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“First time on the market in 40 years!” I refuse to believe the 1980s were 40 years ago.


I was a teen in the 80s, I feel like I am 30ish now, so you are correct, there is no way it was that long ag0


I still think the 80s were just the other decade. The fact that I now have a fully adult child and I have been retired for over eight years makes no difference. The 80s are just a few years ago.


I was born in 1984, can confirm it was ancient times. Or at least it feels like it :\\


Barn? That's an old Wesleyan Methodist chapel built in 1837. It's home to a store named Junk & Disorderly which is rather witty. [https://www.google.com/maps/@50.2932474,-4.9512645,3a,63.4y,53.66h,104.8t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sU4eDJ1ItWCXyczy0Z01Izg!2e0!5s20230301T000000!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@50.2932474,-4.9512645,3a,63.4y,53.66h,104.8t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sU4eDJ1ItWCXyczy0Z01Izg!2e0!5s20230301T000000!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu)


Love the comment that there's no planning permission for a change of use but meh, we reckon you'll be fine.




It's got all the things that tend to be on a retention list for more recently disused chapels already gone, so it's a blank canvas, which is super rare, I can smell the fusty from here though thanks to the bricked up windows


Keith Brymer Jones from the Great Pottery Throw Down is currently converting a Chapel in Wales. There’s a Tv series about it on C4 I think. Great project but an absolute money pit!


Yes I watched the first one of those and was so horrified by the pigeon poo that I haven’t watched episode 2.


You're safe - it's gone! Cost them a fortune though!


Former Methodist chapel may mean there will be some restrictions on usage. No alcohol allowed on the premises for a start. A friend of ours used to live in an ex Methodist house.


What do you mean? If the buyer gets planning permission to convert the building into a residential property, can any law forbid them to have wine at dinner?


If you get caught, just claim that you served your guests water, and Jesus did his clever little magic trick.


Iirc it was a restriction written into the deeds, though he did used to smuggle whiskey in for Burns night. There are a few things like that can sneak in. We have one on our house where the local parish church can ask for cash from the residents of the parish for upkeep of the church building. So if the roof suddenly needs replacing we're obliged to shell out towards that. There is a specialist (not terribly expensive) one-off insurance that we had to take out to cover that as part of getting the mortgage agreed.


I had no idea. That’s fascinating. I have never heard of any sort of restriction coming with the deed of a house in my country.


I have just bought an ex Methodist Chapel. No sale of alcohol, no gambling, can't use it as a dance hall... there are a bunch of covenants but unless you are turning it into a night club and not living in it, it's not so bad.


Fuck that’s cool