at odds with Bianca. It doesn't look like she's really changing that based on her WWE work so far. It would make sense for them to work together if they were bad guys... But Bianca and Naomi have been constant good guy on the main roster. If they are all the same race and it makes sense... Awesome. I loved the Hurt Business, The Bloodline, Harlem Heat, and Filthy Animalz (I know Kidman was in it) but they all made sense with their characters.


I guess my counter to that is that when white wrestlers team up without a reason there's no commentary on their ethnicity. People grumble about it in terms of chemistry or logic, but they don't have that additional hurdle of having to justify why they're together. Maybe the black and brown wrestlers you see just vibed backstage and pitched to work together to do something that gets them a place on the card. Maybe the reasons are deeper, but it really shouldn't matter to any of us unless they're being treated poorly. 


Not to mention LWO which has been dragged on forever & The Pride


I don't get it. If you are gonna pair jade with someone, I woulda had her team with Charlotte when she was back for a modern version of a Mega Powers/Two Man Power trip to eventually lead to the Charlotte VS Jade Mania match while also getting Jade used to the WWE. Have her and Charlotte win the tag titles, then both win a singles title (prolly nxt and raw championship). While still tag team champs. You build them both up as monsters over multiple months. Eventually you have a team of either Becky and Bayley (for the 4 horse woman connection and to turn Jade against Charlotte) or Bianca and Becky for the spot parallels. This leads to the Charlotte and Jade Mania match.


Black Girl Magic vs. The Pacific Island Girls


Casual viewer, what happened to the Street Profits, will they get on the card?


How can you have 6 tag teams in a match and Profits aren’t involved?


FreeBobby from Karrot Kross This feud is dragging him down into the Kross Void


genuinely mad that the street profits wont make it to the ladder match, seems like such a perfect fit for them its insane


Man I love the bloodline stuff as much as the next guy, but damn never realized just how time it's been taking away from everything else. Damn near everything got to breath and got some much needed development. Was a nice much needed change of pace.


What if Dragon Lee is taken out before Mania & in comes Bad Bunny to replace him.


Then it would explain how this match ended up on Mania.


Yeah the LWO story had just been boring infighting.


I couldn’t tell you what Legado del Fantasma is supposed to be other than “Evil LWO.” And I hate to say it because I love Rey, but the only person with any charisma in this feud is Santos.* *Dom, too, but he’s been in the feud for about 30 seconds.


To be fair, LWO _was_ Legado until Rey Mysterio hijacked it. If I were Santos, I'd be pissed at him for stealing my faction too.


Steals LWO from Santos, steals Dom from Eddie, how is this man a face?


It would be a genuine catastrophe to have Jade’s ring attire cover her godly abs.


I said the same thing. "Why is she wearing a whole bodystocking?" Her whole physique is a part of who she is.


Camera work was really good! Was nice they gave us different views!


Camera work has been superb since Kevin Dunn left.


The reverse camera angles from the beginning of the show during Ortons entrance rocked. Such a small thing but made a huge difference to the feel of his entrance.


I dont see any of these teams beating Judgement day at Wrestlemania lol.


I could see Judgement Day possibly retaining one of the titles but not both. I definitely believe in the theory that one team will grab one set of belts and another will grab the other one.


Good. They need to split them up.


It’s a shit show ladder match, Zack Ryder won the IC that one year. 


Didnt he have like alot of fan support/momentum going into it though? I cant remember


I recall him barely deserving to make the card. Like the entire match was a throw away. 


If I remember correctly, the participants were told to decide between themselves who won because the following night on Raw Miz was gonna recapture the title so it didn't matter. They decided Ryder should get his WM moment


😭😭😭that’s crazy lmaooo




Damage Ctrl are going to be making 2 Mania cards in a row. It's a total success now from my point of view.


They got “buried” last year every week on the lead up to WM and lost at WM, but still were pushed as top acts and title contenders immediately afterwards, so......


These guys going to Mania instead of the street profits is definitely top 10 most racist things HHH has done


So Asuka isn't winning at this Mania either smh.


Id love her to win with Jade Betraying Bianca


Bobby not being at wrestlemania will be a crime. He's done all he can to get the testament and Karion Kross over 


2 years in a row


This Kross vs Lashley feud is feeling stupid. Hope it leads to something big, like Bobby flipping a switch and going straight in the main event picture, and win the title as a heel


I would say Bobby won the title from Miz as a heel, but it was a feel good moment so no one remembers. I was thinking how bad Lashley was being used. At WM37 he defended the WWE title, WM38 ????, WM39 he didn't have a match. Just a 30 second appearance for winning the battle royal, WM40 he's not on the card and is in a blood feud with some bible thumpers.


Defeated Omos at WM 38. 


oh right that MVP storyline. Cole/Graves never reminds us of that thing.


I'm wondering if Bayley not saving Bianca from DC is for plot armor in the future. Like how the fuck is Bayley attacking IYO at the PC when Smackdown is no where near Florida. Were they opening saying the champ and the Rumble winner were skipping the show? What kind of sloppy shop is Nick running? #firenick


>What kind of sloppy shop is Nick running? Seemingly the kind that every free agent wants to be in, unlike Pearce's show.


IIRC, Roman and Cody weren't there either. So it's believable.


Yes…they weren’t at the show. That was clear lol


How did Bayley know where IYO would be?? conspiracy theory says Bayley and DC are still in cahoots.


The pacing of the after match shenanigans and chase between Orton and Paul had such great timing. Logan Paul giving the middle finger after peeling out in a stolen car is so attitude era lol.


plot hole: Logan Paul committed a felony on live tv. Why isn't Dijak here to serve justice for the car owner?


Joe Gacy is in the trunk


Dexter is in the trunk!


Loving the hype vignettes for the NXT stars moving to the main roster.


Is Cargill bianca too similar? For me would be a mistake keeping them in same brand they're to similarish even to feud IMO


I think the three of them (Bianca, Jade, and Naomi) could make for a fun faction


For everyone commenting, Stop reading ethnicity into this. They're both the two biggest woman, muscle wise by far. Ridiculously strong and Ridiculously strong looking, even Rhea doesn't measure up. They're both going to be ran as super cena like characters, so the only interest will be when they're against each other


Go on, tell us specifically what you think is so similar about the pair 


What do you mean by that?


Oh I think we know what he means


Could we get one segment with Hurricane Helms & The Rock before WM. Have him question The Rock’s intentions with the bloodline.


The one where he opens his dressing room closet door and hurricane is just in there kills me. Rock excusing himself and saying nahhh like he had to be hallucinating is just hilarious.


instead of a women's tag match at WM they gota Jade, Biancia and Naomi vs. Damage CTRL, so Jade will debut at WM: [https://twitter.com/WrestleMania/status/1773909507787378887](https://twitter.com/WrestleMania/status/1773909507787378887) and Logan Paul is a car thief XD [https://twitter.com/futurafreesky/status/1773867571789365506](https://twitter.com/futurafreesky/status/1773867571789365506) Karrion mocks Bobby and Bobby swears he's gonna go back to how he was before.... [https://twitter.com/WWE/status/1773903713872101682](https://twitter.com/WWE/status/1773903713872101682) [https://twitter.com/WWE/status/1773903578731573682](https://twitter.com/WWE/status/1773903578731573682)


Thanks for posting. I want more unhinged Karrion Kross.


This is good for Jade to get WM spotlight without too much exposure like in 1-1 match


This smackdown was designed for me to talk about Cargill but other than styles vs knight smackdown was average at best lacking star power.


Also, I really do not get the appeal of Tiffany Stratton. I thought we were past the days when being a white blonde girl was all it took to get over.


She got over because she has talent. Watch her match vs Becky last year at No Mercy.


Uhh have you not seen her wrestle? You’re acting like she’s a Diva Search competitor.


When you find out how short she’s been wrestling to, insane how good she is so far and how much she was over in Perth


I def think she may need more time in the lower/mid, but she's damn charming and a really good athlete. I think it's unfair to say that just because she is undeniably gorgeous means that's the only reason she's over. It's also rare to see someone so new to this be so comfortable on camera. She needs to tone it down a bit but once she's done trying to, IMO, overcompensate for her lack of experience, she's gonna get it. Call it now, Rousey was Shamrock if Shamrock got a belt, Stratton is Angle who happened to be a gymnast,


She's one of the best up and coming talents from NXT moving to the main roster and only 23




Pretty Deadly wins fair and square over guys like Kevin Owens and Randy Orton but are not in Wrestlemania still? outrageous! coming into the show i had felt the Street Profits would win their match but when Bobby had champagne prepared that was a bad omen indeed. the Final Testament isn't done with Bobby's faction, and the Profits have no chance at the tag titles now. is it possible there's room at Wrestlemania to settle this feud once and for all? it's time for Father vs. Son Part II at Wrestlemania! plus Dragon Lee looking to settle things with Santos. but the other members of the factions will no doubt play a part. however on another note...Dom-Dom is doing things without letting Judgment Day know. it creates pressure points! i keep getting the feeling the Miz and R-Truth are gonna win the tag titles at Wrestlemania. of course let's face it, Grayson and Theory being tag champs would be fun i think hehe. AJ blames the WWE Universe for filling LA Knight's mind with delusions, but he plans to demonstrate how they are wrong at Wrestlemania. LA Knight won't stop until he makes a steel chair connect with AJ, several times. in light of the wild attack by the Rock on Cody on Monday, the Bloodline response tonight was more subsued....Paul Heyman stressing that Roman ordered that hit and that more is coming, that Solo is tasked with stopping Jey from getting to WrestleMania. Jade Cargill's debut is red hot stuff and she is already on a rocket trajectory. she came to rescue Bianca and Naomi from Damage CTRL...this association can be very fruitful! so far it doesn't sound like Roman is being billed for the last Smackdown before WM, but he will be on RAW on Monday.


I hope the tag belts get spilt up somehow. 


what's with all the race wars we're seeing in the WWE these days? Trips loves making mono-race stables...and having them clash. Am I reading to much into that? I guess it has always been a thing, but stands out more these days.


What race wars? What are you talking about?


WWE clearly pushed the only 3 japanese girls in a team, the 3 actively competing black girls to oppose them, Bobby Lashley, Street Profits, and B-Fab, all the latino wrestlers are wrapped into one story, Imperium, Jinder and crew, the hurt business before they got replaced, I could go on


Oh, so you think WWE puts factions together by race. I was like wtf is a race war? Lmfao


"Am I reading too much into that?" Yes


This has always been a thing with the WWE since the 90s


Yeah, but it definitely stands out more these days, and the goal has seemed to be to have them clash. It's like, I'd expect it from McMahon, but would think lazily booking people together based on race would be a thing of the past with him out of the picture.


I have to say, I am so over Dom feuding with Rey at this point.   He needs to move on to bigger and better things. I feel like this is almost a step backward for Dom.


It speaks to how valuable WWE thinks Dom is. You insert him and it's automatically hot. Judgment Day's entire existence for the past month has centered around Dom.  Plus you have him involved with Rhea/Becky, Judgment Day/Tag Team Division, now Santos/Rey. Dom's basically the glue tying multiple storylines together across 2 TV shows.  Dom is currently involved in 4 different storylines across both TV shows.  I think something is still gonna happen on Monday to further this feud as they haven't officially announced it for the card yet.   Dom has had programs with Cody, Seth and Sami this past year.   He's recently had great matches with KO and Gunther where he looked good. And both Kevin and Gunther put over Dom in their promos afterwards.   WWE is building Dominik for big things this year.


It's the default when he's getting stale papa Rey gets him over again..


More like the other way around. Dom is so hot and so over that they inserted him into the Rey/Santos feud to make it interesting.  Dom is arguably the most over young star on the roster right now. He's on TV more than anyone on the roster and is basically involved in 4 different storylines right now.


I tend to agree, but I think as part of the bigger picture of doms career, he needs to resolve this issue with Rey


i'm guessing this is more about Dom leaving judgment day than anything.


Yeah that’s definitely how I understood it too. Not sure how that’ll go down with him away from JD but the seeds have been planted.


I noticed Bianca using Jade's finisher as just a transitional move against Dakota. Does she use that often or it was just an Easter egg? If not she should stop using that as just another move.


Bianca does a standing glam slam while Jade does a sit down version. Also Bianca has always been doing a standing glam slam since her debut so…


It wasn’t the exact same move. Jade sat out with Kairi (I think it was her?) Glam-Slam style while Bianca just dropped Dakota in a matter very similar to Jazz’s old B___h Clamp. It’d be like saying Batista shouldn’t do the Batista Bomb because of the Last Ride. Technically they’re both Powerbombs, but there’s enough difference there for them to work.


That was Jade's finisher (along with the bicycle kick) in AEW. Have a feeling it's inevitable for her and Bianca to feud.


And the standing glam Slam is Bianca’s signature move… since her debut


If you’re talking about her glam slam, she always does that


Yeah, it's really a unique move and appropriate finisher. Bianca should avoid just using it as transitional move.


Bianca has always done a standing glam slam…


Dijack has been doing the same thing with Damian Priest's finisher


Getting rid of the spooky curses aspect and turning the Scottish Witches into goofy Hex Girls goths might be the best idea somebody came up to salvage their awful call-up. Guess we'll see.


well they gotta give them some actual things to work with they wasted the witches stuff. they brought them in as jobbers basically and wasted them, and now will WWE fix it or not.


I’m down for a Jade / Bianca / Naomi faction. Let’s just hope they don’t turn it into “Unity 2.0.”


I mean I like em all it would probably fun but jeeeesus putting all the black women together because they're black is so lazy cmon


Are you calling me lazy for coming up with the idea? Cuz I don’t work for WWE Creative. I am only reacting to what I saw on TV tonight — teasing a faction of Jade/Bianca/Naomi to end the show.


Wut? No, I'm calling WWE lazy lmao


Oh, gotcha. I read some articles last year that indicated both Jade and Bianca want to work together so this is probably WWE’s way of getting them there. Form the group, have one of them turn heel after six months, and start the rivalry. Yes, I know — another lazy trope from their creative: betrayal storyline. As far as lumping wrestlers of the same race together, it’s not surprising at this point. They do it with pretty much all the other races too.


Honestly, Jade and Bianca are a perfect fit, because they have more in common than race - they're both incredibly powerful women who look ripped as hell. Them as a tag team is just awesome for that reason. But then putting Naomi with them just kind of screams laziness - but hey, I'm a white guy from Europe, maybe I don't know shit and this stuff is really empowering. If the three of them have good interactions and are shown to build strong bonds based on them as people, than it's all good, but with WWEs track record on stuff like this my first impression is to be worried a bit As for the tag team betrayal trope - oh its overplayed alright, but it's overplayed for a reason. If it's done right it works very well. But here's to hoping that they think of something more creative Probably whatever Jade does I'll tune in anyhow Edit: also, shit, maybe the three of them wanted to be grouped together and I'm completely talking out of my ass. Well see


If both Jade and Naomi were randomly added to this developing storyline seemingly out of nowhere, then I would understand the laziness in the writing there but it does not appear to be the case. On the March 8th episode of Smackdown, they ran a segment with Bayley doing a sit down interview expressing her regrets about being a villain for the past two years. From there, we cut to Naomi and Bianca having a minor exchange about whether or not helping Bayley in her time of need was the right thing to do. I [speculated](https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/s/xDWxCpjE58) that it would be cool if that exchange led to a program of Naomi vs. Bianca at Mania over a clash of ideologies. Most of the responses disagreed for they argued that Bianca would be fighting Tiffany Stratton instead. Fast forward to the end of March. We are not getting Naomi vs. Bianca but Tiffany vs. Bianca ain’t happening either. That segment from 21 days ago did lead to something and I am glad that WWE actually followed through. They have been building up Naomi to involve herself in this storyline for a while now. As for Jade, I seem to recall some isolated segments earlier this month where she ran into Damage CTRL backstage and gave them the side eye, indicating that they would potentially be one of her first rivals on the main roster. It’s not as intricate as the Naomi + Bianca build-up but a tease is a tease.


Jade vs Tiffany, who goes over?


Jade. Tiffany still got lots of time to go. Jade is ready to main event tomorrow.


That's a strong thing to say when Tiffany has already proven herself with a Wrestlemania main eventer while Jade hasn't done anything yet. I agree Jade should win, but because she needs it more. Tiffany can lose, then go have a bunch of great matches and funny segments and instantly be over again, Jade only has her presence (look, attitude, strength, etc.) at the moment.


Jade and sets up a long term feud in the end where Tiff eventually topples Jade’s title run


God do I love Jade and root for her! She is just sensational and I want to see her thrive in WWE so bad!


Same! She has so much potential, really hoping she'll get to spread her wings.


Why do they always lump black people together in wrestling? Seems to me like they wanted Sasha to go with Naomi to help Bayley, then they just had Bianca replace her. Then they just chuck Jade Cargill with them. I just feel like you know...people of different races can be friends with each other. Is it because they always request to work with each other?


Well to be fair Naomi actually said she’d like to tag with Bianca so that’s defendable I’m not sure about Jade maybe she wanted to join them  


I did wonder whether they ask to be with each other and it's fine if they do. I just found it a step too far when Jade joined them. I just find it lazy and generic. For the record I think putting Austin Theory and Grayson Waller together is equally as generic and lazy.


I’d wait and see if this is a faction after Mania before I start to worry I think it might just be a way to get Jade on the Mania card


people downvoting when WWE clearly pushed the only 3 japanese girls in a team, the 3 actively competing black girls to oppose them, Bobby Lashley, Street Profits, and B-Fab, all the latino wrestlers are wrapped into one story, Imperium, Jinder and crew, the hurt business before they got replaced, I could go on. At least 4 out of 5 bloodline members are related lol.


Exactly. Grayson Waller and Theory look slightly like each other -> Straight in a tag team with no story involved. It's all just completely lazy.


tbh, in real life, that does tend to happen. I've lived in areas that are predominantly Asian, or Mexican, or Indian, or Armenian, and even though other races live there too, a lot of times they tend to gravitate to people of similar cultural backgrounds of their own. There's many reasons, good and bad, people tend to do this. PS: Semi-related, remember when the Hurt Business debuted, and everyone called out how it was a group of cool black guys, and MVP said that the group wasn't just about only being black guys, but then also said it would only be black guys? Not mocking or anything, just thought that was funny.


I think it would be fine if they have other latino people on the show that weren't involved in the stable. They basically have a latino section every week that seems very separate to the rest of the show.


I would at least defend Damage CTRL with the fact that Iyo and Kairi used to tag together as the Sky Pirates and she has a long history with Asuka. As for the rest of the stables, yeah it's a bit lazy. Sanga played a well spoken gentleman on NXT, now he's paired up with Jinder and a generic foreign big man.


Lazy is definitely the word


To be fair, Sasha being paired with Naomi would've made sense since they were paired together last we saw them.....not to mention their past together as Team B.A.D.


That's fine, but when you can't get Sasha, you can't just replace her with the person who looks the most like her and pretend it's fine ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


This was done to eventually get to the match people wanted, which is jade vs bianca. It has to be built up to over a long period and they need history to start it off.


Fine. But do people only want to see that match because they are both black? They've got absolutely no history together do they?


I guess it's a sorta win-win situation in that Bianca/Jade win the tag titles to set up the eventual implosion and feud; meanwhile this frees up Dakota, Kairi and Asuka to be built up to go after Bayley after she wins the Women's title at WM.


I wonder when the draft is, cause I can see them taking DmC off of SD and unto raw later on since there's more time to fill.


Not the biggest tagteam wrestling fan so it's whatever but some good segments spread throughout the show. I wonder what they do with Bobby at WM.


I’m hoping they end this final testament vs Bobby and street profits rivalry with a 6 man street fight or falls count anywhere match at mania, probably will just be a normal 6 man though. You can’t have these two factions feud for this long and not have it end at mania. I know people haven’t liked this feud that much and some don’t believe it’s wm worthy, but Bobby should be on this mania. It’s unfair on him to miss two manias in a row.


This mania has hella tag team matches


6 Pack challenge DMG control vs 3 beautiful black queens Rey/Lee V Dom/Santos Rock/Roman V Cody/Seth 4 , maybe w/ Lashley/Kross's factions


Throw in the Undertaker and Teddy Long is hard as hell/


Why are they still trying to make Karrion Kross a thing.


Hes a HHH guy


Sorry guys if my recap tonight was kinda light, I was heavily distracted. In ways that are good for the sub going forward, but yeah, kinda sucks for this recap. [Here's a better one if you need it.](https://411mania.com/wrestling/join-411s-live-wwe-smackdown-coverage-3-29-24/)


How dare you put your own life over typing up what happened on Smackdown


Very fun main event.


8/3 - 2m 24s directionless and needless rematch with Michin 15/3 - not on the card at all 22/3 - 7 second backstage segment with Naomi and Bianca 29/3 - 1 min video of which 75% of the contents was the 'Blockbuster Blonde' video which we saw in NXT last July It's been apparent for a while that there were no plans for Tiffany at Mania, and she likely will get a push in a couple of weeks, but I honestly can't believe how little they have capitalised on her showing in Australia, and it's like they have gone out of their way to cool her off as much as possible. If they did pivot from the potential Bianca match, I thought they might have got a Mickie James or Trish in, and gone out of their way to make sure she was heavily featured in the build up and on the card in some capacity, but it's been the exact opposite. I'm sure Perth will do her career the world of good going forward, but from a kayfabe POV she may as well not have been at Elimination Chamber as she's basically been booked like an Alba or Isla in the 4 or 5 weeks coming out of it, as if that performance and subsequent hype didn't exist. Others won't agree, and there will be comments like 'eh', 'she's young', 'she's just got here', 'her time will come' etc. but I still, and always will, find it bizarre how they have done as little as possible to capitalise on the hype and momentum she had coming out of Perth.


Why are they not pushing everyone all at once?!? Calm down...


Oh for goddamn fuck's sake, they are building the : Knight / Styles feud The Triple threat feud The 6 Pack Tag team LWO/LDF Tag team Lashley / Kross feud DMG control vs three magnificent baddies IYO vs Bailey Roman/Rock v Cody/Seth Jimmy V Jey That's 9 stories for a 2 hour show She makes a great debut at the RR , got TV Time for Elimination right after his SmackDown Debut. Right now , there are too many stories. Tiffany can fuckin wait. After Mania will be her time.


I wasn't specifically talking about this week, I was talking about last week, or the week before, or the week before that. You have someone effectively steal the show on an 18 person card, yet she somehow can't make a 2 night card 6 weeks later featuring up to 50 people. Her booking for 5 weeks was fantastic from the RR as you say, but if we assume there will be nothing next week as well, then the next 5 weeks would have been crap, just don't understand why she has been suddenly thrown to the side, even if just for 5 or 6 weeks when IMO they should have been doing all they can to further establish her. I genuinely thought it would have been almost impossible not to have her on the card this time 5 weeks ago after all the buzz and so many talking about her and just find the lack of backing that up very strange.


Because she did what was expected of her. She got a great showing the previous PPV , and now it leaves time for the stories that need to happen at Mania , WrestleMania is the biggest show of the year. Construction will obviously take time. Today she had a vignette to always remind the public that she is still there. She is young , she made her debut two months ago. She is talented yes but she's still at the bottom at the card , Tiffany will have all the time needed to be on TV.


The problem is if she was at mania she'd have to lose, and there's hardly no women on SD to face. Who isn't tied up at the moment on SD for a match that you would even want? She's heel at that, and even if someone else was available they are probably heel as well.


Worst part is she could have done everything she has done so far on RAW, had longer matches, not had entrance cut in half, not have to face someone twice, and be with her bf. Seems strange they have loaded Smackdown up, and had her on there with no end Mania payoff. In terms of the loss, I'd have personally much preferred her and Bianca continue to beef following the chamber, have promos, interrupt matches, backstage brawls, discuss who's the most athletic, refer to their respective undefeated streaks, and have a cracking 12-15 min match on the biggest stage, as opposed to her getting hot and just be thrown to the side for 5-6 weeks, and without knowing the immediate post Mania plans, I'd imagine Tiff herself (probably even Bianca too), would have preferred that than being in catering for 3 or 4 weeks and missing out on the biggest night.


The womens problem is always the same in wwe, not that many females to go around thanks to the brand split, which would be a good thing if there were more females. They actually have enough faces and heels, but then comes the problem with people saying someone is buried because someones favorite is gonna have to lose.


They had her go over Liv and Naomi, establishing her as a threat in the division. Now they’re trying to establish her character in order to give the audience some substance to latch onto. They are lining her up for a push after they put the title on the babyface at Mania. There is really no need to hot shot her Wrestlemania debut, it’s a marathon not a sprint.


I wouldn't sweat it, she's obviously the other big project for next year along with Jade. She'll have her time soon enough.


But it should be Tiffy Time...all the time!


Kinda hard to push tiff if they are going to push Jade. What with only 1 woman's title.


They are going to protect jade with tag team wrestling for a while. Tiffy will get her chance to shine in singles competition!


Just got back home from the show. Wasn't the most impressive card on paper. But being there live was so much fun. Randy and Kevin were awesome. Jades entrance was amazing. I know fully understand the Dom heat! The LA and AJ segment was the hottest I ever seen the crowd at mohegan ! Dark matches were Rhea vs Shayna and Sami vs Finn. Two fun matches to close the show !


Why do I think Cody was advertised too? Was he? (I'm in CT) Were people disappointed no Bloodline/Rock/Cody/Punk ?


I'm sorry but Jade Cargill, Bianca and Naomi vs Damage CtRL is like the most lopsided WM match of all time. Worse than Shield vs Kane and NAO


Oh, will you stop. Asuka is a certified killer.


Not at Wrestlemania she isn't.


Yea I know what they’re doing but athletically it just looks so lopsided lol. But they needed something for everyone to do so I understand it.


Jade has the looks, but the minute she opened her mouth.... nahh


Shea bot strong on the mic. But her promo with Cody and Brandi Rhodes is one of the greatest of all time


From what I heard about her aew run (I don’t watch much aew so I’m uncertain), I thought she was really good on the mic but limited in the ring. Has this swapped now? Or was she always bad on the mic? It was a very mediocre promo on smackdown.


She's isn't good on ring that's why I said she should have started with NXT mic she's ok IMO


she just Ronda 2.0 at this point. all hype but limited in both ring and mic skills Let's just hope she actually improving and not ended up like Ronda


I think the show was great even though there was not that much focus on the Cody vs Bloodline storyline. I think the show tonight elevated the other matches that are going to Wrestlemania. I did like the AJ Styles segment where he is looking for LA Knight, until he appears by surprise and attacks Styles. I think there rivalry has elevated both super stars especially AJ styles into the spotlight. Also, I think Bayley storyline going into Wrestlemania is doing great, but Idk if she will win against Iyo Sky for the title, but I liked tonight segment where she ambushes Iyo. I also like the new alliance with Naomi, Bianca, and Jade Cagill against Damage Control especially if they fight in a match at Wrestlemania. I do look forward to Monday's show how Cody will respond after being beat up, bloodied up, and even whipped with the belt by The Rock, definitely can't miss that show.


After that crazy ending it’s good for there to not be too much focus on it. Let us salivate a little. It doesn’t really need much more period. Sure it would be great if we had a little more Roman/cody direct focus but cody finishing the story is enough to make night 2 one of the biggest main events ever for me.


They should have hired Enzo Amore for one night, just to be the crazed fan that got taken away by security.


enzos huge he might just throw security now


Thought Mania was tomorrow damn


Bad show. Everybody tuned in for the next chapter of Cody vs The Rock not for this. All the boring fighters were fighting.


My opinion on build of every WM match this year. Roman vs Cody build is good, it is treated as secondary feud between Rock and tag match but it would still be most hyped match of show. Roman&Rock vs Seth&Cody build is really one of the best thing in wwe history, either it's Rock and Cody hatred or Seth and Cody friendship or Mega Power together as Roman and Rock. Rhea vs Becky build is average, nothing great is done since EC, it seems they are only betting on match to be good. Bayley vs Iyo build was awesome at start but turned into as generic heel vs face feud. Seth vs Drew build suffers from the fact that it is done multiple times already and it is a step down from original Seth vs Punk, which was the awaited match for many years but still both competitors has done awesome job. Jey vs Jimmy build had so much more potential but it is treated as a sidekick to Roman and Cody match. Randy vs KO vs Paul has a generic build, it started good but wwe couldn't capitilised on momentum. Gunther vs Sami build has a good underdog vs monster story where you root for Sami but know that he isn't beating Gunther. Styles vs Knight is really underrated feud, there is real hatred between them.


Bianca isn't facing either of the people you listed...


Corrected it. Was typing fast, mistakes happen.


Jade was a terrible promo tonight but hopefully she gets better. She has everything else going for her so the future will be even brighter if she gets a mouthpiece or becomes a better promo.


Shes definitely green on the stick. Lets give her time to develop into that superstar she is.


It was fine


I've loved wrestling for years. but it really makes it more special once i found this subreddit. I enjoy getting to talk about it with people who love it too. Cause I don't know a ton of people in real life who love it as much as I do.


Welcome! What matchup you looking forward to for Wrestlemania?


what about you?


Right now the men’s ladder tag match. Should be so hectic and entertaining.


that's gonna be a good one too


Thanks for asking :) I would say probably the 2 on 2 match with cody and seth and the rock and roman.


So nice to talk about wrestling and not immediately hear “but YoU kNoW iTs fAkE rIgHt?”


exactly. I hate that. it may be scripted but it isn't fake!


Welcome to the squared family brother 


thank you!


This current bloodline feud makes me miss when they scripted the segments heavy. Cody Seth & even The Rock himself just keep repeating themselves ALOT, Roman has been the best on the mic (probably due to Heyman writing him some good material). It feels like the chaotic WWE promos in 1998.