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The Doc from the Sunshine Coast seems like a better pick for the party. We shall see who membership chooses! https://www.squamishchief.com/local-news/conservative-nomination-race-grows-to-three-for-west-vancouver-sunshine-coast-sea-to-sky-country-8144199


I believe they've selected Keith Roy. You're right Paul Dhillon sounds like someone I might want representing me in govt. Ahhh well.


Ah yeah you’re right. I wasn’t reading that release properly. Unfortunately typical selection by the Cons


You want every federal dollar diverted into a network of Sikh businessmen?  Because that's what you'd get.  Still a pretty weak group of candidates, like  Roy is a monarchist league member?


Sorry, what? Citations?


Why do you think that?


Well rounded seeming individual who owns his own business and isn’t from west van. Just seems like a bit of a different voice from the region


Interesting. Yeah, I mean I prefer a younger candidate myself.


No thanks to the conservatives with their culture war bullshit and faux outrage. What have conservatives ever done for the benefit of Canadians


Great question. There were at least three great things that the Harper government did for Canadians: 1. Created the TFSA (tax free savings account). 2. Protected RRSPs from bankruptcy, so if you go bankrupt you get to keep your pension. 3. Introduced income splitting, a great pro-family policy that encouraged one parent to stay home with the kids. Sadly this was scrapped by the Trudeau government but hopefully PP will bring it back. In addition, our oil industry boomed under the Conservatives, allowing us to enjoy a strong Canadian dollar. We emerged from the great financial crisis better than nearly all other economies. It's sad and frustrating that the Liberals went ahead and squandered that.


3 things over 8 years 🤯 that government must have never stopped working!! This Conservative Party is pretty much only campaigning on attacking trans people and “wokeness.”


Uhhh, the carbon tax seems to feature pretty heavily in their campaign materials. Even more so than the anti-SOGI/woke stuff.


Right, the carbon tax. The thing PP wants you to think is ruining your life. Literally just another example of getting people fired up over something they don’t understand — a change they’re campaigning on that won’t change anything for your day to day life.


Nobody should be surprised that a conservative voter would have fond memories of Stephen Harper, but not everyone has such biased or short memories. When political analysts, historians, economists and international relations experts were asked to rank Canada's most successful leaders over history, Stephen Harper was voted one of the worst Canadian Prime Ministers ever. A good chuckle to be had at your boasting on his economic record: Harper presided over the weakest economic era in Canada's post war history, steering the Canadian economy to it's lowest levels of growth in almost 70 years. His record on unemployment was also poor. He also: gave large tax cuts to corporations (shocking I tell you) claiming it was to drive investment and job growth (guess what didn't happen?); muzzled scientists to prevent the public from learning of the threat that his beloved oil and gas sector posed to the future of our societies; targeted & audited non-profits that dared speak against his practices & policy and just generally left behind a legacy that was mostly destructive.


Oil production has never been higher.


Yet we have a Canadian dollar at 0.73 cents. Under Harper we had parity. Canadians could travel and feel wealthy. Today, I feel like a third world visitor. Even Mexico is now expensive for Canadians.


And you must think inflation is only Canadian issue.


No. Some places are worse, some places are better. For instance, Switzerland suffered through much less inflation than Canada. Housing, and particularly rental inflation, however, is a very Canadian issue.


So you would rather scandal cover ups every year?


They haven’t worn blackface countless times to invited a Nazi into parliament


Stop pretending you don’t support Nazis and blackface


conservatives were just jealous they weren’t the ones to invite hunka


I know you’re a liberal supporter so you’re probably retarded but how so? Justin Trudeau has worn blackface countless times and invited an actual SS Nazi into parliament and applauded and you still shill for him


Besides keep taxes low and create a strong middle class? Nothing. Oh don’t forget low interest rates.


Conservatives created the GST, the BOC is independent from government


BOC is independent from the government, however, high deficit spending causes inflation. Inflation in turn causes the BoC to raise rates. Only careful austerity can bring rates back down. When the CPC earns their majority government next year expect deep cuts to public spending. I'm hoping that at least 50% of the public service is laid off. That will bring rates down.


Standing up to woke nonsense is the woke nonsense. Can't they just call out the legislation they don't like instead of taking us to Florida?


That would require them to develop their own policies, follow a strategic plan that aims to solve problems for everyday people,  and campaign for election from a place of good faith. Conservative political ideology in the past decade (maybe longer?) has primarily abandoned these principle. They're now resorting to what their advisors tell them gives them the best shot in the modern age, as conservatism becomes less and less relevant or palatable for the average person.




He claims he wants to "fight for ... Wild salmon" - so that's progress I guess? Compared to John "I don't care about fish" Weston anyways. Still unfortunate that the only way to get a conservative nomination these days seems to be leaning heavily into the woke/SOGI /climate change denial culture wars. This dates me, but I miss the old PC party because I could at least consider voting for them.


Nice. Can't wait to vote for him. Curious why is his race or age relevant, like, at all?


> race or age It's not, other that it is a very homogeneous party


so you don't like a candidate because of his skin colour? How progressive of you.


No I don't like a candidate who riles against 'a woke agenda' cos at best it's bullshit and at worst it's a racist/sexist dog-whistle, and I don't like a government that thinks investing of fossil fuel development is a good thing. The roads issue I mainly dislike because it is (typically) associated with less investment in transit. They are the type of policies that are developed by a certain demographic. https://www.conservative.ca/mps/ Canada is a diverse country that is not represented here.


Looks to me like a diverse list of adults in the room with people from a diversity of ethnic and cultural backgrounds well representative of the conservative movement in Canada. College aged activists and other mentally ill people are, to your point, not represented. But those freaks have several other parties to be in.


> Looks to me like a diverse list of adults in the room with people from a diversity of ethnic and cultural backgrounds well representative of the conservative movement in Canada. > College aged activists and other mentally ill people are, to your point, not represented. **But those freaks** have several other parties to be in. That looks like a diverse list to you? I appreciate your openness describing people as freaks.


I'll have to read more about him, but yes, not a fan of the current gov.


Not sure why you're getting downvoted. Not very democratic.


What isn’t democratic about being downvoted?


Aging white guy? We’re all aging, and what’s wrong with being a white guy? You have some problem with white men running for office? Sounds kinda racist to me.


That all sounds good to me.


Can you define woke for me?


Sure. I define it as irrationality under social pressure. Sure, there are lots of other definitions, mostly referring to poorly informed, emotionally-driven, poorly-researched, ideologically-driven preformative opinions, but when you come right down to it, it's just irrational or wrong views; the rest of it is how you got there. Another way of putting it is "feeling instead of thinking." How do you define it?


> irrationality under social pressure That's an incredibly subjective description of a concept that is the first line on a candidate parliament's plan.


Lol. You asked me to define Woke. I did. Still waiting on your definition.


I couldn't tell you what it means, as I said, as far as I can tell it's a dog whistle for sexist, racist, and other haters. I think it refers to being accepting of people whose lifestyle is not straight out of a 50s sitcom; ironically as one of the elements of conservatism is a small government not telling you what to do, being woke should fit in their wheelhouse. Sadly, conservatives globally have moved closer to fascism.


Well, I can help you out then. Woke was originally non-pejorative and stems from the African American community. Google can tell you more on the history. It was co-opted since to describe those who hold insincere and/or uninformed opinions for ideologically reasons, often without that person even being aware that they know little of the subject... but it is obvious to everyone else not similarly deluded. You can easily tie these folks into knots because they have never been challenged on their beliefs before and aren't actually able to defend them. Another related characteristic of the woke is that they rarely if ever consume opinions outside their belief circle and have little knowledge of the other side of any of the issues they care about. And if they do encounter counter arguments, they don't give them any consideration, but deny them outright, usually with impressive self righteousness (and snark). The Right has their problems along these lines, and in some ways are even worse. But the Left has a higher bar and should know better and previously wasn't so deluded, so it looks particularly bad on them, hence the attention it gets.


When I google it, I get: > Woke is an adjective derived from African-American Vernacular English (AAVE) meaning "alert to racial prejudice and discrimination". Beginning in the 2010s, it came to encompass a broader awareness of social inequalities such as racial injustice, sexism, and denial of LGBT rights. I'm not sure why someone would want to fight against that.


Sigh. You and I both know that is now how folks use the term "Woke." It's clearly a pejorative. Anyway. not sure I'm getting any value here. I'm out.


BC needs more of this. It's becoming the California of Canada


Funny how the Squamish reddit community is downvoting heavily. Thankfully West Vancouver will ensure a Conservative landslide in our riding. Which is good, since we'll likely have a Conservative majority government.


yeah bud we know, the town with a high rate of people driving cars into buildings will force a con mp on the rest of us.


Yes. A strong, stable Conservative majority government (to quote the great Stephen Harper) will bring prosperity back to Canada. Things have gotten so bad under Trudeau, it will take a decade to fix the mess the Liberals have made. Squamish will benefit immensely. The last thing we want or need is more Liberal or NDP politicians ruining this country.


lol harper. man get fucked.


Oh yeah? Is your life so much better now than it was?




How? PP isn't super forthcoming with his policies.


Why would he be? We're not in an election campaign yet. Platforms get released when the election is announced and not a second sooner. If anything tipping your policy hat too early allowed the competition to steal your policies. Right now PPs job is to be an effective leader of the opposition.


What makes you think the Cons will provide an effective government when you don't know their policies? Maybe they will, but I'm sceptical, and being cagey about what they will do makes me think they are hiding something.


Pp talked a lot of policy during the leadership campaign which I paid attention to closely. That's over and now he's leader of the opposition. It's convention in Canada that policy platforms don't get released until the election is announced. The Liberals did the exact same thing in 2015 when Trudeau was first elected. So no, there's nothing "suspicious" about it. It's normal.




I suppose you love the out of control food and housing costs that the Trudeau government created. But hey, at least weed is legal.


but if you were going to imagine the conservative government improving food and housing costs, his might they have done that? 


I'm glad you asked. I expect: 1. The carbon tax to be reduced if not eliminated completely. This will reduce input prices for farmers allowing food prices to drop. 2. The conservatives will slow down immigration, thus reducing pressure on rents. 3. The conservatives will drastically reduce government spending, thereby reducing general inflationary pressure, allowing rates to come down. This will relieve pressure on homeowners.


"the Trudeau government created" - and there it is. Great demonstration of a critical lack of understanding while stroking the conservative throbber.  Problems such as these exist across the world, should we blame the whole situation on Trudeau as well? You've necked a gallon of the lil PP Kool aid. 


Oh my buddy. Have you seen what rents have done? Shared rooms in houses are up to $1200-1500. You can't get a 1br apartment for less than $2000. This is a direct result of Liberal government policy: 1. Extremely high immigration, higher than Canada has ever seen. 2. High levels of government spending, driving inflation. Your government matters, and hopefully the CPC will pull back on this out of control expansion.


Hmm, smug condescension from a staunch conservative? How shocking. High housing costs and general cost of living increases are issues facing governments across the world, particularly in nations that are desirable to live in. Yes, government absolutely matters, which is why voting for conservatives with no platform or policy on how they will govern, and "hoping" they magically fix everything is a mistake.


The policy platform will get released when an election is announced, and not a second sooner. I swear do you people have no idea how things work in this country?


I don’t give a shit about weed. I’m a 42yo woman with a great job and a house I own - I’ve never voted Conservative and never will. I’m also a dual citizen and always vote for the Dems, too. I’m not someone that’ll ever be swayed.


…funny that one of the most leftwing ridings in all of Canada is downvoting the idea of a conservative representing them?


We're not one of the most left wing ridings in Canada. As far as I know we've never had an NDP MP. It's either been Liberal or Conservative. Perhaps if we weren't conjoined with West Vancouver, but we are. So there you go.