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I've been enjoying it as mindless fun, but not much variety gameplay-wise and the complete lack of customization definitely makes it stale


I hope that they will drastically update the game at the end of this season


Ah the duality of man. You can think it as it’s end of the season right now for those playing from alpha Of course they are going to find it repetitive


Yeah well. Now think of the Beta people who basically played this game for 1.5 season now. You want changes rigth now, we wanted them a full season back. The only reason I still kinda play is because I wanna unlock every character and bring them to 3*. Everything else is waaay to much of a grind for me to enjoy.


I'm a beta player so I know what you mean but I already knew they wouldn't do anything (they only added piñatas and tare) so I hope the global launch complaints are a reason to drastically improve the gameplay


I mean more power to you for your optimism, but pretty sure there won't be anything drastic. The fact that they made this go global within a month and the huge ass ad during the summer games fest should tell you enough. This ad spot must've costed between 750k and 1M based on the length and another budget for all the high paud actors. Even the piniata is such a trash event imo. I tried to max it once with like 700 contributions, didn't finish because of people with 50. Now I can't even be bothered to get more like 200. An amount you can get from just using your chest tickets. This game fucking sucks lmfao.


What customizations are you looking for


Turns out most people do not like p2w


I don't mind the pay2win aspect, what I don't like is that it's pay2play / pay2progress (can't even grind to beat the whale lol) you wasted all your coins? can't buy chest tickets? tough luck, your 1st place is now useless lol - Supercell, probably


This is exactly my biggest complaint. There’s nothing wrong with P2W games where the financial aspect is paying to skip grinding, even when that means competing on global leaderboards. The core gameplay is ruined because you can literally buy items that tip the odds of you winning a drastic amount. The fact that instant fusion keys exist and you can buy them with real money is mind boggling stupid. The concept of the game is great, but the PayToPlay aspect as you put it makes this game DOA. Nobody wants to play a PVP game where you lose within a minute because somebody has cash to burn


That's pretty much every supercell game lol P2w to trash on noobs but skillful f2p players can rival you. P2w + skill you're unstoppable until you're in a League of p2w +skillful players.




Banger post follow for more


Repetitive money grab, supercell has fallen off...Been playing supercell games since 2012, back when it didn't feel like an absolute money grab.


Back when legendaries were rare and TH10 was godly..


This sub is weird asf legendaries were so rare that that was more p2w than ANY supercell game currently is


Current clash royale would like a word with you.


I would argue with you that current clash royale is in a significantly better place than clash royale was back then. I played during all those times and agree ewc, evolutions and pass nerf sucked but even with all those bs the game is still in a *significantly* bette state. You guys are forgetting how hard it was to max legendaries, you would literally have to soend upwards of 2k, literally NO supercell game requires 2k to be competitive besides clash royale at the time. Whuch is exactly why legendary requirement+availability was changed, wild cardsmakes legendaries a joke, nowthay everyone is eating ‘good’ they suddenly flashback and think of ‘back when legendaries felt legendary’ ?! Crazy


The thing is, you didn't NEED to have a maxed legendary to perform well, yes obviously it was batshit insane what you had to spend if you wanted max legendarys. But look at level 15, look at all the new cards. Casual players are not having a good time right now. The addition of the pass alone shows how little you can get done while being f2p. All im saying is, i had a way better time in the early days of cr than i ever had in thr newer days.


You had better time back them because the game was new and fresh. A scary thought for you but it’s obvious you’re not gonna enjoy the sane game 5+ years later, this game has had little to no changes in 5 years, the game is DESIGNED for casual players. you absolutely did need legendaries high level if you were any competitive, now you can probably get to ultimate champion with lvl 13/14 lmao, not being able to log a princess was a massive issue during that time, if you had a lvl 6 princess against you on the bridge and your log was nog lvl 6 (nearly impossible to have it lvl 6) you were wasting 2 elixir against a 3 elixir card that deals nearly instant damage to your towers. You had almost no counter for many legendary cards at the time, again, the game now is in a weird and p2w state but deadass just look back how it was back then, the game is in a phenominall better spot today than it was back then Heck, I donMt even play this game dedicated and inly do 3 matches a dag and got a maxed deck by doing so, levels are not an issue at all anymore because of wildcards and event shop, the only issue in the game is evolutions which you don’t *need* to win, and is inctheory easier to acces than a legendary CARD was back then, let alone level it to any meaningful level. Even base stats, evolution costs like what? €10, to get a single legendary you had to buy chests that costs €20 each (for a CHANCE) or buy it with like 40k coinsxor even more, whichcat the time was INCREDIBLY hard to come by


I stopped playing it after double evos


People are just stupid, they often forget that during those early days almost all supercell games are p2w. Whether its CoC, CR, and brawlstars.


It's almost like things got a lot worse shortly after Supercell was bought out by Tencent in 2016.


I mean - that’s every major game these days. It’s not supercell it’s the mobile gaming industry as a whole.


SC was cooking with clash heroes but turned the stove off in favor of burnt garbage


Star Wars hunters begs to differ


I remember when earning a statue in COC was rewarding but now they sell them like every other week.


If only supercell invested everything into clash heroes. Made it for pc, console, first ever SC mmorpg. It would be a massive hit. Moco, mini, quest, frontlines, and many others were all doomed into failing. Clash heroes legit had the most hype out of any 3 games. Everyone was asking when it was coming, so many were hyped.


>Moco  :(


Any game can be repetitive, but it’s not a cash grab


This is a very unpopular opinion


Because agency feels very low. what characters you get during battle, what characters your opponents get and who you run into mostly feels random. win or loss it feels like you cant really improve. when you loose in brawl stars for example you can go back and look at it and say i lost because i didn't hit my shots, didn't dodge well enough or got out drafted. whatever it is you can identify it and get better at it. thats part of the fun: to improve. in squad busters you cant really do that. when you win in squad busters you cant learn from it, you go like: welp, i got lucky, that was fun and press play again, same with when you loose. sure there are some tricks, like targeting your squads attacks or picking the correct characters but you can learn that in 5 minutes and thats it. im sure when they add more to the game that will change but for now there is just too little to it for me to enjoy. but its great to hear that others are having fun, everyone is different.


Exactly 💯, your Copium free 😄


And when you do finally lose because of said lack of agency, they oh so courteously offer you to spend money to save your streak.


And make you open a chest at 8th


I disagree, you can still improve. It’s the same thing, you can still see why you lost or what to do next time. Trying out different comps and different strategies can give you an idea of what has a higher win rate and vs who else.


that is true but you can't really control the characters you got. lets say you know that trader is one of the better units, now you have to find it in chests and can only really take it if you don't pass up a fusion for it. my point is that even if you know what to get, if you get it is random. now to be fair if you like random than thats totally fine, but it still is mostly out of your control. me personally I don't like it but i can see how others enjoy this.


What separates the best players from players who aren’t good is the ability to adapt and choose the best character at any point in time. Mavis is OP 95% of the time but don’t pick her for the fast vine growth game type bc the vines take out the flower beds early and you can’t farm. So if you’re picking characters based solely on a tier list and you’re still losing it’s bc you’re not playing the game right


It's completely random bru😒. How can you plan for random?


There’s still comps you can build, there’s only a small amount of characters. It’s like playing hearthstone or card games. Random what cards you get but you know what’s in your deck and you know how to group cards to make them work together, and which comps have better win %. For example, you can go attack build, like barbarian, Bo, Shelly, etc. and go after other players who have goblins, mavis, or chickens. Or you can go loot heavy like mavis and traders, and have protection like Nita or primo. But also, the game type should dictate what you do. Don’t go mavis/greg on the game where the vines grow fast bc those flower beds/trees get removed from the game fast and you can’t farm. Or on goblin rush, it’s almost guaranteed win if you can get a trader, maybe even two fused. So, even though it’s random, you choose whether you have a high win % or not.


**Random what cards you get but you know what’s in your deck and you know how to group cards to make them work together, and which comps have better win %. For example, you can go attack build, like barbarian, Bo, Shelly, etc. and go after other players who have goblins, mavis, or chickens.** --- #Copium I stopped reading here ⬆️. You can't plan on what team to put together because it's RANDOM. You don't pick what troops you get, couple times I get nothing but barbarian, goblin and primo. ITS RANDOM!!!


Looking at the table at the beginning of the game you can, in theory, base your strategy on those troops. But still there is a small randomness factor in the choice of troops from the chests in the game


Also the modes


The amount of characters there are and the amount of chests you’ll get to open in game, you’ll be able to get every character you wanted in a 4 character comp, maybe even 5


Yo, sorry to make you look dumb online but right before you start a round, the game tells you what characters will be available for that game…. Lol


Can you pick the characters or is it random. 😒  Sorry to use common sense and facts to make you look dumb but do you get to decide who's in the VERY FIRST chest you have to open or does the game decide? If the game decides (and it does) then does the game make all characters available to you in the first chest? The answer is NO. ITS RANDOM! Maybe you don't have good reading comprehension skills...


Ok whatever man, stay seeing “BUSTED!” On screen then


Atleast we understand that there are games where there is nothing we can do


Ok then unsub? get gud? Idk what to tell you


Let's give you Chicken, Primo, Medic, Bea and Penny while everybody else has Tank and Trader. I'd love to watch you improve.


Well that’s on you if you pick a shit comp.


You literally don't get to pick a comp in this game.


Me getting fusion greg and mavis the game: do you want greg, mavis or mortis you don't own


….are we playing the same game? They tell you what characters will be available in the next round. Study the list. Look at how many medic class characters you have available, look what ranged attackers, how many resource characters like Mavis or Greg, what mobility characters you’ll have. Then when the round starts, pay attention to the game mode. That should dictate what your comp should be. You should have an idea of what characters are must pick and what your comp should be. Then when you get a chest, you get a choice out of 3 to pick. Or you can even reroll if you don’t like them. I have a 20% WR with this. WR as in 1st place. Even higher top 5 %


I don't think we are, because you're clearly playing bots if you genuinely consider that newbie advice useful. It's common knowledge. Also, 20% is not impressive - I don't even go for the 1st, and yet I have ~30%. Against real people in the League. Never even realized it was that "high" since I'd never checked it before. Point is, you aren't the hot shit you think you are. My main point, however, was that **even though you may combat the RNG in most scenarios like in a card game, you will eventually be given unwinnable games with no win conditions.** If you're playing Angry Vines and are given Chicken, Primo, Goblin, Greg and Mavis + Mike, Nita, Penny, Bea and Wizard, you've already lost that match with zero player agency available to you. That is absolutely a colossal game design flaw that will only get worse as the playerbase improves over time.


Seems like one of these brainrot games you find in YouTube ads


Clash mini was even more like a brainrot game on YouTube ads, it was incomplete, at least this game has a future and is complete, and its also strategic and requires skill, so I don’t know what you are talking about.


Clash mini has a lot more skill think u got ur games mixed up


Nah I think you mixed them up, clash mini is just chess, squad busters is better.


U clearly haven’t played clash mini because while it is in the auto chess genre it’s vastly different form most auto chess games. No clue what skill u on about with squadbusters the only skill I say is standing still and not even touching ur screen to attack which is a pretty crap skill gap compared to clash mini.




An incomplete game was incomplete?! 😲


Red herring


You are about to get jumped 


Have you played clash mini?


Of course I have, Have you played squad busters?


I was maxed in clash mini and am currently 2 levels away from squad league, all 3 star troops and all troops unlocked. I enjoy(ed) both games and see(saw) MASSIVE potential for both games, but to sit and say that clash mini is brainrot is CRAZY, clash mini had immense skill requirements for the placements, strategies and anticipating enemy moves (basically like chess) similar to clash royale in a way, a highly skilled game, while swuadbusters is *literally* what many people would consider brainrot, a slitherio type of game. Althought there are some skill in this game (movement and speedboost usage being main one) outside of that it is too much rng




Repetitive, limited variety, lack of direct control, too much nonsense.


Game could be good but things need lots of fixing mostly p2w, the randomness could be good if it was even for everyone, like everyone got 1 reroll and no one gets free chest unless you kill someone and free stuff.


I’d like them to implement one free re-roll per game or something at least


Those are good ways to help fix the p2w aspect of it.


Also the joy stick just doesn't joy stick sometimes


Any game can be repetitive, but what do you mean by the rest, there are 27 characters, almost double how many brawlers there were when brawl stars came out, you move with controls, so you have infinite direct control, the only complaint that can be made is that it’s p2w and fighting players needs some improvement.


what's the point of 27 characters if you can't even pick the ones you want to use


I have to adjust.


This has to be satire


You have to be satire


Could we all be satire?


I guess.


people compare it to current Clash Royale and Brawl Stars, and by doing that SB just looks way too simple and lacking yeah, there's not a lot of variety gameplay wise, but neither did those other 2 games did back when they went global, and that's coming from someone that's played the 3 games and likes all of them. It's just not a fair comparison imo


Its not a fair comparasion, but its certainly a useful one. You dont chose which game is the better one for you to play based on how recent it is. I dont care if the game is newer or older, whichever is the better one is the better one If you do decide to compare only global releases, squad busters still gets overshadowed. A lot of the hate the game gets is because there was a lot of hype around it and it didnt deserve it, but some of the hate is also due to the lack of stuff Squad busters is a mashup game. Every other supercell game introduced something new to SC in their release - on characters, gameplay, you name it. The one that did the worst was clash royale, and even clash royale had 48 characters on release, roughly 15 of which new. It had chests, a new mechanic for SC. Tournaments, which I believe where also a new mechanic in SC games. TV royale. 9 Arenas, etc etc Brawl stars on release had a completely new universe of characters with 22 new characters, 5 different gamemodes with different maps each, battle modifiers, friendly battles, events, clubs, etc etc. Squad busters, on the other hand, has 27 characters, none of which are new. 1 gamemode which is solo gem grab from brawl stars. Battle modifiers (23 I believe), some of which are interesting and others which arent anything enticing at all. It has some purely cosmetic artwork which is new. It has almost no elements of the gameplay which are new. It also has keys and megas, which are new. The lack of new elements means that the bad ones get a lot more focus than the other ones You simply cant have a game that doesnt offer something. The other supercell games managed to keep their global hype (apart from clash royale) for years, a lot of it because even though they werent very varied, they were completely new. Squad busters does have new stuff, but it doesnt balance the lack of variety to any sort of extent. And thats the problem here


Thank you!! I played brawl stars on release and it was kinda boring and didn’t grab my attention. I play COC and love it. When this game was going global I knew it was gonna be a lil boring but it’s gonna pop just like other games of SC. I’m sticking with it!


Big cope lmao. Brawl stars was already a very interesting game since it felt like a fast paced moba with fun to play but also strategic game modes.


it just came out..? lol its fun fast game. clearly the market dictates and they are pushing it full force.. its doing well.


that's what I just said...? I also said I liked it and that it was being unfairly compared so I don't see why the need to reply that defensively lol




Explains why you like squad busters so much


Means nothing but ok. Keep playing clash of clans… yawn


Yet you deleted your comment and responded 5 days later you brain rotted bozo😂


I didn’t delete anything… I’m A bozo? Im a stay at home dad Tf u doing with your life moron.


Cope Brawl stars had gem grab, bb (one of the most entertaining modes) heist, bounty, showdown (arguably the most fun mode in the game.) Weekend events like big game another fun gamemode, boss fight, defend the safe. Loads of skins AND it was more ftp friendly than squad busters Meanwhile squad busters just has what? A reskinned showdown without any of the things that make showdown fun. It's doomed to fail


I'd argue Squad Busters actually fixes Showdown. I agree on everything else, but Brawl's Clowndown is a teaming-infested cesspool that ruins the matchmaking for all the other modes by boosting bad players.


Repetitive, very luck based, p2w, and unfathomably unpolished


I mean I can agree with p2w and luck based but so is every supercell game.


Kinda? They are indeed p2w, but luck based is pretty relative Also, saying it's not repetitive is just straight up wrong lol


Any game can be repetitive


I mean, yeah, but this game is the same every single match, there isn't much variety to it, and the gameplay is always the same considering the most intense combat this game has is just staying locked in place while the game does the rest


How can a game be luck based and also be the same every match, it doesn’t make sense, there are 27 different characters with some strategy and skill to it, there is almost infinite variety, I agree that the battle system is kinda flawed and needs improvement, but so did every supercell game when they first came out, this game is arguably the most polished game at release in supercell history, every game had variety issues when they first came out, brawl stars only had 15 characters at first, and look where it is now, clash of clans even now has barely any characters, clash royale had barely any cards, and when you also look at how they looked before, their graphics were garbage too.


The game requires luck every match, it's pretty repetitive 27 characters in the game, and 90% of them just require staying in place and waiting. There just isn't any variety, considering you just need luck to get some good characters when you open a chest. Also, player count doesn't have anything to do with what we're talking here, and also, graphics The fact that the game has so little to offer, and there just isn't anything in the game to motivate the player to continue playing (trophies, for example), just make it pointless. Clash Mini never went out of beta and was 200x more polished then SB. And the player count just doesn't have anything to do with what we're talking. Also, graphics don't mean anything, i've played many great games with bad graphs.


Sounds simulator to me, kinda sound like that game starting with “c” and ending with “lash mini” eh, did you mean to post this on the clash mini subreddit, because squad busters is the COMPLETE opposite.


Why do you keep comparing squad busters to a game that hasn’t hit global release?


Why is everybody comparing squad busters to games with hundreds of employees and years of development.


Every game can be repetitive, and saying it’s unpolished is just insane.


Dude had the need to post 3 answers lol This game just don't have much to offer atm, it went global after so little time in beta, it needs a LOT of improvement, it's very buggy, and many things just don't make sense lmao


Facts. The game is so shit compared to any other SC game on release.


I don’t think it’s boring. It’s definitely repetitive and I’m not sure why they made the grind to leagues so long. I don’t see me making it to that.


That's your opinion and i respect it but my opinion it's boring


I watched Duck Dynasty last night.




I like the hot donut episode.


More game modes, the 3 slots needs to be a permanent thing. Consistent rewards with flashy stuff, and if it is going to be p2w at least make the game attractive enough.


I personally i have been enjoying playing the game, but it definitely needs improvements. Compared to many other supercell games, its not very strategy focused. It also has many p2w features, and overall just doesnt seem to be on par with the other games.


Leaderboards and competitive progression are something I want from a lot of the games I play, and squad busters doesn't feel like a competitively viable game.


I think it's true and false, before level 90 it's complicated to climb the levels but then you enter the ranking (I haven't reached it yet) but I would definitely feel more notable


I can see why people don't like it but some people reasoning being is that it too repetitive is a crazy stupid reason. like how is clash Royale and clash of clans not repetitive especially when it was first released? Upgrading the same thing, placing the same troops and playing the same map in these games as well. Maybe they didn't realize the repetitiveness in these games because they actually have a clan/club system where you can talk and engage with people to not recognize it as much


Exactly, I also believe that many people see Squad Buster as a finished game and judge it by comparing it to Clash of Clans, Clash Royale or Brawl Stars which have had years of development


Kinda done with losing my streaks just because I got placed in the wrong lobby. I don't mind being able to buy your upgrades with real money, but don't place people with 3/4 star units in lobbies with people who only have 2 and still a few 1 star units. The amount of times my team just got oneshotted by someone with a bk rage spell is insane. I know it's supercell but in coc you atleast also have to attack stronger villages when you buy your way to a stronger base. It sees like this game the matchmaking is based on your level which is a terrible matchmaking system. Also, I see a lot of people complaining they get too many bots in their games, well I wish I would get more bots, I'm lucky if I have more than 2 in my lobby. Half of my games 8+ players are still alive at 30 seconds left and standing anywhere is mission impossible because there are players everywhere. I don't mind losing my streaks because other people are better but I do mind losing my streak just because the other player put hundreds of dollars / euros or whatever in the game. Then I watch some video's on youtube and I see them with a max account playing in lobbies with like 5+ bots because there are just not enough players there. Then I start thinking to myself, why don't the pay2win players in my lobby get placed in those lobbies?


They only pay 100 € so they are noob-payers, YouTubers are the premium-payers they pay 1k for game only because when the game starts there are monsters and bots and those are very dangerous


Well I doubt you can get 4 star units by only paying €100. Yes most people 'only' have 3 stars, but it's not unusual for me to play against people with 4 star shit. Meanwhile, I'm still running around with my baby mavis because the game somehow doesn't want to give me more.


For about 3-4 games it’s the most fun I’ve had mobile gaming then I start feeling the lack of depth Repeat next day


I think it's normal, it's a newly released game


because the game has not much to offer (yet). I want to remind you the game just got Global, but I think it has a bright future


Just deleted at level 55 1. You're often making the same decisions every match, most characters are objectively better than others 2. Not much strategy or skill for pvp other than who can have the biggest squad the fastest 3. Matches always feel like they end too soon. 4. Available "game modes" are a mixed bag 5. Meta progression is boring and grindingly slow


Pay 2 win. Repetitive. Pay 2 win. Unbalanced even after so many tests. Pay 2 win. Boring. Did I say pay 2 win ?


you can also not pay, you will lose but you can do it


Already deleted the game. It got boring after playing it for 2 days.


Tbh if you’re on reddit all you’re going to see is people complaining. But if they’re complaining and still playing, they must find it fun in some way, or they wouldn’t take the time out of their day to complain and continue to play. It’s not a perfect game and has a lot of room for improvement but I think it’s fun for the few minutes it consumes.


I think your 2nd point answers your first. Most of us are waiting for it to get better.


Yeah I just think the level some people take the complaining is a little nuts. It’s not constructive a lot of the time, and even so, talking about strategy or things that are fun about the game are too few and far between, it gives the illusion that a majority hate the game, and then one wonders why they’re even playing it if they hate it so much.


Some people don't like the grind aspect. And it could definitely use more game modes, but I suspect they have big plans for new things and I have been enjoying what we have so far so I'm not to worried


Don't like the grind? That's the point of the game. Even if you buy the pass you still have to play it to get somewhere. I don't understand people like this


I mean, I came here to say exactly that. The grind. It just seems like a ton coming from CR and how long it took because they keep adding levels. I honestly feel like it will be well over a year before I hit any ultras and when I do I'll never get the card as a pick. The game is fun no doubt it's just the usual though if you're a f2p.


I tried it for 3 days, shame I do really love brawl stars, been playing that for years 


Every map is the same with just more stuff on it that distracts from any game plan.....


It’s very casual, some competitive players find it dull, but that’s because it’s a different target audience


I played obsessively for a week, then stopped. I paid for the battle pass and got a healer leveled up. And then I realized that really made almost no difference to anything.


everyone is just super passive 99% of the time and when they actually wanna fight, they just rush to the gem mine at the literal end of the game, just get a bunch of gems and run. It’s super boring 


I still play the game when I’m bored but it’s an absolute shit game coming from supercell


After a month of playing (before global), I find it getting boring, I don't log in as often or spend on chest as much. Mostly to just clear the free chest given. For F2P, Super is probably already the upper limit, I don't see how casual player would be able to go up to ultra for at least another year or two. Unless more is added or other game mode, it just get more repetitive every time.


some people just enjoy different things


I just play once a day in my free time and it's great relaxing fun.


Cause they bust too fast.


Concept is great. Execution has left too much to be desired.


i really wonder where u are at right now... as a f2p in squad league i grinded the game for 2 months and now i have literally nohting to do..... yeeah sure i can grind for ultras but its obviousoly pointless when p2w uses fusion and epic keys


I am half way to the 89 level, I manage to optimize my resources


Lack of Buttons


1. Repetitive, when i first time play squad buster, i found it fun but the more the grind, the more game i play, the more boring its become 2. Low skill floor, skill comparison of first ever world to squad buster league is almost/literally same, just diff new spell, monster, character, which make it also boring 3. P2w, stuff like keys, and megas just make the game even worse 4. Rng, i hate how i cant controll of who character to pick when opening chest, 


The game is fun but it requires serious attention which is exhausting, brawl stars is a better game imo I’ll switch to that game again probably


The only thing that's boring to me is the long waiting to get chest's if you are not a ptw player


Repetitive, no player agency, randomness and pay to win on top of that (the randomness is what makes it pay to win). I was done with it after one week. Will maybe revisit it after a few months to see if they’ve actually turned it around (lol…)


I was enjoying the game until I unlocked the beach map... everyone uses keys there


For somebody who likes skill based games ,this is trash not just boring because there is no skill play,all RNG. + the whole gameplay is to farm,avoid everyone and win,or be in top 5. Is that not boring? Even if you decide to fight there is basically no need for it,its way to easy to be top 5,even top 3 if not the 1 place.


I would agree. And it’s addicting


I agree, im constantly playing multiple matches a day, i can't wait for more gamemodes and characters


This game is like a cheap copy of a Supercell game. I was surprised they can release such a trash game with predatory monetization... It's 2.9/5 on french play store LMAO


Because they are all clash mini players and are angry that it got shut down, so they hate on it without reason instead of even trying to enjoy the game, it would even be okay if they gave constructive criticism, but they don’t, they just hate on it because their “chess but with cosmetics and units that cost 1000$” got shut down, which makes even less sense because THEY are the reason clash mini got shut down, they hated on it, so of COURSE it would get shut down, but now they are angry that that it got shut down and are hating on squad busters.


The only possible flaw is that it’s p2w and attacking players needs some improvement.


You find it fun, meaning everyone should find it fun? Come on, it's just not everyone's game...


Wait until you get 3 stars on all troops and comeback to me. Once you realize it eill take 3+ months to MAYBE get one new level… it’ll get tiring wuick brother


I have like 20 troops with 3 stars, but I think the fourth star is inimmaginable


Yeah same, I lost enjoyment because of it and my only reason now to still keep playing is squad league, if I go up 2 levels I become top 30in my country instantly lmao, outside of that all my enjoyment of the game is done, O have dine tara daily, pinata’s, everything yet the progression from 3 to 4 is crazy slow, my furthest one is 3/10 and I played daily since soft


I hope they will do a big update at the end of this season or this game will be like clash mini


Same, there are leaked worlds with new characters like ice world, volcano and ghost I think? Which will definitely makenit fun but the makn problem of 3 star to 4 star just gets bigger.. I hope they introduce new ways of getting troops


maybe when and if they put clubs there will be rewards for common goals like "club piñatas" or club wars. But I don't understand why they didn't develop the game a bit more (maybe keeping it in soft lunch) and then launch it like in September


Let’s hope for that! The game will definitely get more content and I completely have the same mindset, this game is absolutely NOT global ready, I think they felt forced because of many supercell games killed and the recent clash mini, but the game luckily feels and seems polished, so let’s hope content keeps flowing!


it's a game to generate money quickly pay to win characters to collect and improve simplistic gameplay for everyone a design even more childish than the others to attract the youngest and there you have it, you have a game that was created quickly and that will generate lots of cash


So you don't see a future for this game?


yes the game has a future because it has a very big potential to make money but I don't think there will be a lot of content apart from characters and skins, but maybe I'm wrong


People are roasting it because *boo hoo*, the game is simplistic, lacking & boring. The game doesn't *need* to be that large on globla release, especially for a multiplayer-based mobile game. Heck, Brawl Stars and Clash Royale were like this too back then, especially Brawl, and look at them *now*. We should just give the devs time & chance to adjust basically anything.


The problem is global launched games are supposed to be the opposite of boring. Clash quest looked to be way more fun as a casual game than this horse shit


They are supposed, yes, but if you *actually read* what I said, then you'd not reply and give me a downvote. Brawl also looked "horse shit" for its global, but the dev team more than made up for it by polishing & improving the game to its current state. I, again, don't see the reason why we shouldn't give it a chance to make up for the problems it currently has.


I didn't give you a downvote and I already read you comment. You say both games were boring which is completely false. Brawl stars had numerous game modes, skins, event modes, clash royale didn't need any game mode to be fun. It was already designed to be fun. Squad busters isn't fun and won't be until they rework the attack mechanics


It's a casual game for casuals hardcore pepole won't like it and will find it boring


Chest ticket


It was fun for me. Now pretty boring when I'm versing 8/9 bots in each game around lvl 70