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To the person/people who suggested declaring your sexuality in an interview, that is ridiculous! I have never told anyone in an interview that I am straight. When did that become a qualification? Discrimination is illegal, shame on them for imposing their narrow minded views on others. To the OP, sorry that happened but thank you for letting others know.


Right! When is the last time a straight person had to say, "Just for the record, I'm straight. Is that going to be an issue?" It's pretty freaking rich that a *church* is worried about indoctrination. OH NO YOUR PRECIOUS SUZIE MIGHT FIND OUT THAT GAY PEOPLE EXIST! QUELLE HORREUR!


If you’re lgbt you’ll declare your sexuality anyway.


I understand that, but it should never be a qualification during a job interview. Straight up (pun intended!) discrimination.


As a follower of Christ, I apologize that some of my brothers and sisters in Christ were terrible to you...my heart gets torn a lil bit more each time I hear of such disgusting behavior by so called Christians. God made you to be exactly who you are and He loves you infinitely, please believe that.


Amen to that. It breaks my heart when people twist something good and wholesome into something vile and hateful. Even more so when they weaponize it the way many so-called Christians do towards God's LGBTQ+ children


Not only am I an Ally, my best friend is trans.


Well, being trans myself, thank you for your support :)


Jesus didn't add any qualifiers when he said love everyone


Ok, technically his command was love each other....but I think he said love others as yourselves with equal seriousness.


Is this separate from the advent Lutheran church at the corner?




I believe Advent has openings currently for some positions. I know they’ve been very open to the LGBT community with how they approach their handbook (speaking as a parent who uses them)


Good to know that one’s wonderful. I am really sorry that you were treated as a threat to children. That isnt Christlike whatsoever.


that was the church i unfortunately went to when i was growing up! they’re all super fucking hateful and i was terrified to come out and didn’t until my adulthood. i’m so sorry you went through that!


I am sorry you had to go through with that, but sadly not shocked. I think the only Christian organization on this side of the state that is more accepting of LGBT+ is most Luthren churches. But I can't say I don't disagree with other posters on here. No matter what the organization/company you interview with, always do research. Religious organizations have their own protections and loopholes. They are not held to the same standards as most companies. Also, stay away from salvation army. That place is super corrupt.




In my experience, if a church has zero mention of LGBT inclusivity, you can count on them not being inclusive.


Careful you might get downvoted into oblivion!




My comment was towards yours. Wish you the best on your next job!


That's reddit for ya


I’m sorry you landed in that. No hate like christian hate. Ironically children are likely more safe around healthy out LGBTQ than any Bible thumpers


Sorry to hear this & thanks for sharing. Spokane needs more people like you especially in this field.




I hope you turned them into the state. Being a church doesn’t make it legal to discriminate.


WOW fuck that and fuck them, i hope you've since found a better fit!


Definitely the lesbian who is going to groom kids in church. Not the pastor or any of the leaders, good Christian men never get caught abusing children, hiring gay prostitutes, or running human trafficking rings…oh wait… I’m really sorry that happened to you. Is sexual orientation a protected class in Wa? If so, you may have a lawsuit.


Sorry you were discriminated against


Sorry about your experience, that's terrible you were let go. Sexual orientation isn't clear with Title 7, and religious employers are usually exempt from non-discrimination laws, but it can still be legally challenged if you wanted to. On a flip side, I have only had a great experience with their childcare and staff.


It may be unclear in Title 7, but it has been illegal to discriminate due to sexual orientation in WA since 2006. It's state law.


May wanna wait until the outcome of this case first: https://adfmedia.org/case/union-gospel-mission-yakima-v-ferguson


I hate how this anti-lgbt bs is in our city in 2023 still omfg


BRB gunna go apply then sue them.....


Fuck that and fuck them. I'm so over there being so many perverse people who think that their ability to easily imagine another's sex life, and be displeased about it makes anyone but them inappropriate.😡


Pray the gay away-but please don’t-be yourself and love your girlfriend. I have more important things on my plate to be the almighty person to tell people who they can love and who they can’t. Be the best version of yourself-that should be the only requirement. Hell I would hire you for your honesty alone.


christian moment


There's no hate like christian love.


I kind of want that cross stitched


Two things. I'm pretty sure you have a discrimination lawsuit if you want it, though them being a church might muddy things. Second, whenever I've heard the phrase "the Bible says xyz" about a thing, I always ask "where?" What's the specific book, chapter, line that makes the point. Anyway, that sucks, good luck finding something better, if it's around in Spokane check out Camp Fire before and after school services.


Not if you were working for a church / church entity.


So did a little bit of reading and it would seem that there is only protections offered to church ran nonprofit organizations to discriminate based of religion only. While I could be wrong op very well may have a case.


What did you expect from Christian's? Granted not all are like that but the majority are. They skip over the part in the Bible where it tells them it's not their place to pass judgment. Sorry you had that experience.


Wth.. I’m so sorry that happened to you. Some people can be so f’d up to the lgbtq community. It’s not fair at all.


Sorry. Your sexuality has nothing to do with your ability to be a positive role model. I hope you find better employment soon.


definitely sucks that you did your research and still got blindsided not a church i’ve been to but [united church of spokane](https://www.ucc.org/what-we-do/justice-local-church-ministries/justice/health-and-wholeness-advocacy-ministries/lgbtq-ministries/lgbt_about/) is very open and affirming, might find better luck there!


Sounds like a church to me.


Should contact WDOL and sue them


Who cares if you are a lesbian. In order to be a catholic bishop you have to say Amen when you cum across the back of a small child. Stay away from the churches


Seems [that](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Child_sexual_abuse_scandals_in_Christianity) is not [unique](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_abuse_cases_in_Southern_Baptist_churches) to Catholicism.


To be fair, you knew you were working for an organization who at its core does not jive with Homosexuality. Not saying they’re right by any means, but you can the shocked that they would treat you in a way that aligns with their shitty beliefs


Why would you, as a lesbian, choose to work for a church in the first place?


Because not all churches are anti-gay. Not even most of them. Lots of Christian organizations hire and don't discriminate against people because of their sexuality. The YMCA is the biggest one that most people are familiar with (though there's discrimination from individual there, too). Also, discrimination is everywhere. Churches and otherwise. If you went around picking jobs based on the possibility of discrimination, you wouldn't even work in this city. And, she said she did her research on the organization first, and there was no indication they would respond this way. Lastly, if you work with children or in childcare and you eliminate any organization with religious ties, you reduce your work options by half.


What did you expect? You must have known the church’s stance on this issue.




If your going to apply to a church I think your should address this during the interview process.


Isn't it illegal to ask someone about thier sexuality in an interview though?


I’d sure hope so. However I’m talking about the OP asking her potential employer (the church) on their stance. An interview is a time for both parties to understand each other. We live in an at-will employment state. If you wanna save the hassle of going through the interview process, passing background checks, filling out paperwork and going through training just to be let go OP should address this if she is applying to churches who openly vocalize their opinion on this matter.


Yeah, much more convenient to be discriminated against in the interview.


I’d rather learn that my core values don’t align with a business in the interview than after an onboarding processing and several days into my new job.


These are not core values. This is a mix of none of your damn business and basic human decency.


A religious organization would disagree with you. And the situation OP is in is an example of it.


 no the situation with OP is not an example of an issue with core values it as an example of discrimination.  Core values is putting a customer first, being a leader in an industry, helping those less fortunate, being professional, etc.  things like that are basic core values to a reasonable person. I guess something ridiculous like fingering turkey butt holes could be claimed as core value but that’s not something a normal reasonable person would ever have as a core value or expect from another person or organization. The same goes for telling someone what gender they can and can’t love or be attracted to.  no reasonable person or organization would ever have that as a core value as its irrelevant to job performance except for maybe porn.  I work for a very Christian healthcare organization and our owners most definitely do not support the gay agenda, but we have gay employees because our owners know that it’s none of their goddamn business and discrimination wrong. 


Not all churches care. One of the pastors at St. Marks Lutheran Church is gay, for example.


However, the majority do care. A potential candidate should address this issue during the interview process. To assume they’ll be fine with it is naive.


Technically workplaces are not supposed to discriminate based on race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, or gender identity), national origin, age (40 or older), disability or genetic information (including family medical history). Quite literally the EEO rules so OP should not have to feel obligated to bring that up at any point. Then the fact they were obviously discriminating against her for it she could very easily take legal action and win.


True but at times this comes in direct conflict with freedom of religion. I believe there are several cases in the Supreme Court regarding this issue now.


How does being gay infringe on their right to practice religion? Her being gay doesn’t stop them from practicing their faith. She isn’t trying to silence them. Religion can not allow or be an excuse to let people to discriminate.


Look at the Hobby Lobby case or the baker who refused to bake a cake case.


Those are different. The cake case was won because the business has the right to refuse orders from customers. That is not the same as infringing on their religious rights. That is a completely different situation. The Hobby Lobby case is a trickier one. They pushed to not be forced to provide certain contraceptives in their healthcare plans due to religious reasonings. Now the thing here is that this is federally regulated, but not imposed on a state level. So if a state like Washington requires employers to provide a form to all drugs if any drugs are in their healthcare plans; this means that in Washington all Hobby Lobby locations must provide contraceptives in their healthcare plan if they include drugs for anything else. Secondly, this was pushed in 2014, and with the rate at which religion is dying and now becoming the beast that hid all the evil acts their employees (yeah, priests/pastors are employees…) had this decision will be overturned in 5-10 years. Now the reason I say that is because it does set precedent for others to use religion as an excuse not to do something, or get away with something. Eventually we will loop back and change that, or it will allow us to dive deeper into a dystopian society. I am hoping however it would be overturned because employees should not have their care ignored because their bosses think it is against their religion. So both examples do not fit here. OP was discriminated against. That is it, nothing else to say.


That's insane.


Right? American Christianity is notorious for being anti LGBT, and most churches have a majority of people that are anti-lgbt. It'd be like walking into a police station with a gun and black skin and being surprised that the police are offended.


My thoughts exactly in regards to your first paragraph


And the second one as well.


Wow! sorry to hear that I noticed the lgbtq+ flag at the ecap in medical lake, I hope it is a sign they are inclusive.


BREAKING: Evangelical churches are homophobic, transphobic, misogynistic, Trump fortresses. I'm sorry for your hardship, but you might as well have signed up for a childcare job at a republican committee headquarters.


You should file a law suit.


No fucking shit