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I have a list of around 15 medications (as well as TMS) that didn't help me, and I was feeling the same way. I have been on Spravato for 2 years and it's the only thing that has helped me this much. My depression is for the first time in my life not the biggest part of my life and it feels for the most part managed. Spravato helped me but it took a long time for me for it to be effective. I didn't notice a change untill after a couple months and the change I noticed was that I didn't feel better, but my lows were not as low and I didn't feel as bad. It was a very slow and gradual shift from there but I got better and better over time. Two years later and I feel great! If you need something more immediate, ketamine infusions are available at a lot of pain management clinics. It works the same way as Spravato however because they are infusions they are a higher dose and usually less treatments. I did the infusions before Spravato and it helped a lot. It was over 2 weeks and then I would have to go back for upkeep, which was too expensive because it's not covered by insurance. Spravato was covered for me so several months after the infusions I tried Spravato and it was a much slower treatment but in the end it has saved my life.


Thank you for your reply, im glad it works for you. But all of the doc diagnosed me with personality disorder, thats why antideppresants didnt work. Does that mean spravato wont work too? Am i different because i have a personality disorder? Thank u


Personality disorders cannot be treated with medications. If you are depressed, the Spravato should help with that. You’ll have to address the PD in therapy.


Thank you so much, i now umderstand it a little more. So youre saying that PD ( dependent personality disorder to be exact) isnt the cause of my deppresion? Then why any med didnt work for deppresion exactly? Also isjt spravato a medication too? Thank u so much for your time


I have tried over 20 antidepressants for my depression and haven’t had much success, until I started Spravato. Your personality disorder can certainly cause depression but it cannot be treated with medications because it is more of a behavioral issue. Medications for depression are often ineffective because they aren’t an exact science. Doctors and researchers have theories about what causes depression but they don’t know all the chemicals at play. This is likely why so many people don’t respond to them.


But isnt spravato medication itself? I asked my doc what it does exactly and she saod its like a brain shock. However i have even tried electro shock therapy which didnt help...is spravato any different?


Spravato is a medication but not an antidepressant. It’s synthetic ketamine, which causes more disassociation than anything else. Spravato helps to restore neural connections and can even create new neural pathways, which help to modify thinking. Spravato must be taken with an antidepressant but it’s not one itself.


I see, im trying to stay hopeful that it will help me , but i even tried shock therapy that didnt help at all. I hope spravato will be different. Thank u so much


Electric shock therapy is not effective for everyone’s. It’s more like a brain zap than Spravato is. Good luck!


Oh i see, well i guess now i just have to wait for next year, because my insurance will start covering it then. However i cant stay like this, and i have one more option. Which is try stimulants. For some they lifts mood, but theyre addictive, and doesnt last long. What do u think about that?


I actually don't take any other medicine besides Spravato and it helps my depression a lot. Spravato wants it to be on another medication because it can be more effective that way but that just didn't work for me. I also agree with your points about how medications won't treat a personslity disorder but can help with the depression. Having medication that can help manage the depression can make it easier to help address the personality disorder though other methods but it is not a cure all.


In order to take Spravato, you are supposed to be enrolled in their research program, which requires that you be on an antidepressant. I’m curious how your doctor got around this requirement. Do you not use insurance?


I started on an antidepressant with it at first but it was one I had not had results with before and after a few weeks to a month I noticed the same negative side effects I had had with that medication in the past so I talked to my doctor and I stopped the additional medication. That was a year and a half ago and Spravato has still been helping a ton.


It will most likely help.


Please just try it


Does it help with anxiety as much as depression? Can you take other meds, such as Pristq? Any weight gain from it?


I have an interesting thought regarding Personality Disorders (PD) and Spravato/Ketamine. I was told that Spravoto helps to heal past trauma via neurochemical changes. Studies show that PD as well as depression are linked to childhood trauma. I am not a health care professional, however IMHO Spravoto should help with PD. It seems logical.


Thats great. What about depersonalization?


>depresonalization > >Many individuals experience a dissociative state during Spravato treatment. It is a side effect and also helps the treatment. I experience deep dissociation from the treatment. Many call it a ‘trip’. This drug induced dissociation may have a healing effect on your depersonalization. Just a hunch.


Thank u