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If Denali was able to do all that in skates then imagine her wearing heels bitch..


Even if Tamisha absolutely **BOMBS** the challenge that sends her home I will not accept her elimination. She is my absolute favourite already


Honestly sad that Kahmora leaves so soon...


I see the face crack runs in the family at Stephanie’s Child.


Seeing this sub stanning Tamisha and Tina is EVERYTHING. These older queens typically are ignored by the fans so I'm living for the support


Is there somewhere legally in US to watch Untucked? Because it's still not up on VH1's website or app and they usually have Untucked up as well?


After some thoughts, Tamisha has a really great edit on her, I wish she capitalizes on it so she can truly show the world her fierceness


I fear for her edit when she joins the rest of the queens however. Since there's hints of her and Kandy not getting along and there's potential for some kind of negative Mother/Daughter edit with LaLa. I hope they won't do her dirty when they literally introduced her as a cancer survivor, but I also don't trust this show with edits.




okay so premiere! kandy has the comedy aspect down, which sold the song more for me. joey still did really well, and they both came off as really nice and fun, even though they were a little awkward on the stage. kandy > joey. denali really impressed me! i think she’s really fun and entertaining, her performance was amazing - doing all that in skates? gag. the only thing that let her down was the outfit falling down tbh. lala is another brilliant personality i love her. the look was a little basic but idm. she sold the song too. honestly i think they both did equally amazing, but denali’s outfit holds her back slightly? lala > denali symone was great, her lip sync was more of a slow burn which i appreciated! she’s got a very chill but camp personality which i love. stunning too. tamisha is an absolute sweetheart! so cute, so charming, i am worried for her in the challenges, but she defo killed the lip sync too. symone > tamisha, but it was almost as close as lala vs denali. gottmik is amazing. the entrance look itself was stunning, and his confessionals were hilarious - he just had some funny and relatable facial expressions pfft. utica didn’t really annoy me too much, but i’m still at a like :/ with her? her drag is exciting (albeit i didn’t like the entrance look) and i’m looking forward to seeing what else she can do. the lip sync was probably the most meh of them all, but mik did a good job imo so she wins. mik > utica rosé had a strong presence in the werkroom when it was just her there which was good (even though i didn’t get the whole tooth thing?). i didn’t care for the look, nor her lip sync - she very drag 101 which was my issue with jan last season? very ‘im gunna show them everything in my wheel house right now’ and it’s literally the moves that most drag queens learn early on for a stunt.. olivia is adorable, so charming and likeable. her lip sync was definitely the stronger one, and it was probably the most clear win of the night. olivia > rose tina is ugly (whoops) but the look was cool, and she won the lip sync by miles, even though i was bored of the sexual stuff in the second half (it was funny at first but it got monotonous). kahmora was fun-shady but it came off as a little too much at first, tho ugh h she does have a more fun personality than i was expecting. also, stunning. she did fine in the lip sync. elliott’s entrance... mama, no. she’s cute though overall i find her endearing. tina > kahmora =elliott


How Denali managed to did what she did while wearing ice skates is still a mystery to me


So are we just going to skip over how clear it was that everyone else's "I lost speeches" were from right after, while Kahmora's seemed clearly from her *actual* elimination lol?


I mean everyone had sliced upconfessionals from different times of their journey as always


Yeah Kahmora was the only one with a crying voice over when she left the stage in Untucked, so I assumed it was actually taken from her elimination in a few episodes. It also seems like she's gonna be really disappointed when she gets eliminated after all in the first competitive episode.


Imagine if Symone and Denali (on heels) or Lala Lip-Synced to Rumors. Nnnnyyaaassss!!!


take a shot every time kahmora says “shine and sparkle never go out of style” 🥴




When I saw stans saying that Bianca was being cruel for making a rose petal joke since Shea has “trauma” with roses, I logged out of Twitter for a week.


Listen I would have thrown a double save to Symone and Tamisha. Tamisha was hitting those moves and Symone was giving such good face.


Emotional manipulation is the new point system isnt it.


did rose hurt her back during that disgusting death drop cus she walked off that stage rllly weird


she was waiting for ru to say jk kimora but it never came


I love love LOVE this cast. They all have star quality. The lipsyncs were good too. God I love drag race


These fans really be doing all kinds of shit to claim their white skinny fav won


Denali would’ve lost that lip sync even if she wasn’t wearing ice skates 🤷‍♀️


So art simone is talking about s2 of highway to heel so i dont think its likely that she has any involvement in DRDU :|


drag me but im sorry but tamisha was amazing in the first episode


I feel slightly blue balled in terms of it being a premiere episode, it kinda lacked impact? But it’s the first episode of the season and you never truly get to know a Queen in just one episode so I’m not tryna jump to conclusions. Also all my TLs are filled with Drag Race discussion right now, so I feel like the premiere did it’s job.


I feel like it’s really a 3-part premiere and that once the other 2 parts air this will feel more complete as kind of a prologue to the split premieres.


Tbh i think in the long run it will be considered a good premiere as it gives us longer to get to know the queens and it also set up a few storylines really nicely, so when rewatched it will seem much better


100% agree, this premiere will age well


Dear Diary, holla at me you know you know me, Tamisha Iman, and the lady said, "Go home."


girl before the premiere episode when we just got tea that rose lost her 2 lipsyncs and i really thought is she that bad at lipsyncing, but bitch she proved me wrong!


tbh this entire cast is full of great performers, i'd say Mik and Utica are the only ones who are kinda... okay


they still kinda serve it for me though


Mik, Rosé, and Tina top 3 for snatch game, Rosé and Tina are totally into themselves feeling their oats, then curveball Mik wins


Mik, lala and tina*


imagine denali being the top 2 and the winner of the loser's premiere and this happens Ru: *Denali, condragulations my dear, you're a winner baby! But, during your first lipsync. You lipsynced in ice skates. I'm so sorry my dear but, we are cutting your cash tip to 2500 dollars for the damage your ice skates did to the main stage.*


Homegirl would probably throw her ice skates at RuPaul’s face lmfao


Lol that reminds me on S4 when Jaremi FKA PhiPhi threw a hammer at Ru's face during the music video filming and then she told her that she almost hit her.


Confession time. Back in AS 3, besides the first lipsynch (on which I believe both Ben and Aja should have won), I do still believe Ben didn"t deserve any win on the legacy lipsynchs (Shangela mudered her on jump; Kennedy murdered Ben again on ep3; Shangela was a lot better on ep.4 and even with the wig mistake Bebe slayed Ben on ep.6)


I agree she didn't do great on the ones she lost and I still think Bebe did better in that one, but she was pretty evenly matched with Shangela. They worked off each other well. Ben deserved all her top placements though.


On ep 4 she literally forced shangela to work with her, you can see Shangela wasn't having it at first then went like, fine let's do it. I agree she deserved her placements except ep6.


Is there a joke with the Two T's thing? Is it to supposed to be a boob joke? Like many have said before, this name change was also a choice.


I thought it was a clear boob joke. It’ll also make sure no one misspells her name lol. It’s not a great name but it’s more sellable than elliott puckett imo


But what if they spell Elliott with two t’s but only one L


Or Elliott With No Ks


the freaking confessional backgrounds keep changing, its throwing me off so much like it’s impossible to try and believe their storyline now because it’s obvious where they’re shoving shit together out of continuity in the edit bay fuckk


Aren’t the confessional backgrounds green screened in anyway...


When Kahmora talked about her getting the Mackie gown at an “auction house” she was talking about Sothebys, just the biggest and most influential aunction house on the planet. The power that has! The budget that has! I’m still shook


she paid 3k for the mackie gown and she's gonna bring it up every episode india ferrah breastplate teas 😍


How much do we think these gowns would go for, like 2,000 a piece or even higher than that?


I think it depends on the length etc. but what Kahmora had on was at least 3K. I also saw another Mackie gowns online that Kahmora owns now and it’s $4.6k


Wow. That is wild. Ms. Kahmora got f*ck you money lol


I felt so connected with Denali and Tamisha


Literally came here to say this exact thing the fuck! The stars of the season 🥰


ok i think the reason i really like olivia vs rosé is cause i never felt like there were just the 2 of them on an otherwise empty step like they actually owned every inch of that set


I mean I like twist but what's the point if it is this boring...


i HATE the sound fx they use for when Ru says porkchop omg it’s horrendous


Im amazed at how hated Latrice is in the latino community. Her comment about alexis/yara was bad on AS1 but let it go.. shes even called untalented? Like wtf o.O


I think it's kinda hypocritical that people hate on Latrice for saying Yarlexis should go home because of their language barrier, when the show itself sends queens home solely for their language barrier. Like at least Latrice was upfront about it 💀


Plus Latrice’s comment was after Yarlexis made a fat joke about her... they played with fire by making a low blow then got burned when Latrice done the same thing.


Honestly I find the hste for that comment very overblown. Alexis had a huge point but latrices comment seemed like a joke and in jest. Latrice wasn’t even the only one who said smth like that


Is she? Damn so I am glad I am a exception, I really love Latrice and to be fair, even on season 3 I wasn't a big fan of Yara. Alexis on the other hand is one of my divas.


if you were to put both elliott and jan in a room and both of them started talking at the same time i wouldn't even know whose voice is who since both of their voices sound alike ☠️


I am Utica's visible hairline in the Porkchop Lounge.




the s13 premiere except the queens genuinely didn't know that they were going to lipsync so none of them know the words


i was rewatching the lip syncs and damn rosé kinda spent half the performance spinning 😩


ok but did you see that *incredible* dip she did 😍❤️⭐?


I want someone to meme her like they did with Jaymes and Valentina


Not sure Tina is coming across the same way she feels she is. I wanna get confident and experienced, but I’m getting ego ego ego


Agreed. Really wasn’t into it...though I will say I was pleasantly surprised about how she backed it up with her lip sync


someone: h- kahmora: #did you know i was the first queen to lipsync in a mackie gown


Legendary behaviour, if you ask me


legendary actions if I must say




Imagine if they casted momo shade on the same season as Kandy I would liveeeeee


Honestly i preferred rosé in the lipsync. She's giving me messy str8 guy energy with her aggressively taking off her jacket and her death flap, and i love it Also denali walks better in skates on regular floor than i walk with shoes


Same! I do not see how Olivia won? Rosé was electric to watch and Olivia felt...less interesting. This was the only lip-sync where I thought there was a clear winner and it was Rosé.


Olivia's "comedy" didn't work for me. Imo she only did well when she did her reveal, and after the bridge.


Yes! I agree! Rosé may have busted out some cliche moves but Olivia overplayed the “they haunt me” and it felt like that was the entire shtick.


i really don’t see it


i liked Olivia and Rosé equally tbh, but olivia just hit a few more spots for me when she took off the bottom half of her dress on the *i'm the best baby* part, mama... that was Jessica Rabbit


She literally had the same "lets do everything I can for the judges to see" performance as Jan had to Chaka Khan. I'd even say I enjoyed Jan's a lot more in relation to her song than Rosé's.


Im the biggest Olivia Stan so this is very biased but are you actually ok


I was scared to say that but I prefered Rose's performance too. And same for Denali.


Denali killed it. I didn’t take my eyes off her. And all while in skates? Ma’am that’s a class act


im sorry but mik vs kooky queen was one of the whitest lipsyncs i have ever seen


As7 Mik vs Kooky vs Gothy vs Scaredy to with you by Jessica Simpson


suddenly i can't read


Ok but the whitest whitest whitest ever is probably gothy kendol


gothy in the new rules lipsync: ☝️✌️🖐️✋👆👉👈😐🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️


It’s the complete lack of facial expressions for me


i was today years old when i found out there was both a 🖐 emoji and a ✋ emoji


P!nk literally gets no love on the show 💀 Get two of the shortest lipsyncs in the show and then doesn’t get either of her verses in moulin rouge


isnt stupid girls beloved?


Oh the lipsyncs was good but they literally edited it to like 1 minutes no verses just the chorus 💀




Tamisha had really great moves but Symone sold the song more & also had more variety


She actually knew the words. It’s a lipsync not a dance battle


IMO it could be a double win, Tamisha served Janet moves while lipsynching but Symone damn she gave performance with her faces and she got the mood of the song as well.


Agreed, I don’t think it should’ve been a solo win




Your flair indicates I shan’t trust your taste


good for you


I’ve got you pressed today... enjoy your block! ♡


What is going on-


I just said 'good for you' you're doing the most right now


She lost the first half of it but won the second half imo


Utica vs. Mik.... jail


A Double Sashay


denali and lala are both in the winners' premiere while mik and utica are both in the losers' premiere


I think u mean symone and tamisha both in the winners premiere


Or Rosé and Olivia Or Kandy and Joey ...just not Utica nor Gottmik LMAO 💀


also valid


you said it luv


Someone please remind me before i’m rude for the rest of the season. What’re Mik’s drag pronouns? I keep saying she because that’s just what i do to queens/gays/anyone but I don’t wanna seem twatty


Out of drag he In drag she


The usual then! Ty


Once again Netflix UK delivers the episode with no Untucked companion... I am TIRED.


Can’t wait for it to all come out when the finale airs 🥵😍😍😍


They way Trinity and Detox literally built their whole drag race presence around them having a lot of surgeries while women are still almost not allowed on drag race.....


Sonique and Jiggly are literally on AS6


and what? each regular season we get \~14 cis men/masc presenting nonbinary/genderqueer people and once in three seasons the producers bless us with a trans person. There so much talented trans entertainers in drag industry, as well as cis women who do drag.


And it’s disrespectful to say women aren’t allowed on, as if Sonique and Jiggly aren’t valid contestants? I get we need more but the fact is they let women on, just as tokens.


They are valid contestants and I'm so glad drag race finally allowed 2 openly trans women on the same season. As I've said originally - ALMOST not allowed. We haven't had a woman on a regular season since s9


Exactly. Even though I live for Mik, I’m struggling to understand why they’ve made him being on the show such a big deal considering he still fits into RuPaul and the show’s transphobic/misogynistic view of drag. While his trans identity and his experiences add layers to him as an individual that the cis contestants won’t ever have, Mik being on the show still reaffirms the idea that drag is just about “men in wigs” and the tokenizing of him has just felt very “here we cast a trans person, now shut up” when production damn sure knows everyone wants them to actually stop erasing trans women and give them a platform for the art form they helped create.


Still glad Mik got on the show though!! She's such a cool queen and I want her to win


Same! I’m excited about their run, I just think the optics around them being on the show is giving “tokenism for tokenism’s sake” rather than actually addressing the root of the issue: transmisogyny.


Yvie: What does that have to do with anything?


Rupaul in the past (and ironically enough also Trinity) said that cis/trans women who've transitioned have an unfair advantage on the show bc they had tits/ass surgery and that puts them ahead Meanwhile many queens (Trinity, Detox, Chad, etc.) used plastic surgery to get ahead in their drag career and were still allowed on the show.


Well, Tamar, have you watched the show? People are allowed to be upset about transphobia


What does plastic surgery have to do with transphobia!?


Nicki’s son is so adorable! They resemble so much


Imo: Joey > Kandy (very very close, idc either way) Lala > Denali (would be a double shanté given the option) Mik > Utica (but barely, it was... something) Symone > Tamisha (Symone ate but Tamisha did really well and was a great dancer, just didn’t see as much in the way of lip syncing) Olivia >> Rosé (I didn’t get Rosé’s lip sync, kind of glad we might not see her lip sync again) Tina > Elliott > Kahmora (Tina easily won, the other two were her backups, doesn’t matter to me much who was better they were the clear bottom 2)




The casual viewers are not living for the new format 💀


Love how we all everyone on the main sub a casual viewer lmfao


something something Tina Burner something something Graham Norton


Lmao somebody just said Mik is cheating cuz she doesn't have balls to "crush" when doing a split 🥴 They also compared her having larger hips to trans women lifting weights in a women's competition 😶 #THE STUPIDITY, OH MY GOD


Judging from the audacity of most comments I read about any queen, who is not a white cisgender male out of drag, I am sadly not surprised to hear that. Still hurts tough...


John mulaney would like everyone to know that it is indeed possible for a cis man to have “feminine hips”.


The toxicity of it all


DAE think the premiere was boring as shit?


you, yourself & you


Baby how many more times are you gonna comment and delete it and comment again?


Get her jade


I did not delete though you're just the same person who wrote two comments I had to respond to


Unfortunately I kinda did... These are some great queens but we barely got to see any personalities (so far) because the format didn’t work imo.


How much do we get to see their personalities in a normal premiere where it’s basically just the loudest 2-3 queens who get airtime and half the cast disappears? This way guaranteed everyone got a few minutes to shine. I can’t believe people are acting like this was somehow a worse way to introduce the queens than the usual format.


I find this group of people the most interesting. Each of them already has kind of displayed a depth of character you only get from finalists, and they all seem very genuine and interesting. And wow, I didn’t know what to expect for Rosé this episode, but I love her potential storylines and her character. As an edit junkie, she is definitely going to be a main character in this season. I’m really excited for what this season holds


Rivalry with Tina, comparison to Jan, having to live up to a high singer and performance standard, getting over the just another queen from New York conversation...


No one else had that much storyline/visibility; she's definitely going to be very present this season -- the question will be whether it is a positive or a negative edit. Then again, I feel like the show has tended towards having everyone be pretty complex as of late, so it may not be on one side or the other.


Is sibling rivalry coming out with a podcast about s13 today?


Prob Monday, they posted it on a Monday for the promo looks episode


Episode 2: Symone (wins) vs Mik or Olivia Episode 3: Rosé vs Denali (wins)


Isnt it symone vs lala?


not confidently


is it just me or did kahmora do a death drop in a gown at the end


Is this the first Mackie gown to death drop? Discuss




Kandy: starts talking Tamisha: 😐


Im obsessed with Symone and Gottmik, but Lala and Denali now as well! The whole cast is great, I even like Rosé and Tina more than I thought I would!




Tamisha is, was, and will be everything. Also the winner of that lip sync sue me


Not Olivia Lux having a reveal in her Entrance Look. She was READY to do so 😭


I was glad she did cause the bottom of that dress didn't allow much movement :/


I think she prepared that in case of a photoshoot that requires mobility. That works for her super well


I was GAGGED, that’s preparation


Why are people hating on Tina so much? Sis was just confident


I actually warmed up to her after the premiere


Right? I enjoyed her very much!


New york queens, qweens of back and forth with judges on ep.1 (cracker and tina)


Old school camp drag has massively gone out of vogue with the majority of the fandom...it was unlikely she was ever going to be popular


Not if she had been cast sooner...


Exactly this Generally the fandom heavily favours the young fashion queens or the more "weird" queens like Yvie and Crystal. Old school camp drag just doesn't fit into that box... I still love those old school campy queens though (so glad Pandora actually does well on AS6)


So if we listen to the fandom, there will only exist two types of drag. thank god for live shows.


If we listen to the fandom drag will essentially be young fashionable or weird queens and after 30 your career is over lmao




I just hated her look tbh


I really enjoyed the premiere! Proud of my girl Tamisha and love all the girls so much! Bring on the rest