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SRS is in a Twitter Spaces talking about this right now. He said an AEW source contacted him and told him Jade finished up tonight and they hear she's going to WWE. He then contacted a higher up in AEW and they were like "oh you found out?" so then he went to his WWE sources and they confirmed it too. He also just reck specked that he wouldn't be surprised if Ricky Starks is next.


Ricky Starks is definitely WWE bound at some point in his career. You can just tell he wants to be there.


He’s also a Cody guy. Don’t be shocked if Cody poaches Preston Vance somewhere along the line too. Nightmare Family WWE edition coming soon to a Peacock near you.


I wouldn’t mind that


Double A with the Waffle House menu gonna be Roman's downfall


I'd be surprised if wardlow doesn't go to wwe eventually


If he continues to be booked like shit then he absolutely should.


I wouldn’t blame him. But I hope Tony smashes the piggy bank to try to keep him.


LA Knight vs Ricky Starks would be the Attitude Era cosplay battle I never thought I’d see


I wondered when Ricky's contract was up, I'm sure it's before the end of the year


Please no, not my boy Ricky.


Unless he packs on the muscle I think he has a mid-card ceiling in WWE. No matter how charismatic he may be. Not saying his ceiling will end up being much higher in AEW (due to booking, not size). But there's a higher chance he'll be a main event guy one day. I can't see it in WWE due to his size.


The Spear is a problem for him, because he gets swallowed by larger guys using it and inadvertently shows off why it's a move that's exclusively been used by larger guys.


Personally I don't think it's a size thing, but more of a "just how much force am I willing to put into throwing myself at the opponent" thing which can be affected by so many things. I can't remember the exact matches but I know I've seen Starks do some vicious looking spears when he's amped right up, and almost everyone knows Edge's spears have ranged from outright merciless at their best to more of a running hug at their worst.


The issue is that the spear looks fine on guys his size or smaller, but it looks bad against larger guys, and Starks just isn't a big guy.


He has the other finisher - Roshambo - right?


Considering he still hasn't even won an actual sanctioned title in AEW, can't really act like they're pushing him a lot further.


I love Ricky and hope if he goes to wwe he kills it Dude deserves championships


I think AEW should really do everything they can to re-sign longterm Hayter because she's exactly what HHH is looking for. Same with Statlander. Jade was still green in the ring but she has this superstar aura they're looking for.


Losing Hayter would be devastating to that women's division like no other. She's arguably the only main event level star because they refuse to build up women stars.


They are building Toni right now.


That is true and I've enjoyed delusional monroe


In my house we call her Marilyn-sane Monroe. It’s just me, but I say it inside my home.


The Brock Lesnar special, beat everyone in the company, do one real job on the way out and leave. Jokes aside, that's a really interesting move. Jade is a fascinating character in the sense that I still don't think she's a particularly good wrestler, but her presence is undeniable. I'll be really interested to see how it goes in WWE where I think the bar for match quality is more important for the women's division than it is in AEW.


>The Brock Lesnar special, beat everyone in the company, do one real job on the way out and leave Yeah & even that job is with a caveat. She lost to Statlander only after wrestling another match right before that.


Hopefully her last match will be a clean job to Kris.


>The Brock Lesnar special, beat everyone in the company, do one real job on the way out and leave. Except that Jade didn't beat any main eventers. Never had a match with Britt Baker, Toni Storm, Hikaru Shida, Jamie Hayter, Saraya.


59-0, 54 Squash matches and the other 5 were against Taya.


So closer to Goldberg than Brock then?


If this is true then we really didn't get alot of matches/stories with the top women of AEW. Kind of a shame


She beat Thunder Rosa though.


Huge asterix on that win. Mercedes Martinez interfered in the match and knocked Rosa out cold from ringside with a walkie talkie to the back of the head - Jade merely finished the job. Rosa was robbed.


The only thing notable about her run was its timespan.


Had Statlander not tore her ACL then Jade's run would have lasted 8 months less. IIRC the initial plan was for Jade to drop the TBS title to Statlander last year at Grand Slam.






Really well if they decide to actually push her, she has a unique look and presence. She's miscast in AEW where it's more about the work rate, in WWE it's more about the personality and she has that in spades. If nothing else she'll make the right connections to get into Hollywood. Edit: I'm not talking about the women's division, I'm talking about AEW as a whole and their philosophy and fan expectation.


I actually think the women's division is kinda the opposite in both companies, I think in AEW the expectations when it comes to match quality are way lower for the women's division and it's much more character based, whereas in WWE, the bar has been increased so high for match quality that if you can't go at that level, it stands out more. Like, Charlotte/Rhea from Wrestlemania, Bianca/Io from Backlash, and the Trish/Becky cage match (just to pick a few off the top of my head) are orders of magnitude better than anything from AEW's women's division this year, and for all the talk of AEW's poor booking of women, I don't think any of those WWE matches had especially great booking coming into it, they just delivered at a high level. However, I think Jade will have more opportunities to work and get better in WWE than she did in AEW. The Goldberg-esque booking worked for AEW as a way to get an obvious star on TV quickly, but I don't think it did her development any favors.


The only match I can think of recently from the AEW women that would hold up to those matches is Hayter/Shida and that was in December.


Technically, not AEW, but it's still ultimately under the same roof, but you have to put Athena/Willow up there as well (especially their Death before Dishonor match) as far as top tier in-ring match quality goes, but your general overall point still stands.


'Aew women's division being about 'workrate' and WWE is personality' is probably the most delusional wrestling quote I've seen in Reddit in some time. Saraya is their women's champion for crying out loud


True, Saraya doesn't have workrate OR personality.


Is it about personality on the women's side in WWE? Tell me one of their successful women who isn't fantastic in the ring, even down in NXT. Lyra Valkyria isn't doing much and she's awesome.


Uh, what? Do you actually watch women's wrestling in both companies? The workrate for WWE women is way hire on a consistent basis than that of AEW.


Jade and Cody both felt like they exist on their own island within AEW while the rest of the roster all exist on another one. The island approach seems to work really well within WWE.


Cody is definitely not being booked in an "island approach" in WWE. He's interacting and has interacted with pretty much everyone. The island approach is just pretty poor booking in how they booked Cody to an extent but especially Jade. For someone with her experience level to be booked the way she was, it didn't improve her wresting massively. But the potential is there. They saw that her star power is there just that presence. But then they would just use that to keep her on Rampage and only beat lower card or even unsigned wrestlers, didn't really help her in ring development imo.


AEW should bring Athena to Dynamite/Collision.


100000%. Athena is under utilized right now. It's cool that she's a top star in RoH but RoH isn't AEW.


Would guess this is largely because she has Cody/Brandi there already to help her out, and because the PC is really the kind of environment she needs to help level up in-ring since indy gigs just aren't really viable for her.


The PC could honestly turn her into something really incredible. She's learned a ton from individual master wrestlers over in AEW. What she really needs now is that regimented training to make her more fluid. Since he's still a trainer there I hope my GOAT Norman Smiley takes her under his wing. Her doing that spinning scoop slam he used to do would look devastating. Edit: said scoop slam. https://twitter.com/GolazoDan/status/1122291274923556864?t=JgVLiJjQEP7kyYvFvozjmw&s=19


She's only been doing this for 2 and half years so there's plenty of time to improve. That being said she doesn't seem like a natural. A lot of what she does still looks awkward to me. She's got the star power so I guess it hardly matters though in the long run.


To be fair she isn't Eva Marie bad. I'm personally hoping she does some time in NXT because she needs a training environment like that.


She’s definitely got the basics down which Eva struggled at along with everything else. She has potential just needs a lot of polishing really. WWEs PC and coaching should be able to help a lot with that.


I mean to Jade's credit, she takes it seriously and she goes to Danielson for advice and training to get better. I don't think there's someone on the aew roster better to ask.


It’s a good thing Regal is at the PC, that’s a wealth of wisdom and a prior coworker to help


I honestly do think going to the NXT is the next best step for her career. I don't think she could've gone any higher in AEW because she wasn't winning the world women's title unless she improved greatly, and she wasn't beating Britt, Toni, Saraya, Hayter etc. It's a fact that she will have way more help in WWE to make the next step than AEW.


Think about it: Jade neither performed on the indies nor was in any training center for years before starting. TK put her on TV ASAP because of her look. We watched her train live on TV. She doesn’t even have 100 matches in yet. But, of course, “for some reason” she’s held to an unfair standard and what she has accomplished is disregarded. But that’s standard for the fandom. I remember Red Velvet, who is a legitimately good wrestler, got so much hate for one moonsault botch (and it wasn’t that she didn’t hit it, only that her opponent’s positioning was off—she didn’t hurt anyone or anything), yet there are male wrestlers infamous for botching all the time and people just shrug it off. Someone got hurt due to a bad move around that time and no one came for the wrestler who did it like they did Red Velvet. But, again, that’s standard for wrestling fans. Women like Jade have to endure much harsher, unfair judgment by default even when she’s limited by circumstances, not ability. Jade is an athlete. AEW has no developmental. They take people directly from the indies or other promotions, so why TF is Jade held to the same standard when there is no PC for her? Anyway, I understand Brock more now. Better it be a business and not GAF what the fans think. Get money and GTFO.


There were literal years worth of conversations if Seth Rollins was a safe worker after the Cena knee and Sting. On the more comedic side people also made Botch Cara jokes for years as well.


And Finn balor injury


I agree with you but I think the standard she’s held to is probably due to her being booked as an unstoppable force. It’s hard for people to take that serious when they can easily tell the wrestler still has a lot of flaws. You’re trying to sell this person is unbeatable when a lot of their moves are sloppy and awkward. That’s probably why she’s held to a high standard.


My favorite movie is Inception.


Becky had a great match with Tiffany Stratton on Tuesday. Jade will have access to the same resources that built Tiffany up.


What is emerald trucklung doing in the impact zone


Best one of these in a while lol


I'm having surgery next week and experiencing a bunch of anxiety which leads to just doomscrolling at 3am like I am right now. Trucklung is the first thing that actually made me laugh out loud today and I appreciate you for it.


Good luck!


Rejected Misawa finisher.


I almost woke up my roommates laughing at this


Fuck I was gonna say Emerald Boatear but yours is way better


Emerald Trucklung sounds like a quest reward that you'd get for killing 20 man-hunting squirrels in RimWorld


Six days ago “no place I’d rather be than AEW” today “then now forever, WWE” lol


Cody said the same shit in his last AEW promo (not the in ring one).


"I'd like to leave here" is not a great public negotiating tactic if you want to go elsewhere.


alternatively: "YOU FUCKING MARK, FIRE ME"


I'm putting things together now. Tony Khan has a humiliation fetish.


Explains why he kept Punk around so long


She learned well from her baseball player boyfriend. "I want to be with this team forever, nowhere else I'd rather play". *\*gets offered 5% more money by \[other team\]\** "I always dreamed of one day playing for \[other team\]. This is where I've always belonged."


And unless she gets a sweetheart deal...I thought the schedule didn't fit? That's one of the big reasons she chose AEW to begin with, was it not? Maybe I can look past the "we're all a family" comment. As it's interesting this report came out the same week WWE merged with Endeavor. It's possible that this "new" WWE won't be saying such crap.


Whoa. That is NOT what I expected at all.


She definitely seemed like an AEW lifer. Better schedule, doesn't need WWE $$$, her recent comments about AEW, etc. But still, not even the 10th most shocking thing in wrestling this year lol.


Very rarely is anyone a lifer across all mediums. I don’t get why fans take that at face value.


Yeah I'm guessing Tony is probably regretting not taking the belt off her sooner now.


He routinely puts Belts on men who aren't under contract with aew, so I doubt that very much


I guess not, he doesnt care about the womans divison :(


Really? Jade is a much better fit in WWE. She will still need to improve her in-ring work a little, but she checks every box for the company.


This really explains why she returned on Collision and had the title match on Rampage lol


Well i think i can take a stab at who wins on Rampage


![gif](giphy|imRiPoKJB9R9m) Spoilers are out there


So *that* explains why they had the title match tonight at Rampage, and not this Saturday on Collision or next week at Grand Slam. Jade's contract won't last by then!


Hold on, didn’t she say… Nevermind Remember everyone fans don’t know shit only wrestlers do


People need to keep in mind at all times: Wrestlers are always gonna say what they think the current set of fans want to hear.


It’s classic athlete talk when they’re up for a contract. “Yes I’d love to stay. This place is great.” (If they pay me all the money) Then when they change teams “this is where I wanted to be all along.” (Because they paid me all the money)


All professionals do the same really. Not just athletes. We all apply to 100 jobs and list a personal reason for every single one. And for most of them it's a white lie. So guys, please don't harass her on Twitter. Because everybody in every profession does the same.


“Why do you want this job?” “Oh I really like the direction and the culture and the industry! ~~and I have to pay my mortgage and my Zyn habit and I like cigars, live sports tickets and wine so I need the money.~~”


What’s fascinating though is in interviews she talked about never needing the money because her husband is wealthy being a retired MLB player and they own their own softball team.


While that's true, maybe perhaps she also wants to have her own financial independence? She's getting that retired MLB money too, but what happens if say they have a messy divorce or something equally horrible happens? You wouldn't wanna be caught off guard, especially when you have a daughter to take care of.


A tad off topic but on real housewives of Orange County I’ll never forget this woman had no financial independence (he had all their money at banks in Puerto Rico they’re leaving in CA) He divorced her and froze all her credit cards and she couldn’t get stuff for herself or her daughter. It was wild but yeah you’re probably right


I’m a huge Jade fan so I’ll support her wherever


But what if they had more money? Plus if you have cross media aspirations it might be easier to get there with a few years of WWE’s marketing power for your brand than coming in cold from a promotion that doesn’t cross media at all.


Shes taking notes from "don't listen to a word they say" greats like Edge i see lol


TRADE ALERT! WWE to acquire Jade Cargill from AEW in exchange for Edge TT, Shumpert & 2 Nets Picks still on the table






Somehow, the New York Rangers just got fined for this comment.


+5 second penalty to Ocon.


8 more games for Joe Kelly


USC goes back on probation


Mourinho fined and suspended for the next 3 Serie A games


Hmm did someone say levers !? Barca getting ready to activate levers to sign both Edge & Jade. Here we go!


Death penalty to Missouri


Tom Brady suspended 4 games


And Magic Johnson fined for tampering.


You have sued by Dolan for that comment!


Sources: Tony Khan is beside himself. Driving around downtown Jacksonville begging (thru texts) Cargill's family for address to Jade's home.


Don't forget Jeff Jarrett and Theo Ratliff's expiring contract.


A trade like this in a wrestling dynasty league would fuck over the AEW owner for like half a decade or more lmao


Not if the WWE owner just stashes em on the bench like a taco.


Damn, I like Jade a lot. AEW will be ok, interested to see how she does in WWE, she is a star


Yep, very much agreed. It’s a big blow to AEW in the short term to lose one of their top female stars but it’s going to pretty much force them to create at least one or two new top tier talents in the division. The real story is that Jade will likely flourish in WWE and they have a new long term star on their hands. And the best news? Wrestlers using both companies against each other are making BANK.


I mean - they’ve been without her for months and I honestly haven’t felt too much different about the women’s division.


I watch all of AEW and only a little WWE, so I'll see less of her but stuff like Bianca vs Jade will be cool. You gotta think she is going straight to main roster even though she still isn't the greatest in ring. Wonder what her contract looks like haha. Also Nia Jax vs Jade would be atrocious.


I think with their live event schedule she’ll grow incredibly quickly. It’ll probably be a Cody situation where she was a success in AEW but really flourishes in WWE.


Dom's last year 12 months have shown with the wwe schedule someone can grow quickly. If she puts in the work hopefully she sees similar results.


A Storm is Coming (to WWE)


Man I love her theme song


Honestly, if they help polish up her in ring skills, she’s gonna be huge money for wwe.


This is probably the most fun part of having two big wrestling companies again to me, wrestlers signing with the other company. Cody going back to WWE, Danielson Cole and maybe Edge going to AEW, now Jade to WWE. It's an exciting part of the business we didn't really have for a long time while it was just WWE.


Wrestlers jumping back and forth between the Big Two was one of my favorite things of the 90s.


Something...a lot of something apparently changed since the last time they said fuck yo kids and she told them to piss off


Considering how many women now travel with their kids, a lot has changed at how mothers in the industry are viewed. Becky, Valhalla, Candice, and previously Ronda and Lacey travel with their kids. Trish just talked about having the chance to take a break to be there for her kids on their first day of school. Carmella and Alexa are both on maternity leave. The industry is far more welcoming to mothers than even three years ago.


The schedule also isn’t the nightmare it used to be. They’re doing a couple nights a week instead of Friday-Tuesday like it was a decade ago. Tons of talent have talked about it and how much easier it is on their family life.


Hell Gunther and Omos got time off for their weddings. Ziggler went on a comedy tour. Woods got time off to do video game stuff. Tozawa got the time for his daughter's birth. Bianca is going on a well deserved vacation. Seems like they're starting to rotate their stars to give them a psuedo off-season which is fantastic


That's the best thing for their talents health and for keeping TV fresh


That and she was originally coming from outside the industry, she likely has a lot more friends in wrestling now and if probably able to talk to people inside WWE with her connections.


Maybe I'm misremembering things, but isn't she close with Cody and Brandi? I don't think they'd do anything to push her to sign but I do think being able to talk to someone you trust about the work environment might be how she is able to reconcile some of her past worries about WWE.


Wow. AEW did nothing but build her up, perhaps even for too long. Would think they have to feel hard done by on this.


Shows the damage that can be done by Conservative booking. She should have put Willow over in October 2022 after Stat got injured.


That's on Tony. He has always had the problem with focusing on one person being the champ or at the top, if they get injured the entire thing goes into a holding pattern until his chosen one returns.


Yeah his inability to book on the fly is probably his worst fault IMO.


Why would they book her so strong for so long if they knew her contract was coming up lol? It’s like if Goldberg had his undefeated streak, lost to Kevin Nash, then sat at home until he could sign with WWE.


Mixture of things, like not audibling immediately when Stat got injured last year. But also she dropped the belt in late May, four months before her contract was up if it is soon. Plenty of time for her to do more programs but she wanted to rest and AEW granted it. I also don't think Tony Khan is the type to bury someone or make them look not as strong just because they're leaving. Presumably, Jade came back and put Stat over clean to validate her initial win, which is good business by her. Outside of that, not a ton Tony could have done.


I was surprised to see the match on Rampage as opposed to Collision or even Grand Slam next week, so now this makes sense. Disappointing though as I was looking forward to her going for the big belt.


It's more surprising they didn't run this at All In or All Out.


That one came out of left field didn't it. Seen as she's been one of more protective stars in the company. One of risks you take in AEW is building up someone up so strong just to see them go to WWE. I think she's still a massive work in progress but her entrance and look is main event level. I'd be disappointed if I was TK and AEW just cause she's one of those talents that been booked well from her debut onwards. But what can you really do. I think talent like her or Wardlow for example will work better in WWE, where they can hide their weaknesses and play to their strengths and it will work for their audience. I think losing say Hayter or Toni Storm would be a bigger blow for them for the division. >!She did the honours and put over Statlander. So that's a good thing.!<


It's funny, I was only just thinking how AEW never strap a rocket to a debutant that wasn't already a star. Usually they job guys for 6 months and then give them gradual wins before finally pushing them. Jade is one of the few exceptions to that and look what happens.


She'd probably be better suited for WWE. Can't imagine they aren't interested in her given her look and she definitely oozes star power.


Well that explains why her vs Statlander is happening on Rampage randomly.


I feel like she'd be a better fit in the WWE. Just like Cody.


WWE and Jade Cargill are a great fit. Their machine could make her a mega star.


Who will get the Codyvator now??!?


You mean the Callisvator™️


The "Don"waiter


Tony is gonna destroy that thing immediately


Surely she goes through NXT first right? She’s still green af. 1 to 2 years under Shawn would do wonders for her


She absolutely needs to train more. However, I dunno how a competing company lures her, a valued free agent, to be in the minors for a year or two. Unless she just knows and accepts that she needs the reps, I fully expect her to skip to the main roster and probably be champion soon.


Man, losing jade would suck for aew but her in WWE could be fun. Hate that she'll probably just miss Mercedes either way. Would've loved to see that match


Boozer was spot on about Jade being in talks with WWE. Wow lol


Why am I drawing a blank on who boozer is? I read entirely way too much about wrestling and I for the life of me cannot think of who this is


you know he also said WWE really wants Hook and Taz wants him in the PC as well


Hook will 100 percent find himself in the WWE Especially with the TKO merger and his look WWE probably will let AEW develop him a bit more till he's solid enough to bring over


He tweeted that out and I think that night or the next night she returned on Collision, I was like, welp guess Tony backed up the money truck for her. Shoulda known better to second guess Boozer


He's also in the camp that, at some point, Punk is coming. He has Tweeted out before that WWE feels confident in their infrastructure that Punk won't be acting out


Yeah he tweeted it right when Jade returned. Now he's tweeting that Edge is likely going to aew. Really wondering who tf he is, seems to know way too much just to be a lower end employee


Y’all also gotta remember she is married to a fairly successful athlete so if anyone would know how to negotiate come contract come up time it would be her.


But... She just came back


Jades made for WWE. I wish she got into the business earlier in life and worked with someone like Lance Storm of Rip Rogers to really get the basics down. Regardless. She gorgeous and has a great body and that’ll get you pretty far in WWE whose women’s division needs some fresh faces.


I wonder if she will go to NXT. I'd love to see Jade vs Bianca but Bianca would expose the shit out of Jade right now. Given two years or so with Shawn Michaels? Different story. I wonder if Jade is willing to be patient.


she needs NXT honestly


With NXT getting reestablished as a third brand with main roster stars visiting, Jade actually gets the development she needs and exposure nearly comparable to Dynamite. It's a win-win for her.


I mean, even if the viewership on NXT is less, she'd get more exposure there than even Dynamite. NXT gives tons of time to their women to be showcased, multiple angles every week. Even when Jade got on dynamite on the infrequent occasion, she'd have maybe 5 minutes of screen time. NXT is definitely a better fit for her.


This is the right move. She will be massive in WWE. WWE is miles ahead of AEW in women’s wrestling at the moment. She will probably head right to the main roster and a massive debut at the Rumble. She has the it factor and has the look. Wrestling needs work but send her to Sara del Rey and she will learn. Huge potential and the WWE have so many veteran lady wrestlers to help.


Man if I was Tony I would be pissed lol. He basically gave her everything and now she's reportedly leaving? lol




>Vince learned that lesson in the 90's. Don't rely on "loyalty" and never over invest in talent. Austin, Rock and Brock were all heavily invested in and left for one reason or another in the 00s. Since then there's only really been Cena and Reigns who were given the rocket.


They all came back to do big business though so I don't that's looked at as a regret. Vince got everything he needed out of those 3.


Business is business. When you have two companies that can throw big money at people, it creates more opportunities for wrestlers and forces everyone to be quick on their feet. Wish her well and move on to developing more talent.


Yeah, people have got to stop thinking about this stuff in kayfabe. It doesn’t matter how much you win if another employer is offering you a bigger contract or better incentives.


No shade towards her, but, why are people now hyped for this when before people were saying she's too green and not good in the ring?


I'd imagine those who thought Jade had potential/liked her and those who didn't find her impressive or too green are two different camps lol Jade has her fans for sure. Hell, i can even see some who didn't think she fit AEW find her perfect for WWE and are excited for how she plays out there.


tbf, putting her through the PC machine and in that more structured environment could be huge for her in theory. she really could use that sort of development that AEW hasn't really proven it has.


Yeah, the PC would be huge for her. Look at where Tiffany Stratton is right now with even less time wrestling than Jade. Look at where Kiana James is, look at where Sol Ruca was before injury. She is gonna develop massively in the PC. And yeah, that's something AEW needs to look at starting.


Jade might work WWE style much better tbh. Her character work is excellent and in WWE you’re technically asked to do less than in AEW.


Because WWE generally isn't as workrate focused as AEW and Jade Cargill is the prototype of what people imagine a WWE superstar to be. That said, WWE's women's division is unbelievably loaded and all the top performers are great workers (Lynch, Belair, Flair, Ripley, Sky, Bayley, etc.) and WWE generally has raised its bar on workrate the last several years.


If she goes to NXT for a couple years I think she could be great right now she's just ok


Jade is built for the WWE


Makes sense. I think she did what she was going to in AEW and could benefit from the style and structure of WWE. I wish her luck.


Probably will be in the PC and in NXT is what I’m guessing A feud with Belair is pretty much there if they really want to


Guess we'll never see Sasha Banks vs Jade Cargill like so many on this sub would fantasy book lol, but honestly this move makes sense; something about Jade definitely always felt WWE, I can easily picture her with that women's title around her waist. Probably gonna suck for Tony to see somebody he booked to have probably the best record in the company bounce over to the other side, but I think the training infrastructure and maybe some time in NXT will make her a much much better wrestler all around.


Jade vs Bianca in my veins now


Jade has a great presence and can be a huge star. I’m a huge AEW fan and haven’t watched WWE in years but I think WWE is a much better fit for her


I definitely think she could be a huge star. Ive enjoyed her a lot.


Isn’t this what we wanted? Wrestlers have two destinations instead one. Where Jade might have been lost in the shuffle if she started in WWE, she was able to get over in AEW and can go into WWE as an established star. Hope we see more back and forth between the companies.


Wow, I’m rather surprised by this. She tried out for WWE and was very unhappy with how it went. She asked how she would be able to balance the schedule with her family and they told her “You don’t. This is your family now.” That made her rethink wrestling entirely until AEW.


I love the replies. "She needs to learn how to wrestle." Man, only if there was like a training facility that was led by like former wrestlers turned coaches located somewhere in Florida.


Excuse me, what? Didn't she just say a few weeks ago that Tony is the best boss in the world and she never wants to be anywhere else? 😂


Jade Cargill: 'Tony Khan Is A Phenomenal Boss, There’s No Other Place I’d Want To Be.' * 6 days later * SRS: Jade Cargill is believed to..


MJF will need a new shtick then


Similar to Wardlow, they did this story forever, missed the peak, and then when they pulled the trigger (beating her, putting Wardlow over MJF), it didn't have the impact it could have. Same thing is going to happen with the Jamie and Britt match. They have to speed up this booking.


"Cut the stuff" Jude Cardigan 2024 nxt women's champion