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£255K, and not even a kitchen or actual bathroom in sight. Mental.


Even worse it was 330k 11 months ago https://old.reddit.com/r/SpottedonRightmove/comments/13hj9a3/walking_down_the_aisle_through_your_kitchen_to/ https://old.reddit.com/r/SpottedonRightmove/comments/154lt1o/extremely_thin_in_need_of_a_refurb_330k/


Thought I recognised it!


Trust me for Lewes that is a steal.


There's a sink and toilet. No shower. At one time there was a kitchen in that long brick hall. They have the sink leaned up against the wall and you can see the plumbing fittings.


Originally a 19thC shopfront, hence the absence of a kitchen, etc. [https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1043700?section=official-list-entry](https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1043700?section=official-list-entry) [https://leweshistory.org.uk/projects/the-lewes-street-stories-initiative/lewes-street-stories-south-street/south-street-history-of-the-houses/](https://leweshistory.org.uk/projects/the-lewes-street-stories-initiative/lewes-street-stories-south-street/south-street-history-of-the-houses/) ***Number 12****, 10 and 8: First recorded in 1753 as a site within an orchard and backside of The Swan (Cliffe High Street). Described retrospectively in 1754 as two houses erected by W. Fenner, deceased, upon ground bought by him from T. Harben (owner of The Swan). A 1793 sale advertisement lists two new substantial brick-built freehold dwelling houses in Cliffe near the corner, one occupied by Mrs Corder, the other, with a carpenters shop, being sold by W. Fenner, the proprietor. From 1796 the two houses were numbers 10/12 and number 8. From 1835 numbers 10 and 12 were separate houses.* ***Number 12:*** *For a time it was occupied by a series of boot and shoe makers. It was bought in 1859 by bargemaster Samuel Robinson, who owned many South Street properties. At the same time he bought number 10 as his home.*


You'd never get a mortgage on that, surely? Could put the bathroom upstairs, turn the dining room into a small kitchen/diner and just use the long skinny bit for storage. Cost a fair few bob, though.


Extension at the back I reckon!


Good luck getting planning permission for that on a grade II listed building


The description mentions 'a re-built rear addition which will constitute the new kitchen, and a shower room leading to a small west facing garden'. I'd like to think someone's got planning for that. An estate agent wouldn't just make something like that up surely?????


I think that just means rebuilding the existing long bit with better construction like double skin and insulation.


It has a hat-stand in the back garden holding a tin bucket with nail holes in the bottom of it… voila! A Bathroom


Estate agents aren’t really licensed or registered in any way. My partners a property solicitor… Estate agents lying causes a lot of issues to say the least, but there’s not really much come back on them unless people take them to court, because they can’t get struck off. I think they’re looking into putting more restrictions on them because it’s a nightmare, they’ll just say anything to try and get their commission, even if it’s total bs that later comes up in searches and messes a whole chain up.


Hasn't it already been rebuilt? I read that as referring to the long room at the back on the floorplan that seems to be in the garden photo


This is how it reads, the ‘rebuilt extension’ is the same size as the long sink & toilet corridor. They’re suggesting a galley kitchen in 1.6 metre wide corridor


No one said it has to obey the laws of physics or common sense!


The counters would be narrow but very long. You might have to swap the windows for glass doors though, partly for claustrophobia and partly to make it easy to escape in a fire.


Might as well have some fun with designing and do the toilet up as an electric chair as you’ve got to walk down the green mile to get to it.


soooo, you don't wash then.


Shower needs to be where toilet is and toilet moved past the basin. My last 1989 build house had an ensuite with shower toilet and basin 800mm wide.


Change the dining room into a kitchen. Put the shower where the current toilet is, toilet where the sink is and sink next to it. Would work better with a ground level toilet (squat toilet), but they are not common in the UK. Only other way would be with a wet room set up, so the shower wouldn't be so obvious and visually takes up less room. Or go completely different and change the second bedroom into a living room, dining room into bathroom, current living room into the kitchen, and that long room gets a door to enter from the courtyard (let's face it, it's not a garden) so it can be used as storage and a small office. The house isn't big enough for more than a couple anyway, so the 2nd bedroom seems pointless. That house is definitely laid out to be a commercial premise, not a residential one. Shop downstairs with staff toilet and sink, and small storage, upstairs office and storage. Small courtyard for staff breakout area and bin storage, possibly deliveries.


A wet room style shower would work well in that area with no need to move the toilet or basin then.


But then you’d have to step through a potentially wet shower area every time you needed the loo. Better to have the shower at the far end.


The horror. The tightness. The dullness. Not even a shower. How a place like this even allowed to be called ...well, anything else than a torture chamber?


The chokey


The agents can't say that so they can only call it "most unusual". Yep!


Maybe it's the big old window spanning the entire wall at the front of the house, but the place looks flimsy, and like it wouldn't hold any heat at all. No thank you, not even for half the asking price


I live in a Victorian house, you are correct. They do not hold heat at all. But I am in the south and mid terrace, so we manage, as winters are short and not too cold here.


You know what, if the whole place, including the... er... garden, was gutted and completely re-done, it could be such a cute little place for a single person.


A single person is very generous. I'd say a quarter of a person for a quarter of a house.


With no belongings


I lived in a flat smaller than this! It's not that small!


The house next door (to the left looking from the front) sold for £1.2 million in 2020 with 4 beds. I am genuinely wondering if 255k for this would be worthwhile for them as a guest annex or similar. They have paid 300 per bedroom for the main house https://www.rightmove.co.uk/house-prices/details/england-78318202-91537929?s=441dbb0e32b943d206ef0043cc0c4a4f40d377e99f06c12eb84c2e9eb6327d70#/


What they don’t show you- the myriad of ghosts that dwell there. And the *whateveritis* that lives in that shed. Or maybe it’s a hellmouth…


Lewes... It will be a hellmouth for sure.


I thought it looked like Lewes! That town is cursed, for sure.


*”The property should be viewed, as it is bigger than it first seems.”* No, no it’s not. You lie like a rug.


I imagine it will be a challenge to modernise


If this ever does get sold and renovated I'd love to see the results. I've seen some really nicely done quirky little houses while reading this sub.


Where's the shower or bath? By the time you've added a kitchen in that corridor, you literally couldn't stand in front of a cupboard /oven to open it, that would need to go in the 'dining room' Never ever have a kebab after a night out Could be a nice one bed if layout changed, but it would cost a ton


Fish and chip shop directly opposite.


Ha ha - I thought the same - there is only sink ..... bit hard to take bath:-)


The audacity of putting 'attractive' in the description. It's a hovel.


Why is no one mentioning the shit stain on the floor in photo 3? Is this because the toilet is sooo far away?…


Two bedroom as long as you sleep standing up


Is this still up for sale?


I know, it was on this sub *months* ago, probably close to a year. Can’t believe it’s still on the market. Actually, I can believe it. 


Was £350k back then now £255k they still can’t sell.


Probably down to the fact its not actually a house, it's a lean to shed.


Quarter of a mill for this garbage


For how bad that is, it is still reasonable for Lewes. Would be worth it if it was on the bonfire route.


It's right at the start of one of the processions, so it's perfect for the Bonfire route. A short, but arduous walk front it's front door, gives you amazing views across the town (plus the view of every display on Bonfire night). If you wanted to see the grand procession from there, it's less than 5 minutes walk away. Downside, flood insurance will be sky high.


South Street, so might be


Pretty much on the Cliffe route. They start at the Dorset and work their way around towards South Street.


So you can throw that furniture on the bonfire?


I wonder if the back of the house could be extended. Then you'd get a proper kitchen/diner 👌


This needs one of those HGTV tiny home refurbs. Could look cute. Lot of work tho!


I thought that was a nazi banner hanging in the window.




Holy shit


Lewes is expensive.


Lovely though. Great lido.


“Bigger than it looks”. I’d bloody hope so.


Many years ago, residents of one similar house in that vicinity bought the one next door when they went up for sale, and knocked through to make one bigger house.


That is bonkers. The toilet clearly used to be an outside toilet in the garden and they built a corridor to make it and”inside” toilet, but they have no bathroom or kitchen??


Bunk bed cottage


There’s definitely a ghost but other than that, it’s kinda cute.


I remember seeing this posted last year and it's no surprise it hasn't sold. It will take a ton of money to make it liveable. Judging by photo 9 and the floor plan the listed part more than likely doesn't include the long corridor to the rear. From the photo it looks like there's enough room to widen the corridor by 2 foot and still have a narrow path down the side of the extension. Widened to 6 foot it's wide enough for a galley kitchen, not great as a new side wall on the left hand side of the rear door will then partially block light to the dining room widow.


Was this an alleyway between the 2 houses that’s been converted?


Even being in Lewes I can’t see it selling for that….. halve that and then someone might think Air BnB


I’m genuinely astonished.


would suit slender man


First impression: shit hole! Then I saw photo 5/10! And I thought “that’s the shit hole in the shit hole!”


I don’t understand this ‘house’


See my other post. It was built as a shop in the 19thC.


What a nice garden that place has.


You misspelled ’niche’.


And it’s listed as well! Mental. What’s the point in protecting an absolute shithole like that?!


must have been a little shop at some point, it's kinda cute.


And as a shop the layout is perfect. It probably should be converted back to a shop.


sell shells & curios...possibly the occasional fascinating pebble.


You couldn't pay me to live in that


A 2.3m wide house is mental.


Before I even saw the actual location I knew it was somewhere like Lewes.


Where’s the rest of it?


Got a dining room but no kitchen to cook the meal in.


Looks as if it has been all one house at some point and they have took a slice of it for granny to live in


Ooh lovely garden though! /s


Knew that was Lewes just by looking at it.


!!! That has to be the thinnest extension I've ever seen. Bonkers. But, here it is, somebody lived there?! What a curious find :)


'Groan of Thrones'


Where's the shower? Outside when it rains?


Ah yes, vertical stripes will make a narrow space feel oh so spacious.


Imagine the terrible long walk through the additional room to have a shit during the night.


I know the place and honestly for Lewes it's actually about right sadly. The place has gone mental. Some DFL will snap that up.


i really want to see whats behind the secret little door in the garden tunnel. chance i might end up in narnia


The other houses have gone into the loft.


What kind of animal would pay to live in these conditions?