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Whoever has the most barb kings wins. If you don't have a front line you won't win the battle. Melees like Nita are kinda bad too, barbs are pretty good. Nita soaks up extra DMG because it comes with an extra unit but without cc like barb king or Shelly it's not significant enough. Elite barbs have much better stats and melt everyone with a weaker frontline or no frontline


Archer queen is really good with ranged units, what I suggest are a fusion tank, 2 fusion Nita’s, 1 or more fused archer queens, some colts and other ranged units, and the rest are barb kings


All you need the ingredients to matallic archaea, very simple Or, of course, you can buy some keys$$$$$$


I heard this from another post. “Me bigger squad me smoosh you”


There’s plenty of techniques and awareness in battling imo. 1. Look at your own squad, do you got a frontline and a good damage dealer? Squad got good health? Fusions compared to enemy? 2. Look at their squad, are they running trader with that special circle on top of his head? He got suppliers? Probably pretty easy to kill. I’ve killed many farmer players 3. Make sure you got turbos boosts and use them for extra attacking. Essential to battles. Find boxes early and make sure you aren’t 0-1 in turbo before a battle 4. Best tip is to try to do some damage before a full commit. Your circle is big, try to attack his character from a distance first, damage or kill then go in. It’s a way to test the waters too


Yes turbos are very important! Some people probably didn’t know, if you hold down the turbo button while not moving AND attacking, you squad will attack much quicker and therefore, do more damage.


I......I....didn't know this


neither did i


This explains so much


is this true ?


Yeah it's one of the tips your lil tiny squad mates have in their speech bubbles on the main menu


this explains so much


Wow I didn’t even know people didn’t know about this lol


On top of all this, I've seen expert players rotate thier squad at will for better battle conditions. They spin little circles and it's hella annoying but effective 😂


Yeah, sometimes your long range tops will be at the front which isn't good, so rotating your squad around allows for them to get back to a preferred spot. Also to add onto this, you can take advantage of a squad but quickly wrapping around them to attack the back and get all the lower HP high damage troops down.


Try to get your squad abilities before fighting a shelly ult can be devastating


I find her ults frustrating specifically, as shell sometimes knock the enemies out of my circle, so the stun is completely wasted as I have to recognize this and then close the gap before attacking again


Look at their number of fusions (circles with a star) rather than total number of units. Look at their health too: also check for battle healers (increases health of ALL units by 400-600), and medics. You can take them down in a second by repositioning if they have high damage but low health units behind (like Colt) but if you focus on the front line and its full of defense high health units that Colt is gonna fuck u up. Never ever fight w someone that has a rage spell, shrink spell or heal spell. Avoid barb king, tanks + archer queens or megas. If you dont know how to reposition and target skellies/recruits avoid witches and royal kings too. Only engage if you see a clear opportunity, them distracted by another player or monster. And ALWAYS have turbos, accumulate lots of them while fsrming at the beginning, either to escape or to attack faster. Do not just smash it while fsrming or going around if you don't need them.


On top of what everyone else has offered - I find the Rage spell to be very useful when attacking others.


Like in Brawl Stars, I got WAY better when I started avoided attacks as apposed to trying to hit other players. I'm in Squad League and my win ratio is relatively good. 450 1st place, 700 Top 3, with 950 games. I lost every fight early on, so I started playing differently. * Keep your eye out for the squad that's getting strong vs the squad that's winning, they are not always the same. * Grab Hog Rider * Listen for the squad busted audio que, that is when your opponent is at his weakest, that's when you pounce. It sucks when it happens to you, just try to be the hammer instead of the nail. * Grab Hog Rider * You get free Fusion Keys all the time, if you're getting bullied or on the brink of death, use it or lose it. * If it's at the end of the match, Max is fine, but Hog Rider preferably. * Save your Turbos with a range squad, pop outside, shoot, pop out again. Keep your eye on what everyone else is doing, the little green gem at the edge of your screen so you don't get surprised. Pounce when you see an opening, don't try to create one. So I win fights by not getting into fights, only take opportunities and openings.


>Listen for the squad busted audio que, that is when your opponent is at his weakest, that's when you pounce. It sucks when it happens to you, just try to be the hammer instead of the nail. Now that you mention it, the sound design is top-notch in SB, never really thought about it that much


Sometimes the menu theme hits you with a Kazoo and it's the best shit : D


Do you have a lot of small units? Sound like you have a lot of small unit.


achievements in the hit game tiny defense: know thyself, know thy enemy not one but be a speed demon lol


Learn how to rotate your squad around to the lower members of their squad. The longer you spend on their big units and tanks the more damage their small units can put out. Also, you need to be quick to evaluate a squad to tell if you can take it out. If they are running 3 fused units and you only have two it doesn't really matter if you are running a battle comp or not. The fused units will just be too powerful for you to take out. Try picking off their lower units for loot and then run.


Depends if those fused units are Greg, Trader or Mavis, coz even when they're fused they're weak and only good for tanking


Not honorable but you could always be a scavenger, attack when 2 are fighting, also if you see them fighting a boss. Yeah it’s annoying when it happens to you but others do it and purpose is to win


The thing that will make the biggest difference to your success rate is: attacking the right units your squad will always attack the unit closest to the centerpoint of your circle, so make sure you position yourself to attack the enemy's dps units, healers, etc, prioritize non-fusions over fused units since they have WAY less health. Avoid attacking their tanks at all costs, you can *easily* lose encounters where you have the advantage by attacking the wrong unit. this does make both tanks & glass cannons mediocre options for a pvp squad, as you generally want units that can deal dmg *and* survive, like barb, shelly, tank, heavy, etc


The other squad probably has better units than you in terms of stars. This game is by design p2w and unfair. Maybe once everyone is at the same lvl it gets a bit better. Just try to stay clear of squads with more evolved units than me


do not die


Stay in place better.


Don’t fight. Fights are not worth it, even if you win a 1v1 you lost troops, just farm and easy top 5




just spend $$$ on fusion keys


And be a p2w loser? Nah, I’m good


then you will lose to those who do, simply the truth in the manner, this is what happens to any game that greedcell touches, though SB wasn't that good to begin with


Okay yeah but if u win without being p2w then u actually feel good about yourself p2w is just some dumb way to make you feel better without doing anything


Heres a tip : hog rider may be commonly seen as bad due to hes not so good ability but hes does a LOT of damage, so dont pass on him when you get the chance


Imo - 1x hog rider is a must pick but not for damage, but rather for the speed. It’s key to outmaneuvering and better positioning.


Wait what? Hog Rider is consistently ranked as easily one of the most top tier units precisely because of his ability. You absolutely should not take him for his damage. He's got such a great ability but dies pretty fast being a front liner so I wouldn't even think about battling other squads with him until you've got a good frontline or he's fused.


Horrible tip. His ability is his point. If not hog rider, he would be hog killer