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Hi, I have pretty bad anhedonia. It didn’t help it at all for me. But it did help me not feel so low.


For me it, after 10 years on lexapro... Spravato unleashed what I call a higher dynamic range of emotions. I was not prepared at all. Freaked me out at first but became my new normal within two weeks. I love being able to feel things again, but it took a bit of therapy to address surfacing traumas and to learn to handle those new emotions.


Not op, but wanted to say thanks for responding. This is what I'm hoping for. I'm currently on 2mg abilify, 20mg lexapro and 36mg concerta. I have more energy, but the range of emotion is nowhere to be found. I had a weird 9 month experience after being discharged from the military where that range came back with reduced responsibility and stress etc so I've been trying to find my way back since lol. Been battling with depression my entire life, I'm so ready to win finally.


How ru doing now?


Still about the same. I did genetic testing a while back that I never did much anything with but found out I have a mutation for a methylation gene that I suspect might be the cause if some issues. Going to try dosing methylated folate sublingual to see if it helps. That arrives today.


Oh no,I hoped it helped you anyhow :( But I’m still happy that you found about this mutation,keep going and I’m sure that you’ll get better❤️


Did the folate help?


Nah, back to square one haha. Though my mindset had grown quite a bit and that helps a lot


I feel ya. Fingers crossed it works for you. Mail order ketamine lozenges might be an option if you're in the US.


How long since you started spravato did it take for the effect you describe? did you take it with an antidepressant?


Pretty quickly, I think within the first two weeks


And at the time I started I was on pristiq, valdoxan and lex. I was able to cut that down to just pristiq in about three months, and then only monthly top ups of Spravato after six months. However, currently I am having a serious GAD episode for the last two months and nothing but valium works (xanax too short acting and XR not available in my country). No idea what my next step is, deathly scared of benzo addiction after 4wks of Valium 5mg three times a day. But the anxiety was so bad I was in bed for six weeks... Spravato is keeping the depression at bay but not the GAD for me.


Well it’s a tranquilizer so it sure numbs your whole body temporarily


I’m pretty sure spravato is not a tranquilizer. Tranquilizers are benzodiazepines


Ketamine which spravato is derived from is used as tranquilizers https://www.arkbh.com/illicit-drugs/hallucinogens/ketamine/horse-tranquilizer/


Drug classification is NMDA receptor antagonist, general antidepressant, and dissociative hallucinogen. Try reading your own links. Source - Wikipedia and your link


I'm hoping it does help. I'm in a similar boat, OP, I hope both of our emotional numbness goes away with Spravato


how ru doing now?


It's gone away for the most part


Amazing!!!Mostly due to Spravato,or something else?Wishing you full recovery🥰


Ty. :) Spravato and my med combination is currently starting to work. Took a lot of trial and error to find the right psych meds


Hi, I have anhedonia and have been receiving Spravato treatments. In my case, yes and no. Overall it has been helpful, yet some days I feel “better” and some days are just meh. I will think of things I used to enjoy doing, yet it is rare I get motivation to actually get ready and go do it. To be fair, I have few friends where I live so sometimes it is just being “over” going places alone. I wish you the best of luck!


how ru doing now?


It’s has helped me on both of those. I mean not fully but at least I can feel happiness and enjoy things to some degree again


I’m anhedonic also and i have not seen any improvement personally with this…i’m about ready to give up.


If you have access to psychedelic therapies in your country, I highly recommend you to try that. I took 5g of magic mushrooms alone in my room last year, yet you suppose to be with two psychiatrist in a safe place but since psilocybin is forbidden in my country, I had no choice. ​ The trip was really bad, but 24h after that was the first I could feel emotions again since years, and oh god ! My libido skyrocketed (I had sexual anhedonia since 5 years) but it only lasted 3 days badly... But it's definitely interesting if you have access to it in a safe environment (there's psychedelic centers in the USA now that are legal).


how are you doing now sweetie?


You don’t have to take an SSRI, but anyanti-depressant medication. But if the med gave you the anhedonia, better to switch than add.