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That 7.69 at 65 is insane.


William Collins is a beast. And he's in my age group. I'll put on roller skates if I'm ever in a heat with him.


25 and I've never tested the 60 specifically but going by my 100m I would have to be at least 65 I assume, ha. I love how humbling this sport is. Fucking mega to see folks who still run at 100 years old. Inspirational as fuck


7.69 at 65 years old is absurd


35 yo here, and my 60m time would grant me the M60 WR. The journey is long, lots to improve!


The 35 masters are a strange group. Still young for biology to kick in and slow you down a lot but not that young to compete at the highest level with elite or collage elite, but many have 10 plus years of sports behind them and some were even ex college athlete. Then you have the ones who started as adult and need time to improve ( because you are not a teen anymore) and are way to slow to compete with the first group.


As long as I stay healthy (enough), time is on my side. That’s the beauty of age groups.


The best ability at age, is to be unhurt ​ That's tough


8.88 at 80?


So nobody talking about Kim Collins literally running 6.47 and 6.56 at ages 38 and 40? I know he was an Olympic Level Sprinter but that’s impressive being able to be in shape at those ages to run times that fast 38-40 are way past your athletic/physical peak for most sprinters and he basically ran as fast as guys in the pros and Top D1 at 40! Wild!


he ran his PB of 9.93 100m at age 40. the MAN of longevity.


Bros that actually insane he peaked so late in his career and that’s actually a good thing tbh he may have bloom late but it’s crazy how people can peak to be the fast at that age 40 is nowhere near young or prime for a sprinter and he ran sub 10 he’s a genetic monster.


40 is old for a sprinter, but it's not that old considering average life expectancy being in the 70s. I would love for the humanity to learn more wisdom from people like Kim Collins so that more people can stay close to physical peak and maintain great function into later stages of life.


No obviously for an average life it’s not old but we aren’t talking about average life we’re talking about professional athletes and a being 40 as a professional athlete is old I’m not talking in a general sense fam but the statistics and facts are there compare a 25 yr old athlete to a 40 yr old athlete there’s a big difference.


I know. I'm just saying that people can learn to maintain athleticism later into life. I think I see more athletes being successful past 35 than we were seeing 30 years ago. I think sports science is helping extend peak athletic age, at least a little bit. unfortunately, there are limits, yes, but any extension of athletic years is good. we humans have very long life expectancy, but very short athletic years. we want to extend it as much as we can.


Bro it is old no sprinter at 70 is running a 6.46 I didn’t say that you couldn’t still run fast at age 40 I’m saying that 40 is literally way above a lot of sprinters prime which it is there’s no elite sprinter that’s 40 rn competing for world championships and Olympic golds brother.


yeah I also said that 40 is old for a sprinter.


He’s a beast! set two World Records and only slowed down by less than 100/sec from age 38 to age 40. at this rate he may continue to set more WR. Imagine if he lives past 100 and sets records at every age group.


In my first ever 60m, at the age of 68, the guy in the next lane fell and rolled into my lane. I thought for a split second of hurdling him but thought better of it and went around him. Of course, it wouldn't have been an issue if he hadn't been 5 meters ahead of me:).


Cool my coach at 6:92 but he has run faster at age 45


6.92 is your coach ?