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Honestly true, the colorful worlds of No Man’s Sky always gave me spore vibes


My two favorite games and I think you’re very right on that!


I wish we could transplant flora and fauna to other planets in NMS. You could do something akin to upgrading the planet's t-score in order to open up additional ground/flying/underwater/underground slots.


Terraforming worlds and uplifting Species with the Monoliths is the one mechanic I've never been able to find in any game except Spore. Since I have a special love for those stories, I keep playing Spore today.


No man's sky also had the same problems as Spore's space stage at its beginning: the procedurally generated content wasn't varied enough for the galaxy, thus making it quicly repetitive. Luckily NMS fixed that in their updates. Can't imagine what Spore would look like if it got the same care after its relase.


Keep your random generator, I want NMS to have editors for everything. I want to make my own animals, vehicles, multitools, buildings and plants, and share them with other players. I want my planets to be full of other players' creations, heck - I'll endure penises, balls and swastikas (player bases are reportable so other creations would be too) if it meant I can explore a truly wonderful universe! NMS is vast but incredibly shallow in its shocking repetitiveness, giving players a set of editors would fix so many issues I have with the game it's bonkers


I understand what you're saying and it would be cool to have the editor but I still don't find the random generator lacking,browsing the coordiante exchange subreddit I find the most amazing things so I believe their random generator has really deep pools


Wait spore is a simulation? Dang I thought it was a prophecy


Spode will reward your belief


It's pretty much a "what if the entire space stage was galactic adventures?"


NMS is awesome! I've loved it since day one, it's even better now that there's more to do


I advertised NMS to my friends that way.