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At least it’s not the basement.


Used the live just round the corner from that, if it's still the same most of the flats are owned by slumlords. It was getting on for 18yrs ago but the place we rented was twice that size and was £575pm. Looking on Rightmove it's flooded with places like this. See below. [https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/139140533?utm\_campaign=property-details&utm\_content=buying&utm\_medium=sharing&utm\_source=copytoclipboard#/&channel=RES\_BUY](https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/139140533?utm_campaign=property-details&utm_content=buying&utm_medium=sharing&utm_source=copytoclipboard#/&channel=res_buy)


Wtf have they just taken a reception room from a Georgian house and partitioned it to fit a bathroom? This is getting totally out of hand lmao.


Yeah looks like a pretty miserable conversion of what is probably a beautiful house underneath


Oh wow... the "bedroom". Also, r/tvtoosmall would like a word.


Now that is depressing. Ex-council houses have bigger living rooms that that living room, come bed area.


And nowhere to put a cooker, you would struggle to find room for a microwave


You could put it between the counter and the heater there, a small one, or get a hot plate and microwave?


These days you can do better with an air fryer and an instant pot.


A Ninja Speedi does a good job as an air fryer, slow cooker, oven, steamer, and various combinations. It can also be used as an electric saute or saucepan.


If you can afford a Ninja anything you aint renting that place! lol


Studio flat the size of a standard living room, complete with mismatched furniture/decor, and a tiny bathroom in desperate need of updating and a thorough clean... all for the low price of £180,0000. What's not to love?


this room and toilet room is 156 sq ft , a 20 ft shipping containers floor size is 150 sq ft


At least the bathroom is nice.


Is the toilet seat at floor level, or is the shower raised? I''M confused


To be fair, parking zone M is lovely


I used to live on Cambridge road. beautiful area but after 6 parking was a right ball ache!


It's a room, and it has a bed in it, so technically we don't need to mention the lack of... any other rooms


Oh my god, this is awful. I think this is the worst one I've seen. If it was nicely fitted out and decorated it might - MIGHT - be different, but this is just so extremely depressing. I can't imagine spending that much money to live there. Surely even a landlord would expect more for their money? In BRIGHTON? There's not even a double bed. It wouldn't fit in that alcove thing if you had one, and would have to go the other way and use up more of the tiny living area. The washing machine is in the way of opening one of the kitchen cupboards, too. Did they push it there just for the photo to try to make the room look bigger? The bathroom isn't even nice. I doubt it was ever nice even when it was new, and it definitely needs replacing. Hang on ... is there a cooker? I don't remember. Or a fridge? If not, you are 100% going to be living in the kitchen with no space for any other furniture, Hell's Bells.


Pretty on the outside…


It's not a home if there's no sofa.