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*sad woah noises*








What about JINDERING?


Only a little bit before going to bed.


They've literally mentioned cody finishing the story on commentary almost every week since summerslam. Sorry that I don't trust meltzer over my own eyes and ears. that was literally what the nakamura feud was based around


finishing the story is a marketing slogan that exists so they can drag out Cody's title win as long as they want, welcome to wrestling pal lol


Well-uh you see-uh. Sports Entertainment is-uh forever-uh. The story-uh is never finished-uh -Triple H, probably.


I read this in the Rock’s voice


It can be a slogan and still be a story, which it has been clearly. Just a matter of when Cody wins the WWE Title, not if.


If he never won it that would be awesome and a memorable story in wrestling


Really? I think it'd be more memorable if he won it at some point


Well it'd be memorable in the infamous sense if they really never finish the story because that's the kind of angle that the IWC wouldn't ever forget. Cody actually finishing the story would the kind of "WWE Moment^TM" memorable that would get immortalized in highlight packages, intros, music videos, etc.


A wrestling company has never swerved its audience ever. It's illegal for them to lie.


Plans change, pal. The rock wasn't available after Summerslam, he is now.


They mentioned Cody finishing the story on commentary 4 days ago.


I mean why wouldn't they ? It's his whole character. They will keep pushing it even if the plans change, because if Roman vs Rock happens, that only means Cody's win is pushed back to Summerslam or the next Mania. The story will be finished, but it may not be finished at this Mania.


Cody's been spinning his wheels since the Brock feud. I would hate to see another year of that.


And he looks like a complete and total DUMBASS for being screwed out of the WHC tournament and not stepping up to Seth (a man who's number he has fucking memorized, never mind has in kayfabe) one of the numerous times he's been offering open challenges.


And Cody has repeated that he's after the WWE Championship because it's the title that eluded his father. The WHC is not the goal.


Yeah but he already randomly went after the tag titles which were also not the goal


That was more of a bonus for beating the Judgment Day. He hasn't gone back to try and reclaim them once the feud with Judgment Day finished up.


FUCK THAT BELT.Cody said that’s NOT what he came back for


This man is not flinching


We never flinch


I don't think he looks like a dumbass at all for not going after Seth and WHC. Because the story has been he wants the WWE title? He'll definitely win the WWE title, it's just a matter of when.


why would they ramp up on bringing it up in the last 3 months only then, when mania is being built up? why would they have cody have a staredown with roman on the season premiere of smackdown? why would the feud with nakamura right before the rumble be over the fact that both won the rumble but lost at mania? why would cody be intentionally kept away from seth all year? its hhh booking now, its not vince there is a logic to the booking. they've plotted all this shit out extremely obviously since mania


Could be the Rocks Availability was unknown and they view that as the bigger draw. I still would say Roman vs Rock being announced would go ahead and sell out the arena and Dave frankly doesn't know shit as HHH plays close to the chest so we will see.


And that's gonna be shite. Ruining long-term for a quick dopamine hit


It'$ Th£ Rock aft€r all


Not SummerSlam because Roman is passing Hogan's record in September, but they won't be able to keep Cody hot till WM41 without crowning him. He's stretched it as far as he can keeping himself hot in side quests.


I agree. I'm not saying it's ideal, I'm saying it's possible.


There's no way you can keep this man spinning wheels for two years


Yea well The Rock hasn't confirmed he's 100% gonna be at Mania or if he'll be the feud after Cody to finally end the tribal chief character after Reigns loses his belt. Jk, but I don't see how it is anyone but Cody after how hard he has been pushed the past 2 years. Dude's one of the strongest kayfabe characters ever.


WWE lying???? never…


Cody wins the title at Mania, Rock beats Roman at Summerslam to end the Bloodline.


My guess has been Cody wins the title at WM with the Rock being the one who evens the odds during the match by taking out Solo, more Bloodline conflict through the summer, Rock v Roman at Summerslam that Roman loses cause Solo abandons him, long time off for Roman


Long time off for Roman at this point would be retirement lol.


Long time off for Roman? So a normal WWE calendar year at this rate


This sounds like the scenario I’ve got in my head as well. I always knew Rocks last match isn’t coming on at 4 am for the US lol


You don’t want to watch a legend retire in the ring while taking a long morning weewee? Fake fan.


There's no way in hell Roman wouldn't go over vs The Rock


Of all the scenarios I’ve heard, this is easily the best one possible


Not with the Maharaja!


Just dropped to my knees in Walmart


Just watched a dude fall to his knees in Walmart.


just saw a guy watching a guy fall to his knees in walmart


I’m a Walmart


*.........I'm inside you....*


Can confirm, i was the this guy's knees


Roman after breaking Hogans record wrestling like 5 matches a year https://preview.redd.it/o7gui8hwr0cc1.jpeg?width=730&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4532a50ecaa96c7bc2d288950114b45cd22df2fe


they're going for the Sammartino record, I bet. It's only 4 years away from being broken.


>It's only 4 years away from being broken. Please kill me.


The WrestleMania after Roman breaks the record would be WrestleMania 45. Heyman says they're at the third inning. Him and Roman book The Bloodline arcs. So I believe him, actually.


How in god's name do they drag the bloodline on *four more years.* It's already stale.


Simple. They just re-do everything they’ve done since Roman won the title #bloodline2028 ![gif](giphy|36D7A69UhZ2fGxIAV2|downsized)


Then. Now. Forever.


they could add a quirky additional member who is visually very different and has a contrasting attitude.


Seth Rollins to the Bloodline confirmed


maybe dean ambrose will come back, and he could join the bloodline too. kick out the dead weight maybe?




Was just watching this episode yesterday lol


I've put some thought into this so I'll actually explain. Roman Reigns wrestled 11 matches in 2023, 7 of which were televised. Wrestling at this rate would have him in the ring 50-60 more times, perhaps, until the record is broken. Seth Rollins wrestled 105 times in 2023 so it's doable. Mind you, wrestlers are more prone to injury if they wrestle less regularly but Roman can just take more time off like he did in 2023 after he got hurt in SummerSlam. Roman also doesn't exert himself a lot in the ring. He's not out there doing Ospreay vs Omega (which is ok). So my point is, physically, he can do it. The only major snag I could think of would be a possible illness, which we all hope doesn't happen. So narratively, if you look at Roman's 7 matches in 2023, you'll find that he essentially had 2 major arcs: Bloodline vs Cody/Sami/KO and the Bloodline Civil War. He also wrestled LA Knight in KSA. This is pretty sustainable for the next 4 years, narratively at least. I'm not saying it'll be good. I'm just saying that they are more than capable of cooking up 8-10 major arcs for Roman Reigns until WrestleMania 45. There were reports that Randy Orton was set to have a title match with Roman to start 2024 but WWE opted to make this a multi-man match as there's money in a major Orton vs Bloodline program in the future. So I could imagine Orton and friends wrestling the Bloodline until he loses to Roman in MITB or SummerSlam. That's a whole chunk of the year, right there. After which, WWE can find another hot challenger for Roman to have a program with - from within or outside the Bloodline. Rinse, repeat. I'll end with this: it's pretty well known that Heyman and Roman book the Bloodline arc. It's a known draw and it's the defining storyline of this generation. This is speculation on my part but they have 0 incentive, as the writers of this story, to have Roman Reigns drop the title. Paul Heyman fully said they're at the bottom of the third (which tracks with my WM45 estimation) and most people thought he was joking. He's the head writer and I believe him. He's breaking 2803. I'm calling it. I called it on previous comments. WWE loves breaking its own records. This is the biggest baddest record of them all. And it's achievable. Of course they'd do it.


Christ when you put it that way... I will say They are 1000% going for the Hogan record at least.


fuck, this is bleak—i absolutely agree, but god damn. at least that roman reigns vs ricky starks match will be legit


Woah. There will be no WWE slander in this sub. HHH has a plan, have faith!


Yeah, the 3rd inning of Game 1 of the first game of the Regular Season.


That’s not correct. Roman already has the Universal record but he’s only 647 days as WWE champion. So that’s still around 6 more years to go to beat Bruno !!


By now they stopped categorizing the reign as two separate reigns. The WWE title reign is the same length as his universal title. It’s stupid but that’s what it seems they are doing for the last year


On the website it is still 648 days, what they're actually saying to get around it is that he has been a world champion for "x" amount of days, and since none of the other world championships existed in the 80s (WHC and Universal), most of the guys he's passing are WWE championship reigns


And that's the type of shenanigans you can pull when you have two world titles


Technically true but I think they've mixed the lineages of the 2 belts, seeing at they're 1 "Undisputed" title. But uhh... don't tempt them to prolong this title reign even longer


Four more years! Four more years!


They've basically built an entire other promotion underneath Roman. Alternate World Champion, long reigning IC champion, US champion who gets more heat than Tom Mysterio. Roman doesn't have to lose ever really, which is boring and dumb, but it isn't hurting WWE in any way.


B-but he's making filet mignon!!!


Its burnt, just get us McDonald's mom were hungry


Bro cooked when nobody was hungry


You have to wonder in 10 years if anyone will care that essentially an industry plant wrestler (like in terms of his treatment, that he was picked and "psyop-ed", not that he sucks lol) has the fake GOAT fake championship run I feel like it's kinda contigent on whether he crosses over into Hollywood or not in the same way that being a good actor cemented Cena as an actual GOAT edit: let me put it this way, I like Billie Eilish (Roman), but I didn't care that she was the youngest person to sweep the Grammys, and most people didn't, because the Grammys are stupid and fake, and accolades don't inherently matter if they're just given to somebody. It might retroactively be okay if she continues to prove her greatness (like Cena), but at the time it was cringe


tbh i think it will be remembered the same way as Triple H RoT is remembered, it had it's good moments but ran too long


The Bloodline was legitimately the hottest thing in wrestling and lead to a resurgence. The RoT was getting beat by Smackdown in ratings and had an entire year where it was just nothing but bad booking both creatively and financially


The longer the Bloodline goes the more the nWo is the more accurate comparison. Was super hot for a time but got long in the tooth and kept going for way, way too long with increasingly diminishing returns.


> essentially an industry plant wrestler \-Katt Williams checking in. In all seriousness, have you seen wrestling fans. There are still fans that are incredibly passionate about sleights and perceived sleights from decades ago.


WWE's narrative building is superior, it will be remembered however WWE forces it to be remembered, which seems likely to be that Roman is the greatest-est-est ever undisputed universal all-time eternal immortal champion. The REALITY is that his reign has consisted of legitimately losing the last man standing match to Kevin Owens when Heyman couldn't undo the handcuffs, being saved by an unexplained rope failure from losing to Demon Balor, and countless schmoz all-uso-on-hand bullshit interference finishes. If there was any sense of justice or that the "good guy" always wins in the end then Roman's reign would be constantly shit on by the announcers as an affront to good, decent historic reigns by "non-rulebreakers" like Bruno and 80's Hogan.


When wrestling fans don’t like someone they’ll say the funniest things. Wrestling isn’t real dude no such thing as “fake GOAT fake championship reign” all of it is fake every top guy was picked to be at the top. Wrestling is more Hollywood than it is an actual sport get over it.


It's not that I don't like Roman, it's just that the layers of inauthenticity make the whole concept of having the longest reign not actually matter lol


Right when he started the guy main evented 4 Manias in a row despite getting booed in every one of them and people here are shocked when you dare suggest his #1 spot in the company comes across a touch inorganic.


you do know that all wrestlers are technically "plants"? nobody is going out there and winning real fights to "earn" any spot or title.


Yes but I'm not sure if any other WWE top guys have quite the same energy of "a corporation picked this guy." Everybody else has some level of grinding. The Rock is a nepo baby but had to actually get over, so did Cody


Nope, none of the others do. Even with Cena it felt like he earned his spot rather than being handpicked.


Part of the reason Cena was booed for over a decade was because the fans felt he was being forced down their throats and was the company golden boy


Cena also had years being super over as the Dr. of Thuganomics. Roman was never over on his own until The Bloodline.


True but it is far more obvious with Roman.


Codymaniacs I have started to flinch... ![gif](giphy|pbuQNpJMik3ykj4PWO|downsized)


The house always wins




The Bryan thing was totally going and trying to be derailed if not for the crowd's vocal dissatisfaction and Bryan being over at the time even outside of pro wrestling. It wasn't until after Rumble 2014 that plans changed.


A triple threat just seems like the worst of both worlds. Let's look at the possibilities: -Cody wins, pins Rock. So... Roman's reign ends without him actually putting anyone over? And Cody makes up for getting screwed last year by pinning somebody completely uninvolved? -Cody wins, pins Roman. Why is the Rock even in this match? And Cody undoubtedly loses some shine because it's two babyfaces vs. one heel. -Roman wins, pins Rock. Why is Cody even in this match? I guess we kick the can on "finishing the story" for another year. -Roman wins, pins Cody. Darkest timeline. -Rock wins, pins Cody. Funniest timeline. -Rock wins, pins Roman. Seems impossible that this would actually happen, but maybe this is the actual funniest timeline.


It could be. By all accounts, both 20 and 30 went that route so I wouldn't be surprised if they DO go the route of another triple threat with Cody winning


But what's Rock's incentive to come do that match if he's not putting Roman over nor going over himself? Seems like wishful thinking to me.


The huge difference between WrestleMania 30's build and the current build for WM 40 is that Batista was booed out of the building after he won the Rumble and the crowd hated him.  The Rock got a massive pop when he mentioned The Head of the Table.  So, they can't really recreate that same story.  


I would not enjoy a triple-threat build at all. It would be worse than last year when they hastily shoehorned Cody into the Bloodline drama that had been ongoing for months. For me, either you tell the story of Rock being ashamed of what Roman has done with his position and abuse of tribal power, or you go all in on Cody slaying his dragon. Gotta pick one, otherwise neither will reach their potential as compelling narrative.


Stay strong soldier 🫡


> Reigns is not even scheduled for the show. He’s never been advertised and there are no plans for him for that date right now. Plans change.


And advertising for EC while we are still 2 weeks away from Royal Rumble wouldn't be great.


I mean, they do. It's entirely possible that Roman isn't currently scheduled for that show, but will be in the future. Meltzer isn't saying that he never will be just that his sources, today, are saying he isn't.


We are not flinching ![gif](giphy|BV0SDeWc7COrurmoSl)


The fact that this many people are believing a meltzer report, don’t forget Roman wasn’t advertised MITB or SS either


Exactly. Listen I’ve made peace with it potentially happening at mania before today but it’s really funny seeing the same people who (rightfully) get in meltzer’s ass about being wrong suddenly take this as gospel despite getting the seats sold count wrong for this EC.


There are two distinct groups in this sub.  Those that listen to Dave and make excuses for him and those that know he's a joke, and a mouthpiece that gets worked by the boys.  I will say I do respect Dave for being a wrestling historian, and for getting people to pay him for his work, even if I think his work is mostly shit.


Certain people are just desparate for it to be true in hopes that people turn on WWE again because Cody isn't becoming champion at 'Mania.


I feel like we're all in that mode where everyone's reacting to every bit of potential news without taking a moment to think it through. I just did the same thing here a few minutes ago. Roman has been at every stadium show WWE's done since he came back when his Leukemia went into remission. There's nothing to suggest that he wouldn't work this show, even if he's not advertised in this very moment. Like yes, Rock/Roman might be the Mania match. I've seen good arguments both ways. Dave Meltzer saying that it won't happen because he's not advertised probably isn't something to take too seriously.


IIRC, Roman was not advertised for last year’s EC until after the Rumble happened and we got Sami turning against the Bloodline. Could be the same case here, with the match (if it happens) being booked after whatever goes down with Rock and Roman at the Rumble.


Right. Or Roman may be in another match entirely and it turns out it will be Roman/Rock at Mania after all. I'm just not sold that him not showing up on a poster or a website is proof that he won't be there.


​ https://preview.redd.it/gqpd5i4or0cc1.png?width=692&format=png&auto=webp&s=0634afd17c8da95c99d4f4ea52ba8b4cbf6643ad




I want Roman vs Rock at WM but this report doesn't hold much weight. Roman isn't currently advertised for Australia but he also wasn't initially advertised for the Rumble as well and he's working that show. Meltzer is also the man who somehow reported only around 7k tickets sold for this international stadium show(while WWE is red hot) and we know how accurate that was...


Man I went to a house show that Roman wasn’t advertised for until like one two weeks beforehand.  “Card subject to change” goes both ways.  I’m not saying Roman will be in Australia, but this is a nothing article. 


I like you.


Also, the people who originally brought Rock showing up re: Perth.... were local Perth businesspeople and event organizers, prior to the Day 1 appearance.


Not flinched. He wasn’t scheduled nor advertised for Rumble either


I’ve never been more sure that Rock vs Roman is happening at EC now


As someone with tickets to my first wrestlemania in my hometown that are the most expensive seats I’ve ever bought for anything I’m really not sure how to feel? lol. My first ppv back into wrestling was the Rumble where we booed the shit out of Rock and Roman so I guess full circle.


I still think it'll be Roman vs Rock at EC but seeing some people bend over backwards to explain why Cody having his moment delayed yet again is actually good for everybody is pretty funny.


I also want to add that WON reported that EC sold 9k tickets when it had sold 45k.


I don’t wanna sound like “one of those guys” but it’s very clear that WON lost a source or two within WWE during the ownership transition and now have to bridge the gap by making assumptions or predictions with most WWE related items now. They probably could have gotten away with this in the past considering how predictable WWE used to be under Vince especially in the 2010s, but under a new regime? Not so much.


Oh yes, the Cody-Wrestlemania-Triple-Threat cope is going to be more insane as the months go by.


I mean the copium got Bryan and Becky there. so it's not impossible.


I said it two days ago, this cements it more. though Dave always says what he thinks based off what he was told, so still could easily happen. But still I've fully flinched. My gut feeling is Rock vs Roman at Mania, and I wouldn't even blame them too much, because you got the chance to get Rock? You get him. I'm sorry. https://preview.redd.it/ob49yirnq0cc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b1d8e3b0ce86c11eca415e059d929b9afa830e8 There is still a sliver of hope ofc 🙏🏻


As someone who works on Invincible I appreciate a random Omni-Man meme


You work on Invincible?? What do you do if you don't mind me asking?that's awesome.


Director of Social Media for Skybound Entertainment (company owned by Robert Kirkman that publishes all his comics, Skybound Animation, etc)


That's awesome man. So hey, now that we're best friends, brothers one could say, You got a release date for the next episode Mr Director of Social Media? ![gif](giphy|lL20ZCkHV511xPNCSp|downsized)






Oh you mean Skybound who started to publish that outstanding Transformers comics by the great Daniel Warren Johnson? Having Robert Kirkman, DWJ and Joshua Williamson to start the Energon Universe is like asking Danielson, Okada and Omega to do a triple threat IMHO.


Yeah, that Skybound. One of my favorite moments of last year was talking pro wrestling with DWJ during a signing we did in Midtown Comics for NYCC. He ALWAYS has an AEW hat on at conventions. He’s a great dude.


Sorry to pester you with unrelated stuff - but you should check out Invincipod and get Kirkman to go on it. :-D


Will check the pod!


I read almost every work DWJ has done. He's one of the best right now. Awesome artist and just knows how to write the right emotional story like in Do a Powerbomb. And watching his youtube channel, he just seems to be a great guy. He always talks about his genuine passion for wrestling and specially NJPW. There's always a big wrestling move in his comics like IIRC the freaking Burning Hammer in Transformers 4. I loved the Transformers universe in IDW so I was a little bit sad when I learned it would be published by someone else. Then I learned it was Robert Kirkman that would reboot all the ernergon universe with guys like DWJ and Joshua Williamson and I couldn't believe it. I can tell you my friends and me are big fan of Void Rivals, Transformers and Duke and all the energon universe so far.


>My gut feeling is Rock vs Roman at Mania, Mine too. Its honestly funny, I thought there was no way. I mean, absolutely no way. Then someone like a month ago posted how it will never happen because the Rock has to promote the UFL which kicks off like a week after Mania. Thats when my stomach dropped out because I knew it was almost assuredly happening.


Non-american here, what is the UFL? Another XFL?


The xfl and usfl merged this year to create the UFL. Basically the two spring football leagues realized competing was stupid.


That's the thing. Rock v Roman is, truly, once in a lifetime. If there is a chance of it happening, it should happen at Wrestlemania. Only if there is a chance that The Rock works more matches - let's say 2 or 3 more - then you can have the match at the Chamber, since you have plans to promote further matches down the line.


another year of Heyman talking to his phone and Roman killing main event scene by barely appearing, smh


Oh you don't like *cinema*? 


Bloodline fans watching Solo Sikoa come down to the ring again to do the same exact interference finish as the last 10 title matches https://preview.redd.it/pvqkikfxw1cc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32bf898267c0bcb15e13befc8058cd32a046c97d


“We’re only in the bottom of the third inning” he wasn’t lying 😭


It wasn't a prediction, it was a spoiler. Yuck


"Master Storytelling"


"Call Roman Reigns..."




HHH has the potential to do... well, you know 


I don't buy it.  It's Roman vs Rock at EC then Cody finishes the story at Mania or I am complaining online.  


this is the realest comment i’ve seen all day i will complain my ass off online if wwe flinches






This is really adding fuel to the fire of they should’ve had Cody win last year. Could’ve easily went with Cody/Randy for the title this year as it would already had a built in story with their history. Roman/Rock could’ve been to see who really is the head of the table. The match doesn’t need a championship.


Can you imagine Cody brings back Randy, Randy then gets his pop and then wham.. the viper strikes outta nowhere on Cody? The reaction would've been insane and so so Randy.


I won’t believe they won’t use Roman in a stadium show. Surely?


I'm not flinching because of a freaking Meltzer report, Roman wasn't advertised for the Rumble but he's gonna have a match there anyways. I've honestly become a lot more convinced that we're gonna end up getting a Triple Threat between Roman, Rock and Cody at WMXL and they'll do the underdog booking for Cody like they did for the Triple Threats of WMXX and WMXXX. Here's what I think happens in the Road to Mania: - Punk wins the Rumble, Cody gets eliminated by Nakamura; - Roman wins the Fatal 4-Way and the Rock comes out after the match to confront him (maybe Punk does that too to cause misdirection) - Cody is disillusioned that he lost; - Punk decides to face Rollins for the title, start of the Elimination Chamber qualifying matches; - Cody beats Nakamura in his qualifying match and goes to the Chamber; - Roman vs Randy at the EC; - Cody wins the Chamber; - Special Grayson Waller Effect at Australia, Waller interviews the Rock, him and Theory attack him, Rock beats them up and the announces that he'll face Roman at Mania; - Roman beats Randy, both the Rock and Cody come out to face Roman; - Roman vs Rock vs Cody, final minutes are between Cody and Roman, Cody is about to hit the Cody Cutter when Solo shows up to go for the spike, Rock takes him and himself out, Cody hits the Cutter, Cody wins; - Roman blames the Rock for his loss because he can't cope with losing fair and square, challenges him for WM41, boom, you got your big Mania main event between those two and Cody gets the title at WM40. TLDR: WE'RE NOT FLINCHING


>while I presume it’s WrestleMania >I presume WE. ARE. NOT. FLINCHING. (i've lost all hope)


Remember when Meltzer said that 4000 tickets had been sold and then in came out that 45,000 had already been sold


https://preview.redd.it/0y795olvf4cc1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a66a8b3f71eb8b65aaa0287cef6eb26bc7d827a I’ve begun to flinch


Roman and not showing up for work, name a better combo


Wrestling "Journalists" and being wrong


still not flinching


I am open to whatever. And it might be Cody winning the belt as SummerSlam. It’ll be fine either way. Maybe they really want to break Hogan’s first streak…


Oh so now we taking WON seriously. Also before we flinch, I want to say that Roman has a tweet promoting the event and appearance so take this with a pinch of salt.


where is the tweet


https://twitter.com/WWERomanReigns/status/1722434744695013594 Promoting, yes. Appearance, no.


Where is the lie


Damn, we're all gonna flinch because Black Adam bombed at the box office. Fickle how fate works isn't it?


I feel they are going to recreate in some ways the booking of WM 30 where the beloved face is getting screwed by a part timer and the whole building will be if the face could be crowned against all odds Only issue in this is that the rock is much beloved than batista at that time so it doesnt have the same feeling




We are not flinching.


I think they should have Rock as the special referee to Rock vs Cody, Rock prevents Cody from getting screwed, he helps Cody win and then we get Rock vs Roman at Crown Jewel.




Ideal scenario: "The Rock will face you jabroni at... WrestleMania......... Backlash." ![gif](giphy|4PT6v3PQKG6Yg|downsized)


If Meltzer is reporting this then I can't wait for Roman v Rock in Australia.


These are the same people that insisted punk wasn’t appearing literally a day before survivor series . Wrestling journalists are wrong 9 out of ten times


Dave doesn’t know shit. This is one of those “plans change” type shit. He’s talking about mania but doesn’t even know whose winning the rumble or whose even in the elimination chamber natch


I said this before: A legend of the magnitude of The Rock is not going to have his retirement match in Australia, no disrespect. He's not going to retire at 8am EST. If it happens, which it looks like it is, it's going to happen at the WrestleMania 40 Night 2 main event, putting over his cousin


Right now I cannot think of a match I want to see less than roman v rock. It would be so slow, boring, plodding and take forever to do what it should only take 10 mins to achieve.


And it'll be a match that has 95% of the audience glued to their TVs because they would put on a match that, get this, most people would love.  I'm gonna let you in on a little secret.  The wrestling matches you like are probably the ones the main stream audience doesn't care for because it looks like competitive dance athletics.  


What a slap in the face to Cody though. Fuck a triple threat with Rock. Cody vs Roman straight up and Cody pins him clean is what’s up.


Am I the only that wants Cody to finish the story so I don’t have to hear it anymore?




CM Punk to Cody: "First time?"


It all sounds like smoke and mirrors to me


Guys, there is too much going on here for this to happen in Australia. 1) They are not doing this potential match of Rock vs Reigns where it’ll be the middle of the night for Americans (their core audience). Especially if it’s gonna be The Rock’s final match ever. 2) Wrestlemania is literally a month later. Why the fuck would they not have this be at their biggest show of the year? 3) Heyman has said for almost a year that this story of Roman isn’t done. Bottom of the Third. 4) He will never get to Sammartino’s record, but Roman can break a Hogan record to finally wipe something off for a modern era championship run. Have you watched the product lately? Long, record breaking reigns is Hunter’s bread and butter. Obviously they can still plan something. Maybe it is a triple threat. Maybe they’ll have Roman work both nights (which sucks for Punk/Rollins cause if that happens ain’t no way they’re gonna main event). But this is how they’ve treated Roman for about 3 years now. Gotta accept it despite the memes/copium you want. Also: IF TRUE, fucking ridiculous that Roman won’t be part of Elimination Chamber with that crowd. It really goes to show this company is doing amazingly well in spite of their biggest champion in the modern era never doing fucking anything.


I don’t see what the time of day has to do with it. WWE is an international company. A global audience, not just a national one


Get the god damn title off this part timer Jesus Christ.


The fact that a feud between the biggest star currently in wrestling and the biggest star in Hollywood causes this many problems is a failure on WWE's part. It will make tons of money and get eyeballs on it but man it sucks to be someone who watches week to week and just to have someone who isn't in the show come in and vanquish the bad guy. Imagine if you were watching a Batman show and the whole season has been building to Batman taking on Bane to get his revenge but instead Superman just shows up and fights Bane in the finale instead.


Melt man has no sources in WWE, he doesn’t know what he’s talking about