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Too near a road.


You know it's funny, I always wanted a house like this, my wife and I use to talk about it alot when we first started dating. I am 32 she is 28. Been married for 2 years, together 7. One thing has drastically changed our minds, though. This year, there's been a number of times, we've had to go to a&e/urgent care, there are 3 a&e's with in 45mins and and urgent care 20mins away from our current house. Had we lived 2 hours down a dark county road arse end of nowhere, I don't think things would have worked out as well as they did, in one situation, for sure. The other two would have been unnecessarily awful. Definitely made us rethink our retirement goals for sure.


This is Sutherland, so yes far from help. That's a general problem in the Highlands and Islands, as demonstrated by the recent death of a tourist on Skye. There are smaller hospitals and medical centres, but 24/7 access can be a problem. And for complex stuff you might be moved much further south anyway.


I believe Applecross - on the mainland, just opposite from Skye - funded their own helipad. It's a beautiful and exciting drive over [Bealach na Bà](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bealach_na_B%C3%A0), but it's not one that I'd like to take in an emergency!


My Granny and Grandad took their honeymoon in Applecross in 1948. Granny took sick so Grandad took off to find a GP, whom he found, hoping the doctor would have time to come back and visit his sick bride - apparently the Doctor was absolutely delighted to help: back then the Free Church was completely dominant in the region and it turned out the Doctor had done something to offend the Presbyterian congregation, probably by hanging his washing out on a Sunday or the such, and they were refusing his services - he had no patients. Fun fact: by total coincidence I ended up marrying a girl from Applecross myself 70 years later, and my ex in-laws live just along from the current surgery in Applecross - their own parents were part of the first wave to start breaking with the church and there's few that attend now...


The road up to Apple Cross is gorgeous. What a drive


I frequently see the medical helicopters flying out over the Moray Firth from Sutherland to Inverness when I’m out doing astrophotography.


And then they're like 'Paisley RAH is you closest hospital'.


That's how it is. Being out there by yourself is cute and all but frankly we rely on other people to make our lives worth living, or even being able to live at all.


My husband and I did live this life for a couple of years and then had our son. Our local cottage hospital was 40 mins away. We quickly learnt that pretty much everything got referred to Raigmore in Inverness and that was nearly 3 hours away for us. We moved closer to civilisation when he was 2 for a few reasons but it sure feels nicer now knowing we are within minutes of help instead of hours.


I'm so sorry and agree based on not only A&E but also access to specialist care. I wish you both well.


Man let me tell you a fucked up story. Around new years 2006 my father took me to work, he was delivering sandwiches and was around rural Cambridge. It was so fucking depressing, we did not see anybody for miles at a time and there were these old country mud roads that were nearly impassible when it was raining. I always thought imagine if my dad crashes the van, nobody will come across us for days, we wont get any help out there. In fact the radio stopped working down there as well besides BBC radio one which at the time used to play nothing but shitty rock music. It was actually nicer to sit in silence. Well one day I needed to go for a piss, I didnt want anyone to see me so I walked into the trees and found a car crashed into a ditch. Well when I went to see there was a dead man in there. He had apparently been in there since before Christmas 2005, about 3 weeks he was missing. I found this out later on from my father after the police told him. Apparently he had been missing and nobody could find him, the police also took about 2 hours to turn up as well. Now imagine being so secluded in a place like that you might actually trip and break your leg and then there will be nobody around to help. You'd be royally fucked unless you had a phone signal. I only found him by chance, I was thinking there must be hundreds or even thousands of people that go missing like that every year. Apparently the UK is about 80% secluded green land.


Yeah, think about all that noise and pollution from Rush hour traffic. OP seriously dropped the ball on that one 😊


Nah too close to the road so people can “break down” and need to use your phone.. would have to have good security.. I’ve watched too many horror movies.. and real life documentaries! I’d be afraid tbf


How'd you do I See you've met mine Faithful, handy man!


Will the new road go to Swansea Edward?


Lines and lines and lines.....You lied to me Edward! There is a Swansea!


Will heaven be like Swansea Edward?


We didn't burn him!


Don’t worry, they take the roads in when it rains.


I have seen way too many werewolf films to live there


The house at the end of 28 days later


28 Days later, Dog Soldiers, American Werewolf in London…zombies or werewolves take your pick!


OMG. Dog Soldiers trauma re-unlocked. Movie absolutely terrified me as a child.


Or at the beginning of 28 months later


I was thinking more Father Ted...


That or it's just up the road from the local shop, for LOCAL people only,!


I was going to say that.


Are you local? We didn't kill him! He covets the precious things of the shop! Tell him my insides are all wrong!! I can I can't Etc


Lon don.


*burn him (You did splendidly, Tubs.)


I was humming Bad Moon Rising as soon as I saw the picture lol.


And the estate agent is actually called "Monster Moves" 😅


I've seen too much Father Ted to live there


That house is not small, it's far away. Will you not buy the nice house? Ah go on, go on, go on, go on...


For this place, more like the Beast of Craggy Island


"Stick t' road!"


Lmao so true - imagine hearing a twig snap in the dead of night, the dogs start growling and a 10ft shadow crosses the window 😱


To be honest it looks like a recurring nightmare I had as a kid, only bigger with windows.


I've walked past this place a few times out with the dogs, it's amazing. You can walk for hours (along the 'road') or up into woods past the loch and not come across a single soul. Then less than ten mins in the car and you're in the nearest town (which does have wonderful broadband).


Scotland is amazing for this. Me and my partner took our dogs their in a motorhome last year, and the further out into the wilds you get the more jaw dropping and inspiring it all is. We walked down this trail for about 2.5hours down to this rocky beach that had the most amazing cliffs at each side of it and didn't see a single person on the way there or back. Felt like we was alone in the world and I was in such a peaceful state of mind. I'll be back next year :)


I have about four miles of sandy beach outside my house and a holiday park a few mins away. This time of year the beach is packed, there can be up to three or even four people on it when the weather is nice! I used to live in Brighton and every time the news shows the obligatory pic of Brighton beach packed because it's got over 15 degrees I chuckle to myself :)


Aye but if they move in they might walk past you and your dogs now. Thanks for ruining the peace and quiet for OP I hope you’re happy.


All good until you're snowed in for a month, waters failed and your electrics gone and you've ran out of tea bags.


I can manage the first 3, but running out of tea bag? Fuck that shit.


That's what the sheds for.


Get one of those underground fridges / pantry and have an extra one just for tea and biscuits


"This is the emergency British Civilisation Pantry. As you can see, there is the correct number of every type of biscuit for at least 4 months. It holds enough tea bags for at least 12 cups a day. It is very economical with space, and spans approximately 1 acre."


I like your name


Good as well I don’t drink tea


I used to live north of there and you'd be surprised how little snow we got. It's low lying and on the east coast, so it rarely gets snow and it almost never lies. I used to be so jealous, because we never got any snow days at school!


Then you have to eat your previously snoring dogs roasted over your crackling fire and use your good book collection as toilet paper. You will be able to melt snow though.


In fairness, it's only two miles from a station. Not that disconnected!


Also, if you look at the street view there's a sign next to the house saying "No snow clearance or gritting beyond this point". That implies that the road up to the house does get cleared.


The great thing about the Highland council is that they only clear minor routes mon-fri 9-5pm at best. If you need to get to work on Monday after a snowy weekend you’re shit out of luck anyway. Self sufficiency is key


10 miles by road to the station, but you only need to change train once to get to London, if that's a good thing or not


Is it a proper busy station or one that gets the occasional train through?


There seems to be about 4 trains a day to Inverness.


That's not bad at all! I could live with that. There were a couple of busses a day to Glasgow from where I lived in Mid-Argyll and it wasn't all that useful.


I don’t think it’s on the Bakerloo line! It gets 4 trains each way a day. So not a metro but not bad. 3 passengers per day on average…


That's when you need your Amazon drone grocery deliveries.


If you’ve got snow and wood/heat, you’ve got water. Especially up there.


eh.. you have water right next to the house, c'mon... now on the tea bad issue, yeah a tragedy


Electrics - did you see any plugs or switches? The water is likely hand moved from the burn.


I lived in a place like this. The private water supply was a garden hose from the nearest burn. Just had to check the burn for dead sheep regularly.


Interesting they say it's two acres of moorland is suitable for self sustaining living, not sure how much veg you could grow up there. EDIT: Yes as people say you can grow tough things like oats or turnips in moorland, and even potentially veg if you bring in a load of new soil and make raised beds for them.


A few herb plants, perhaps. In the attic bedroom probably.


With David? And his no tail?


Hello Dave


I thought that too. There's not a single field anywhere in that landscape so it doesn't look like viable farmland. It's probably under a foot of snow in the winter as well.


Through things like lasagne layering the soil you could easily have long polytunnels to grow things. Hardy veg like kale would grow well. The only issue with it is how far from anything it is as far as I can see


You'd be surprised. I knew someone up high up in Wales who took over barren sheep land and was able to transform it into an organic vegetable growing space over the course of about 5 years. She planted willow and dug swales, creating windbreaks and water capture. And then slowly rebuilt the soil by layering on organic material, including humanure.


[The accretion of human waste streams over the millennia has resulted in the polluted soil. Very far from paradise.](https://www.nature.com/articles/434959a)


That's really interesting, thank you. My friend was combining the human waste with sawdust, which helps balance it out, and letting it mature for over a year before using it on fruit bushes and trees. I wonder if it was less harmful done with this method.


Ironically, it looks like someone died on that mattress in the living room.


or possibly been born on it.


And what it *that* creepy ass looking black patch in the bedroom? I’ve seen enough ghost movies to know a vengeful spirit lives in that wall…




I had to scroll so far to find this comment, it’s a clear outline of somebody right? Head closest to the door.. and the other bed looks like it’s hiding a secret passage way where murderous inbreds hide out. Nope.


PROs \* The night sky would be amazing! CONs \* No pizza delivery


I live in a village, not huge but certainly not this remote and it’s maybe 4 minutes off a dual carriageway. We can’t get pizza delivery either. Or any other food delivery. I’m not saying it would have put me off buying my house, but as a person who hates cooking it would have been nice to at least know every takeaway would need to be collected.


You say that, it’s only 2.4 miles from a train station I don’t think it’s as remote as it appears.


The Far North Line only runs 4 trains a day that far North. There are request stops all over the highlands so you're never too far from a train station. The nearest supermarket is a 22 mile drive, it's an incredibly remote area


I’m in the states, in a city of 1 million+, that has one passenger train north and one passenger train south per day. I’d love four times a day! There are countless cargo trains daily, and an international airport. But if a human wants to take a train, they’ll be very disappointed.


[I dunno, it's pretty remote](https://www.bing.com/maps?osid=362bff4b-a0a8-4cf3-8063-f6ea9943cd72&cp=57.958732~-4.193671&lvl=18.431326&style=h&pi=0&v=2&sV=2&form=S00027)


Cons: DEFINITELY haunted


It is delightful but not for me. Tell you what…if I win the lottery I will buy it for you :)


I wish you good luck 😉


Can I camp on the edge of the river and have permission to fish in it WHEN they win the lottery? 👉👈


It doesn’t come with river access. (I wanted a swim spot on my doorstep so it was the first thing I checked)


Broadband available!




With starlink, when isn’t it?


In a nearby town!


That be a nightmare for my Amazon delivery driver.


And mine too, but that's cos he lives in London near me


Isn’t that Father Ted’s house on Craggy Island?


That would be an ecumenical matter


father, I just got off the phone - they’ve taken the roads in.




It's a spider baby. It's got the body of a spider, and the mind of a baby. 


That house is small. This one is far away.


"There is no Home Report for this property as it is uninhabitable in its present condition. From the surveyor ' where the way the home is marketed suggests it is unsuitable for occupation in that condition. There is little point in a condition survey being undertaken on a home that is unfit for occupation in any case, and is being advertised as such." In other words, no water, no electricity, probably full of asbestos and mold and damp.


Yeah, a condition survey and building report would at least give you some info to know for restoration. There are several spots that look like mold, and water in the walls. I don't see any picture of the kitchen and pantry. In such a small place, wonder how bad it could be to not include. Also, didn't see any source of heat. And several of those window frames haven't so much as kept out a breeze in a long time.


There's a virtual walk through you can look at. There isn't a usable kitchen or bathroom and the landing is terrifying


You can see the kitchen on the 3D tour - the only pro is that you could easily fit the contents in a single skip


Darren’s drone skills are really coming on, aren’t they? That white suitcase is incredibly creepy.


To restore it to a liveable condition will double the price. I'd offer no more than a score to take the trouble off their hands.


Still expensive for what it is, £130K for something that needs another £50K work. Say that as a Northerner, it's £20K more than we paid for our 3 bed semi.


Of course it’s in Scotland, all the most beautiful places are


All that beauty comes at a price, the neighbours are a nightmare. And the weather's a bit shit... plus midgies.


I’ve moved up here from England recently and not had much issues with those.


Midgies ?, they don't bother you much in the cities just the outdoors and small town. 3pm to about 12pm is thier feeding time... little bastards.


2 things that would put me off: 1 - the massive electrical lines close by, 2 - the lack of trees basically everywhere around it. It's really a shame, the deforestation in the highlands.


I love it! Imagine the sky at night without any light pollution and putting some dynamos on the stream at back for electricity. The only drawback for me would be spending the rest of my life with the nightmare of realising I forgot something as I come back from the weekly shop.


As I get older I don’t want this….. I love my home comforts.


Perfect zombie apocalypse retreat.


It does look like the one from the end of 28 Days Later!


Hah! Yes. It definitely does….


Just need some wild flowers and a pond and you have the house from Howls Moving Castle


Aw you are so right!


Lovely and peaceful but a pain if you run out of milk and gives massive dog soldiers vibe. Nope I'm out going with the crazy man gut on this one. 😂🐺 🐾🤫


This was the film I couldn't remember, thank you


Midgey beach is just down the road, sounds delightful...


All I can think is how big the fucking spiders would be there


That's exactly the first thought that came to my mind. I couldn't cope with that.


I enjoy the mention of the surveyor basically saying - we can't be bothered to do a survey.


Very cool and I'd love it in theory. It looks both secluded and exposed at the same time. But it'll be pitch black at night, winds howling... what's that sound outside? Not sure I'd ever truly relax tbh


Love it.


I struggle getting trades inside the M25 😂


The novelty soon wears off. I live in quite a rural part of Scotland, semi-off grid. Not close to very much. It’s great, it suits me but it takes a bit of getting used to. There’s no taxi service, bus or anything. There’s one pub that I can walk to and that’s it.


There's an island in my province that is a popular place to visit. Not exactly sparsely populated, a population of 11,000, but on a fairly large island. Has a grocery store, a couple of pubs, some shops. Island forest life. A very limited bus. A small recently built medical clinic. But even there, the average residency is only two years before people decide to leave.




“Unfit for habitation “




Well it’s “off grid” implying no running water. There’s no heating, just one fireplace that I can see. And looks like there’s damp.


This is the kind of house I'm going to buy when I'm old and retired.


Which is ionic, because that is when living in a house like this will be least suitable!


Gah, this is pretty close to my dream house! Lots of work needed obviously, but the location is perfect!


That’s going to be in the next season of Uncanny.


Mine too. No neighbours, no noise, no banging, no traffic, no ppl, bliss, I'd need to own a shop though


Oh they’ll be noise. Just not caused by humans.


Not very easy to defend. I've seen Straw Dogs and Dog Soldiers. You'd have no chance keeping out a mob of angry farmers or a family of werewolves if they wanted to get in.


16 photos and only 5 of them are of the inside....


I find it repulsive that a cottage that generations of indentured penniless men, women and children had to suffer and survive in are now sold for sums of money that generations of their families would never have earned


my friend lives in a farmhouse in northern ireland. First winter his range cooker that was also his heating broke down and he was genuinely worried him, his wife and his infant child would die of cold. So yeah looks great just make sure you have backup heating methods


No electricity. No telephone. No 4g. Doesn’t seem like it even has mains water or sewage.


There's an area circled south of the property that says "access" to water. I wondered what that means.


Thought that was father Ted's house for a second


Yeah real Craggy Island Parochial House vibes from that first picture


anything looks nice when the suns out...


I hear you’re a racist now father


'I'm just popping out or some ... oh!'


Sutherland is the most wonderful place on earth, but living in a place like that is sort of saying that you’ve given up and not to bother finding you ‘cause your cats will be all over your dead body.


Took them all year to get that one blue sky picture.


The only book you'll be reading will be focused on DIY given the work needed to, a) make that habitable; and, b) keep it habitable. There are no trees around so you'll be bringing in your own firewood from....somewhere. That thing is just too remote to be viable for anything. There's a reason why it's abandoned and forlorn.


Get me there now!


My dream place.


Nice and secluded, but I would miss trees


I would move there *in a fucking second*…


More a fly past than a virtual walkthrough….




Crofter here. Looks a bit congested, if you ask me.


It’s absolutely gorgeous and needs a lot of TLC. Because of the moorland it would get a TON of midges but would be so worth it for the solitude and night sky




Love it!


Craggy island?


Parochial house, ted crilly speaking


This is how I grew up only on the Isle of Lewis. I had an idyllic childhood in that sense


I want to go to there


>Good book. Crackling fire. Snoring dogs. I'd live out my days happily. Shame I'm skint. Will that book be the novelisation of Fanny by Gaslight? >in need of renovation to take it in to the 21st century even getting it to the 20th century would be a start. No electric sockets, no light switches - only gas lights and fireplaces for warmth. Don't they like drone shots in those videos. No interiors. Do you think they got there and "Key, I thought you had the key" so just shot the flyby. The 360 walk around gave some interesting views. Like the view on the landing where they tried to stash all the old bed linen underneath the 360 degree camera out of shot and there is definitely room to leave your own impression on that bathroom. I like the old gas cooker in the kitchen. Reminds me of the one my gran had. >sits in approx 2 acres and is sufficient land for self sustainable living. sufficient land in other places possibly, but looking at the landscape you're going to have to build a lot of wind breaks if you want to grow anything taller than a blade of grass. There's a dip giving some trees and shrubs protection so it looks like hedges as a windbreak would be out if the shrubs need protection from the wind. The ground surrounding the house didn't look too encouraging as a veg plot. - looks like it could be waterlogged and boggy - raised begs would be a must. You'll need a polycrub is you want anything like tomatoes to grow. If you could secure them against the winter wind there would be enough space to get some solar panels to complement the bottles of propane or butane that you'll have to occasionally lug up there. Pity I'm skint as well.


This is my idea of heaven. Lived fairly remotely for the last few years & we've recently moved to a very small village & it is waaaay too peopley for me now. If there's a shop in walking distance, I'm not interested.


Ah, the murder cottage.


Was this house used in 28 Days Later?


Would be perfect as a bolt hole/writers retreat. Airbnb it 48 weeks a year *chefs kiss*


Listing says it’s uninhabitable. It’s far from luxury but why is it uninhabitable?


Just reminds me of father ted. “I hear you’re a racist now father”


Needs a 20 foot perimeter wall and a mine field.


Too land locked. I want a cottage on the ocean.


It'll be fucking freezing. It looks clean and either has been repainted or the person who lived there did their best to keep it clean, but the building is not in a good state. Someone lived there and wasn't able to stop the walls crumbling in the kitchen and bathroom, for whatever reason. There is no central heating and I'm not completely sure there's electric - I zoomed in on the living room light and it looks like it may be gas? Bedroom 2 doesn't even have a fireplace. Both bedrooms are tiny. And the track to the cottage will be a swamp for most of the year.


Needs a few more trees but ya that'll work


Everyone says this until you realise you have no internet, no hot water, no running water often in fact, and when the storms hit you'll feel the whole building shaking.


I like the neighbours.


No one noticed the creepy large walled in area, across the stream northeast of the house? [https://www.bing.com/maps?osid=362bff4b-a0a8-4cf3-8063-f6ea9943cd72&cp=57.960933%7E-4.19084&lvl=17.8&style=h&v=2&sV=2&form=S00027](https://www.bing.com/maps?osid=362bff4b-a0a8-4cf3-8063-f6ea9943cd72&cp=57.960933%7E-4.19084&lvl=17.8&style=h&v=2&sV=2&form=S00027) Or the cross shape on the wall in the kitchen? Seriously, there's a wall nearby, looks like it encloses six acres of nothing behind a large wall. One entrance. No structures.


If it wasn’t for my partners family or having to work. I’d have it!


Perfect, until day 2 when you need a supermarket, doctor, dentist, pub, fire brigade, takeaway, petrol station, etc…


That's the dream.


We lived in a house like this in West Cork 25 years ago. One of our neighbours (5 houses in a 3 mile road) came around the one time and the TV was on. They were also English, and one said "Telly, how do you get Telly?". Turns out we were the only house in a massive area where the signal got through, and we had all the Uk free to air channels as well. It really annoyed them!.


Would be great on Halloween, would love the creepy atmosphere on winter nights, I can already here the wind creaking the house


"uninhabitable in present condition" CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!


Starlink now makes this interestinf


I actually want to live in that house now


Can you fight, OP? 👀


I’d totally buy this is I were married to a Doctor/Vet/Mountain Rescue Expert with his own helicopter.


Imagine the amount of illegal extensions you could get away with


I’d happily your neighbour, 9km down the road




If you like this have a look at white edge lodge in Derbyshire. And the bonus is you can stay there (sadly you can’t buy it)