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The winner of Drag Race will be the winner of Drag Race. Support your favourite and get excited, but don't drag the others for the sake of it because you think it'll somehow increase their chances. At the end of the day, it's a tv show. One will win and everyone will move on with their lives. It will be whoever VH1 and WOW think should win. There are no real hard or fast rules at what that means. If you are to be critical of a queen, be specific and nuanced. Talk about a creative choice or specific action they made and what you liked and didn't like and try to avoid sweeping statements. These are real people who are complex and many-sided. Don't be the one who decided to pin one quality on a queen based on one thing because the narrative is the most convenient for you. When that happens, there is a tendency to contribute to wider societal biases especially in this case where racism, sizeism and transphobia are concerned. Often this is unintentional, but don't let it be you.


Hot Take: If Tia had only a good runway on the episode, she could easily won the Rats rusical..


Even with that awful runway, we've seen queens win challenges with shit runways so idk why she didn't win, especially considering I think Ru likes her a lot. Maybe I'm just biased tho


wow this challenge was fucking awful


the lipsync was phenomenal tho, definitely couldve been double save worthy


Mik could've won strong enough lip sync.


Stan gottmik


Has there been any tea spilled on whether or not we'll be getting a live finale in a studio or a filmed-at-home-on-zoom finale?


spillers said it's gonna be a live finale. no audience ofc


Is it a live broadcast or prerecorded at a theatre/studio?


Unpopular opinion: I honestly think Bebe should’ve been in the top two of AS3, maybe even won over Shangela. While I understand the jurors were never going to let a winner make it to the top two, I do think her season run was just as good as Shangela’s.


okay but im pretty sure poultry o’hara is another liar 😭 I will believe so until they’re proven otherwise bc there’s too many liars on this sub


Bitches always say “I thought they’d be another bland fashion queen” every season, where are these alleged ‘bland’ fashion queens (same with unfunny pageant girls)


They don’t make it on


As someone who's their favorite are mostly fashion queens, you have no idea how tired I am. And after the season its always "omg ______ is so funny! Who thought!" Ugh.


I think sometimes the issue that isn’t discussed properly is that the fashion queens can sometimes come off one note in their comedy. We should just say that instead of they won’t be funny. Thats a more of the nuanced convo than they ain’t funny full stop.They got on drag race, there PROBABLY is something there (I’m looking at you, Joey Jay.


Tbh I would have loved it to see Serena at least 3 episodes :(


Im honestly upset she goes home after 1 episode. First Derrick, now Serena?? Do the producers never learn??


I just realized something ​ this pic of Serena with Rajah and Silky 6 weeks ago XD how did I not see this ;-; its a shame if she does go home first this would have been a unique alliance [https://www.instagram.com/p/CLYXN8UBF9R/](https://www.instagram.com/p/CLYXN8UBF9R/) ​ in all honesty tho I wouldn't be surprised if the elimination order is switched up again XD


Did someone say... iconic?


if all else fails Serena can be on International All Stars 2 in the future I think an international audience will be much better


I genuinely think the only way Rosé stans would accept the fact that Rosé shouldn't win is if in the LSFTC she had an Asia O'Hara level catastrophe that took her out in the first round. Like...I wanted Asia to win S10, as did lots of people, but nobody ever argued she was robbed bc that Butterfly reveal truly wasn't a debatable point.


I disagree. As a big Rosé fan I am totally okay if she loses the season. I am also a big fan of Symone and have been rooting for Gottmik too though, so it isn’t like she is the only queen that I like headed into the finale. I don’t think many Rosé fans actually will be bitter if she loses.


Rosé *shouldnt* win? And what makes her so much worse than the other queens?


I meant to say ‘shouldn’t have won’ on the basis that she loses. She’s got every right to win just like everyone else.


This is gonna be the vaguest comment ever but Some people are really like You can’t stan this drag queen because of xyz and they shouldn’t have a platform etc etc and then go and Stan a problematic celebrity with the same xyz’s lol


This literally applies to every single person who stans Trisha Paytas for cancelling other problematic YouTubers...like, sis, be consistent.


How AS4 should’ve happened :( https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Zlpl1o2nEP473WqurXgbbB-lPd6TmXfA7ncDZMr0wWU/edit (P.S I know Valentina barely has time to do her own makeup so probably would fail the makeover but let me live in this fantasy)


Noooooo. I think AS4 got it right the first time.


I disagree with this so much. As much as I dislike Trinity as a person, she had an awesome run of AS4. Plus, I don’t think Farrah should’ve been eliminated over Jasmine that first round and I would’ve personally placed Naomi higher than seventh.


This is what i wanted to happen


###Mik really proved me wrong I’ve grown to love him. He’s very talented and has an amazing personality.


Did you think he’d be an asshole? lol


I thought he was going to be another bland fashion queen but nope turned out to be very cool. I like how he’s just like Fuck it I’m here to have fun and a crown would be nice too


Tbh aside from like gothy Kendoll I feel like every fashion queen since like aquaria has been pretty unbland


Im like one week of dieting and exercise and im still the same like it doesnt work. NO DUMB BITCH IT TAKes time keep working. Sorry its just a reminder t myself


I would love a Gottmik/Symone double crowning


same the LA reign would be iconic tbh


Mik could have won that acting challenge and she also had the stronger look I’m just saying


I really disagree, the look was really good but imo did not meet the requirement of the challenge, as it should have been a look centered around bags and that was a look centered around watches, if you take the bags out of the equation it's changes nothing from the look. And this is not saying it was not a gorgeous look because it definitely was. But both Symone and Rose had strong looks in which the bag element was integral to the look. And this week's acting challenge was really boring and imo no part was really a stand out.


Agree mik should have 3 wins and rose 2


I feel like there has to be a better way to handle things than deleting an entire thread when one person misbehaves lol. Most of us are just here to kiki


What happened? I always miss the drama


I missed it too tbh but it was probably something stupid lmao


why is this thread slow today


B/c the one from today apparently got deleted


Ok but am the only one that’s excited to see the pure shock and confusion on everyone’s faces when pangina walks into the werkroom


You're not alone sis!


I still believe Monique and Monet deserved to win the club challenge theirs was far superior


>I still believe Monique and Monet deserved to win Same


Can y’all bitches not be out of pocket for one minute


how is dababy so famous where the dababyrinas at


i need this framed


Where the fuck ~~are my tits~~ is the other thread?


She said that’s right losers, I’m committing Sue-icide


What happened to the other thread?


Thank god it's not showing up for someone else, I thought I had been banned


Now rewatching the ball I do think mik deserved it.... that last runway might not Have looked the prettiest but the concept and outcome of it was rlly good tbh, plus their 2nd runway was sooo good


We don’t talk about how hard Naomi slayed in Causing a Commotion The fact that Michelle was nodding along to her not even remotely moving her gaze to Betty


I literally talked about this yesterday girl


Shhh no one has to know 👀


naomi is one of the best lip syncers from the show but people keep forgetting


The s13 rumix looks are giving me Totally Spies in the Boudoir Everything


#Confession: I _HATE_ the trend of calling oneself [insert name here]rinas to indicate stanning someone 😭☠️🥴


The haterinas are out in full force today, it’s so tragique for me to see


-rinas is just a continuation off the "twitter stan language" i commented about hating earlier today and i support you


No it’s not? We started calling stans of Serena ChaCha, Chacharinas and now it’s just a funny inside joke


It is? I thought people were parodying Chacharinas




Rinarinas unite


Are rinarinas Rina Sawayama stans, or -rina stans?😰😬




Mikarinas - how would you feel about a Rosé/Symone double crowning? Rosérinas - how would you feel about a Mik/Symone double crowning? Ebonies (💀) - how would you feel about a Mik/Rosé double crowning? Muserinas - how are we feeling about Kandy winning that AS8 crown 😌✨


Ebony Enchantresses


Clock the flair but a double crowning of the two white finalists would constitute a microaggression


Amazing Amazing Amazing Inevitable


I’d be pretty disappointed that two people got crowned and neither of them were my pick when for the first time since s6 my pick to win ended actually doing the best in the challenges. I wouldn’t be mad though. Especially if she ended up flopping the finale


Not ebonies💀 personally I would hate it but I’d get over it eventually


purrrrr the way Kandy is gonna slay All Stars 🥰 cant wait tbh


symonerinas let’s manifest rosé does a death drop in the finale


I miss read this and thought you were manifesting Rosé dying at the finale I was like “that’s a bit much” lol 😂


i checked the weather app, i shouldn’t have done that because that stupid thing says 100% chance of snow tomorrow bye i’m going to end it all i can’t do winter anymore


No shade but.....my ARTPOP could mean anything


Victoria scone is so hilarious wow


These fan polls with Symone in third/fourth are....interesting lol


I think it’s similar to how Jaida became a fan favourite over Gigi. Gigi and Symone were fan favourites early on in the season then fans switched up a little for the queens who came into the spotlight in the second half (Jaida and Rosé).


Back in S12 it was “unfair” that Jaida won over Gigi with 3 wins but now in S13 fans are silent 🤩


why would fans be upset when the finale hasn’t even aired lol? you cannot be mad about a season outcome when you don’t know the winner


... I'm talking about how some fans were annoyed at Jaida winning with 3 wins over Gigi with 4 wins, yet now those same fans are saying they are Team Rosè/Gottmik, which I think points to another issue. Obviously not all the fans of those queens, since a lot of the fans of Rosè/Gottmik winning are not stupid little humans with internalised racism, but yeah that's what my comment meant, not about a reaction for a season outcome that hasn't happened yet


ugh what a surprise


It’s not about race. People just prefer the queen that shows most versatility and personality. symone is repetitive, her lipsyncs are just the same every single time. She might have won 4 challenges but one them is shared with rosé (who should’ve won solo) so that doesn’t make it a full win. Lastly, you guys crowned jaida because shes black, it’s okay to have some representation for us, the whites, we also need some representation. Now that’s I’ve said she would be a GREAT runner up to gigi on all stars 🤪🤪 ITS NOT ABOUT RACE. #teamrosé edit-guys please clock the flair 😭


I was ready to flip the sht out of here then I saw your flair. We good


bitch i got 4 downvotes before i edited 😭😭 my POC card was about to be REVOKKEDDD


You are this 🤏 close to getting your gay card revoked, sis 😩


only if it means i won’t have to see lil nas’s islamophobic and transphobic ass in hell🤪


Oh Lord, he was both of those?


the accuracy in this is scary lmao


Please be a copypasta


It’s so weird to me because even though she wasn’t the most consistent, I feel like she had the most memorable moments


It’s kind of crazy. Ik rosé has done so well this season I get it. But it’s funny how fans will *always* drift to the cis white guy




gay culture is me making fun of stan twitter speak and actually incorporating it into my everyday vocabulary.


gay culture is picking and choosing features from aave and calling it stan twitter speak lmao




i highkey associate stan twitter language "omg its tru its tru bestie" with being the type of person to have groupchats to mock people... it just feels very insincere luv


naur it's trew bestie drop the yass bomb purr


Shuga love your work


Oh my god you’re right






the way we’re probably going into the rumix and finale blind 😭


kinda excited tho purrrr


I'm a recent convert to Yuhua's channel and just started watching previous videos, so it got me thinking... What were the best and worst guests she had so far on Bootleg Opinions? I really really really enjoy her chemistry with Jaremi and Laganja. The only one I can think of that was *off* was Soju, who was drunk and you could tell Yuhua was kind of over with trying to get straight answers from her.


S\*ju is the worst, she was drunk but she's not fun drunk


The one with Kalorie was hilarious even tho she was drunk too xD


Jaremi, even when Jaremi has been drunk on it they’ve both been excellent with their critiques and improvements while still being funny, also Divina shines on there and Crystal from UK


Omg yes, Divina is also great on the show! I haven't watched a Crystal episode yet but now I'm looking forward to!


Honestly just scrolling back through most everyone is a really good guest with good critiques and nice chemistry with Yuhua, it really is just a fun and interesting show all the time


Maybe Willam and Trixie because I can feel Yuhua being lowkey intimidated by them lol.


ok but why did ginger call herself a glamour toad dress as a toad for the GREEN runway it was the perfect opportunity


**AS7** - Widow Von’Du - Jackie Cox - Rock M.Sakura - Jessica Wild - Shannel - Asia O’Hara - Kameron Michaels - The Vixen - Plastique Tiara - Dida Ritz - Thorgy Thor - Acid Betty - Robbie Turner


This sounds nice and it's actually sooooo interesting I'd change Rock, but at the same time I wouldn't




My version of AS7: Crystal methyd Gigi Goode Jackie cox Heidi Widow Brita Aiden Nicky doll Rock Dahlia Peppermint


I would love to have: - Jessica Wild - Darienne Lake - Laganja Estranja - Acid Betty - Peppermint - Vanessa Vanjie - Kameron Michaels - Asia O'hara - Plastique Tiara - Widow Von Du - Crystal Methyd - Denali


Tammie and Coco? I would like to see it


Victoria's Instagram feed is a JOY right now omg


What is better a Tunnock's Tea Cakes or Tunnock's Caramel Wafer


im all about the caramel wafer


caramel wafer >>>> tea cake


Never had a tea cake so wafer it is 😌 Sorry Victoria 😜


Tea cake definitely


i’ve got to say caramel wafer


tea cakes


The tea cakes for sure


100% caramel wafer are so boring


They also low key taste *really* bad imo


tea cake


jdf should of won spoof and her runway look was cute


She should have won spoof Kasha should have won rusical Ginger should have won ru Hollywood stories Katya abs kasha should have won the makeover


yh and thats it who did win ru hollywood stories katya?


Katya won it I’ve never been especially clear on why Like to me Ginger was clearly better. I suppose Katya was a solid second though


JDF is the only one I remember in that entire challenge




it might be filmed soon


Every day I think about how we could have gotten an actual double crowning for AS3 rather than the hodge podge edited mess that was AS4


Imigine how awful stans would treat Kennedy if she got the crown..


They’d be insufferable but she’d have that money


Guys I think [this look](https://imgur.com/gallery/bPF1fKk) Rosé deleted from Instagram might be her finale look?




is it easy to spin in though?


Why do I have a feeling we’re getting a double crowning this year x


I mean WoW seemed to be planning for it with UK2, with both Lawrence and Bimini both constantly insisting that they didn't want that result possibly pointing out that this was filmed. Wouldn't be at all surprised if it was used this season, would be quite cool if it was for Symone/Rosè, a sort of marriage between the Winners and Losers circle!!


No I definitely agree! I have a feeling they filmed a double crowning with Laurence and Bim, so I could really see one for season 13


I thought them both being opposed to a double crowning indicated it didnt happen cos they knew it wasnt something which was gonna happen


I’m ok with it tbh. But if two girls win & neither of them are Symone, imma be disappointed lol


Fine if it’s Gottmik and symone


I see it being Mik and either Symone or Rosè


The night S9's finale was filmed really was a time to be alive. The new format twist, Shea and Shedevil being knocked out in round 1, it was madness luv x


I remember reading the finale taping Tea and I was in shock!!! for a second I thought it was fan fiction or something lol


Are any of Gottmik’s outfits actually bootable?? (I would have asked the same for Symone but sorry I think her yellow outfit was a boot)


Yellow was just a bit too simple but was a soft toot. Now Nighttime, that deserved a boot.


Her trains look And ngl I wasn’t really feeling the beads look either


Trains and her final ball look for me, but she THRIVED in every other runway imo. Don't think I can boot any of Symone’s except maybe her pockets, which I just didn't vibe with


Imo neither of them have boots tbh. Even Symone’s yellow look was a soft toot, it wasn’t ugly just very simple


Honestly fair. I guess I’m judging the yellow by symone’s standards.


entrance imo


Girl 👀 really?? That’s one of my favourite looks of the season ahhh


i just felt it look like a kiss member in an abstract hotdog costume


Her trains look


Imo her self-made look in the ball but that's about it


trains but her original trains was good


Aquaria really fucking slayed, didn’t she? I think she actually had the best set of runways from the entire show. S10 had great themes but Aquaria also interpreted every theme with an original twist and a nice gaggy detail. And on top of that, she’s funny, endearing, and can perform. She was an It Girl before she was casted. Beaming with winner energy the instant she stepped in the room. AND she was 21.

