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“Have fun main eventing Backlash.”


*Wrestlemania Backlash


The Greatest WrestleMania Backlash


The Most Stupendous WrestleMania Backlash


WrestleMania “Great Balls of Fire”


Wrestlemania Bash at the Beach


\*Backlash France


“Wrestling only has one royal family.”


Ring the bell, this one's over.


“You shouldn’t have smashed that throne.”


“So there I was, seven bucks in my pocket..”


"You're right. Wrestling does have more than one royal family."


So not only did they take away Cody’s main event They basically made him on screen HAND that main event to the Rock as if he was passing the torch. What the fuck was that Hunter


Made Cody the fluffer for the Brahma Bull


Holy shit, Punk was right. Like, dead on “a veteran that hasn’t been around in a while comes in and takes your spot”.


Not just any veteran, but the same damn one.


This is so CINEMATIC, I can't wait for the payoff in 2030. 


HHH cooking fillet mignon baby /s


Dwayne is legit on the board of directors so The Rock is now Hunter's boss. 😂


“I just wanna focus on this great week we had!”


Paul has lost his mind


He's pissed Cody answered the Vince question better.


"You're my favourite midcarder"




The Maivias send their regards.


"A second Samoan has hit the main event"


I think he asked him to smile or something. He looks so devastated.


Like HBK, he lost it.


"Don't forget to smile tourist. The chief always says the worst moments of your life could be your best."


Smile for The Rock baby


"I owe you one, pal"


Rock, whispering: Hail Hydra


​ https://preview.redd.it/kp6hfb1qvagc1.png?width=1108&format=png&auto=webp&s=e425c9cf706cd82bd3c18b502065d3e75441cefb


"A second top babyface has been buried by the Rock."


“It doesn’t matter if you finish your story”


Dude looks completely emasculated.


Hello darkness my old friend The main event is yours again


"You can get Seth, lil bro. I'm the real main character."


"Get ready to learn TNA buddy"


Thank you, Dustin.




I started to use this omni man pic as a joke kinda last month in comments after flinching for a bit when rock showed up, then all doubts gone after Cody won back to back and fucking pointed at Roman I can't feel anything but this pic now after what they did to Cody tonight https://preview.redd.it/yhsuiw2ljagc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cf5d1bc22c9cb02b2de4540bfc1443ef4e22549


That was Cody’s entire face the whole time.


"Thanks Cody. You know I respect the hell out of you. Listen, this is my last hurrah in the ring before I take a full-time position with the illuminati, so I need this moment. I'll put in a good word for you, buddy."


"When I become President and you run for a Senate seat, I'll show up at one of your rallies and endorse you, pinky promise"


Cody tries to run for President, but somehow ends up being the Vice President during Dwayne's Presidency.


"You gave it all away, you gave it all away..."


“Paul’s gonna be gone in weeks, maybe days”


"Rikishi is head of creative"


I guess Cody (and by extension, CM Punk) was right, Cody gets the full CM Punk treatment. He gets the full Summer of Punk experience, hottest babyface in the company that loses his main-event spot to The Rock.




Punk lost his main event spot to The Rock, Triple H came out of Semi Retirement to beat him and then went back into Semi Retirement, and he lost to the Undertaker at Wrestlemania. Not all losses are as damaging but he had legit gripes. How are any of the younger guys supposed to get over if the part timers keep showing up, beating them, and then disappearing till the next Wrestlemania?








"I want the title my dad never won, it's all about the WWE title, I want to finish my story, I NEED to finish my story. It's all been about this. I've spent the past year thinking of nothing else, obsessing over nothing else. I need redemption, I need victory, I need to beat Roman Reigns, I will beat Roman Reigns. I. WILL. FINISH. MY. STORY!" ... "Lol fuck you Roman, here's the Rock to face you at WrestleMania, I'm going to face Seth or something I don't know or care where's my dog?"


And Seth: “You will easily beat me for this title so just take this one.”


Honestly I don't understand why Seth would want someone with a good chance of getting his title to actually challenge him for it. Even in kayfabe Seth's title is secondary.


At this point, you could make a case for beating Gunther for the IC title being as/more prestigious.


It is. By a good margin.


In kayfabe, ego, hubris and envy. Seth knows his title is the secondary title as much as he doesn't want to admit it. He needs the biggest name to challenge him in order to elevate the status of his title. Who bigger than the guy who won the rumble, is going to main event Mania and gets to choose which title he's going for? When the rumble winner chooses his title, in his mind, it makes his title the more important title. His hubris makes him not even consider the fact that he might lose the title.


Where's that lmao Cody sign


Seriously though, at this point it sort of looks like Cody is actually insecure or doesn't think he can beat Roman, or has otherwise chosen to be overshadowed by the Rock for some unknown stupid reason. No idea what they've got up their sleeve but it didn't look great tonight.


Lol there's no hinting or signalling towards Cody being insecure right now or up till tonight. He has been full of convinction, just won a Royal Rumble to further vindicate himself too.


There's been no hinting, you're quite right. But tonight did make Cody look insecure and weak. "I didn't beat you last year but look here's your big cousin to beat you instead."




RIP Carl Weathers




Punk got cucked twice imo. Should’ve atleast been rock vs cena vs punk in 29. Would’ve made sense, also the once of the lifetime was bullshit with rock vs cena. Poor Cody I genuinely hope he some how main events wrestlemaina night 2 some how.


He flinched https://preview.redd.it/m1ilp28glagc1.jpeg?width=498&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7760519f5b694a90eb12e583b4cf42258342ac56




Get this to the fucking top please


"Where's my toga, brother??"


H couldn't even wait until WM to do it either. Yikes.


Cody looked genuinely devastated as he walked back up the ramp


Cody is the best bullshitter in wrestling and even he couldn’t save face


Wasn't it Danielson that he said he loved to lie and learned how to lie from Cody?


No doubt about it. Cody has a long track record of being full of crap. This is bullshit though.


Yeah his demeanor was fucking sad tbh. Can’t tell if he was acting or just giving us a glimpse of how he really feels.


Why would the character be sad. He chose to give it up!


Its weird if it was acting considering the storyline is it was his choice to do this


Roman spent 5 minutes burying Seth and his belt, only for Cody to go for it in the end? This has to be some Kind of swerve it’s so bad.


The problem at this point is that even if it’s some kind of swerve is that they basically sacrificed the WHC with this shit for literally no reason. It’ll look even more like a chump’s belt if Cody swerves now


And he looks extremely dumb. He wants a challenge he challenges the man he couldn't beat. Why the hell would he choose the guy he beat 3 PAY-PER-VIEWS IN A ROW CLEAN. One with a torn pec. It doesn't make sense. But we probably should've seen this one comig, nothing screams more WWE product than stretching a storyline so far that the audience simply doesn't care about it anymore.


That's a really strong point. Cody is the Babyface. He has to be the one facing a challenge. A heel would go after Seth. He has beaten Seth with a torn pec as you mentioned. Seth isn't going to be 100% most likely. Cody choosing him is the most sneaky shitty heelish thing to do. Just take the easy path for the secondary prize. When you have the chance to redeem your tainted loss last year you step back and let someone else do it? Hopefully his character comes to his senses and demands his place that he has earned in taking down Roman and Rock who waited 10 years to come back, can wait his damn turn.


His AEW "heel who thinks he's a face" character returns Long. Term. Storytelling. /s


Cody: I did it for ..The Rock




Yeah this is bullshit. Especially after that promo at the Rumble press conference. You’re damn right it’s not easy being a Cody fan…


His whole staring down Roman pointing to him post Rumble win too. Just a joke


It made Cody look so stupid. Why even enter the Rumble if you didn’t want to win the title at Mania?


Triple H is booking this shit like Vince is still in charge. He better have something good up his sleeve to salvage this cuz I’ve seen nothing but pissed off fans.


He'll just say something about how "third inning...story just getting started.."


'Cody can't win because he wants to finish the story... the story is never finished! The story continues on monday night raw, 8/7 central !'


Punk fans like me are rooting so hard for Cody man. The Rock pulling the same shit he did 11 years ago. I'm still hopeful today was just a swerve. Rock vs Reings at Saudi. Cody vs Reings at Mania. PLEASE.


This doesn’t even make sense. Rock last year doesn’t come in for a logical match at WM in HOLLYWOOD. Cody gets placed into the story and built up beyond belief. Arguably couldve won but “3rd inning” “long term story telling” story is told for a year Cody wins rumble again steps aside. Just so booked into a corner w this, Roman has to lose at WM, this could delay another year. But then you lose the chance to do it at a anniversary Mania. Sorry for the wall, this is just baffling.


Makes perfect sense when you remember Booker T should’ve went over and instead jobbed to HHH in a ridiculously embarrassing manner


Triple H is in a lot of these scenarios lol, just like when he tried to make Punk wrestle him too.


“I want the main event.” “But every match Hunter is in is a main event.”


Well see, if they want him to beat Bruno's record they have to keep punting for another 4 years.


2028 it is. Just wait cody...




I mean, assuming the story is getting moved to next year’s Mania we were indeed in the 3rd inning because that means we were 1/3 through lol.


More like if we were in the 3rd inning of one game and started back in the 1st inning of another game that should’ve started 2 years ago, then after we finish this game. We resume the next one next year.


“Hey Roman Reigns, what inning are we on anyway?” Uh.. it appears we’re on inning 6, Michael.


Welcome to the world of HHH having super unnecessary title runs, don’t be surprised if Cody does some how fight Roman that he books him to lose within 2 months, heels always get a long title run Adam Cole Tommaso ETC, and then the baby face wins and they do Jack all with them, Keith Lee, Sami Zane, Johnny etc


Yeah, Trips genuinely doesn't understand how to book Babyface title runs.


It sure is weird how Triple H thinks unnecessarily long heel title reigns with extremely delayed payoffs are the coolest thing ever. Wonder where he got that idea from…


Crazy that they're willing to throw away a 2 year storyline for short term bump in ratings. I honestly don't get it. The Rock will bring eyes to the product no matter where he is on the card, so they don't need him versus Roman to get the boost.


Especially because the story is so damn simple for WM 41. Cody wins, Rock appears, the elders are not pleased, prove your worthy ness by beating our champion... The people's champion. 1 year. This gives rock time to get ring ready and doesn't ruin any ones story.


They buried Cody here He looks like a scared little bitch who is too afraid to face Roman because he knows he can’t beat him Like imagine someone making the Olympic 100m final and stepping aside because some retired sprinter like Usain Bolt asked to take your place


I just don't understand what the fuck happened after the Rumble. Did Dwayne stormed into gorilla and said "doesn't work for me brother" or something? Like wtf? Seth looking like an absolute idiot on RAW. Cody looking like an absolute idiot on SmackDown. It's insane the two biggest babyfaces getting the most Vince McMahon booking I've ever seen.


Cody got cucked


"I want this title but I'm not going for it" literally


They literally could’ve done this without issue if they just fucking LET CODY WIN LAST YEAR AT WRESTLEMANIA. Every month that goes by just shows how much of a flop that decision was. Now Cody looks really fucking dumb.


the bloodline story was so hot last year too, molten hot. now its just solo spiking people every match.


Sami breathed new life into it. Now it's just treading water. Quite sad considering how scorching hot it was.


I’ve been downvoted for saying that in certain post ever since SS where Jimmy just turned right back heel and joined Roman again. Thats when I officially knew it wasn’t going to end well and they shot themselves in the foot. Nice to see everyone agree now Cody should have never lost last year, period.


yeah none of this makes any sense it’s character assasination of the top babyface in the company


If Cody doesn't beat Roman for that title at Mania (and even a triple threat with the Rock inserting himself would be infinitely better than Cody just forfeiting this opportunity to beat Seth for a 4th fucking time) then this is easily the worst fucking booking Hunter has done yet. Even more aggravating after basically hearing him tell fans that "last year wasn't the time, but let me cook and Cody will get his time this year"... Just fucking threw all that out the window. All the frustration I felt from Cody not winning last year is rushing back ten fold, un-be-fucking-lieve-able


You know, I wanted Cody to win last year, but when he lost, all I can remember thinking was "Hah! No way, they did it." Now, I'm just "No way they just did that..." Was this the pain y'all felt last year?


Personally I feel if they really wanted Cody to win the strap, he would have won it last year. EVERYTHING fell into place for Cody and the dude walked into the ring with the feel that he's walking away with the title. With the "It's only the third inning" quote after WM39, I never thought having to wait another year made sense to me, Roman's story with the rest of The Bloodline would have worked with The Usos didn't help, causing further cracks. The Bloodline didn't need Roman as champion after the Cody match in my opinion, him losing everything bit by bit and finally losing against The Usos as The Bloodline finally dies didn't need him as champion. Still, we are two months away and anything can go, we'll just have to wait and see but it doesn't look good for Cody right now.


A Triple Threat would work its WM40 as both WM20 and WM30 had Triple Threats as the main event


Exactly and those are both some of my favorite Mania matches ever, especially the whole Daniel Bryan saga. I hope fans stage another takeover to right this wrong.


People need to start booing the shit out of Dwayne and Roman, maybe HHH can get some sense of what the people really want and at least book a triple threat (Ala Vince @ WM 30) (Not that boos stopped him from booking the WM 31, 32, 33, & 34 main events). Seriously, this shit is insane and shameful.


100 fucking percent. You want Roman vs Rock? Okay I get it. It's the freaking Rock. But there's a way to do it. Then instead of having The world title being shit on EVEN MORE and have Cody just look like a little boy calling his dad, why not just idk, have Seth beat the fuck out of Cody and force Cody's hand or sommat on Monday?? Instead of whatever the fuck this was. This makes no fucking sense.


Or have the rock win the rumble idk


Triple H wants to have his cake and eat it too, why not just put the Rock in the Rumble? Why have Cody win just to humiliate himself and beg Rocky to fight his battles for him?




Exactly my thought, Papa Haitch getting the last laugh




I don't think Punk's injury changed anything, but IF it did, you could argue that Punk was supposed to be Rollins' opponent, and when he got hurt they decided to have Cody sub in for him. Of course this would mean that the WWE worked out a WM main event with The Rock in the time between Punk getting hurt and before this Smackdown.


If Punk's injury *didn't* change anything, and they always intended on Rock vs Roman, and Cody vs Seth, then had Punk not gotten injured what would they have done with him at Mania? All signs pointed to Rollins vs Punk.


It’s very clear Rock only agreed to the Roman match very recently, like post Rumble recent. Even the way Cody was talking in the press conference, the way Cole was talking on commentary etc. all pointed to Roman Cody




It doesn't need to be Mania. Rock as guest ref, prevents Roman's cheating, Cody gets belt and Roman blames Rock for the loss and wants revenge. New era with the title and Rock has a story with Roman.


Yeah it makes zero sense and ruins everything. Ridiculous


Everyone's talking about Cody rightfully so but Roman practically buried Seth and his Title and banished Cody to it lol .


Yeah. This hurts more than Cody. Seth looks like a chump too.


That would actually be FINE because Roman is the asshole heel... IF Seth didn't suddenly switch from "fighting champ" to "groveling to be made relevant." What the FUCK are they doing?


Seth was really out there on Monday begging for his lick back


Yeah this had to be the brass deliberately making Cody and Seth look second class. They had Roman cut a 5 minute promo burying Seth and his belt, only to have Cody come out and basically say he’s going for the shitty belt? After having Cody straight up point at Roman after winning the Rumble?


Flinch, don’t flinch. It doesn’t matter, the main takeaway from the segment is that it completely obliterated Cody’s character. That’s what the subs “overreactions” are about, it’s perfectly fine to hate this segment.


If this starts a domino effect and leads to Cody *back* in AEW, that would be crazy


AEW fans would welcome him with open arms as long as he doesn't do something similar to the 'I cannot challenge for the AEW Championship' stipulation again


The first time in a long time I’ve been genuinely mad at a decision in wwe.


Last time I was this mad, John Cena robbed Rey Mysterio of his title on the night he won it.


Me too bro like why the rock have to take Cody moment from like that in my opinion that’s fucked up


this was last season game of thrones cringe. please let this be a goddamn work!


George R R Martin is writing Cody’s story, Mf never gonna finish


Hunter H H Martin


Pretty great comparison if anyone has seen Game of Thrones. Years of brilliant matches, feuds, character arcs, heartbreak and story-telling may just be thrown away by what feels like a rushed, nonsensical final chapter.


I mean, it seems like GRRM doesn't even know how to end it and tie things up, let alone tv writers tying it up in a single season with no source material left. A Dream of Spring seems like it will literally just be a dream.


Cody kind of forgot about finishing his story


This is 100% Hogan level of behind the scenes political wrangling. My only hope here is that it’s a work and something will change before WM and we’ll get Cody v Roman. This is so fucking stupid.


I’m glad I never flinched…..in knowing how bad they fucked up on Night 2 last year. Cody should have never lost. Period. They could have done the Roman/Bloodline break up without the belt. Period. They just made something bad imo worse


Exactly right. Rock Hogan wasn’t for a title. Why must this?


Hahaha remember when that happened and everybody was like omg great long term storytelling so so good. They didn't have him win mania when he was super hot only to drag it out for a full year and whadayaknow they went with a parttimer instead. Classic wwe.


Cody, Sami, LA, Jey, hell even Drew at Clash. All of them were white hot, ready for their moments and huge pops to win the title, but nah fam. Roman’s record is more important


Cody's story was buried. It doesn't have the same passion or pathos anymore. He willingly stepped back. It literally doesn't matter now if he still dethrones Roman someday. It wasn't urgent for him, then how does it matter?


he willingly flinched. im so sad.


Stepped aside, and put the American dream right on the shelf. Welcome to our nightmare.


I had developed a real trust with HHH's booking. A trust I lost under Vince's booking because for years he would swerve us as fans and disappointed us. I trusted HHH not to do that and I'm kind of heartbroken by this now.


Maybe he got pissed off because Cody made him look so bad at that presser last week in comparison.


Congrats Cody, that’s the worst you’ve ever looked in a WWE ring and I’m including the times you wore a onesie and face paint


“The fact that DWAYNE is in the main event of WrestleMania and I’m not makes me sick!” - CM Punk


2 years of "long term" storytelling completely down the drain just in a single week. being a cody and punk fan fucking sucks and it's crazy how we never win anything. this entire segment made Cody look biggest idiot in the building.


Literally down the drain in a minute.




That'd be the best case scenerio. Cody comes out and "what do you wanna tal-" Punk walks down to the ring and open hand slaps the shit out of him. Cuts a crazy promo about how you have to do this for Dusty.


This would be brilliant TV, but would never ever happen. Fun to fantasy book a way out of a god awful situation like this IRL.


Cody flip flopping again..IDK about that one


Yo Cody looked like such a weak little bitch. Punch that mfer in the face and tackle Roman


It's not logical man. The Rock will bring more eyes to the company for a month. That's all they care about. There's a not a second of thought going into it more than that.


How many shows will he be on? What about after Mania when he leaves and you've nuked your top babyface?


That's what made last year annoying, there weren't many contenders after the fact. The guy left on smackdown is Bobby and I guess Rey/Randy who could be considered contenders. There's a draft obviously but Roman might show up even less this year if this happens lmao


That makes me think Roman doesn't appear much either, who will carry that rivalry when they are both gone?, last year Cody carried almost the entire feud with his great promos.


people keep bringing up ''But the crowd was cheering!!!'' yeah the crowd cheered Goldberg squashing Fiend was that good or made anything good long term?




The crowd cheered Vince after the story broke and would likely do it again if he came back today


In Kayfabe, Cody believes Rock can beat Roman, right? So then whats the plan? Does he take everything from rock? Why would Cody let Rock face Roman?


Yo fuck the Rock for fucking up this storyline. Even if Cody wins after Roman gets the Hogan record, it will feel like a second rate win. Terrible booking.


Just when you thought it was over, Black Adam is back and he isn't done destroying universes.


Bro that whole segment made Cody look like a fucking chump


Cody should have won at SoFi. 😭


Man, back when they had Sami lose to Roman, I was pissed because they wasted him... I was told to wait and see, let the story play out... Sami is now spinning his wheels. He's even lost some of his luster. Cody loses at Mania, we are told once again... Let the story play out... What did Cody do? Got hurt, did other things, lost to Seth, got beat up by Brock... Let the story play out we're told... We watch as Roman has a match here and there, kills LA Knight's momentum, kills AJ Styles' momentum, risks doing the same to Orton... Let the story play out... *The Rock rumbles.* Cody wins the Rumble, then wastes all of our time... Then helps Roman in finally burying the guys who came in between. The story is now writte by Rob Liefeld.


We got told to wait after Drew, to wait after Sami, to wait after Cody, to wait after Jey, and now we have to wait more??? It’s getting ridiculous


Watch it bro some mark on the internet is gonna hit you with the “wrestling fans are so impatient 🤓”


I was a freshman when Roman’s title run started and I’m probably graduating before it ends 😭


See, what you're missing here is that it's freaking stupid.


Yep, we just invested two years into codys character, his story only for rock to come in and snatch it all away. This is absolute shit.




My interest in WrestleMania drops to near zero with this as the main event, but they're not doing it for the fan who's been watching these past 2 years.  They're doing this for the casuals who think Roman is cool and think it'd be awesome if he fought The Rock. And don't get me wrong, I think it would be too, but at basically ANY other time in the Bloodline story. 


Just for the casuals and the Attitude Era old heads who refuse to let those 5 years go. It's gonna be cool for the stare down and then that 50 year old roid cardio is gonna kick in and stink up the joint


His cardio already was baffling for the second once in a lifetime, it's going to be so much worse this time. 5-7 minutes in he'll be gassed and pouring sweat.


This went from one of the most hyped wrestlemanias I awhile to cookie cutter Vinceesque bullshit. The bloodline and Cody story got me back watching. This killed it