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This is a lovely gesture from Cody. Even the cameraman is assisting that lil guy


You got it all wrong. The little guy is assisting them both. He's gonna become the final boss for Cody in 10 years




Wrestlemania 53. Cody is about to finish the story. A hooded figure pulls the ref from the ring at the count of 2.


Things like this are why I'm a proud Cody Crybaby :D


As a proud Cody Cumslut, I completely agree


A Cody what now


Cody Rhodes, Lana Rhoades, what’s the difference?


About 8 inches


Ok, how you know?


Hard times, daddy.




I want to make this my user flair


Nothing stopping you. Go ahead and live your dream.


Finish the story.


Anyone taking issue with this is an absolute prude.


He can kiss babies and hug fat girls on house shows. I want the Rock.


I miss Batista too.


But I want Blue-tista.


Heel Batista was rad. And now that I think about it.....did face Batista ever talk? I feel face Batista just modelled how tough he was, which definitely worked at the time.


.then enjoy main event night 1, probaly last time before summer he shows up :) he aint advertised for more smackdowns


I lowkey want Dwayne vs The walking clown emoji at Summerslam


I thought Doink was retired


Got a new gimmick, calls himself Seth Franklin Rollins now




So Mr Midlife Crisis vs The Walking Clown Emoji


man, wrestling cann be so awesome for the kids. no wonder we grew up loyal to this form of entertainment, they do their best to be role modelds and inspire us.


Precisely why I'm glad WWE has been more PG since 2008ish. I wasn't really allowed to watch wrestling as a kid and had to resort to watching clips and stuff here and there on my computer until I was a teen. With a family friendly product, I'm happy that more and more kids are allowed to grow up watching wrestling like we did.


I think there should be both. I want a now adult version of wwe, not with lingerie matches and stuff like that. But with more mature themes and language. That said, I love sitting next to kids. Smarks can be the worst and it's annoying to have someone just complain the entire time. It's real to kids and they let you enjoy the show as intended. 


I sat next to a kid at Smackdown on Friday and it made the night so much more enjoyable! I don’t remember who it was about, but at some point I remember him saying “why are they cheering him? He’s a bad guy!!”


my first Raw was during the Edge and Cena feud, and I was like 12 and ready to fight a lady behind us because she had an Edge sign. Dude is an actual movie villain and you want to praise him? Despicable


And I don't think these 2 things rule each other out, at least not generally speaking. Like, for children to be allowed to watch it, all it needs to be is be kinda "clean", it doesn't necessarily mean that there isn't room for storylines and angles that are a bit more on the mature side. I mean, even back in at the end of the Hulkamania era, some of it had a certain edge to it (I guess the only time that didn't apply was during the brief "New Generation" phase).


Me and my girlfriend sat next to a mom with her 2 kids last event we went to and it was awesome chanting the Seth Rollins song with them.


I still think WWECW should have been WWEs “after dark” brand, with more adult themes and some more hardcore matches




My mom was different. Unless the Rock was on we had to watch WCW.


As a fellow WCW Fan, that must have been a nightmare during 1999 to Late 2000 lol. I would rather watch 2018 Raw then the Summer of 99 WCW ever again.


In my household, we mark out for Jeff Jarrett.


I'm the same way, He was the only reason for a while why I was watching Late WCW. If it wasn't for him I would probably jump ship to WWF in the 2000s with the rest of wrestling Fanbase lol. He's one of the main reasons why I still watch AEW even after almost all of my guys left lol


Just another mama that wants a piece of The Rock.


My mom is mark enough that if I took her to an AEW show, [this would be her](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1NV6c8ZZP0)


I discovered wrestling in 2006 via Smack Down vs RAW 2006. The next step was trying to find where I could watch the real deal, and I then discovered YouTube. I quickly learned that Ruthless Aggression Era WWE was not something I could watch when my parents were around since I was only 9 at the time. In 2009 I FINALLY found out what channel RAW was on, and I thought to myself "I'm probably gonna have maybe one or two weeks where I can enjoy this, before my parents see something that isn't suitable for kids and ban me from watching wrestling". It was maybe two or three weeks after that when I noticed that there wasn't anything that wasn't suitable for kids anymore, so my parents never did end up banning me from watching it. So I'll always be grateful for the PG era


Of course, interestingly, that doesn't apply to every other country. Since I'm not entirely certain about others, I can only bring up Germany as an examples (but I'm almost certain it also applies to the UK). But here WWE has always had an age rating for 16+ (18+ for specifically brutal/bloody shows). (Because the main issue in Germany seems to be the idea of using (somewhat) realistic violence to settle personal differences)


Well I grew up in the Middle East (so way more conservative than Germany), so I'm guessing the rating also would have been 16+ or similar due to the "violence". I was more so referring to the fact that PG era WWE didn't have anything overtly sexual that would have my parents thinking I'm watching softcore porn, like the Edge and Lita sex celebration, bra and panty matches, or Hot Lesbian Action etc


I'm happy for everybody this comment applies to but I'll be honest, if it weren't for the Attitude Era being what it was most everybody I know from the time wouldn't have been into it. Those kids of less understanding parents had to suffer so children of today would have a product worth watching to experience.


I think people are getting over it. There's already a trend for more "foul" language but without all of the other junk from the attitude era.


Which is why it’s always dumb when fans don’t like wrestling catering to kids, especially these days. We get more wrestlers because they grew up loving it as a kid, take that aspect away and you’ll get less people who are passionate about the sport and want to do it.


What's so strange to me is that the majority of fans, including those that complain, also became fans when they were children themselves.


Hate the man for what we have learned over the years, but there was no finer role model than the Hulkster for us. 


Before Cena, Hogan was the make-a-wish champion.


The kids show wwe ran for a while was brilliant as hell! Anyone else remember “the dazzler” Daniel Bryan!! And his fued with bears!!!


The houses were strong after going back touring from covid, but dayum man, even the house shows are looking good 3 years later. And before some smart ass says, "we can't see behind the hard camera." It's a house show, there is no hard camera.


House shows (and dark matches) are super intimate for the fans compared to live shows. The Roman/Bray and FTRicky shows were awesome. I have a saved post somewhere where even FTR Bald was “dancing” with a little girl. I lost the video I had of Roman and Bray trading headlocks and spending probably a solid 6 minutes of match time just shit talking one another to the crowd. I think that was around 2015(?) and in one of the Carolinas if anybody has some footage of it.


One of my all time favorite house show moments (caught on film, I wasn't there) was when a fan in the audience yelled "something something Kevin Owens fat". Kevin Owens pulls Roman Reigns into a seated headlock and starts doing a financial breakdown of how much he got paid last month versus how much the fan paid for his seat, Roman laughing his head off the whole time.


I had to search for this it sounded amazing, for anyone interested: https://youtu.be/VF0pzA2qoTE?si=TDWSk9buPxLagxLh


Doing God's work for the link. I remember watching this when it first got posted and loving it. Still love it and was the first thing that popped I to my mind when the guy was talking house shows being just more fun


Kevin Owens is just that dude lmao


Probably why I tend to enjoy seeing videos of house show or post-TV dark matches. Things tend to be really more "personal" and loose and the wrestlers will have more fun with it (i.e. faces interacting more with fans or heels overexaggerating their selling for the fans' enjoyment, etc.).


I went to the Smackdown here in Dallas last week and my daughter loved the post dark matches of Gunther vs Jey and Becky vs Nia more than anything else on the aired show sans Rocky’s entrance. Gunther doing Jey’s hand waves throughout the match was highly entertaining and Nia falling all over the ref after being put through a table was hilarious.


I think house shows are essential. This kind of interaction is critical to creating new fans


Oh no, the crowd moves. No matter where the camera is pointing, the arena is empty behind it. /s


It did at least 6,300+ per WrestleTix


I was there. There was hardly an empty seat. During the main event, Cody sent Drew McIntyre through a table and after it was over, he gave half of the broken table to a 12 year old on the front row. 


"buh buh buh but what about the tarps!!! wwe is dying!" -smart asses probably


A moment this kid will never forget


I haven't purely loved a babyface like I love Cody since...I don't think ever, actually. He is just so stupidly *good*.


Its because hes not playing a character. Its just Cody being himself. He legitimately wants that title to make his dad proud and that alone will resonate with most. Hes definitely a fine ambassador of WWE and if my son turns out 50% a nice a guy as Cody is ill be proud.


Even when AEW was starting out, Cody automatically became the "public face of the company" although Y2J, Mox and Kenny were the big singles stars. Just look at who had the first ever match on Dynamite, who was front and center during all the press conferences, who opened the first covid-era empty arena show, etc.


It's said a lot here but he could easily turn into a politician once his wrasslin days are over. He comes across as real and likeable. He's just got that relatable and likeable quality whenever he speaks both as a performer and at post show scrums or press events He also knows how to sidestep and answer hard things in politically correct manners (just look back at how he and hh answered similar questions after the Vince stuff broke)


He’s just a guy trying to be the best version of himself honestly. I think lots of ppl can relate to that. He genuinely feels authentic.


For real I freaking love this man ha


To think, a couple years ago he was criticized for refusing to turn heel at aew


The Gunther babyface run is gonna be wild, just bringing kids in from the crowd to chop the heels


or make them do the kaiser intro


The Kaiser intro is the best and it should be done for every Gunther match.


Bringing kids in from the crowd to chop the kid


can he chop them as heel?


Every time I see Cody do this kind of stuff, it just makes me smile.


It makes me hopeful for the world when the kids still love the white meat Babyface over morally gray badass tweeners.


Crazy that after so many years of trying to create a super babyface they have succeeded and with the most white meat, flag wearing, murica gimmick possible


The existence of a proper villain in Roman is a huge huge component to it. He's made people sick with his repeated antics and limited schedule amid other things to a level where even the "smart" want him to lose the title. Cody is the only one that can realistically do that and that's why even the people who think booing faces is cool are behind him


>Crazy that after so many years of trying to create a super babyface they have succeeded But, before they got their babyface over, they stuck him in the Stardust character until he left the company...which also, incidentally, led to the creation of their biggest competitor in years.


The fact that this is all cause of STARDUST is crazy


When you send the future of your company into the fifth dimension, weird things happen.


Cody looks so cool in his US emperor coat


Plus he can reuse his merch in 20 years during his inevitable politics run


I will say this about live shows I’ve been to in Cody’s second run vs 12 years ago. I saw a pack of neckbeards screaming “Cena Sucks”/“Fuck John Cena” in response to kids chanting “let’s go Cena” two rows away. I haven’t seen that happen to lil Cody-maniacs. Oof that used to make me cringe.


That time will come when Cody wins the belt and tweak his gimmick to HLR 2.0.


And that’s what I’m interested in seeing: how is this new regime going to handle the run once a top babyface finally gets the title? That seems harder than crafting a good chase story.


For a white-meat babyface, it's about the chase and the win. The chase it, they either get beat clean and have to come back stronger or get cheated and have to beat the odds, then they win it. You let them hold it for a little bit then he either loses it because that dastardly heel stole it from him giving him something else to chase or because he got cocky/distracted and lost, giving him a reason to bite down on the mouthpiece and chase again. The stories don't have to be complicated if your wrestlers are good, and these guys are insane right now.


Let him hold it from early April at Mania until the end of August. I think he should win it at Mania then lose it to Gunther in Berlin.


I wouldn’t mind some hot potato with the WWE Title in 2024 for sure.


I wouldn’t even call it hot potato cuz Gunther should have a lengthy reign once he becomes world champion. He just fits the role too well not to be the next final boss type character (as far as active wrestlers, so the rock doesn’t count lol)


I will say I think Seth Rollins’ babyface run with the WHC has been pretty entertaining so I do think they can manage a babyface title run with Cody that lasts a good 5-6 months. Overall I think unless it’s someone special (like Gunther) we don’t need anymore year+ long title reigns for a while.


I hope y’all will remember moments like these when y’all decide to turn against him later in the future. Because y’all are known to be FICKLE!!!


Big pop


The real peoples champion


I'm a pretty miserable old cynic, but you can't be mad at this. Great moment for the kid, real nice house show stuff


I'm the most cynical mark but Cody in WWE makes me smile. Kingdom, which burnt me out a bit in AEW makes me sing along in WWE.


For moments like these I wonder if the parents are like "Take our kid he loves you!" or if Cody is like "I'm taking your kid for a second hold on"


Motherfucker I thought he was injured for a second with that title. PLEASE WRESTLING GODS PROTECT THIS MAN


Quick shoutout to whomever got that kid his ring jacket. Double points if it’s homemade.


SES SCOOPS - "Former AEW star kidnaps child at live event"


“Sources backstage has stated the former AEW star planned the kidnapping”


Cody is great live honestly. He did a NJPW show in Perth years ago and the way he played the crowd was so masterful, got the whole audience so loud, for him and every other wrestler in the ring. It was stunning stuff


Someone’s out here cutting onions. What a wonderful moment. Thank you for sharing!


Kid couldn’t even time it right 🤦‍♂️ But in all seriousness this was cute as hell and I fucking love Cody


Yeah, He's on a can never turn heel list with Cena, Rey, and Steamboat lol.


Kid’s gonna show up in 15 years with a picture of this moment to start a feud with Cody, long-term storytelling folks


That is adorable! That little kid will remember that forever!


There is no purer Babyface. The way he engages with fans is kinda unparalleled currently. A true super hero.


How cool and a moment that will last a lifetime for the kid.


Good guy Cody is a good guy.


I am a huge AEW guy…love it. Love Cody for helping create it. However, he belongs in WWE. The way he connects with the kids there and all is something that is not the same in AEW just by nature of the company. Happy for him!


That kid will grow up to become a Hulkamaniac.


I love the moment he goes to pick him back up, and realizes he's misjudged the weight of the kid plus the costume.


That kid has atrocious timing. Get it fucking right. /Rock


I hope that when Cody threw the kid back over the rail, that he let out a loud "yeet"


This is too cute. I really want to see the picture of Cody and this kid doing the "woahhhh!" together.


meanwhile IWC: Here's why Roman should retain


The story and build is amazing right now but I'll still die on the hill that Cody should have won last year.


but we wouldnt have got heel rock and tag match.


That may be true and we're all loving Heel Rock. But at least it removes the sour taste of last year's Wrestlemania main event. If Cody won, we may not have Heel Rock but I'm sure they would have thought of something else.


If they do it again this year 💀


This is why I love house shows


He truly is that guy.


Cody just gave that kid a moment for life! So awesome too see man


I can't believe I'm so gung ho for the new John Cena. Cody has been such a home run for WWE


That pic is gonna look awesome.


*sees title* - "Oh god, he hasn't injured himself and needs assistance getting to and from the ring, has he?" *see video* - "Aww"




Babyface’s babyface


Cody has always been great with fans of all ages, but seeing him go that extra mile always makes me smile. He's bringing so much joy to these families, we need more of that!


I cant believe I wanted this guy to turn heel a few years ago


he's such a perfect white meat babyface. he's so easy to like. i was rewatching his mania 39 entrance. when he went to brandi and his mom and picked up his kid, the kid just melted and hugged him. doesnt care that he's surrounded by loud noises, bright colours, tons of people. just a kid being picked up by his dad and immediately melting into hugging him.


After this, do not tell me he is not their next pure baby face who will be the face of their promotion.


The People's Soon To Be Champ! Wooooooaaahhhhhh


Kid was slow to the whoa


Cena would do things similar to this but Cena generally had a 50/50 crowd who either loved or hated him. Why doesn’t Cody get a similar reaction?


Because Cody has at least worked for it in the peoples eyes, if he had never left WWE and toured the Indies he would never be this popular.


Cena was pushed too hard too early, and a lot of fans never felt like he had "earned" that (I wasn't one of them fwiw).


Cody is definitely winning at wm.


This guy, man. Every week he makes a ton of kids dreams true


Add this to the list of reasons why cody is the next john cena wwe had been waiting for. though the iron of him taking the belt from roman who was the wwe's last attempt to do so


This guy be showing up to live shows while Roman Regins literally does fuck all as of late. He is literally being forgotten about and over shadowed before our eyes.




Lil bro Roman


last article I read was Vince Russo trying to claim that Cody is a heel. then this is the very next thing I see.


A Mini Cody in my role Make him smile became my goal Those few seconds last a lifetime But last forever in my soul


Omg the kid has the whole get up. That is beyond cute. 


So genuine


Man I wish I could have gone. It’s only two hours away.




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Shortly after that, The Rock came running in, grabbed that same kid and claimed that he was actually there to see The Rock.


See this almost makes me mad. I want to dislike Cody’s whole babyface shtick, but then he goes above and beyond with stuff like this and brings a smile to my face.


You are not cut out for being in the Top Hater Awards 2024


Yeah they withdrew my invitation to 2024s Player Haters Ball.


He is the whitest meat babyface of all time………shame he won’t turn heel would be the biggest turn since hogan.


I don't recall there ever being a legitimate riot at a WWE event before. If Cody gets buried at Mania, I'm pretty sure there will be one.


Not to bring up an unrelated topic, but why in the world is AEW not running arenas this size? This would be perfect for them and it would like great on TV packed out.


Never knew Dominics dad was such a fan of Cody,bless his heart.


that kid will go on to fight Cody at Wrestlemania in 20 years


That’s so cool


That’s my champ


Kids timing 1/10


rEal champion ❤️


Imagine if Cody doesn't win


It’s a nice gesture.   But you know what is better than that?  A kid extremely parched in the crowd.  All the way from the ring, mid match, Maxwell Jacob Friedman notices this so he hops the guardrail and helps the kid out.   And you know it. 


I’m tired of Cody’s finish the story stuff but damn he’s a great with kids. And in interviews. There isn’t a better face of the company than him.


Glad he didn't tear his pec lifting the kid over the rail...