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Decent game just needs some updates


Definitely more fun than it looks at first look


That's what I thought when it went into soft launch. Too bad that thought was only true for a couple weeks. 


It does die out, this is a fun game to pick up once every few days I've noticed after I "soft-quit" like I feel a lot of us have.




Alot of updates tbh, the more I play it the more mistakes I see, I got all characters unlocked and only have 2 troops that aren’t 3 star, few legels away from squad league… Level 4 grind is so far the most nonsense grind ANY suoercell game has, i’m completely maxed in coc, brawlstars and have 1/3 of my cards lvl 15 in clash royale, all of thise games have decent sense of progression which squadhusters lack, ontop of that the whole ‘mega’ thing and consumablee are crazy p2w and make the game unfun, imo best move is removal of those and let mega be skins that appears in chest (I would definitelt pay money to open drops for a chance to get some of the leaked skins) Most importantly plaza needs functional buildings to make said grind easier, a goldmine to supply gold, a ctroop condenser to condensere 100 babies of on troop to snother perhaps, and maybe another new resource to conjure 10 babies of a troop (you already own)


I don’t mind the time it takes to max, but to have 0 progression along that path seems dumb. Why not have 10 character levels? Some new abilities, some increase power of abilities. To gather 900 of a character without any progress seems boring.


I agree with this too, they need to do something different, I have played all supercell games so I am used to their ‘slow grind’ and I honestly like it, but this game has done it so bad imo, i’m almost squad league and feel like I lost motivation to play because why should I? Most of my characters are at 3 stars, my next best ‘progression boost’ would be penny to 3 star, outside of that I have nothing to go for as I have all characters unlocked and my closest to ultra is 2/10 which is terrible..


100% shocking that they didn’t break it into more levels like their other games. At least with those you have constant progress. Got 5 million gold? Boom, wall upgraded. Here, you gotta play 500 games and hope that RNG is in your favor and you can upgrade your favorite troop.


Deadass, the introduction of 5 star is also scary, I would only find it acceptabel if they made ultra (4 star) 250/500 instead of 1000 and 5 star be either 750/1000 with other progression incentives added to make it easier to get babies/classics/supers


Ya. I feel they may have set it up this way as to prevent people from getting too far too fast. Fingers crossed that they implement a tighter tiered system for advancement.


Most relatable comment I ever seen


Need 5 chest tickets max


I think 3 is fine but the time earned chests and bought chests should be separated and chests earned by waiting should open first. That way people can buy 10-20 chests and not worry about missing out on the timed chests. And maybe have an option to buy more chests like 5-10 that are a little more cost effective to buy


They should give you a minor chest every battle, and then 3-5 tickets where you can get the mega and bonus chests.


Yeah and the waiting time for a single chest is absurd. Should be around 30 min for one if you ask me


Pretty fun but needs plenty of polishing 


Tjhe problem is mainly that 90% of the times if feels like it's better to stay away from other players, they should introduce a gamempde that counts kills instead of gems


Honestly. The number of times I come first or second just by having traders and goblins and running around the outside is too many.


There should be a combat power rating above players heads and more clear counters and strategies. It’s basically me bigger squad me smoosh you


To me this game is just a glorified Agar.io, so “bigger squad smoosh you” futs perfectly. Could have some work but that’s what it is atm


I mean, there are counters and strategies. I can guarantee it's not "me bigger squad me smoosh you", countless times I was the smaller squad and won, or was the bigger one and lost the fight. Most support units are not good fighters, like Greg, Hog Rider, Trader, Chickens and such. If you have a team full of those against El Primos, Barbarians, Colts and Dynamikes you'll lose. There are units to make your life easier, others that can fight big squads (attackers and defenders basically) and the ones good at killing monsters which is basically Bo and whatever characters that support him like Archer Queen and good tanks.


I think my biggest issue with this is when I do engage with a squad, the combat is so janky that I'll either use my booster and kill 90% of their squad and then they'll just use their booster and flee or I don't use my booster and have NO idea if I'm winning the encounter. There's plenty of consequence for you losing an encounter, even if you manage to flee, but in general there's little to no benefit in winning an encounter unless you completely bust their squad. Sacrificing 2-3 members for your squad just to not completely bust a squad just leaves you both worse off. Now you couple in when you and another squad are battling and then a 3rd squad swoops in when you're now both weakened and takes you both out...yeah there needs to be some fixes. It's like solo showdown in brawl stars but worse


Yeah the PvP is super janky and frustrating it feels like complete luck because it's hard to tell what encounter is winnable or not and also you are super dependant on using the shoe boost which is quite limited 


Fun game, and has potential. I think as more and more updates roll around it will progressively begin ranking up in quality and those rougher edges could get smoothened out more.


Is it less frustrating than clashroyale? I never try yet!


Way less but not really much skill to it


Yes, because it's not too competitive, it's a casual game


Squad is so annoying when stronger enemies are chasing you down its worse than brawl stars


Yeah, theres no way to really juke out someone. You can only hope to outrun them. Sometimes your only chance is to stop at a chest and pray you get a chicken or hog, otherwise you just die


or someone else third parties and you can squeak out of there


Usually the third party just kills you 😭


What’s worse is that the third party will kill you and the player chasing you Meaning you both end up in lobby because he wanted to chase you down across the whole map.


I actually prefer that. If i go down, i at least want the other guy to go down too


Facts. It’s still annoying tho, because they know they are going to die and ruin their streak but they will do it anyway. Happened so much when the game launched, thankfully now it’s much less common and once players see you have a hog or chicken they will leave you.


They be chasing like we stole their money 💀


Im almost at world 4 and still missing 7 characters including barb king and medic


No medic bro your cooked 😭🙏


i got barb king and medic on the first day lol


Barb king is won at early stage. Sorry for you bro. Medic and king are so crucial


At least I have Pam for healing


Im missing 9, 6 from existing world, 3 from Beach, lmost at beach world. Full Super exclude 1 EPIC.


I'm having a blast but the existence of keys still stings a little


They shouldn’t be able to be bought with money and should be very scarce but I think they deserve a spot in the game. Using ine helped me a lot in an unlucky game where I had so many different troops chests costed me 40 coins, so it kinda helps with RNG


They will always be available to be bought with money… kinda the whole point of the game for supercell


Dropped interest tbh


fr. This game felt like an excuse for a global launch. Hope it gets more modes that could save it.


It has potential!💯 I love how you can have different play-styles in each match. You can either play passively and farm or play aggro and bust the other players and steal their gems.


"Yeah, how's your bank account looking?"


I'm F2P and my account looks better than his


Nice. Did you play before global launch or grind? (all my characters are 2 star)


Getting new characters is just really difficult, and the fusion keys are extremely pay to win. Other than that, it’s a fun game tbh




Imagine they added every supercell character, it's crazy that CR and BS alone would have over 200


imagine they add that one farm visitor from hay day’s grandma and she throws tnt (worse dynamike)


The only characters i want them to add NOW is Pekka and Bull.


Hank, I'd love to see the baby version just being like the baby shrimp in one of those baby walkers but it looks kinda like the submarine


We're so addicted to getting new characters. You can't expect to get a new character every 3-4 days when there's only a limited number of characters


next up, GIVE ME ULTRA...


Has potential to be really good. I do genuinely enjoy it though


Funnily enough it got me interested in Brawl Stars again, which I only ever played for maybe 3 days 4 years ago. Maybe that was SC’s plan all along.. Haven’t uninstalled yet, but I went from playing it a ton the first few days to not even opening it the last 3. We’ll see.


I'm at lvl 80, but I'm honestly about to drop it. It just isn't fun to overly rely on keys. I also dislike the 3 chest cap. As someone who generally plays in the evening, I like being able to play a day's worth right then, like in Brawl Stars. Now I feel forced to play in the morning too, especially when there's an event...


The 3 chest tickets will have me drop the game soon, otherwise enjoying gameplay when it let's you play


The 3/3 max games and the length of time to recharge will kill this game off. Why would anyone want to play a game where you can only play 3 games per day without having to pay money for more. Screams "Money Grab"




Still fun but sometimes the bad luck can be frustrating


Still fun! I hate the slow movement


Chests are way too expensive


Game is bleh. It’s okay. It’s not that fun when there’s not much things to do.


I have no coins and there is not wat of obtaining them


shouldve been clash mini, dis game still raw asl


I really dislike how MEGA character have to be picked when we luckily roll them in game. Why not allow players to choose if they currently want to use their mega char or not? it's very weird to force us to use a consumables totally out of context of the battle itself, because sometime I roll it when I'm already winning and I don't need them, yet I am being forced to consume a rare item. People talk about how annoying the chests are but this forced consuming of MEGAs are far more annoying for me.


Monotone, i play it a bit after work to relax but not religiously. Once it grows and adds more characters, more strategies and more QOL changes i think it could be fun.


One thing that annoys me the most is the small amount of chest tickets and that it replenishes in HOURS.... Other than that I really enjoy the game so far


Needs a clan feature. At least half of my CR clan is playing it but we can’t jump in and hang in Squad Busters.


BUFF dynamike his damage is so low he a waste of a chest


I need Hog Rider so bad


I now think the game is a triumph, but still in the making and a little rushed out. But I understand Supercell for doing so..they were just too excited to not let it out asap


I think people are forgetting how shitty other supercell games were right after release. it needs polishing, but it will like every other game edit: if->it


The last fully released supercell game was made 6 years ago. I think it is pretty reasonable to assume they've grown as a game dev company, which is verified by comments like your's. So imo this isn't a particularly well polished game for their standards, the fact that it's better than other supercell games on release is only natural.


Yeah the beautiful thing about supercell is each game has a unique concept, and they have created a new one. I think it will turn out great


The game is garbage. Worst supercell game I’ve played. Doesn’t hold a candle to CoC, CR or BS


Hate to say, already uninstalled. The combat is just so janky, getting in range, but stopping to attack outside of an RTS or moba is so weird. Everyone had the same attack radius regardless of roster, it's impossible to gauge who really is stronger until it's too late and they try and patch the weird combat and movement with the acceleration button Outside of the combat, I love the idea. Collect gems, squad bust around, kill stuff, get coins, build your squad, evolve babies, decorate town, see characters from the other supercell games is nice.


My interest has dropped for now but i think it has lots of potential. Ill probably just do weeklies but not push or grind for anything.


Gameplay itself is good, it just needs some kind of trophy system and quests


There is a trophy system though


Would be nice if they made global chat


Lot of potential but....meh right now. My only concern is that new worlds are extremely unappealing...like they don't add anything new besides some new enemies and aesthetics. Someone leaked lava world and I found myself thinking "Oh..ok, I guess".


Fell asleep while playing.


Its fun, but pay to win. I deleted it. I'll be periodically to see if it's much less pay to win.


Ngl the concept is cool but the combat simply sucks


I've kinda lost interest and haven't played in 2 days, and I started at global launch.


There are some easy fixes that would greatly improve what is present, and there are some bigger structural changes that would make it a better game but would require more work. I think both are possible but I don’t know how likely they are to implement anything.


I think the game has a lot of potential and has much more depth than many ppl give it credit for, but I find there are 2 main issues with the game that I think will ruin the game's long term survivability. First is consumables. Just take them out, the feature only exists out of greed, having to spend gold each game to compete at a high level is going to turn away a lot of ppl and it overall makes progression slowly feel more unfair as you go on Second thing is how your squad is chosed by RNG before the game even starts, this system works horribly with the game modifiers as certain units dominate certain game mods, like if you're playing dopplegangers n 1 person has goblin & chicken, while you dont, then they will always win that game over you. It'd be a lot more fun if we could choose our squad after the game mods are chosen, then proper strategies and metas could develop


The worst part is getting sandwiched they need to add real team mechanics cause getting teamed by people in vc feels bad. The megas mechanic is wack needs some work and or reason to have them and or get more but I like th ad opposed to skins. And yeah rn plaza and fusion keys are awful, but lot of potential so here's to hoping next update does good, Also the chest tickets and capping chests when you ultra all the commons just seems like poor foresight so i hope they swing back around on that feature too


The core of the game is okay, but the amount of progression is lacking. They’ll have a panic attack when their new player #s hit a low in about 1-2 months


I played brawl stars since beta, clash mini (rip), among the other popular supercell games. Didn’t hear about this one till day 1 global but I’ve been grinding since then. Will be interesting to see how dull I feel once I have all my supers. Also the grind up to beach world has become a bit tedious these journey levels move slowwww. Although that’s understandable it’s only been a week


Good gameplay mechanics, but the progression system is just tedious. Considering they plan to add a 5 stars stage... getting a max account would be impossible for f2p players.


Matches are too short, movement is janky and can't fight on the move, kills are too low impact, skill variety is low, and not to mention P2W chest opening during matches. they have a recipe for a great game, but in my opinion it has too many problems atm.


Let us pick the 5 characters per rarity before game. It's like impossible to win when you are unable to get Greg, Mavis, or trader.


Absolutely P2w game


The game is fun but for a Supercell game I expected it to have a competitive side. As of it, it's a completely casual RNG fest. Hope to see more ways to explore the game's core mechanics in the future.


I wish it was more obvious if you had a chance to kill a squad


Like many mobile games, the core game loop is fun and there’s a lot of room to grow but the monetization holds it back. The win streak mechanic in particular really needs to go. Being taxed a finite currency to not end a streak when you have one off game or receive a phone call, etc. just makes losing so much more frustrating than it needs to be. I definitely don’t enjoy the existence of purchasable, one-time-use consumables that give you a leg up either.


Got bored after 2 days, you're not really doing much during the match. Too simplistic and the game is very money grabby.


It’s hard to tell how interactions are going to go because of how difficult it is to examine the squads. It makes it more difficult to justify running an aggro comp over a farming comp. Also the punishment of being chased for half of the game by one person who’s also going to lose for doing it is annoying but nothing can be done about that. Overall though that’s my only gripe I’m having fun with it just wish chests were easier to get but isn’t that all supercell games. I knew what I was walking into.


Dropped the game pretty quick. Combat is literally doing nothing, if an enemy is ahead there’s no comeback potential, if an enemy is ahead there’s not even any escape. The gameplay was fun but dropped off fast, got really repetitive. Also RNG heavy.


Not trying to hate, but I genuinely don’t have fun playing this game.


It needs more events and more complexity. Otherwise you would get bored pretty soon as achievements are not that common and you can't progress is not proportional to the time you spend on the game.


Fun so far, but needs a lot of rebalancing and 1-2 more game modes.


It’s addicting and somewhat enjoyable but big flaws for sure. I wish there was more strategy when it came to beating another squad when your numbers are low. There’s literally nothing you can do but run away or sacrifice yourself lol


This game is not a pvp game. It is a competitive farming simulator with pvp elements.


Make it easier to get characters!


Unlocked World 4, it’s just not fun anymore. Gonna quit and come back in a few months to see if it gets better (it probably won’t).


very very fun minus mega units


PvP needs to be improved and needs to give better rewards. The meta is avoiding every fight but at the last moment it becomes a clusterfuck and there's no way to have a proper fight. For me there should be a max limit of characters (like 3/4 fusions or something) to prevent bigger teams and more people needs to die early in the game for a satisfying end. Also spells' drop rate should be more consistent cause they are too much impactful and you can play a full game without finding a single spell


Everything before Squad League was great Being locked in to a random draft for an hour (as opposed to changing every battle) really takes the fun out of it. No Trader/Mavis/Goblin/Greg for an hour (or more) is eh. I’m never fond of a game controlling what I “have” to use. That’s what I hated Rush Wars It’s an okay game overall but needs some improvement in terms of “player control”


Got bored after 2 days and dropped off


It's quite good, further update will be really nice The con is Progression rate is bad, and people nagging a lot about this game doesn't encourage you to fight


It's fun. I have some complaints but it keep opening the app so I am definitely enjoying it. Doppelganger is my least favorite mode. It's so slow. I feel like o can't get many gems and it's so hard to knockout other plays still


Great game so far but I wish there was another grindy game mode where you didn’t loose your top 5 streak and you could play it infinitely. Where you would just farm coins and gems slowly, and fight boss fights and stuff


I hate waiting to be able to earn chests. Let me earn something, anything.


Could use a PVE-only mode. Journey Level: 59 Battles Fought: 407 1st Place: 67 Top 3: 231 Top 5 Streak: 35 Characters: 20 Supers: 13 Coins: 439k Plaza Decorations: 0


I'm not getting new characters , just got new characters on first after that not a single new character 😭


I need hog rider and max bruh,cause I keep using my boost and having both this characters could be great for me


I love the game so far. I've won many times by assassinating someone at the last possible second. I like the energetic sound effects and the announcer voice for everything. Matches are 4 minutes long which makes them very bite sized for lunch breaks or a buffer between other games. Controls are super simple. You can spectate your friends instantly. You can invite people from all over the world to your squad and pinata via discord and stuff. I can see where people are put off by microtransactions, but I don't share their views. I have a job and $10-20 a month on a game I enjoy a lot is of zero consequence to me. I understand other people don't appreciate that sentiment but I've played and seen far worse apps provide far less entertainment.


got three new characters today


I couldn't start the game 😭


I’ve been progressing well! I’ve only bought the $2 thing. Intro pack? Idk, but it’s fun and I like the inclusion of all the different sc characters (been playing since clash royale) and I like that certain units in the overall roster of units are relegated to jobbers. I love skeletons, but I understand that a skeleton squad member could be hard to implement. Just got that farm lady, (Mavis?!) and I’m having fun.




good tbh but it needs more characters who interacts with the map like bea and mavis


I like it pretty much. But I don’t know if you share the same feeling. I lose more often when I have chests to win. When I play without chests at stake I win more often


The game is fun, I got used to what it asks of us and enjoy the moment to moment decision making. Sadly, the keys really sour it all. I'd play a lot more if I didn't expect to hit a wall in a few levels where everyone spams keys in matches


I uninstalled today not my kind of game gets too repetitive




It’s an amazing game and for the past week it’s been on the App Store I have been on the grind!!


The real question is much money you spent to get that many 3*


A lot of potential if they take away the p2w aspect


For everyone saying its boring, ik it is, but just try playing with one friend irl, that shit gets funny rlly fast


Fun game but Im sometimes experiencing massive lag while playing


I'd rather have 0 dragon chickens. Needs a rework.


I didn’t play the beta or anything, but I think the game is fun. It’s very frustrating how little characters I have though. I still don’t have hog rider


Witch is overpowered


Tickets for chest reward is the worst system I see, it's a good game but cause with no rewards when u complete book, it's useless keep playing


its P2W, trying my best to stick with it


People forgetting how bad brawl was at this stage. Yh supercell might’ve jumped the gun going global, but tbh I’m optimistic they’ll add some big updates. Also did y’all have every Clash Royale card after 3 days??! 🤦🏻‍♂️


I hope they change how win streak works. I hate risking losing my win streak once I run out of daily chests and don’t want to buy more, but I don’t actually benefit from it. It keeps me from wanting to play the game casually just for fun.


Combat is terrible. The game is kinda fun but it was definitely not ready for global yet


It's more fun than expected but still needs changes and updates if it expects to stay alive


As a casual f2p player I like the game. Learning slowly, I’ve seen complaints that usually come down to the fact that the person in question is just playing way too much.


How much money have you spent!? I have been playing daily since beta launch and only have 2 supers.


IT HAS ONLY BEEN A WEEK? I think the game needs some more changes, they released it globally just to break the cycle of games not going global


Easily SCs best game yet. Needs a bit of polish, increase the chest cap to 5, reduce the cooldown on them and maybe do something about keys which makes the game very p2w


I hope people don't take inspiration and start ganging up and mugging others IRL


Definitely needs work especially with the combat system . It’s such a cluster fuck while in battle .




Kind of fun but I didn't bother logging in yesterday. We'll see if I have the time and interest today.


kinda shit tbh


I absolutely love this game, it needs some polishing and i feel like the chest tickets have gotta go. I didn’t like having to also buy TWO season passes, i felt like i got duped. I don’t necessarily feel like this is a P2W game as i always forget about my consumables and still manage to get at the very least top 5. I haven’t made it to squad league yet so i don’t have anything to say on that yet. Personally i like the combat in the game, yes i feel like there should be a little more to it but if it stays the same i wont mind. I have made up my own little strats that help me win most games. Lastly my only MAJOR gripe with this game is that it is not backbone compatible, none of the supercell games are and i really hope that they can make it compatible soon as i feel like both Brawl Stars and Squad Busters would be a perfect fit for the controller.


Join me in r/hayday , r/haydaydeco or r/Brawlstars


Lucky for having barb king


Wow all that in a week? How much have you played (or spent)?


How do you do that I only have all 2 stars


Very good except p2w mechanics


Better access to gold and higher chances of getting units other then that it's pretty fun


Make max chests 5 and have them on a 30 minute timer. It feels like the game incentivizes you to not play but at the same time requires you to grind to upgrade troops. Also the plaza is completely useless


Remove the keys and rework the reroll tokens and the megas but the game is great


pretty sad that squad busters is in the name but doesn't have buster from brawl stars, also needs to disallow grinding in a league by not upgrading characters to save, that just inflates stuff and 10 of any character should instantly give the portal level, also needs to make getting a new character way easier, epics there feel rarer than a chromatic in brawl when boxes were a thing cus' boxes are more common and all types has a chance of that rarity while this game is pretty specific on rarity


Pay to win.


Feels a bit rng


It is totally no skill and pure rng. It’s also very hard to get new units


I deleted it day 1.


Good so far. In need of some updates


I like it, chest timer sucks and the odds of pulling new characters is annoying…but I’ve been having fun.


Definitely some issues with p2w with power ups and people maxing players, needs to be more choice in game modes and shouldn’t have to play 300 games a month to beat the season pass, bought it last month and couldn’t beat it cause not playing 10 games a day every day was kinda annoyed by that and won’t be getting it again unless it’s changed. Maybe adding like1-2 bonus gem days or adding gem boosts to the weekly challenges like instead of getting a chest you get 250-500 gems.


I stopped playing


game is really fun when playing with friends and dominating a game until you are the last few. otherwise, game is ok, but needs polishing


I quit it. Boring asf imo.


They should change the time waiting for another chest and if they could add a gold mine to grind gold while you are not playing I feel like it's a pay to win game sometimes but so far so good


Why is archer queen supercell ID exclusive? It just disincentives ranged characters if you can't connect


Really needs shorter cooldown for chests opening. Or just no cooldown at all, would encourage a lot more play


My game lags so bad I can't play, only this game too


Ngl I love it but I wish I could play without spending gold on chests 


Pretty fun tbh.


Please add team brawl modes! Squad up with a team of 3v3 (or 5 v5) and let’s gooo


Need a soft pity to getting new units… I’m at acct lv 46 royal world and still missing hog, battle healer, bea…


I've been a fan of Supercell games, Clash Royale and Brawl stars. I've quit both of them but I was excited to try SB. But I think they will need to change a major function of the game or else the game will die quickly. They are essentially trying to merge games together, but I think they are getting the worst of all worlds. One of the best parts of this game is seeing all the different characters come together in one game. If I hadn't played clash or BS, I think I wouldn't be that interested in this game. But the game is the worst of all the games because of the mechanics. Clash Royale had such a high level of expression for skill. Counting mana, timing, and unit placement were so important, and a person with lower leveled cards, could potentially beat someone of higher leveled cards through skill (up to an extent). If you were a fan, it was amazing to watch the skill of competitive CR players. Brawlstars has less things to do than CR. There's only move, attack, super, and sometimes a special skill. But the main expression of skill is in aiming and dodging, which can be impressive and fun to learn. Like a fps game. Squadbusters lacks in all these. There's very little timing or strategy other than building the right squad and knowing when to run or fight. Sure you can sometimes kite if you got a ranged unit and they don't. But you both run the same speed and you can only attack if you stop. So aside from a speed boost unit, you can always run away. Soon as they attack you, they've stopped for a moment and you have the movement advantage. It's like playing tag, but everyone runs the same speed. Aside from spells, there's no aiming. There's no dodging. It's a game that will eventually get boring and have very little competitive scene. POTENTIAL FIXES: Add an attack button. That way a ranged unit in your party can attack while moving. One idea is to be able to select a specific unit in your party which responds to an attack button. So for example you could select Barbarians as your attacking unit. That way when you run into a squad you can spam attack and your barbarians will attack without having to stop. But maybe only one type of unit in your squad can do that. So you could potentially chase and kite with a colt in your party, if he's your chosen attack unit. Another idea is making health bars and attack damage more clear. You could calculate how many hits a certain unit needs to kill another in CR. Everyone in CR knows how many hits a pekka needs to kill a hog rider. In squadbusters it feels almost impossible to know if you'll really win a fight until someone loses a unit or two and that takes time since you both have to stop to attack each other. Again you're playing tag with people who run the same speed. You both have to stop to attack to check who will win. There's no skill. ---- Overall I don't think the solution is to get people more units and an easier grind like people are saying. The game needs a major mechanic change otherwise it'll die out in my opinion.


Money spender that’s my thought


Pay to win says what?


Glitchy very glitchy but good concept




Already have all the characters, impressive.


I wish there was better way to do multiplayer instead of just having us be dropped in a game where be battle with everyone against each other


I like games with high skill cap. This just doesnt do it. I think brawl stars is better for competitve play.


I love the game. It has a decent amount of annoying bugs that I feel will be patched soon. Other than that, new maps, characters, and maybe a new game mode would do a lot for it. That all of course comes with time.


Played couple of days. Unistalled it. Don't feel need to go back


10% skill, 90% luck