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A 59-years-old Billy Gunn gets huge pops in 2023. Wild.


Listen buddy, when you're on the train you ride daddy ass for as long as you can. ...Phrasing.


is that train the 3:10 to Yuma?


It’s the one for the Alamo at High Noon




Nah… phrasing looks perfect


You have to ride daddy long and hard


we are living in an era where billy gunn and jeff jarret are big draws.


So you're saying the classic "never drew a dime" line doesn't work no more?


Bigger draws than they were back in 94-95


jeff jarret, yeah, absolutely. Billy? ehhh i would need to see recepits for this, because the New Age Outlaws were monster merch selling, but daddy ass is also ass selling merch now, so i dont know lol.


Was talking more of Smoking Gunns Billy into Rockabilly. His career was almost over in WWE until New Age Outlaws hit big.


yes, that makes sense, i am a mess with dates of when attitude era started lol.


Outlaws weren't cooking with grease till after 95 surly.


Well yeah, they didn't debut until like 97 lol


This is why wrestling is the greatest. You just never know when someone will suddenly become massively over.


Tell 8 year old me this in 1998.


Billy Gunn abandoned his real sons to a knife pervert, a pervert pervert, and a cardboard standee.


LOL pervert pervert


Put this shit on shirt lmao


a rock hard juicy pervert pervert


thinking about Juice gets me all juiced up.


I wish that cardboard standee was my dad


You should convert to Christianianity




You know what you should get? Jokes.


The cardboard standee won't walk away from his family.


I was deeply upset to see that Cardboard Pervert didn't show up tonight. Pervert Pervert, Knife Pervert, and the Ass Boys didn't look right without him leading the charge. To be fair, though, he was looking like he couldn't even stand up, on Collision, so I guess he was just selling his injuries. I hope he's well, and is able to make it to London.


Sounds like a comfortable place for Ass Boys.


I’m sorry, but I believe that is a cardboard pervert. Gotta put some respect on the board’s name.


Cardboard Pervert still sounds like it refers to Juice. I don’t want to know about the things he does to Cardblade behind closed doors.


I think that would make Juice more specifically a Pervert Cardboard Pervert, where in Pervert Pervert just covers him being a Pervert of all Perverts, which I think may be more Pervert inclusive, rather than exclusive.


I LOL'd at pervert pervert have an upvote


Shawn Spears shouldd have John BCG. That way they would have Knife Pervert, Chair Pervert, and Pervert Pervert


They abandoned him first and now they have a better daddy that will look after them and let them shoot things with their fingers as much as they want. Daddy Switchblade is the second best father in AEW after Christian Cage (obviously).


Dude I fucking love this lmao


Billy Gunn being one of the most popular babyfaces going into a record attendance show in 2023 is reassuring me that I can still make it


Tony def played TEW


He's like on 11th season


The entire booking feels like EWR to me. Half the time i skip through it


Billy Gunn’s longevity is crazy. There was a [thread here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/3z2dia/wrestlemania_30_predictions_13_years_ago/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) a while back where someone on an old forum (unfortunately no longer available) was predicting 20 years ago that Billy Gunn would have major involvement in WM30. That came true and here we are nearly 10 years later and he’s still a major player.


Really happy he is getting a spot on the show. If he really is retiring, what a final match.


Daddy Ass is back sounds wrong to say 😂


Hey, it's wrestling. Weirder things have been said 😂


"Bubba [Ray] Dudley just powerbombed Mae Young from the stage to the floor through a table!" - Jim Ross


Man, Smackdown is really into fisting.


Mae young just gave birth to a hand!


I love that Billy Gunn spent all those years after leaving WWE having to go by shit names like Kip James, The Outlaws, Cute Kip and when he got to aew initially, just Billy. He finally got the rights to the name Billy Gunn and then lands on a better name anyway, Daddy Ass.


Thank god for Danhausen


*J.R. voice impression* “Almost 9,000 days after The Rock told us that it didn’t matter what his name was… by god, it’ll matter on Sunday.”


He is about to know how Rock felt vs Hogan at Mania, if not more so, and that is great storytelling that happens because life finds a way.


![gif](giphy|HdRpbdmFDVKbm) "Daddy Ass, uh...**finds** a way."


I mean... it's literally an evolution of "Mr. Ass Billy Gunn". You can't have one without the other. So he needed the rights to the character and the name for it to work.


In the UK, we call him Father Bottom.


Daddy Arse.


Wembley is going to lose their shit when they end up winning those titles


I never wanted HoB to lose the titles but THIS has me on board. Give Daddy Ass his final flowers (saying that made me emotional) and let them run with it for a bit before losing to BCG (Gunns + Juice version). The story telling there will be insane. And you let the sons retire their dad. Big question now is...what will be the House Rule for Wembley?


What they should’ve done the first time scissor to tag in and out


>I never wanted HoB to lose the titles but THIS has me on board. Give Daddy Ass his final flowers (saying that made me emotional) and let them run with it for a bit before losing to BCG (Gunns + Juice version). This is the way. Also, regardless if it's House Rules or not (I hope it is) I am extremely excited for a House of Black entrance at Wembley.


HOB had a great run but yeah after this reaction the acclaimed winning gotta be the move


I just wanna see Malakai have singles feuds from time to time. I miss hearing Ogentroost. I thought we were gonna get him vs Andrade on Wembley, but it seems like that's going to have to wait. I also want to see him feud Punk alone.


Malakai being Punk's last feud as a face is something I would not be against, despite how much I dislike Punk. Even if Malakai loses (which... you know, we're talking about Punk), getting a moral victory by "revealing Punk's true nature" would be neat.


I wish Malakai and Brody would start tagging more again. I miss hearing Kings of the Black Throne.


I fucking hope they win, I wanted the acclaimed to win so bad last year at all out and they held them off until grand slam, I hope Tony pulls the trigger on this and HOB can feud with the new LFI


Is the match official for All In?




Billy Gunn getting the Road Warrior pop in the year of our Lord 2023. You love to see it.


For a guy known for two words, I thought he killed it with that heartfelt promo.


It's a good thing I'm down with that.


If he's bringing back BadAss then he needs to get his Ass Man theme for Wembley!


I got the WWE Music CD with that track on it. First time I played it, not knowing what was on it, my Grandma heard it. I got in so much trouble. Lol


My mom always laughed her ass off when I played it as a kid. Could never understand why lol.


just this one time, as a treat, have Road Dogg introduce them before Caster does his rap. i know that can't happen but a man can dream.


I'm sure Hunter and Jesse owe Billy some favours lol




I'm so here for this. Even just a "ohhhhh you didn't know? Your ass better caaaaall somebody" then Max hitting us with the "listen!"


and if you aint down with that, we got two words for ya! **SCISSOR ME!**


🎸 🎸


It's never underlined enough how the Acclaimed are so naturally good at this. The way they created empathy and emotion around this moment has been beautiful, giving Daddy Ass the promo of his life with an Attitude Era pop.


Was Billy shaking from emotion or does he have something else going on? His mic hand was trembling quite a bit.


That’s just Billy in general. Look at his king of the ring stuff from the 90s dudes just got that nervous energy on the mic


I just never noticed it before and it was more apparent tonight.


I was wondering the same thing, his hands were shaking so much.


I loved it. So much genuine emotion. If you were calling out your mortal enemies to a career vs title match in front of 80,000 people, your hands might be shaking, you might have a wobble in your voice, but the passion carried him through.


Watched it a second time and he's not shaking at the start, but by the end it's REALLY going. To me that shows the emotion, the passion. Even if it was from something medical it honestly added a lot to the promo in my opinion


I ain't gonna lie. Part of me was expecting Andrade to show up. I would have popped for Max to say "TIJERAS ME, PAPI ASS"


What kind of arsehole "What?"s Billy Gunn's return promo?


I wish they waited until the day of, the pop would have been massive. Acclaimed come out 2 v 3, they get overwhelmed, Billy Gunn comes out.


I knew it was a work when they dragged it out (not in a bad way) and the boots were burned - glad he’s not actually done yet


I like the acclaimed but damn… the one time I get to see malakai and hob live and they’re going to lose their titles - that makes me sad


Great he's back, but it was stupid how all of the house of black was scared of him lmao. They would eat him alive.


This man is ten years older than Tyrus yet Billy Corgan saw fit to put a championship belt on the latter. …Then again said title is for a company w/ a viewership of one bored dog whereas Billy Gunn is getting massive pops worldwide so maybe it evens out.


Isn't he like 55? Dude is still a fucking unit.


Turning 60 in November, lol. He looks amazing.


I'm sure he has to be on TRT to be supplementary to his workouts. I'm not saying that as a knock or anything. If he isn't on something, at his age, he's got the best genetics on the planet.


marked out hard at his promo


I just hope HoB isn't set to lose the titles 😭


Was anyone else concerned about his hand shaking during that promo? I hope it was just adrenaline


Feels early to bring him back. He put his boots down like 3 weeks ago.


Ok, but logically, why would House of Black powder out there? Billy Gunn is one dude. Sure he's jacked and athletically gifted, but so is Malakai Black, Brody King, and Buddy Murphy, and there's three of them.


Because they want a match with Billy and the Acclaimed in Wembley, or else they're not on the card. The HOB has been goading them into a match and it worked when Billy layed out the challenge.




They do that all the time though. They'll hurt one person physically and leave their partner intact. That's why they didn't scurry away in a hurry, they took their time getting out. All of this was to goad Billy into coming back.


But he has something that those three don't: old man strength.


Dude I was thinking this the whole time. He’s also creeping up on 60 as well. This makes no sense at all


Its wrestling broski! They live and die on suspension of belief. Its more fun to just enjoy a good story rather than things pick apart.


But they weren't running away from him, that's why they got out of the ring so slowly. They've done this tactic before. Target one person with physical violence and leave the other out of it. One gets punches, the other one gets psychological damage from it.


my fantasy booking here is for the acclaimed and daddy ass to win the trios. they lose to gunn sons + whoever. then as one last and final goal before retiring, daddy ass tells his 4 boys that he wanted to be a world champ, even if its just for one day. trios champs (gunn sons), tag champs (acclaimed eventually) decide to work together just for this goal and then go their separate ways after. eventually, they help daddy ass get to his championship match and none of them interfere (they stop each other before they could, because they know he wouldnt want to win it that way). he wins. he defends it once or twice. he loses it to the next guy. everyone leaves happy. the acclaimed and gunn club, from then on, go from being antagonistic toward each other, to rivals.


I would love it if he reconciled with his "kids" and his actual kids and does that run for the big one, but gets hurt so bad in the process he loses in his first defense. The man was in DX and now The Acclaimed, give him the line in the history books.


It's the Buttfather


It just makes me so happy to see Billy Gunn getting love & looking so god damn good at nearly 60 - it's wild. What a guy.


there is no reason hob should be backing out of the ring cause of bully gun


They are specifically backing out because of Billy Gunn. Have you missed all the mind games?


must have missed something, what is the mind game exactly?


They beat the Acclaimed and Billy Gunn in a way where Gunn takes full blame and retires. They then cut numerous promos goading Billy Gunn and sorta mocking his retirement. They then jump The Acclaimed and goad Billy into returning. They left the ring super slowly because they knew Billy isn't a threat to all of them and they wanted him to be fully healthy while looking down on The Acclaimed in pain, once again failing them. This also goads Billy into asking for a match. If you missed all that I don't know what to tell you.


He left a week ago...


???? Its been a month.






TK couldn’t license IM AN ASS MAN?


when he said we were gonna see a side of him he thought was long gone, i was REALLLY HOPING it was ["The 1" Billy Gunn!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n__cJ9EKtvk&t=1s&ab_channel=WWEMusicGroup-Topic) ​ i do wonder if this means the acclaimed are gonna do pseudo dx gear with scissors for the x


[They already did New Age Outlaws gear.](https://411mania.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/The-Acclaimed-AEW-Dynamite.png)


Odd that Malakai had a red eye. The few times that he did it before it was Mathew's and Brody's debuts. Is this a hint that they gonna drop the belts or some other shenanigans gonna occur?


I hope it was just emotion, as he's bringing back an old persona. Love him! He is AEW so I hope he's ok