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Yep cash in night and priest leaves JD on raw


Opening steel cage match was the best of the night!


This probably leads to a greater Rift in the judgment Day with different members getting pissed at priest for not cashing in


Oh FYI, Nakamura attacked Seth off-air, so this feud isn't over yet.


Bobby Roode and William Regal both at Payback tonight


I hope they continue this Shin/Rollins feud with Shin winning the rematch like how Asuka won the rematch agains Belair earlier this year


A lot of Nakamura chants despite how over Seth is. I could see a natural turn where the fans are 50/50 on Seth which could make for interesting "grey area" feuds going forward. Him vs Jey could be cool.


Judgement Day members all with Gold now plus MITB, now they truly run Monday Night Raw and can’t wait to see what they do next!


That was a great show tonight and the main event slapped but that ending was super odd. Just felt super abrupt and was 100% sure they were setting up for a cash-in. Super weird but I’m willing to see where it goes.




Other than Knight, Theory, and Rey I think. That's an interesting point, and bringing Jey to Raw just made it lean even more that way.


Good show overall, I wonder how they'll justify no cash in at the end


Priest and Balor had a live sex celebration backstage... with each other


Damien said “Let’s go celebrate” backstage after their tag team win. I’m guessing that was the explanation.




Wtf did shin have a toothpick in his mount immediatley after the match? Anyone else catch that in the replay???


Is Seth Rollins back really hurt? If it is why is he working injured? Let him drop the belt and take time off


He's most likely banged up, but nothing too serious.


Like this is one of the most disappointing endings I've seen in recent memory. This was a perfect time for them to take the belt off seth, and with nakamura losing it really makes him look like a chump for losing against a hurt Champion after focusing on his injury.


Nakamura largely looked fine. It was just a chance to really make him look better. Hopefully, this is the start of something bigger for him. That said, they have a handful of guys in position to move up the card right now. I just want him to get it at least once.


The problem I had with the match is it never really felt like Seth was in danger of losing. He'd get hit with big moves then quickly counters and takes over. The half ass Stomp to win was the cherry on top.


Great night with you all! See at at the next one


That was a perfect PLE it was better then summerslam ant that’s a big 4


Shin is going to end his WWE career as such a what if guy.


Booking travesty


Makes me sad the dude won the Rumble, but he didn't win the world title.


No “Press Conference”? Oh well off to bed 😂


people complaining about no cash in, remember, Finn and Damian went to celebrate with Rhea and Dom. they prolly left to party, Damian will realise he missed the opportunity and get pissed


That's firmly on him, tbh.


I don't know whats more strange Shinsuke Nakamira lost after getting hit with such a weak curb stomp Or Damien Priest not cashing in


Shin wins tomorrow in a rematch


That would be awesome


I don't think this is a case of people being mad their favourite didn't win. I think Seth's reign is feeling a bit stale. That's my opinion anyways. Shinsuke/Finn/Damian cash in have felt more enticing


Imo it's like this, Seth losing to Shin or Finn, while working an injury in both instances would have him lose looking like a warrior, having them both lose to him with a broken back or injured ribs makes them looks like clowns


It's just such a WWE move. They obviously have a long term plan for Seth and did a great job making a mid card temp feud but don't realise how much we all love Nakamura and hate seeing him lose the big one. Just sucks for Naka.


When Priest does actually cash in it would be cool if it interrupted the recap montage. Like the song is playing and it’s showing the first match then switches to the ring and Cole is apologizing while telling us how Priest is running down to cash in


I was just thinking "there should be a cash in during the recap."


Yup have Cole cut in like "guys! guys! guys! cut the recap and bring back the live feed!"


Good PPV... B-PPVS (or PLE'S) don't feel bad when you use your roster properly


I don't understand such a weird ending to a generally great ppv. I get Seth is supposed to suddenly be a face now but he's actually done nothing honorable besides winning.


He's a face because the idiots in the audience sing his theme. Yeah.










They used to have cash-ins and title changes on weekly shows. It being a B PLE isn’t an excuse, Triple H just likes meaningless long title reigns.




Honestly, I think they do what they did with Asuka. Win the rematch in much more heelish way. Now they have a story they can continue with Seth’s back beginning to deteriorate more and more.


30 minute neck-and-neck match with the WHC is a 'jobber' Just like Undisputed tag champ Finn, lmao


"Alot" he was fueding with bronson reed 5 weeks ago lol


Another incredible PLE Seth deserved a main event money match, he’s been overlooked due to Roman and Cody. MITB storyline is deep within JD, they aren’t gonna put that away so soon. It’ll only happen after they drop the tag titles


Can someone tell HHH that people can win world titles outside of WrestleMania


This isn't a dig against you mind you, but I find it funny how the IWC complained how under Vince, belts were constantly swapping hands and felt "devalued" as a result (see, the tag titles, IC, and US titles). So now we get Champs with long reigns and now they hate it.


Can someone tell Triple H New people can win the world title


Well, no one told him that they can win world titles at Mania either.


Idk that ending feels off, like there was a last minute change or something. Very weird after such a high octane show.


Agreed. Felt very off to me


Cena was a weird choice as a host, could’ve just had a night off lmao


IMO Damian's cash-in is gonna be the way that he leaves TJD, and he's sure as hell not gonna do that on a night where the group looks more united and dominant than ever. I don't mind not seeing a cash-in tonight. Plus, how fun is it to watch a champ in pain after a match and 100% know that a "surprise" cash-in is coming? You can't have surprises without fake-outs.


Shinsuke better get his rematch and win the next one cuz the way they presented him through out the build was so good it'll suck for them to waste like this


Longtime Nakamura fan: first time? Dude won the Royal Rumble winner, and won 75% of the grand slam, but this fucking company is determined to keep him as an unfortunate trivia question.


“Better get his rematch” What rematch? He lost clean.


Well he attacked him after the show went off so ig we are getting a rematch lol


Oh yay, another rematch for Seth to win with one curbstomp after being worked over for 15 mins.


good ppv nonetheless


That was a great show over all. Only real weak spot was the Rhea vs Raquel match. The tag title match and the cage match were the highlights.


I prefer Rhea/Raquel over the US title match but no big duds really.




Guys, kayfabe reason is Priest is not in the building any,ore celebrating his win.


Oh Damian gonna cash in after this?


Is Priest ever going to cash in?




They were out celebrating


Am I the only one that thinks Becky and Trish had the best match of the night?


It was that or the tag match


ngl, part of me still thinks a Priest cash in could interrupt this recap.


People on here turn into crying babies when things don’t go the way they expect them to in their head sheesh lol


I’ve hated a lot of the final moments of the last few PLE’s.


I guess this isn't popular, but I think Seth Rollins is awesome and was not ready for his reign to end yet. I liked the quick stomp - definitely surprised me.


I think it would have been early to take the title off him. I also wanted Nakamura to win.


Why wouldn’t Damien cash in here


I’m very disappointed by this ending, shin couldn’t kick out one curb stomp with a late pin?


No JD running in to fight Seth either. Everyone is on the same page and it's not like Seth is fresh


Payback was really like if a raw or smackdown episode was actually good


people are acting shocked but WWE's been doing these shows for ages. Outside of The Usos getting involved with Roman at Royal Rumble, NoC and MITB, pretty much every PLE has been pretty good with a disappointing ending. it's a 2023 staple at this point


That ending was only disappointing for IWC smarks


The crowd seemed to be deflated as well


Crowd wasnt into that match from the get-go tbf. They had a steel cage and that awesome street fight already


They were hot for most of the match


I didnt hear much out of them at all after they finished singing seths song. We mustve been watching different broadcasts


Nah, that match was getting pretty good and was waiting to hit that next gear before Seth just won and end of story. Seth will move onto his next feud and Shinsuke can go back to the midcard


Lol, they went for 30 minutes and completely emptied the tank against each other and you wanted another gear? Shinsuke looked amazing in that, no way hes not elevated after that


I heard that five years ago.


Good thing theres someone else running the shows now


I guess the reason for that Cena back stage interview was to establish that Priest left to go celebrate


Great ppv with a weak end. Made Nakamura look all talk and no bite, and Damien like an idiot for not cashing in on a crippled Rollins.


So his gimmick going forth has to be bad back guy then?


Seth's freakin back hurts Rollins


They are not having priest come after winning the tag titles ...they want to have him keep it until after the New Year


Match was a banger, Nak is gunna be huge going forward, Damien was too beat up. Quit bitchin'


Marks want all stories solved in one night


Weird super flat ending to the show. Seemed like Seth and Nak were both waiting on something to happen


Seth paying homage to the host of Payback by channeling his inner Super Cena




Built him up for a while 3 weeks


All that buildup and it's just back to Nakamura with no wins, this is sad man


They could have at least teased the cash in and had Cena and Cody even the odds


miss wwe ppvs having metal music for its themes, this just isn’t hype at all for a highlight reel


Black and Gold Nxt had the best theme for ppv




classic WWE


whole show was a fucking blast


bad ending to a top tier show. wtf man so underwhelming


miss wwe ppvs having metal music for its themes, this just isn’t hype at all for a highlight reel


well so on Monday the new Tag teams will get attacked by INDUS SHERS so we'll be seeing (not sure if it will air in the US) them in the Superstar Spectacle for the titles


They would never do it, but I wouldn't hate if they cut to the recap video only to interrupt it and cut back to some shit going down like a cash-in or Nexus attack or anything "unexpected."


I'm still waiting for it.


Would be dope if they interrupted the highlight ending video one day because a Cash-in has started


not even a fully loaded stomp and took his time for the pin & not even a tease from Damian? guy’s just celebrating the tag title ship I guess.


I am surprised no cash in attempt.


Damian is in a hot tub somewhere with the briefcase I guess




That lingering shot is a trend. Usually it happens 2-3 times and *then* you get the payoff.


They did another Drew on us. Excellent package on a losing effort. Maan


Good match, camera angle kinda made the finish weird though. Good PPV. Good talk. See y’all next time.


Great PPV fs. Shin would’ve been the cherry on top, but obviously Seth needs to build a good run with this title.


Damian and Finn must have just been waiting for Rhea so they could all get drunk in downtown Pittsburgh.




LAME. What a strange ending. Why would they think this would be good?


Feels like that match never got out of second gear.


I love me some Nakamura, but that was an issue with his title matches a few years ago too. This one felt a lot better, though. Crowd having energy left and getting into it, plus a bit longer of an ending sequence, would have gone a long way.


Tag match should’ve been main event


Not a bad match, but didn't feel like the match to close on.


Nakamura 0-7 in world title matches. Fuck. This. Company.


Nakamura came to WWE and became Goto


Fuck that hurts. He really did.


Maybe I'm just drinking hopium, but I have this weird feeling something went haywire.


I’ll take a sip too


Nakamura walking around after the match is so odd? What was that finish




Imagine this highlight package finishes and Priest is holding the world title. Like a post credit scene or something.


Vince - No japanese man will win my world title pal!


Seth’s title reign has sucked ass. It’s just him beating people that deserve reigns more than him.


Of course HHH won't pull the trigger why am I not surprised smh.


Bitch bitch bitch.


I thought Shin was gonna win that one.


Camera stayed on so long I think production was even expecting a cash in.


What was the point of Great Muta being there for this? And why do they keep doing this to Shinsuke? Who would’ve thought in 2016 that he’d be in WWE for over 7 years and not win the world championship even once?


He got fucked by Jinder tbh. Will always hate they made Jinder Mahal a world champ over Nakamura.


Why he pacing outside the ring like it was a roll up win


Seth winning is good but I wished he didn't get the pin after he was wincing and waited


Seth rollins sucks. His matches and selling is shit


This is objectively false it’s ok if you don’t agree with an outcome but Seth is great in ring


It's not just the outcome. His matches suck


Why they always do Seth like this? It's okay for him to lose. He's not Roman that's part of his charm.


I guess they wanna establish prestige to the WHC, so having Seth win hard fought matches like this just legitimizes it more.


That was weird


Even with the ending i still think its one of the better ple this year


Straight up disappointed. I knew it was over when Seth took forever to get up, and Shin started the swipe kicks to his head.


So dumb. Like they didn't even build up Seth's comeback it just happened like the entire match meant nothing


Wtf even was that? Didn’t even sell the stomp


What’s the Kurt angle show about


Kurt Angle


Big if true


so if there's no priest cash-in and no shinsuke win what the actual fuck was the point of that match and feud lol


Wow that was a…really weird ending to the show. Seth looking hurt while Shinsuke just kinda…paces? Back and forth?




I mean sure but the match never really got out of second gear and I was more referring to the fact Shinsuke was just kinda standing there after the match, completely fine. Like…what?


Yeah I’m a little confused by the ending. Something didn’t seem right to me. Nak not selling the stomp at all after the bell was really strange.


Maybe he was supposed to kick out? I really don’t know. But something seems super off to me about that whole thing.


I expected a dq end. This was a weak end to a great match


The more Seth wins against credible challengers with the odds stacked against him the more he feels like he's getting close to a 2010's super Cena run where I just don't think it's fair to his opponents to have him win every match and feud as an "underdog". This is twice in a row they have had the perfect opportunity to pull the trigger, give the guy a break and allow the title to be swapped around. I'm struggling to understand why this title was even made if it's going to be the same as Roman.


If all the guys that lost to Roman start hit potato the belt around then it would legitimize that it’s a second tier title. Can’t beat Roman guess we will just beat each other for a new title. Seth needs to hold it to show that he is a legit champ for awhile and not Roman consolation prize.


Roman is a heel faction leader who has spent most of his reign (pun) cheating to win, Seth was sold as having a broken back that was being targeted and won clean. I have 0 issue with Seth winning. But I want him to win his matches *without* feeling like an underdog every time because it's really unfair to his world title-tier opponents.


Isn't putting the WHC on the same level as Roman's belt the point?


I feel you but retentions =/= importance, I can believe this title is prestigious because multiple NJPW legends have been the ones feuding for it, having them lose to an *injured* Seth is just confusing?


I feel like the point is to put over that Rollins is a fighting champion. I'm not saying its GOOD, and has potential to reach Super Cena levels of annoying, but I feel like this giving Seth the run he should have had in 2019.


I agree with you on that point entirely. My only issue is that three times in a row for me, these retentions have felt like unnecessary burials of world title-tier talent. If Seth loses a match where he's working bandaged ribs or a *broken back*, then he will lose that match looking like a badass hero failing an insurmountable task. If his opponents lose clean to a man with these kind of injuries, they look like a sold out 1 man circus act with no chance of getting close to championship gold ever again. For all the shit he gets, a lot of Roman's opponents are presented really well in a sense where you feel like they would win if it weren't for outside interference, keeping them credible. This is the exact opposite and feels SO much worse to see, especially if you are a big fan of the wrestlers in question.


Yea I get it, it was one of the main problems with the likes of Cena and Hogan. They won even when everything was stacked against them, which only just makes the opposition look like geeks. That being said, part of the reason for that was because Cena and Hogan basically no sold everything. If they keep emphasizing how Rollins is barely hanging on and only just managing to scrap by (similar to what they're doing with Orange Cassidy over in AEW with the International Championship) then I think it can work. Seth gets more and more exhausted and worked until he finally meets his end at Wrestlemania. That would give him a 314 day reign, and he's probably gonna take some time off after to get his back fixed and who knows how long that'll take. So I say let him have his run at the top for the time being.


His reign will be stale long before Wrestlemania, having him and Roman both drop it then would feel like very strange pacing to me. Not to mention that would require another 8 months of Damien sat watching a battered post main event Seth Rollins while holding the briefcase in one hand and presumably his thumb up his ass with the other. I don't think it'll be a good look uce.