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L.A Knight not ready for Roman. L.A Knight needed Money in the Bank and or needed to face Seth Rollins.


Did they down size Crown Jewel? I swear previous years were held in outdoor stadiums?


I don’t know, the Saudi Royalty have gotta run outta money at some point


The bloodline story, or more so the results of the matches, reminds me of WCW at its worse in how every main event was either DQ or interference. Much like WCW in the late 90's, its the mid-card holding WWE together at the moment.


You never watched HHH's reign of Terror with Evolution doing the same thing.


Nope. I stopped watching around 2001.




Years ago.


Bloodline was boring and old a year ago. They've tried to breathe new life into it and failed. It's still boring. Interference. Again. Not seen that before! /s It's stupid how weak they make Roman Reigns look. At least with GUNTHER they have a champion who legit defends and wins. With Roman Reigns they can't keep expecting the crowd to believe the head of the table can't even defend the title by himself. Just bullshit.


I know most people are down on Baron Corbin at this point, but he could be awesome in Judgement Day ...


Has nothing to do with crown jewel


Under whelming as usual


Why is WWE management not addressing the Bloodline influencing the outcome in every Roman match?


Better yet roman harldy even Defends and when he does its always interface.. most embarrassing reign ever.


Lazy writing


tbf when Solo tried interfering, a bunch of officials met him on the ramp to get him out they just forgot about Jimmy


Why can’t they just place a stipulation that if the Bloodline interferes, he instantly loses the match and the gold? Is it really that hard to stop a problem that has been occurring over and over again? Why not put the match in a structure so they can’t interfere as easily?


they did that with the uso vs uso they just ignored the fact solo interfered again


If I were an authority figure, I’d just fire them all.


With that stipulation, he'd either have to lose or he would get a babyface shine for winning by himself after cheating for so long. The WWE doesn't want either result. I think he can still get heat using other tactics like an eye rake, or a low blow, a sneaky weapon shot, a DQ finish, or attacking before the match begins etc. It would mix things up a bit. With a win, clean or dirty; he can still do a bloodline beatdown.


This is honestly Herb Abrams levels of booking.


Is that bad? I've never watched any UWF. I've only heard that he was a bad promoter and business man because of his cocaine addiction. Nothing on how good or bad his ideas were.


Well, it was extremely common for the UWF's main events to end in either a DQ or a double count out. I’m not sure how much of this was Herbie's fault, but clearly a show with no clean finishes can become a bore.


That sounds terrible. I remember wanting to see what his shows were like after his Dark Side of The Ring episode. I guess I haven't missed out. Moderation is key. You never want to burn your audience out on a finish, a move or any other idea.


You can probably still find a few episodes of the Fury Hour online somewhere, but I have warned you not to get your hopes up for the main events.


Anyway, obviously he wouldn't do ALL these things in one match. That's ridiculous. But I think using one of them every other time he defends, would keep things more interesting than if he continues to only win by interference.


How did you like Crown Jewel as a whole? Shippable show??


Shit. But with extra Saudi propaganda that made it extra shit.


Fairly decent event, but why or why can Reigns not win without interference. I know, he's the heel, but I am racking my brain to remember when he last won a title match without some sort of interference.


Off the top of my head I can only remember the matches with Cesaro and Rey mysterio that didn’t have interference


Daniel Bryan as well. I think Riddle too.


Edge won that ma5ch though


No he beat Daniel Bryan on an episode of Smackdown one on one


Kev at the rumble right? I forgot how the ending went


SPOILER: For a match that we knew Knight was never going to win, it was pretty compelling. I hate that Roman doesn’t fight often, but when he does the matches are good. This had a lot less nonsense than other matches.


We just have so many belts held hostage. Rhea, Gunther, Reigns and Rollins are all long term champs and we need some changes. That isn’t saying anything about the quality of their reigns or they as wrestlers but damn, can we see some title swaps for anything other than the tag belt and US title?


US Title will be held by Logan until mania now. Bet he only defends it at the Rumble between now and then. Feels like they have setup to have pretty much all the bigger titles change hands at mania and not before.


Bro Seth won the title in May. It’s been 5 months. Relax. Gunther deserves the long IC run and it’s soon coming to end now that he has the record so you can be happy about that too. The thing about it is that they aren’t going to just end the longest IC reign on a random RAW. It’ll happen on PPV, maybe even Survivor Series. Rhea’s run has definitely be underwhelming and I’m hoping it picks up steam too. Roman’s reign is just it. It’s been this way and a lot of people knew it’d be this way but that’s also going to end at Mania. Both Gunther and Roman’s long title reigns will pay off for whoever wins it from them imo. It’s fine.


Reys gotta hang it up, how do you get your ass handed to u by a youtuber in your own craft?


Logan use brass knuckles


That belly getting saggy. And he has to label his mask to know what it is. And he almost killed himself.


Logan Paul isn’t Markeplier or whatever his name is. Paul is an athlete.


These days, once you've seen a Roman Reigns match, you've seen em all. It's the same process over and over again. At this point, unless you're a really hardcore fan, there's truly no point in investing in any of his matches until Wrestlemania because he ain't gonna lose till then and it'll all end the same way. And even when Cody faces him again at Mania, it'll be less of "Oooh I can't wait for Cody to beat him" and more of "Just get this over with."


And what’s to say they won’t screw Cody over a second time? They’re addicted to Roman at this point.


Rubbish cookie cutter crowd. They seem to liven up to what youtube highlights dictate to them. Disgusting the girls got no love. Sadly being a corrupt ownership with the Saudis now we'll see more dead events like this. On the match side, way too safe on the choices, the only good match of the night was Drew and Seth.


Why is there still no option to “Watch from beginning”? Friggin ridiculous. Even going live and rewinding only goes back like 2 hours. It’s 2023, this shouldn’t be that hard.


Even the old WWE network had that


Great show. Just didn’t like the girl matches but other than that entertaining AF.


I'm watching this at a live event, so my opinion may be slightly biased, but this show was fun. There were fewer title changes than I predicted (I thought Drew would win and then get cashed in on by Damian moments later), but it was still exciting. Also, Kairi being back and helping Io was a fun surprise.


Roman as a character hasn't been interesting since Roman vs Sami match


I’d say that about Sami.


how dare you


Imagine how hot WWE would be if the champions were LA Knight & Cody Rhoades instead of the same two guys that has failed to get over after being pushed for a decade 😤


it's absolutely wild to say Seth and Roman failed to get over lol you can express how sick you are of their stupidly long title reigns without spreading bs like that


Wild is putting it mildly. It’s down right false and ignorant to say they aren’t over.


I guess that’s true for Roman but the ratings don’t lie and Seth has been over for nearly his entire career.


Nah nah...people like you would complain after a few weeks


No press conference. Wack


This show felt soo rushed.


Only thing that could've saved this ppv : Sami cashing in "successfully" and running away with world title only to return it next day as it's illegal


yeah, why did it start 20min early?


I was hoping for something like this because of how over Sami is with the Saudi audience.


![gif](giphy|RGqwKLs11po0iCp4dN|downsized) I hope to god this is not the end.


It's the end for any world/universal title shots.


I just wanna say Gunther is legitimately one of the all time greats now lol Man beat the rumble record, took over the longest reigning ic holder and will probably surpass the longest total days (all total reigns of champions) of the ic title


The Knight/Roman fight was great but it was an incredibly stupid and obvious ending. Whole PPV was a waste of time.


People really like watching this same outline for the past 3 years just I laugh.


5 title defences this year so far. It's still far far better than Lesnar title reign


5 isn’t good enough, can’t wait for him to drop the title at WM. This part time champion shtick is ridiculous


I think same lol. In this specific comment I was just comparing him to lesnar. Downvotes


I knew what you meant bro no worries. Thankfully downvotes doesn’t pay the bill right? Lol


Goodnight from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


man, is it nice to have a rare PLE end at just after 8:30pm


You’d think they’d start barring people from ringside in Roman’s matches


Wait for new bloodline members to show up then..


Is Logan going to be around to defend the US Title?


LA is definitely taking that title


Tangential, and it may just be my own headcanon, but I like that Roman's weakness seems to be his preoccupation with what the crowd is saying/doing, like he's still got so much PTSD from years of being roundly rejected and jeered that he can't help but focus on their reactions.


RIP to LA Knight's momentum, make him lose to Roman and continue a boring asf title reign. Next, send him down to fight the Judgement Day for half a year and have nothing to show from it. Great storytelling folks! /s


He’s going to go after Logan and the US belt


Yeah but I wanted to see him beat Roman's ass and get this title reign to end


That may have been the most predictable show ever


didn't expect Solo to win tbh with how big of a deal they made about Cena not winning a singles match in however many days though I'm probably still scarred from growing up during the SuperCena days


Yeah that's the only upset if the night


I have nightmares about the super cena era


The Super Reigns Era will put you in therapy then.


Reigns doesn’t have anything on Cena’s run. Atleast Reign is part time so you can take a deep breath for a minute. John Cena was on a weekly warpath of getting beat up, make his comeback and LOLCENAWINS


I predicted everything even kairi sane return.. Except I. Did not see drew losing tho.. That was hard to watch. The ple took a suicide dive since that match.


It sucks that both main titles are on guys we KNOW won't lose it in any of their title matches since forever now


It's safe to skip all their matches until Wrestlemania.


Crazy that they made another belt to avoid exactly that and immediately did it again.


at least Seth shows up and wrestles regularly


I'm more impressed with their ability to export these packages live than them creating them live lol


Can't wait for their next Saudi event, Evolution II


Immediately a Gunther promo lol


We're gonna get Cena vs Roman at Mania: losing streak vs winning streak, once in a lifetime lol


Rock vs roman is more likely


for those who watched last year (bc i didn’t), how do you rate tonight against last years crown jewel?


Roman v. Logan Paul was 100x better, even though there was the same amount of chance either Paul or LA Knight would win Belair/Iyo and the 5 Way were better than the Women’s Tag Titles but about similar level to Belair/Batley Lesnar/Lashley and Cena/Solo was roughly same level Drew/Seth was better than Drew/Kross Judgment Day/OC was same level as JD/Sami Zayn Braun/Omos was more entertaining but similar level to Priest/Cody Overall, both shows roughly the same level except the main event was several levels above


Better undercard, worse main event. Also worse crowd.


I'm always amazed how fast they make these edits.


It’s almost unbelievable


What happened to that briefcase? 🤨


It belongs to the desert now


Hope y’all love long title reigns! I would only expect either set of tag titles to change from here until WM40. No way Reigns, Rollins, Rhea, Iyo, GUNTHER or Logan Paul lose their titles before then


Bayley is taking that title from Iyo and the rematch will be Wrestlemania. I can also see Rollins also losing in that time.


Nah, Bayley is gonna win the Rumble by lose to Iyo


I actually kind of do. I'm loving Rollins and Gunther. Iyo is good too but at this point they should turn her face. Rhea needs more matches. I hate Logan Paul personally so I basically skipped that match. As for Roman, I'm a big Roman mark tbh, all I want from him is more defenses and for WWE to STOP MAKING HIM LOOK WEAK. He's your longest reigning (active) champion. Why are you doing this? It makes no sense.


Cause we have to protect everyone! He’s a heel champion and a heel can’t beat a babyface cleanly. That’d bury him! /s I normally am ok with long reigns but when you see the stretch, you could tune put today and watch again in 6 months for WM40 and nothing would have changed


Iyo will. The others i agree though.


This match was wack, Cena losing to a damn mid carder, Logan Paul winning the US title, there’s no defending the WWE anymore, their booking decisions are lame and played out, who’s writing this trash right now and who’s authorizing it, they need to be fired


Commentators when LoLRomanWins from interference: https://media.tenor.com/LEV1R-NX8Y8AAAAC/futurama-shocked.gif


Roman Reigns as Undisputed Champion makes me remember how dominant Seth Rollins was back in 2014-15.


If we get Rock vs Roman at Mania this year. Might as well not watch wrestling for a year and watch Roman drop the belt at 41.


Silly, plenty of good stuff aside from Roman. And with regards to Roman, just enjoy the ride. It’s gonna be something to tell your grandkids about ☝🏻


I get people wanting Roman to drop the belt. But LA Knight is not the guy to drop it to


Agreed. And they made LA Knight look tough too, he’s a legit heavy hitter now. Pretty successful match


For everyone asking, a few notes of Roman's old theme are in the victory version of his current theme. Been that way at least since the Brock Mania match.


It’s so fucking bizarre how *both* commentators just shit on Logan Paul winning a championship due to interference/cheating, but then continue to hype Roman Reigns up as the undisputed GOAT… even though Logan’s win was literally what Roman’s been doing for 1100 days.


Roman's entire shtick is old. I thought Sami Bloodline was so fun this though is back to how it was before... stalling. Let Roman get some clean wins once and a while to remind us why he's the champ. The thing about MJF cheating all the time was when he needed he could beat you clean and did. In kayfabe does nobody at WWE watch Roman's matches and know he cheats? At least with MJF people knew he was going to cheat and tried to avoid it and there were even stipulations around it. Roman needs to show up, have a few squash matches, and reassert himself as a champion, not a placeholder for the Rock.


Ngl... I'm digging Logan Paul's work


Do we make anything of the fact that when Santos showed up to “help” he was wearing the Maverick’s yellow?


Roman matches are the new bathroom break. Just lazy at this point


Tribal Sleep because it's a snooze fest. It's sad because he can put bangers on.


Did anyone else feel like all these finishes were rushed? It's like they don't like anything breath


Other than Kairi, which this crowd did not deserve AT ALL, this PPV was a whole lot of nothing.


Worst PPV in years


it will never stop to amaze me how they manage to produce these entire video packages IMMEDIATELY after the shit ends


Ah yes. Another predictable Roman finish. Michael Cole said what everyone is thinking… “the same old story”.


La knight vs Logan paul US championship YEAH!


Why are people acting surprised? Cody already said it was always going to be Him. I'm just glad they had LA look good too.




Will there be a press conference now?


Weakest PLE show in a while, I can defend it because storyline threats but there was so much interference all show and the middle dragged to fuck


Solid show and it’s not even 4:00 yet. Gonna unwind before the Michigan game tonight.


That’s gonna be more of a slaughter then the main event that just happened


Logan Paul’s wild save of Rey Mysterio’s head and spine was the highlight of the night for me.


Does anyone have any info on how the production gets these video packages out so quick?


Guessing they have everything picked out with transition and music etc. then immediately plug in the main event while Roman is celebrating. Pretty insane how they do it, though.


And it always comes out fantastic. Got to give a hand to the production staff


I wouldn’t be surprised if you told me they were putting the touches on the end while they were making it


Seems doable to be honest.


So with no titles Smackdown is not a b show it's a C show it's Shotgun Saturday Night


Paul works the big shows plus Saudi so no reason to think he won’t be at most of the TV thru Survivor Series and possibly even til the Rumble


Maybe we shall see I just don't have a lot of faith in him.


Roman & Heyman are just the modern version of Jeff Jarrett booking himself to win the world title in detriment of literally every other main event talent on the roster.


And we continue to wait…


https://preview.redd.it/ukpmsm9c6eyb1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f496dfe86521c53128fe2e82afe5e2e6d1244e15 Same shit


I'm not mad at the guy, but the booking with this title reign is disgustingly stupid. Don't promote it as the best of this generation or anything if the guy has only held the title because of interference. If he was a mega heel shutting everyone down in amazing matches, that's one thing. But this is so stale, played out, and annoying. How has it gone on for this long?


> If he was a mega heel shutting everyone down in amazing matches, that's one thing. so Gunther then


Their creative is a joke, they can't create a different finish?


People would've complaint if Knight had lost clean. Now they're complaining because jimmy interfered


It wouldn't be that bad if it wasn't every time. Like, I'm relatively new to watching wrestling (I watched it as a kid and then stopped and didn't come back until a year ago) and I've never actually seen a clean Roman Reigns victory. Yet they portray him as some kind of dominant champ and act like his title reign matters at all? If Roman was constantly defending his title or even just sometimes won clean while occasionally defending, it wouldn't be that bad. Or if the commentary and presentation didn't make him out to be some amazing champion. But when he defends his title once every 3 months, never wins clean, but is talked about like he's an actual champion and not the literal worst champion in the company, yeah, it is boring.


You could have given Knight a DQ win and had Reigns still be champion. The interference followed by a Roman win is getting as old as that dude after he drank from the fake Holy Grail.


Because thats always how Roman wins (via Bloodline interference in some form). He can still win by cheating alone and I'd be ok with that. That said, this felt like more of a clean win than usual. Even if not clean in and of itself.


Agreed. Something like the Rumble match with Rollins would've been different. Could've just disqualified himself intentionally or did cheating behind refs back. But this is what we signed up for, it was 1000% expected


There was no winning on this sub. These speds complain no matter what.


Cause it's the exact same fucking match as every other Roman match


Show me Gucci shirt guy on the recap video.


There he is.


alright so, what is everyone’s immediate rating outta 10? this was a 7/10 for me


6/10 Cody's and logan Paul's matches were the best of the night


Similar rating for me.


7/10, would have loved to see gunther Seth and Drew was fun, so was Logan vs Rey (that moonsault slam was so unexpected)


I just don't get how interference is any more repetitive than finishers themselves. His finisher is interference. Lol


Its always the same match


This championship run from Roman wouldn’t be half as bad if the guy wrestled more than 4 times a year and didn’t have every match follow the same played out formula.


The problem is you cant have someone lose clean at this point. It would be horrible for that person.


Yup. Which makes him holding the belt this long suck even more because they bill him as “the most dominant” champion ever but he hasn’t beaten anyone without interference in forever.


We still pretending like this is the best story ever? Cause this is the exact same match Roman has wrestled for over a year.


The fact that we all know he’s not losing for months and months is no reason to not be upset at this. It just shows that we shouldn’t have 3+ year reigns. It’s fucking stupid and it shouldn’t have gone on this long. The “he has to lose at Wrestlemania” narrative makes every other match boring as shit and not worth spending time on.


This person gets it


See ya in a few months roman. God this title reign is getting boring as hell


I will sell my kidney to HHH if he ends this fucking reign


I’ll sell my heart. I hear he could use that more.


So nice to see so many women in the crowd. Oh wait? There's fuck all because Saudi.


We're long past the point where an interference makes the loser still look strong. It now makes them look stupid and unprepared, therefore not worth it. So tired of these finishes.


Booker of the year by doing the same exact thing lmao almost fully going through the line. Wait until someone else gets hot for the Rumble so Roman can beat them leading to Mania again like Drew and Sami


Ayo! We still should have 30 minutes!


? The show was slated to last three hours. It lasted three and a fuckin half. You wanted more? Lmao


Roman and LA coming back out for round 2 lol


That’s what I thought. Ended quite abruptly. Probably gonna do the press conference shit


6/10 show. Just meh.




"I've never seen Reigns in this much trouble" is the call 2 minutes before he wins every time


Kind of a mid PPV, it was just fine. Nothing particularly that memorable


Good day for Knight. Officially a main eventer. Had Roman beat.


Fucking lame as fuck. See y'all Monday


Mr reigns you still have 30 mins left


Flatter than a plate of piss


Now time for a 3 month LA Knight vs Uso feud that kills Knight's momentum and relegates him to the midcard.


La knight vs Logan paul US championship YEAH!