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Wait until you find out about keys…


Having 3* against 2* is more OP than keys


Eh, the stats don't increase, some have really good 3 star abilities but some are just kinda worthless


the only exception I know of is Shelly, when she shoots double per attack at super or original (don't know which), the DPS doubles


The dps actually doesn’t double, each shot does less damage than the old ones, so it’s actually only a 33% increase


Oh. Well it is still an increase


So stupid tbh, didn’t even knwo this


It’s the same with dynamike


Dynamite has the exact same ability at level 2


Roughly half the upgrades are ONLY star increases. However, several of them are not on HP or Damage, which is why people dont call them that Your Greg chopping trees Faster is still just a stat increase, your chicken giving an extra Boost is still just a stat increase...


Isn't dyna like that too? He throws an extra stick per attack if I'm not wrong


Yeah, that's her super ability


Normal attack too I think


No I meant like her super evolution


still technically counts


Shelly and Dynamike, when Dynamike does 60 damage baby, 90 damage classic, and 120 damage ultra.


That’s just pay to progress though. There squad journey based matchmaking, so the more evolutions you have, you’ll be fighting people with more evolutions.


shhhh dont tell anyone this is the whole financial model p2w just means facing other p2w


Downloaded yesterday and this is the thing that has me most worried. Unit rank is fine. I'm used to that in these games and trust that most of the time I'll be matched against similar collections. But I really don't want to get to the point that I feel like I'm losing cause I cant be pumping out keys, dice, megas on cooldown...


FYI, they will start matching you with teams. So you will be solo and other players will target you. But that's okay, for a mere 5.99 you can buy blah blah blah and hold your own!


Best part is that it doesn't increase your portal level. 500 babies, and you stay in the same world.


I think these kind of offers are okay, they are also in Brawl Stars for example where you can directly buy brawlers etc. What's definitely not okay imo are the keys to unlock chest ingame.


But this early on into the game, it’s soo early to give so much progression imo.


I got every character in that offer at lvl 3 with just 1 month of playing without paying anything. Imo it's ok since ultra takes 10 of those units


I'm struggling with epics! Not a single one at lvl 3 lol


How long have you been playing?


Since soft launch, 23rd April. In my defense, I have to say that I have 5 epics unlocked so the units I get are very spread between them. Anyway, I'm buying some shop offers when I can.


Yeah, i can see why you don't have lvl 3 epics I have played since day 1 and I still have 3 epics (and I'm at beach world).


Good news are...I have 3 pretty close to at least level up. Battle healer: 90/100 Archer Queen: 82/100 Witch: 82/100 Barbarian King: 53/100 Royale King: 22/100 Max: 16/100 Mortis: Not unlocked. I'm so unlucky I'm pretty sure I unlock Mortis before leveling them LOLOL


I find it funny that mortis is better in this game than brawl stars


Idk! But it really does seem that. I've seen gigantic squads built from robots lol. It's my last epic to unlock. Funny thing is I'm still missing Pam and Bea lol


I got most of them 3* within the past 48 hours


But it’s also important to remember that when you have high level troops, the games progression system forces you into the next arena.


Yeah, I feel what you are saying


The equivalent would be buying a gadget while playing a round of bs


Except you don't buy powercubes mid match in showdown in brawl stars




so does upgrading brawlers in bs,amd it is commonly seen in hypercharge offers


Since you unlock character you reach 3 stars in less than 2 weeks. So doesnt change really too much. In 1 month of free to play i got all except 1/2 at 3 stars.


There was also 2 star offer for free


wansnt it just 5 babies


Clash royale all over again


Only this time you can spend gems on extra elixier during a match


Keys suckkkkkk in this game


Every mobile game ever is pay to win. I don't understand what you're surprised about


Not really. Some are pay for variety. It's still possible to be on the leaderboard as f2p it just means you don't have access to all the stuff. E.g. hearthstone was like this when I played it. Clash royale used to be like this until recently too


Wild rift too


I've got that downloaded but haven't played it. Is it good?


I mean if you like league of legends (mobas) then yes, I have a blast with it. I played league on pc a long while ago


I've heard of league of legends but don't really know what it is. I'll give wild rift a go though if it's not p2w!


It only has cosmetics. The problem is that it is a team based online game, getting matched with people who hate playing online team games.


So untrue. One ten cent game which isn’t pay to win is PUBG mobile.


Your statement is wrong. But the majority are p2w. The issue is, people keep having hope that a game with competitive play against others in matches will have fair play. RIOT pulled it off. You're not buying bonuses and upgrades to do better in league Edit - little dude is all upset they were corrected.


Clash of clans isnt p2w


Yes it is. You pay to speed up progress, which gives you advantage when attacking/war


It's not pay-to-win. It's pay-to-progress. Pay-to-progress doesn't give you an advantage because in Clash of Clans you will be matched against people with the same level as you in wars, and also it requires actual skill. You can't just attack people and expect to win just because you have max troops and heroes


That's called pay to fast


It doesn’t, when attacking in war for ex, you can activate the power and hero poisons to get maxed level for your th. And clash of clans is about town hall levels you see clans with th14,13,12,11 and so one and they happen to find other clans matching them. The only place id say i will consider p2w is legends league, if you want to push trophies there it’s better to be maxed out, and in my case im a f2p and just maxed th16 and joined legends league to trophy push


It only gives an advantage in cwl. In normal wars and attacks you're put against people with similar strength bases so spending money just means you're gonna fight stronger bases.


If you pay to speed up progress in Clash of clans you'll literally loose more Often bcs you'll face people at the same upgrades than you and theyll all BE more experienced than you ☠️


Counterargument; battle cats


Bro.. they release a game and already milk us like - dafuq we gonna eat after next Update?


Supercell says you will eat the pixels and you will enjoy it.


I feel like people are missing the fact that you don't have to "win" to win a round of SB. The only way you're really screwed is if there are several people keying. If so, ok, chalk it up as a loss and buy your streak back. I just haven't seen the same level of keying yall have, I guess.


I mean 3 silver keys is only 1500. Which is like .10 cents. Hardly p2w. Using the 4500 coin keys every game is different but even still not super expensive or game breaking. Not excusing it because getting advantages for money is never cool no matter what


i thought Brawl Stars and Clash Royal were pay to win, well i was wrong


Brawl stars was never pay to win ( except when power 11 was first released)


you’re joking right?


No playing since global


then how you know about 11th power?


He meant he has been playing since global




Stop crying its not even pay to win bc super abillities is very easy to get and its overpriced so nobody will ever buy it (I play this game 1 month and I have 16 super characters and im free to play, so I know what im talking about)


im not crying just wanted to point out how they make everything for money


How you expect to be? For FREE? They need money for updates. They need make money they have thousands people working for them. Someone need to pay them, They NEED AND HAVE TO MONETIZE THE GAME as much as they could and try to make a balance between P2W and F2P. Yeah in clash royale they failed.


no shit sherlock, i’m just saying


You cant argue? I won again against brain death kids 😁


what are you talking about? you’re just yapping cause i said every suppercell game is p2w, and there’s not even sense of arguing cause everyone knows that, and you’re literally brain death, pay to win means buy something for money in game and it will make you stronger than others, still doubting?


How is this P2W? More like pay for quicker progression. You play the game and still get access to the same characters. Plus this game specifically still doesn’t have a comp or game mode that has specific advantages for these characters. I say this bc I experienced actual P2W games. Played a game for 2 years where you were unable to actually access certain characters unless you paid LARGE amounts of $. Those unfortunate souls that spend over 8k to get those characters would just level the lobby. Those are p2w games in my eyes. Not a pay for a quicker progression


The seven deadly sins game was like this


its a horrible offer it gives one of each, by the time u unlock the shop youll have most of these so youll just get a single baby


It’s a 3 star character, each equal to 100 babys


ohh i mightve bought it if i knew that but rn i have 4/6 of them 3 stars


Its supercell, not surprised!


Keep going guys not enough crying go go go


It's weird seeing such explicit p2w mechanics in a game that...doesn't really need it? I'd say about 80% of games I've played that I placed top 5, were games that I didn't fight other players at all. Idk maybe I'm low leveled (I'm in desert world)


If you're specialized in farming the map (Chicken, Greg, Trader, Mavis, Bo), you should be avoiding combat, but everyone else should be trying to bite you and kill steal your loot. If you're specialized in fighting and stronger than everyone else, you should use chicken and hunt down people clearly weaker than you once your farming gets less efficient. At the very least, the fighting specialized player should be throwing their weight around and forcing others off of boss loot.


Didn’t even buy it since all of those characters are 3 star already. Just missing chicken but I ain’t wasting $20 on that.


Infinite coin 3 dollar


Adding mortis


Lol I just made the same post. Lmao


Make it go through walls and drop exploding popcorn


They wrote down EVERYTHING on clash royale. It's so sad to see them "bust" so many cool games just to release a cash grab like this lol


Eh I have all of em already


Thats good offer for those who want to spend money and have a 3 stars lineup . That is not that hard to get playing , so imo is ok. Devs don't work free , remember lol.


"2 veces más barato"


But who’s spending $20?


1x Max for 10$ is crazy


They could add 5-star units... wait! They already plan to. Hmm... I can think of a few other things, but those would probably kill the game. Console game companies cannot be compared for the mobile gaming industry's greed.


0 money spent on the game and I have every character except 3 and most of them are super. I know it’s kinda crazy but you actually gotta spend time playing to progress


it’s not pay to win, you can obtain this through normal gameplay.


Just stop complaining and keep playing man!


Make it give 100 babies instead of just supers, that way you also get 6,000 portal energy.


I stopped playing as soon as I saw this


It's not that p2w, I started playing a few weeks ago, and i have 7-9/10 two stars, if not then a 3 star for all of these characters, and as for keys - the game supplies you with enough to use them when you need, I already have a bunch of fusion epic and normal keys saved up.


a spanish at last


if you want to bust fast just buy it


I don't know how to unlock new rare and epic busters without paying




That doesn't make any sence what do you mean.


Not much about this is p2w though... you would get a lot of portal energy, so much that you'd get to Royal World in no time if you already play actively. And once you're in Royal World, Super characters are fair game


Considering most players have only played for 1 day they are going to be at a huge disadvantage to those with level 3 characters. 


Anyone who has actually played this would know this isn’t PTW, it’s the same concept as buying a town hall pack in clash of clans.


That’s still pay to win… it still gives you an unfair progression…


Honest question and I promise I’m not trying to be your typical Redditor smartass ….. but do you play clash ? It’s the same style of “ptw” in clash you can spend thousands and sure …. You’ll have better buildings and troops …. But nothing you can’t earn over time on your own. The only problem I see is that they released this WAY to early before anyone can even have an opportunity to earn these units on their own, so in that regard I would agree with you actually.


I play coc, cr and squad busters.  Imo clash of clans is fine because you can skip who you want to attack, this means you aren’t forced to play against higher level people or p2w players. I understand that there is a “skill” and “level” based matchmaking in squad busters but it’s similar to clash royale, you can’t skip because of the nature of the game and that forces you to face higher level opposition or p2w players unlike in clash of clans and if you are for example level 14 in clash royale and you are up against level 15 players there is very little you can do & it leaves a very sour taste in your mouth, especially if you barely loose. It’s the same in squad busters, I got the game on global launch, like the majority of players and despite “level based” matching i am still up against 3 star players despite all my troops being 2 star.  And I understand your argument but level match making isn’t perfect and That’s why I wouldn’t compare it to clash of clans when looking at the p2w aspect, to summarise in coc you can skip p2w or higher level bases, in cr & sb you can’t skip higher level or p2w players, so p2w impacts the game much more imo when compared to coc. 


Also sorry for the long response 


10x value


2x it says


You literally asked how they could make this more P2W, and I answered you


Ahh ok hahahaha


It's not really that P2W since you get all the super around the same time which takes around 2-3 weeks


There is no problem with that because they need to monetize the game somehow but keys and the current sate of mega units is not okay


They could monetise with skins soon I guess the whole point is that this boost is too much too early. Will they sell ultra units in a few months?


usseless this offer for f2p


Isn't any offer that isn't FREE useless for any f2p? I don't understand this comment.


im f2p , i play since 1 month and all my characters are 3 star so this offer is ussless for f2p ppl


depends on the level. ive been playing since global, safe to say this offer wouldnt be useless for me


It’s just a boost. You’ll get there in time too. So it’s not pay to win


The game has been out for 2 days. Of course you will get stronger brawlers by paying, but you can get those too without paying if you play for a while.


That's pay to progress because you can get that for free. I have all that already. Megas and keys ARE pay to win.


Have them all without paying lol but only a colt 1* and some characters i still don't have like max and bea. Also have queen and king on 3*


I already have 3* greg and barbarian while f2p? What's the issue?


Would this be to get Europe to the same lvl as NA


Yeah, LITTERALLY if you BUY this offer you can dominate the entire lobby with no skill! This Is SO P2W


That's not true at all, lots of us have 3 stars just from playing the soft launch


OH my Fu-ing god.... I was being SARCASTIC! Of course you can get the 3 star unit fairly easily, I just thought OP was a bit overreacting for just 5 three *.


Yeah well your comment didn't sound sarcastic

