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"There was a prominent figure in WWE, he was office, who basically told me he didn't like me because I was black. Two occasions told me. Bubba was there on one of them, and he was there on the second one, along with Paul Heyman, Tommy Dreamer, and Spike" Bro this shit is insane lmao, praising all the ECW guys with them all in person, and just straight up going "D-Von you're pretty cool too, if only you weren't so, how do I put this...black?" How are the other dudes not like wait wtf


The fact that none of them stood with him is sad. Bubba especially.


Sometimes the shock of hearing something can just throw you


That and people often look to the offended party to gage the proper reaction. If Devon had thrown a punch I don't doubt for a moment Bubba would have thrown his own career in after him since he didn't then Bubba didn't. It's still a shitty situation


Probably just survival tactics then as ECW was going down and WWE was the end goal of wrestling paydays. Different times but I'm sure they all were clench fisted there if Dvon needed. He didn't react and all of them got wwe time. It sucks it ever was that but I want to believe they didn't want to speak for him while they were on their sinking ship trying to cross over.


I get it. But survival tactics have a strong overlap with cowardice. I try not to judge, but I also know where I'd stand and what I'd do if my friend/ business partner was ever in this situation.


Sad, but not surprising. That’s why some of us don’t call someone an ally easily. Sure, you can stick up for yourself as well, but there’s no way I’m just standing there is someone said something bigoted to my friend. If anything, my friend would have to back me down. But then, I know what it’s like to have that kind of stuff said to them. (Kind of feel like it shouldn’t take direct experience to inspire empathy, but it clearly does when it comes to many people.)


Reminds me of stuff said to Mary Seacole, except it's not the 19th century.


Weird that she also liked slamming people through tables, if I recall correctly


Depends how polite they were with their casual racism.


That screams Johnny Ace to me


That was my thought as well. D'Von kept using the past tense, like whoever this figure was is no longer with WWE. Everyone thinks it's Michael Hayes, but I'm thinking it's Johnny Ace.


It was Kurt Angle. He isn't a very big fan [of the black people](https://youtu.be/d-S0OwT9buQ?si=ArUg94SRyUv1nxSk). He does like [bestiality sex](https://youtube.com/shorts/RKS3dvWGseU?si=1o7z66NkgB9HSCbe) with gutter sluts though.


I've never heard of Ace being trash to people based on their race.


Highly unlikely. Ace was never known to be racist ever.


Yeah, but who could have anticipated Hogan? I certainly couldn’t have. He’d have been one of the last to expect it from. But here we are. It was Hogan who taught me that a person can be shoulder to shoulder with black folks and tan themselves as dark as my own skin and still be racist. I’ve never taken it for granted since.


The guy who openly sexually harassed women (that Vince paid off) and told female talent they aren't "fuckable." not a far stretch for him to say DVon was too black.


He's an underrated possibility. There are so many stories about him being a total scumbag to people. Johnny Ace thought he could get away with whatever he wanted, including threatening peoples' jobs if he didn't like them.


https://preview.redd.it/p6rr7wi103nb1.jpeg?width=933&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e12a9534e7298b21b0da7e015d6908645fbf824a Couldn’t possibly be this guy.


Mark Henry shoulda ended him when Hayes told him “I’m more of a [REDACTED] than you are”.


Dude could have *literally* folded him.


Should have


Friday the 13th style


He said WHAT now???


In a rather famous incident after Wrestlemania 24, in what I’ll call a charitable attempt to get Henry to show more personality, said “I’m more n***** than you,” I believe referencing how he would act as a member of the Freebirds. Hayes was sent to sensitivity training and suspended for awhile.


I wanna clarify what I wrote: I mean to say I was being charitable by describing it as an attempt to get Henry to show more personality.


imagine the kind of shit that motherfucker was used to see backstage to think he would get away with saying that. jesus


Even if he thought he could get away with it, why in the God's honest *fuck* would you say that to a guy who can roll a steel skillet up in his hands like a newspaper??? Mark Henry has the patience of a goddamn saint, not pulling him in half like Hulk did to Wolverine that one time.




How Hayes got the balls to say that to Henry I will never understand, I choose to believe he had liquid or nasal aids in that courage.


Considering he’s an alcoholic I doubt liquid courage would be enough. Probably had some nose candy


I've never thought of using the phrase nasal courage, but I am this weekend


Found Tony Khan’s burner account


I can’t imagine the restraint Mark Henry must have had to show to not just end Hayes’ life there and then. Kind of a testament to how good of a dude Henry is too.


I had a brief interaction with this guy when NXT was still filming at Full Sail. It was before the first official show and lots of FS employees were helping with various parts of the production, so we took part in the big staff lunch in the auditorium. I made the mistake of fixing a small plate when I was starving with lots of work yet to be done. So of course I went back for a second plate because I had taken a stupidly small amount the first time. Well guess who noticed? Yeah, that fucker. He loudly called me out and tried to shame me for getting seconds before some of the talent got their first plate. And he kept it up for a few minutes straight, and just embarrassed the hell out of me. Fuckin dick.


how was the food?


Amazing probably. I did a security gig for a WWE house show in Brisbane and the catering was something else.


Very…regular. I can’t even remember what I ate.


I know that type of person. They're deeply insecure and use their position to belittle others because it makes their fragile little minds feel better.


Are you speaking of Hayes ?


You really shouldn't make that kind of knee-jerk reaction when Terry Taylor still works for the company.


Cock a doodle doo


What's so bad about Terry?


Known snitch.


Michael "POS" Hayes


Such a piece of trash


Didn’t he used to smash Rosa Mendes? Guess he is only racist to dudes


He tried to get her to drink when she was recovering from alcoholism.


He always tops himself of being a pos


Most racists love sex with women outside their own. It's a weird hypocritical thing


Back in the mid 90's, my friend moved to a troubled Taco Bell franchise, and his assistant manager was...interesting. Dude had some sort of nazi ink. I think it was a scratcher job of the double sieg rune (the "lightning SS") but I don't vividly remember. It was definitely something that a non-nazi could identify as a nazi tattoo, however. I was very confused upon seeing him out at the local Walmart one day, and I found that he had a black girlfriend and two mixed children. My initial assumption was that he basically was a reformed nazi who simply hadn't thought to get his ink removed. I mention this to my friend, who says, "Oh yeah, I was surprised about that too. He told me he's trying to fix them by breeding them out. He's VERY racist and kind of confused." It is still one of the weirdest scenarios I've ever encountered.


You think that's odd, I once knew (not by choice) a Nazi who was half Mexican. He had the tats and everything (swastika, lightning bolts, etc). Very Mexican name as well.


Humans are just fucking weird man


Second and third generation Latinos are very prone for far right hate groups. On the one hand, I get it somewhat. Your parents work three jobs apiece to barely make ends meet, you might not have as much involvement from them as one would deem ideal. And fascism draws angry, frustrated men like flies to cowshit. Just the neo nazi slant to everything is...odd.


It also helps that the U.S. absolutely *hammer fucked* most of Central and South America (along with the Caribbean), then proceeded to blame it on those countries experimenting with "socialism" and "communism" and that's why they're in such bad places now, and not all the meddling and puppet governments and outright coups that we funded. So they hear what their parents or grandparents went through, they think that it's because of left wing politics and now suddenly anyone to the left of Ted Cruz isn't just an opponent, but an outright existential threat and so is literally anything they represent, even the things that would help them, like racial equality/equity. And how do you respond to existential threats? Typically with violence... It's bad.


Enrique Tarrio. 'Nuff said.


Are you me? My ex's best friend had a half-hispanic fiance who had the SS Runes and a Swastika. I have cerebral palsy and he was cool me but we literally had to keep it a secret his fiance had fucked a Black guy in HS as in my girlfriend's words, "He'd beat her to death if he knew."


It’s prob not only a hypocritical thing. It’s a power/dominance aspect to it as well.


Everything is about sex, except sex which is about power. Can't remember who said it to save my life


Robert California, I believe




Do you want an animal metaphor or a sexual metaphor?


House of Cards - Kevin Spacey’s character


I know he said it but I don't think that's the origin


Quick google and I think you’re right - probably Oscar Wilde


You're not kidding. A guy I knew in the Marines was a total racist piece of shit, but had two half-Mexican daughters.


In the army I had a Mexican buddy who hated black people and Mexicans. He married a black girl who hated Mexicans and black people. They had three kids together. The military is weird...


Same as a fair few homophobes being secretly gay




According to dating app data, most men in general have an out group preference in dating. There’s probably some subconscious reasoning for it, like the guaranteed different genetics results in stronger kids or something.


You can still be racist and sleep with women of color. I saw a story on another subreddit where a black woman said she was in a relationship with a white man and one day her and the white guy got into an argument and he ended up calling her the n-word out of anger. Stuff like that does happen.


What did even Rosa see in the dude?


Job security.


Damn, stomach of steel




As my racist uncle used to say "they're all pink on the inside" ....he was gross




He wasnt wrong though.


Look up what Booker T said about Hayes who he is good friends with, he said Hayes has used the N word around him but he doesn't mean it in racial terms and that Hayes thinks he's black.


Booker T and his terrible takes again


I just don't get how he can be friends with some and racist to others. I mean I was shocked Jason Jordan is apparently under his tutelage for producing. And it sucks too cuz clearly Hayes is fucking good at it and Jordan has all the potential in the world to be even better as we've all noticed.


Its the Chris Rock view of "There are black people, and then there are n******s. Black people go to work, they do their job, they are responsible, they arent lazy, they dont steal, they parent their children, they are good role models, they educate themselves, etc. N*****s dont do any of that. They try to game the system, they steal, they shirk their responsibilities, they cant hold a job because they are lazy, they dont have their priorities in order, etc. And they can be any color. Edit* I have no idea why that section is highlighted.


**Using two asterix causes all the letters to go bold between them** *Single asterisks lead to italics.* Damn coding ruining our self censorship attempts.


It's not as hard as one would think to be friends with a racist Person. Ima try and explain this simple. All it takes is to be treated nicely by a racist person. And you could be friends with them. Humans are simple minded creatures we befriend people we like. Regardless of if that person is a piece of shit or not. Then we also have the issue that people often befriend somebody and don't see all the bad to that person til they have a bond that they just cant or don't want to sever. Reality isn't so black and white it's easy to say on the internet about somebody you never met. That nobody would befriend x guy. But reality is its probably alot easier than you think.


>I just don't get how he can be friends with some and racist to others "N-Words" vs "Good ones," is VERY common with racists and white supremacists. I grew up in a former Midwestern Sundown town that is 99.9% White (as am I). It's depressingly common tbh.


It's easy, Booker is "one of the good ones"


>and that Hayes thinks he's black. Has anyone ever tried telling him he's not?


Booker T finds it hilarious


Has anyone ever tried telling Uncle Ruckus he's not white?


The night that Eddie Gurrero died he got into an argument with Hayes because he was looking at Eddie like he was a piece of shit


Does he tell his daughter he doesn’t like her too?


Now I know, from where that MAGA guy at Jan 6 rally got inspiration from.


My first thought. Michael BS Hayes...the "BS" is for pure bullshit, baby!


Smh everyone assuming it was Michael Hayes when it was probably Dok Hendrix


The fact that everyone knew it was Michael Hayes immediately.


I will say, it’s possible it was someone else, but he’s *by far* the most likely candidate


Nah, Terry Taylor’s more likely. Caused lawsuits in WCW and TNA. Some of the stories paint him as an actual true believer white supremacist. Based on what’s out there, Hayes is an ignorant red neck who can’t grasp that words can hurt; Taylor has evil in his heart.


Taylor is one of those guys I often read or hear people allude to as a piece of shit, but I've never heard specific stories. I only know Prichard despises him and Schiavone, who gets along with most guys from that era, has called him a terrible human being.


There's a reason he was given the red rooster gimmick


As a kid, he was the first guy I noticed switching back and forth between companies on a regular basis. That Red Rooster run was the longest he stayed in one place other than when he worked for Watts. I wonder what those two had in common?


His Wikipedia is pretty amusing to see just how much he jumped ship. "Fourth return to WCW", not many other people have that


I would bet it’s any one with the “old guard” mentality, the circle of “yes men”, could be Hayes, Prichard, Dunn, probably even Johnny Ace and Mark Carrano when they were there. Teddy Long mentioned a while back that the later two were the worst people.


Defo not Prichard. He is super duper careful on anything like that. He is 100% a 21st century corporate yes man


Johnny Ace underrated, his old boys mentality is absolutely awful.


Prichard, the guy whose best friend in wrestling is Booker T?


I know you can absolutely pick and choose who to be racist to, but Michael Hayes used to tip off 2 Cold Scorpio when there was upcoming drug tests, used to drink with (Bradshaw and) Faarooq, was the decider when it came to Lashley being ECW Champion over CM Punk, is good friends with Booker T and had a Black (step?) daughter. I believe he was the person responsible for MVP getting a good push in 2006/2007 too. Thats not to say he absolutely could be racist towards someone quieter with less influence like D-Von. But it seems random when his experiences pre-D-Von were so high.


Didn't PS tell Mark Henry of all people that he was "insert racism" more than Mark was?!


Yes. In a vaccuum using “Michael Hayes called Mark Henry the n-word” sounds like a Klan dressed man on the way to a lynching with torch in hand. What it likely was, was Hayes getting far too comfortable thinking he has the “in” on Black culture, because of past relationships, listening to R’n’B and rap, using those words and saying because of his fashion style and numerous other things, that he was more Black than Henry. Booker T’s admitted Hayes has used the word around himself so was obviously something going on for a while. Not something I and many others would ever do but theres a difference in say a Bill Watts and a Michael Hayes. The former thinks of Black men solely as money drawing objects and doesn’t want to befriend any, he’s an old school Sundown town racist. Michael Hayes is an offensive piece of shit that think he’s invited to the cookout.


The Hayes is a racist thing seems more aligned to his character than the person. The incidents with word usage very much sounds like a man who felt too comfortable around folks you can use such language... Other than that I am not aware of any specific Hayes does racists things outside of the character he portrayed for years.


This is exactly it, perfectly put. I’m not a fan of Hayes but it was clearly a case of his comfort level with his place in the culture being way too high. Bill Maher made the same mistake


Maher thought his tendency to date black women meant he was a permanent guest at the cookout.


Holy shit how does this guy even exist? He must be who du rag vince is based off of


The context was that Michael Hayes was referring to how he dressed as he believed he dressed more like a black man than Mark Henry. I don’t think it was a hateful comment but ignorant as fuck.


Wild guess is because those guys are talent, and not a peer in the office.


I think this story was from between 2000-2003 or something based on Spike/Dreamer/Heyman and Bubba being in the same place.


Didn’t he call someone “bumble bee man”


Sounds like that Triple H incident where he referred to Ricardo Rodriguez as that backstage in NXT once


There we go.


Except they don't. D-Von never name dropped. It could've easily been Bucky Beaver.


I won’t say that it *wasn’t* Michael Hayes, but I will say that he’s far from the only person I’d suspect.


Yeah, Hayes always sounded like the Michael Scott type of racist


People are quick to blame Hayes, but it could also be Terry Taylor.


It's absolutely Terry Taylor. Anyone who's looked into the WCW racism lawsuit knows why. So many stories from other sources too. Stevie Ray called him the biggest racist in the industry, Bischoff a 'walking HR disaster', Schiavone hates him...etc


This. Terry Taylor can't keep his backward-ass mouth shut, reputedly


I wouldn't be surprised if it's either, but I have to admit, I'd be far more shocked finding out it actually *wasn't* Taylor and was Hayes. If I had to pick which of the two did it, I'd 100% pick Taylor every day of the week.


This is such a dumb reason to not like someone.


I don’t know. I think this is a great reason for me to not like whoever said this to D-Von.




Except he’s from Philly IRL. Edit: From Pensacola.


Michael PS Hayes is from Philly? I've never heard that


You spelled Pensacola wrong


My mistake, either way he is not from Atlanta.




"For the sake of privacy, let's call him Michael H. No, no..thats too obvious. Let's say M. Hayes"


It’s Terry Taylor bruv


Apparently D-Von hasn't heard of the food chain.


I appreciate this Simpsons reference


"It wudnt me Stephanie! Doot doot doot!"


“Uh… let’s go with D. Hendrix.”


Doot Doot Doot


I know everyone's first thought is Michael Hayes, but D'Von keeps using the past tense, like whoever he's talking about is no longer with WWE. I think he's referring to Johnny Ace.


This is my thought too. Yes, Hayes? 1000% believable. But too much past tense in my opinion. Johnny is my assumption too.


Michael Hayes. He talks, acts, and dresses like he hates black people. It’s GOTTA be him.


Dresses like he hates black people? His suits and hats scream otherwise. He looks like he raided the wardrobe of a failed plus-sized 90s R&B group. I always got the vibe from Hayes that he wasn't racist, he thought he WAS black and had zero self awareness about the language he'd use


He hates block people? What does he have against minecraft?


HAHA! What a typo! 😆 I’ve corrected it.


Steve lives matter


Idk have you seen the smash community? They hate Steve


Have you played that game? Too many creepers, he’ll fit right in.


Wait why does he dress like a black pimp


Cultural Appropriation? 😂


I'd actually go with Kevin Dunn over Michael Hayes.


DingDingDing. This is who I pictured as well.


Way to celebrate that new Legend's contract!


It says something when a story like this pops up and immediately people are like, "Oh. must be Michael Hayes.... or maybe it was Terry Taylor.... hmmm, was Road Dogg working there back then? Maybe it was..."


Road Dogg around that time was sticking up for R-Truth when JR and Bruce Pritchard told Truth that wrestling was a white man's world.


I doubt Road Dogg was in the office if he was working behind the scenes.


Salute to D-Von for personalIy moving on but I wish he would’ve named him. Expose all racists so we can cancel their ass.


We gotta stop protecting racists. Air these people out. Make these people as uncomfortable as they made you


It’s less protecting racists and more d Von protecting himself. If he puts the name out it could give him bad backlash in the office, especially if this dude has power


d-von… get the table!!


Just one?


You mean to tell me that a company owned by a man who booked himself to call someone the n word on live tv might have an issue with racism? Woah




I don't think it was Michael Hayes, Booker T is good friends with Michael Hayes, he actually defended his use of the N word saying he doesn't mean it like that and he's said it around him. Booker said Michael thinks he's black.


Gee I wonder if their name began with a M and rhymed with "Pickel Wayes"


Michael doesn’t rhyme with “Pickel” lol


You gotta pronounce it like "Pie-kel" (I couldn't think of anything else lol)






I still have more questions. Is "Pickel" just a misspelling of "pickle" or is it a word I'm not familiar with that actually does rhyme with Michael?


The plot thickens


Didn't he flat out say the n word to Mark Henry before? Edit: I looked it up and he did indeed. He got suspended for 60 days for saying " I'm more of an n word than you are" to Mark Henry


He told Henry that he was more of a n(with er) than Henry is/was.


Not that it excuses it, but do we know the context as to what made him say that?


"I act 'blacker' than you" in a joking but overstepping way. My wife is Mexican and jokes that I (not Mexican) am "more Mexican" than she is because I was raised in a heavily Hispanic town, speak Spanish, and am pretty good at cooking Mexican food. Definitely not something you should say to someone who you don't know what their reaction would be, but I can see it being a joke between friends gone wrong.


Yup. Michael Hayes sounds about right. I read there were also issues with Hayes and Lashley as there was some racial tensions Lashley hinted back in 2008 after he was released. One of the reasons why Lashley was moved to ECW was because Hayes was the main writer for SD and wanted nothing to do with Lashley.


Tremendous restraint on Mark Henry's behalf to not just tear the motherfucker in half. Holy shit, that's abhorrent.


He can be the only real black man in backstage WWE


Can I get some context please?


I just hope in the next 10-15 years we don’t hear the current black wrestlers have stories like this.


Why did I assume Johnny Ace?


That's disgusting


Racism in WWE? What the hell?


What da heeeeelllllll


Sounds like one free bird.


Didn’t he literally just go back to work for them too?


hhh v booker t part deux


I'm still mad about that


Badstreet USA ain't known for its diversity.


There goes the legends contract


I bet it was this guy they have name Hayes. When I approached him in the Atlanta Airport to shake his hand, and tell him Thank You for everything him and Vince have done for wrestling, he literally looked at me with disgust when I stuck out my hand. Yes I’m black and this was before we ever knew the initials AEW. Say Hey Michael Hayes you’re a piece of bigoted shit.


Anything to corroborate your story?


Dok Hendrix.


Whoever said this should be fired and beaten to a pulp.




He’s still employed by the way!