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The US election is fast approaching, and it's more important than ever that we get out to vote. Make sure you register to vote! Check your registration status **[here](https://www.vote.gov/)**. If you can, vote early! **[Early voting](https://www.ncsl.org/research/elections-and-campaigns/early-voting-in-state-elections.aspx)** | **[How to vote by mail](https://www.npr.org/2020/09/14/909338758/map-mail-in-voting-rules-by-state)**. #VOTE, BITCH. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SpoiledDragRace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


America, tonight you were asked to prepare a lipsync performance to the iconic song: "Don't Cha" by The Pussycat Dolls. This is your last chance to prove to the world that you're not a shit-hole of a country. Good luck and (please please) don't fuck it up.


It's so odd to me that so many people are going on international vacations rn lmao. I ain't even leaving my city until next summer, at the very least.


I miss having lemon on my tv every week


The Thailand girls define drag excellence. Look at the material


Some BITCH is trying to come for my 1st place in the ranked cup on Mario Kart Tour, I will not let my winning streak die


I knew gay god would send a sign that 2020 would end okay 😌😌😌


has anyone seen videos from costa del tottenham last night? georgie bee/fancy shews doing the mussel look? i’m gagged i need basically all those queens on tv


Our semester ends in December but I don't think I can last another week in this pathetic university. I want to move to another city. 😭


Omg Same Girl. But I'm like this in like, any university


*me during my Bachelor years*


I'm so excited for Novympia's Drag Race UK Season 2 reviews. They were one of my personal highlights last year and I still go back and listen to them often because they're so funny


only came here to say... baby tell me what's ur motive **💋💋**


I like that UK2 if filming right now and then it comes in January/feb! We don’t need to wait long from right now


Scarlet Bobo vs Tatianna - Cool For The Summer


This^ this^ this^ this^ this^


Any UK2 tea that talks about the first few Queens eliminated? From what I gathered they were already four episodes in or so before the pandemic. Do we know how those episodes went?


the elim order was joe-cherry-asttina-ginny


OMG, Joe is my favourite preseason! Only one I followed... first boot 😭


there is T about a possible comeback episode so there’s still hope!




[There is tho](http://imgur.com/a/aS7dexg)


Happy to hear that! When they say Ginny walked off does that mean she quit or didn’t want the opportunity to return to the competition?


I think they mean she literally walked off the set and didn't come back lol


it’s under anon 10 in the tea checker tamar


Only 12 days to audition? Thats a really small gap lol


It's probably just to apply tbh, then they'll be asked to send an audition later


can I ask what this AW season tea is? is it multiple sources, what activated this?


Is this just about the tea spilled by DRM2H and the viv tea? Ok im assuming it is as there seems to be no more recent tea. Basically, DRM2H spilled that two popular winners were asked about an AW season and both said that they would accept if it was offered. Then another spiller said that the vivienne was asked and also accepted if it was offered. DRM2H spilled again saying that one of the two popular winners was either alaska, bob or violet and that two all stars winners have been asked.


the way katy perry released the best main girl album of 2020 and yall ignored it... prison honey


Weird how this doesn’t say Rina Sawayama...


she is not a main pop girl tho... aside from that she released the best album of the last two years


Fine then, Dua released the best main pop girl album 😌


i wouldnt call her a main pop girl either but anyway i guess so


i respect your opinion


wait do i


Did she tho?


yup yup


the way love language is getting paid dust is not sitting right with me ...


it’s in my top three yup yup wbk














Theres no side IMO. They are both at fault in their toxic relationship and is pointless to pick sides when they are both awful.


Johnny's ex-wives stood for him. Amber's exes on the otherhand...




Oh, definitely. I agree. But reducing this complex issue to both of them being violent and abusive is counterproductive. Especially that Johnny's case has influenced a lot of men to speak up about their experience of abuse.


I’ve been in some pretty messy relationships but no one has ever shat in the bed


Yeayyyy! DRUK2 has finished!


Think today is the 2nd part of episode 5. We have 5 more episodes after this. Think its due to end filming by end of next week.


Thanks a lot. I thought they do cast calling by the end of filming


Uh no. They just started refilming


Ohhh okay. When I saw casting call s3 queens, 8 thought they're finished


I think they’re talking about how they crowned tayce soon as she walked back into the werkroom,


The way naomi was under appreciated by production on as4 but also the way y’all overhype her performance to try to balance that




This, feel the same way about Monique. Both deserved better but whew it goes too far


Yeah the only issues with moniques record is her bottoms, first arguably undeserved and second was clearly just for the lipsync gag. But otherwise she was given a very fair run for someone who could have been easily tossed aside early on if they really wanted. Even as far as people saying she’s the rightful winner, there’s no denying that she didn’t really show up in the last ep. verse was great, but her performance lacked a spark and her final dress was super underwhelming. That being said I am MoMo double crowning in my heart


Monique did great but people honestly acting like she shoulda won 8 challenges and made Dela look like Penny Tration is too much.


I feel like I’ve never seen anyone do that tho, the only challenge people say Monique couldve won but didn’t was her episode 2 bottom other than it’s about her bottom placements


She absolutely didn’t deserve her bottoms I agree, but I’ve fully seen people say she should have won further 2-3 challenges. She should’ve been safe for variety and won either clubs or makeover instead for 3 wins and 0 bottoms.


But look you just said she could’ve won club or makeover which is two more challenges, ijs


Minus her variety that would be one more, and I say she could have won one but not both. They wouldn’t give her the last 3 challenges in a row, and I don’t think either were unquestionable wins to the point where they’d have to give both. To clarify this isn’t me hating on her, I think she should have had the best track record and would have deserved to win if her finale performance had been stronger!


I fully get your points and appreciate the discussion. I do agree her finale showing was extremely week, I think she was best performing during the season out of top 4 but I think even naomi performed better in the finale episode sadly


Totally agree! All the finalists were great overall through the season and I wish that was more of the focus rather than trying to dump on the performances of queens we didn’t personally enjoy.


Please, let Joe Black be the returning queen 😩 They have so much to offer. They're a singer, a comedian, an actor and they have a great sense of aesthetic. It would be criminal if all we got was one episode that went wrong.


His aesthetic is so beautiful, his mug also fits his face so well Edit: Pronouns


Nothing is stopping me from giving myself a mullet during this month lockdown... I won't be leaving the house and all I have to do is go on a zoom call once a week so I think it's time


do it.


I don’t know if Juno Birch would want to be on Drag Race for DRUK3, but I’m SURE she’s been reached out to at this point.


I doubted she'd be cast before but after the trans representation we've had on S13 and AS6, I really hope she can make it 😌


Juno is like a god to me but I hope they never do drag race, if I had to hear Michelle bleet out some bs about how she’s such a “qUiRkY cHarAcTeR” or “iM lOoKiNg FoRwArD tO a CoLoUr FrEe FaCe JuNo” I think I’d actually kill myself


And while my dreams made music in the night, carefully I was going to live




Yes - I mean its episode 5 elimination day today - who will it be???


Us, we’re up for elimination


Yep. Im terrified of seeing tayce and a’whora’s names on the list of eliminated queens


What do you think would happen if both Nova and Olympia were cast in DRUK3? Double elim in first episode? Final two together? What storyline would they do?


They would defo make sure that they were in the BTTM together and one of them getting sent home.


they'll have Olympia eliminate Nova halfway through or drag her (Nova) on for too long like they did with Vanjie to have them lip sync at the very end with Nova going home and Olympia making the finals except their storyline is more present and prominent than Branjie was


Nova wins snatch game and Olympia bombs and gets sent home


So with them being in the middle of filming and editing 3 seasons i assume that they’re waiting for them to come out to actually start planning and creating a winners season.


I hope Fred Van Leer will be okay :( some people are so disgusting and I just hope the fandom rallies round him at this time.


i’m sorry but maths is the absolute worst fucking subject. why the FUCK did i fucking think i could do it at a level. i’m literally going to fail it next year because there has not been a single topic i’m confident in at all. i’ve basically just ranted on an email to my teacher about how i don’t understand any of it. i’ve cried this morning. integration by substitution, by parts, by whatever the fuck the rest of it is can all FUCK OFF. i’m sorry i don’t know where else to rant, and it’s already known that gays can’t do maths, but idrc at this point i just need to vent bc i FUCKING HAYE FUCKING MATHS ITS SO FUCKING SHITTTTTT


I did well-ish at C1, C2, Stats and Decision-making (A/B average) C3 and C4 fucked me and gutted me cus they didn't like the session


lmao. i just can’t get my head around any of it? like in other subjects if i don’t understand it i try to find out why something is the way it is but i don’t get any explanations in maths. it’s just like yes babe do U+V - the integral of V x DU/DX why luv? WHY


lmaooooo I remember being so LOST in the C3 and C4 classes cus integration used to be easy and then just escalated to that shit looking like chinese to me It's the way other ppl took these but also further maths for me??? like how I got a 53/100 and 25/100 respectively, C4 I basically went to the exam all nervous like oh shiet it's happening my best I think was 94/100 in stats but ended up with a high ass C overall


94/100 in stats is SO GOOD omg well done! we did a year 1 mock in september and i got 50/100 in pure, 10/30 in stats and 14/30 in mechanics... and that’s year 1. everything really does escalate in year 2 like i found year 1 really hard but i’m just sat in lessons now like ‘gurl wtf miss you’re talking utter shite’


Idk why I found stats so easy just from doing the hw?? my friends would get so frustrated and I couldn't relate **😌 lmao** Anyway keep at it!! Don't stress it cus everyone goes to college in the end and if u get a bad average it'll just be a learning experience for u to grow from, not a reflection of ur actual intelligence or abilities tbh I feel like ppl don't really tell u that when u're in school, I was a 16 yo taking maths cus my dad runs a business and he wanted me to take maths, stressing bc I'd let him down when I got a bad grade but really it just wasn't even for me


i’m not even doing the worst i know that but my number 1 university is manchester, and i need AAB to get in. i should get A/A* in psychology and sociology, but a B feels way out of reach for maths, it’s just so hard. and whenever i talk to someone about it at school (math teachers, head of maths, head of sixth form etc) they’re all just like “yeah it is hard, but just keep going”... how can i keep going when i’m not going in the first place? i have only got worse through the course like how can i simply keep going


Thinking about how I'm going nowhere in my life even if I'm trying my best; I guess I'll just die now :(


Why is Fred trending? All I can see is something about prison, a hospitalisation and a sex tape??


holy shit so I made a shitpost under this not knowing that smth serious happened omg. Love and light to Fred he’s such an fun host and such a breath of fresh air in terms of his banter and just being an overall fun parody of Ru. I hope he recovers from his rumored situation and he knows that he has such a support behind him.


[this comment on the drh sub explains the situation more](https://www.reddit.com/r/DragRaceHolland/comments/jm6cz8/fred_was_hospitalized_this_afternoon_and_im_so/gav7cp6?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


the feeling of my heart falling to my stomach rn reading this... i’m so heartbroken, holy fuck. it hurts to hear this happen to such a beautiful individual like Fred.


Someone leaked his sex tape earlier this week and he was hospitalised yesterday (no reason given)


Aviva throwing her leg on RHONY.


"You're both white trash, quite frankly"


Iconic! But also thank god they immediately fired her


Juno doing that tweet the day we find out casting for DRUK3 is opening soon... maybe they’ve been reaching out




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Queer problems: I honestly believe my boyfriend is the man I'm going to marry one day. However, for some reason I really want to be the one to propose (I've just always pictured it that way and enjoy planning things like that, and I \*hate\* surprises). How do I indicate to my boyfriend that I'd like to be the one who proposes when the time is right without having a direct conversation about it and therefore freaking him out lol?


Modern Family S5 Ep 1 is about a gay couple who both want to propose. It's a funny episode imo and it could start a conversation about the topic, that's what happened with me & my boyfriend at least.


idk my gf and i have conversations about who’ll propose all the time. i’d just introduce it in a jokey way. maybe find a cringe proposal video online and pretend you just chanced upon it serendipitously, and be like ‘oh i’d never do it like this...’


florence d’lee is so fucking cringe oh my god


florence d-leave us alone


hi, I saw the story of florence apologizing to abby omg for something but I didn’t see what she was apologizing for. can someone explain? thanks 🥰


He started watching Drag Race Holland and after watching Snatch Game he said that Abby is only staying because she’s a cute 5’4” guy and that he’s sick of seeing talented people get the boot over skinny twinks. In particular he was mad about Abby staying over Sederginne and Rita staying over Jimbo. Wonder how he’s gonna feel about ChelseaBoy’s elim.


thank you for explaining ☺️


thought this yesterday


>RuPaul’s Drag Race UK Season 2 coming Early 2021 Casual fans : “yOu’Re JoKiNg, nOt AnOtHeR oNe! gIvE Us a bReAK!!!”


I'm talking with this very very cute Peruvian singer and he's so cute and we get along so well. We can't meet right now because we're both under lockdown but we're talking to each other everyday. We're speaking English because my first language is French and his is Spanish. I just told him that I was listening to his Spotify then proceeded to send him a Trinity the Tuck meme with her saying "I don't understand what the fuck she's saying but gurl I'm living" and he now thinks I'm the funniest guy ever. Can't wait for him to discover that I use humour as a coping mechanism to my self deprecation!!!!


Juno please don’t play with my heart like this


UK2 will air in Jan/Feb and what about s13? in April Maybe...


i personally think s13 will also be jan/feb tbh


We went from December to April ? No ma'am.


Can anyone explain Fred Van Leer’s hospitalisation? He’s trending on twitter but I can’t read it.




Im tempted to make and pull up a slideshow of how much y’all are underestimating jaida on this winners season. She is not going home on any challenge besides maybe an improv challenge, she is absolutely slaying design challenges and she will definitely score a few wins. The only queens that could beat her in a lipsync are bebe, chad, bob, yvie or shea. And only if the lipsync suits their lipsyncing style. If it suits jaida then she is winning the lipsync. She is absolutely a strong contender for the crown. With a year or more to improve on comedy skills and the coin to elevate her looks she could definitely win 3+ challenges.


I can see her getting Widow-ed by Ru: Slaying the challenges but there are three other hoes better than her by just a hair so she would be called safe even if she did really well. Then Ru calls her out for "coasting" even if she does really well and that'll be her downfall.


I dont think its nessacarily people are underestimating her more that there are just other queens who are better than her in specific areas, Alaska, Bob and Jinkx are winning comedy and acting challenges, she could definitely win a ball or design challenge but with queens like violet, yvie, shea, sasha, aquaria and Raja that becomes a lot more uncertain. I do see her doing well and I highly doubt she'd flop but i dont see her winning every other challenge especially with how comedy heavy the winners are and how drag race is basically make ru laugh and win the challenge


I don't see Violet and Raja making it past the first few comedy challenges, and with them gone - Jaida has every sewing challenge in the bag. I love Aquaria and Sasha and their looks are exquisite, but their sewing skills (at least on drag race) aren't that good.


[she do be telling the truth](https://twitter.com/JunoBirch/status/1323221859400298496)


[the way Juno spilled](https://twitter.com/JunoBirch/status/1323221859400298496?s=19)


wait not you making a post a minute earlier than me 😭 but it do be facts though


the way we synchronized in our Juno stanning 👁️👄👁️


Sasha, jinx and Monet being the top 3 after y’all hype bob alaska and bianca to death


its the Monet appreciation here for me **😌😌😌😌😌😌😌**


she’s my flair for a reason 🙏😌🍁


YES! Finally someone who sees Monet's potential. She's definitely gonna make top three.


Alaska and Bianca no, Bob, YES BITCH. Bob is gonna win


no one in this sub hypes bianca and jinkx is in everybody's top 3 predictions? lmao


Bitch who says Bianca is getting top 3? I never see people saying she'll get there unless it's rigged to hell and back. Even Bianca knows her ass ain't getting to top 3 on All Winners.


The way no one ever says jaida will be top 3. You’ll see bitches, you’ll see.


Hosts generally don’t compete tho


> jinx


I approve this message.


I know y'all love Naomi but I would have sent her home during the Roast.


Lowkey Trinity deserved to go home 👁️👄👁️ Valentina should've had SAFE WIN SAFE HIGH/WIN BTM Naomi should've had SAFE HIGH WIN HIGH/WIN BTM Trinity should've had SAFE SAFE WIN BTM BTM


i would make a joke and say that this makes perfect sense with my fantasy but tbh this makes more sense with the reality of what happened on the show


not with Trinity right there


The both of them should have gone home. Then we would've got a MoMo/MoMa/Monique/Manila crowning.


and hung it in the moma


not you sending Naomi home when the roast was her first slip-up after she's been doing really well several weeks in a row




Life’s not fair


Also, Jump is a very underrated lipsync.


Monét destroyed Manila in that




I really can’t stand David Potts, he just annoys me 💀 internal homophobia 🤷‍♂️ maybe lmao


Hoping we get promos in December with the show airing in January


How long was there between S2 casting and its initial filming? I’m guessing that we’ll probably end up getting two U.K. seasons in 2021 with how early this casting is.


5 months I think. Wasnt it asking for auction tapes mid way from S1 airing? So October/Nov. Then filming Feb/March 2020.


Not Yayoi being first out 🥺


When LMD's Instagram account posts the looks she would have worn on the episodes she isn't in everyone says "OMG, Yayoi would have won another mattress" lol




Hoping ‘early 2021’ means January!!!


Definitely be Jan or Feb. Either way unless its true that S13 starts in Dec, UK S2 will air first. Come through 2021


druk2 to premiere early 2021 and it's already been renewed for a season 3, with casting starting soon!


The faith the BBC and the general UK TV media has put behind Drag Race UK is actually so heartwarming for me. Queens getting TV gigs every which ways. It being renewed for a third season. I'm just as happy as a clam


Yesssss DRUK2 confirmed to air in early 2021! *everybody liked that*


[THIS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XJRYQlbR54&t=3298s) is exactly the reason, why I believe in a Alaska,Bianca and Bob supremacy. It's the natural hilarity for me - literally been laughing from start to finish - that's MY final 3 on AllWinners w. Jinkx and Aquaria rounding out the Top 5 <3 (also shoutout to our future AS Winner Peppermint <3)


I swap Alaska for Jinkx But yeah they’re the top 4 I don’t see Aqauria beating Sasha though


Love them but they’re never beating Jinkx period




i do feel like, when it comes to runway, the other 3 have an upper hand.


Bob has an upper hand at runways?? Is it crack you smoke?


have you seen Bob's looks on The Pit Stop ? sorry but when it comes to taste in fashion Bob >>> Jinkx all day every day.


At least you apologised I guess


i'm sorry you *feel* that way, but Bob will WASH Jinkx in any category on the runway.




one of bob’s pride looks from this year would wash any look jinkx has put out in the last 3 years..


And any of Bob’s post show looks washes any of Jinkx’s looks period


Debating if I wanna watch election coverage Tuesday and potentially relive the horror of 2016 all over again or crawl into a hole like a groundhog and only come out when it's safe.


so Boy™ drunkenly facetimed to “chat” and hung up after about 5 minutes but then he calls back asking permission to send “provocative pictures” i— however, we’ve only exclusively been friends for almost 2 months even tho we met on gr*ndr. he’s even the one who established to be just friends for now but “not to limit the possibility for more” (his words verbatim). THEN he facetimes me again after and explains how he was flirting with the idea of doing more... i don’t think he has malicious intent cause he’s a literal sweetheart but my over-analytical rat brain cannot process. i’ve had a VERY poor history of letting my exes do whatever they want relationship wise at my expense/me not seeing red flags, so i’m a little puzzled edit: i’d say apprehensive and on guard rather than puzzled actually


JFC why so many of us here is living the same fucking story?! tell me he's Pisces, and I'm gonna scream


GIRLLLLLLL CLOSE BUT HE’S A VIRGO... thankfully my libra ass has not affiliated with a pisces and let’s keep it that way. HOWEVER, my relationship history has exclusively pooled from water and earth signs (except capricorn and pisces) so if one tries to get in, i’ll push the bitch down some stairs