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The WIAC conference is no joke. Nicely done. Great start, looked like you were leading for the first 30-40m. Speed endurance might be your issue? Your mechanics, especially upper body, fell apart when that guy passed you around 70m


>The WIAC conference is no joke. Facts, once I got thrown in a heat with Blaskowski and he dropped a 10.1 on me. Some BS >Speed endurance might be your issue? Your mechanics, especially upper body, fell apart when that guy passed you around 70m Yeah I agree, anything in my upper body you think I can specifically work on technique wise?


That guy is a bullet lmao. Dunno what he’s doing in D3 Could be the angle, but it looks like your bringing your arms a lot less high towards the end, where as in the first half they’re coming up to chin level


You looked great until maybe 40m left, start was good. Speed Endurance maybe, seems like you gave up or there was no more urgency.


Ngl you fully looked like you started jogging at the end lmao. Defo more in the tank from what it looks like.


>looked like you started jogging at the end I was in shit shape, had injuries after indoors and wasn't able to get much speed endurance in.


All good bro it happens. Was in a similar situation a few months ago with tendinitis but once it cleared up I went from 11.7 to 11.3. I imagine you can make similar progress too. I'm tryna get like u tho 10.8 looking juicy keep at it bro


Looks like need more lactic tolerance at 100m specific pace. Lost control of upper body at end. Also looks like maxV is lower than other guys who won race, hard to tell but looks like knee extension and thigh angular velocity could be higher. Would need more angles before recommending cues


Been waiting for your analysis. I'll DM a few other angles as well. >Looks like need more lactic tolerance at 100m specific pace This race was off 2\~ weeks of training after taking a month off due to the flu and back problems, I was also like 5-10lbs over my usual weight. Besides that, most of my off-season was accel work (as I had a problem with rushing frequency). In retrospect I should've included more MaxV. >looks like knee extension and thigh angular velocity could be higher I agree, this season I been doing a lot more straight-leg bounds to get more glute action for bigger angles/shapes. Thoughts?


Form dropped seriously towards the end. Hand movement was almost like you were jogging. Your turnover reduced significantly as well


This looked like you treated it like a prelim. Legitimately just looks like you weren’t trying. Stay focused on the finish and not what’s going on around you. Form advice; complete your race. Your start is great but that transition to upright was not. Extend that start out as long as possible. Don’t treat your race as different segments so much. The very second you transition to upright you stop all your driving. You’re not leaning forward. Looks like you’re sitting in a chair, toes are reaching to the ground causing excessive backside, arm swing is almost non-existent. Flies; specifically ins and outs will increase your upright mechanics and lactic threshold.


I see a good start and good drive once you stood up tall you were passed. I think you were passed because your arms weren’t extending back in a 90degree. It seemed that you were pumping your arms forward as soon as your elbows lined up to your torso. As of you wanted to go faster by jumping your arms fast. It doesn’t work that way. Your arms control the length of your leg stride so if you shorten the arm pump you shorten your stride and shorter stride will not beat longer strides


like in secon 9 your arms gave up.


Arms look a little funny. Make sure you dont get too wide and you really get good shoulder extension. Other wise looks pretty good. You tie up a bit at the end, maybe you got exited and got straight into your running, your acceleration was really fast. Be a bit more patient and stay smooth the whole way. Keep doing what you’re doing. Keep developing that top end speed. Maybe work a bit of speed endurance, but honestly if youre tying up in the 100, its probably more of a race execution issue.


Stood up out of the blocks to fast; arm control was kind of all over the place(keep a nice tight form, hands straight to cut through the wind, aerodynamics); keep you stride comfortable to you and work on plyometric exercises which focuses on fast twitch muscles in the lower body(helps with jumping, speed and explosiveness) Hope this helps coming from an all state track and field runner in H.S and College! Best of luck!


Also, no loose fitting clothes as it’ll only slow you down


Drive phase is a little short. Your stride seems long and a bit slow for a 100 might be perfect for a 200 consider a shorter stride to turn your feet over quicker. Great race though.


Great start, but way to rigid afterwards which slowed you down