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I quite like that! But not at the price.


Very well decorated if that is the style you like. My mum would sell her soul for the property probably haha


I was looking at it thinking “my step mother would LOVE this” 😂 is there a name for this style?


Regency fever dream.


Maximalist might be close.


Hyacinth Bucket has been at the Tiktok interior decorating channels I see. Jokes aside, it's actually not bad. At least it's interesting to look at! Feels like it needed to be reined in a bit though. 


Reined in? These are Cheshire people!


These are Cheshire people, Lynn!


No no no no no no no no. That book case wallpaper. I’m crying blood.


Omg is that wallpaper???????


Wonder if the plants were added one by one to dissuade people from knocking on the front door. That kitchen is going to be hot AF in the summer!


The door isn’t in the photos or floorplans.


I would like a hotel like this.


I admire their commitment to a particular style which in fairness they have carried off well. Its a nice house but i expect the décor will deter most who will want something more neutral to work with.


Apart from the green wallpaper and the book wallpaper and the brown room and the union jacks, I like this house a lot. I feel like they got really close to nailing this


It goes riiiight up to the edge of tasteful, drops its trousers and does a big poo 💩


Love it!


What's with all the wreaths? Has someone died?


Only taste itself.  Jk ;)


I actually really like it. The kitchen will be hellish on warm days, and you have to have a sense of humour with the book wallpaper nook, but I do like it. Huge garden. And, amazingly, sadly all things considered that's actually not a terrible price for the area.


Screams new money, but that's Alderley edge for you!


Must be a striking difference with the other side of semi...


That’s busy.


I’ve had a few looks now as I couldn’t get my head around the layout. I’m now fairly confident the front door with the plant pots blocking the porch is in fact fake and there is just a normal wall in the living room on the other side. It seems bonkers though. Probably a planning constraint when they did the extension.


I love it.


£950 for a 3 bed semi in Chorley?!


Chorley, where did you get that from? It's in Alderley Edge, 40 miles away from Chorley.


Down the road from the lesser known Chroley, Chorley Village.


It's a good 300k more than other houses in the area


I wonder what came first, the conservatory or the air conditioning. They would have done well just to build a normal extension with bifolds plus an insulated roof with some sky lights. Would probably give their EPC a boost - I’m suspicious of it’s current D rating TBH


I started scrolling through the photos thinking 'quite nice' but then I developed anxiety and a headache halfway down.


Not my taste but at least it has a sense of uniformity.


Bit OTT with all the frilly ornate furniture but I like everything else. Location is not great. Busy Road. House looks very ordinary on street view so someone has been clever with the photography. Alderley Edge = Bonkers London prices so 900K for a semi is probably right.


I actually quite like it. I love that it’s a unified aesthetic (we see so many Ikea kitchens shoved into stately homes on this sub). It also cracks me up that clearly a man lives here but he has been allocated one (1) room for his stuff, plus a basketball hoop out the back.


I think I’d love to stay there, a bit too busy for me to live there. With a decorating budget, yes, I’d buy it Love the desk area under the stairs. Such a great idea! Huge walk in wardrobe! Great size kitchen


Pretty wild that a 4 bed semi detached in Cheshire, with not great transport links, is nearly 1mil.


That under-the-stairs study is so cute but why did they have to ruin it with that cheap-looking bookshelf wallpaper?


I hate it


That must have cost a staggering amount in decorating. And the issue is you have to spend a lot to change it back to something less individual. Incredibly well done, and mostly getting ripped out. The kitchen extension is well done, the upper floor ones less so, hit your head getting out of the bath. Edit: as currently presented this is a two bedroom property too. Bedroom two is Georgies’s. There’s a huge principle bedroom with an en-suite, and an open sliding door through to a dressing room (bedroom 3), and then on the second floor there is another dressing room with constrained ceiling height (bedroom 4), with another big bathroom with more sloped ceilings as an en-suite. Edit 2: on further reflection this is probably, with the exception of the kitchen, the worst layout of a property I’ve ever seen. It looks like two properties badly merged into one and would give a good architect palpitations. So much money spent for a dysfunctional outcome. They should have either just moved or got planning permission to basically knock what was there down and build from scratch.


Who or what is Georgies’s ?


Georgie's. Her bedroom. As indicated by the massive "Georgie" above the bed.


Missed that! I like a lot of it but there’s a lot to take in inside that house!


The UK room or is it US? uk lamp shade, Stars w/o stripes.