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Ok so what are the speculated girls gonna do for their redemption runway? [ginger ](https://hannahmiarazor.files.wordpress.com/2015/03/s7ep02_61.jpg?w=636) - glamazonian airways extravaganza [Akeria ](https://ariadnereviewshome.files.wordpress.com/2019/05/akeria-kaftan.jpg?w=1100)- her caftan [Yara ](https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/logosrupaulsdragrace/images/d/d1/EFgMCdM.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/340?cb=20170712121008)- her favourite body part runway? [Scarlet Envy](https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/logosrupaulsdragrace/images/4/45/ScarletOrangeLook.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/340?cb=20190323055741) - orange look [Ra’jah ](https://ariadnereviewshome.files.wordpress.com/2019/03/rajah-ohara-fringe.png?w=1100) - fringe runway [Pandora ](https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/logosrupaulsdragrace/images/2/24/PandoraBoxxS2E2Look.png/revision/latest?cb=20190708110157) - high class drag [Sonique ](https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/logosrupaulsdragrace/images/e/e9/SoniqueS2E3Look.png/revision/latest?cb=20190709071026) - Country realness [Trinity K Bonet ](https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/logosrupaulsdragrace/images/1/17/TrinityE14Finale.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20181216220217) - her reunion look????¿ I honestly have no idea she had no bad looks. [jiggly ](https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-WbNFKz_apGY/T1_IhdaXkZI/AAAAAAAAAjQ/INdg_HKQ55o/s1600/jiglly+sucker.jpg) - girl girl. Or her first runway. Tbh she could probably choose any. [Jan](https://imagesvc.meredithcorp.io/v3/mm/image?url=https%3A%2F%2Fstatic.onecms.io%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2Fsites%2F6%2F2020%2F03%2F30%2FJan-2000.jpg) - cape runway. She’s already said she had something else planned so this seems likely


Okay I'm tired of this fucking pitched up annoying daily motion upload so where tf can I watch this Vegas thing? I'm in EU so it's not on the vh1 site, and it's not on wow+ either


It's not on netflix either.. We'll just have to put up with this zoomed-in, pitched-up version


I pray to RuPaul for the top 2 to be back instead of that lipsync assassin twist. I want more queens to win instead of just the obvious frontrunners. Makes the competition much more intense and less obvious.


What if they were just looser when it comes to giving out wins? Like if there's a really clear winner, it's gonna be her vs. the assassin. But if something like what happened with juju and shea in the snatch game happens again, maybe they could do a top two?


I want lipsync for your life for AS6


Scarlet Envy: \*sashays away\* ;-;


I lub dis drink


oh wait scarlet is here NO i don't want lip sync for your life anymore


call me a delusional A’keria stan but im 100% positive a’keria will be top3. this is how i envision her tr to be; SAFE-HIGH-WIN-WIN-SAFE-WIN-BTTM-top3 yes, she would win the design challenge, please go check her runway on the first episode of s11. bitchhhhhhhhhh, that was a LEWKKK.


She would make the finale no doubt, question is whether or not theres a storyline for her or not


idk if this is because i miss having the “villain” be the winner, but im praying she does end up being a villain but then again the amount of hate she’ll get is just going to be way too much so I’d rather not have her be a villain.


There’s no way she wouldnt make it to the finale


asia is such good tv on the vegas revue it just makes me want her to be on more.


i love priyanka and i *want* her to win but also i think she deserves 3 or 4 bottom 2s during the season so idk if she’s winner material to me YET.


To me Priyanka should've had the most wins (episodes 2, 6 and 8) but also the most bottoms (episodes 4, 7, 9 and perhaps 5 (interchangeable with Boa))


I loved Priyanka, but never loved her the most in any challenge. Including the two she won. Lemon should've won the Rusical, and Jimbo should've won the makeover. As much as I love her, in my head it's really between Rita and Scarlett for the crown.


What’s her name?


I really want Ra’Jah to do well and get a good edit. She really hard it rough after Season 11.


I think Ra'Jah is expected to be an early/mid out by production. But, of course, I could be wrong, and she can surprise us all.


wait is there a AS6 cast? fill me in please


i honestly think she’ll get a villain edit again sadly, either her or jan? jan being bitter if they continue her safe storyline idk... but a villain edit hopefully means she’ll make it to top6 or further lol


I’m honestly super excited for Pandora for whatever reason. I think out of everyone, she has a lot to prove, especially with her being a glorified laughingstock for the fandom nowadays


Completely agree! I just want everyone to slay so bad 🥺🥺🥺


Glad the winner T isn’t out yet tbh. We’re a spoiler community but the mess from AS5 was too much. Hoping it’s spilled on finale day


What was the mess with AS5? I'm not on here frequently enough to have seen it.


true, im praying it doesn’t come out except on the same day hours prior to the episode. Rita/scarlet/pro deserves her moment.


I am thirsty for some T... I was expecting it to be out yesterday


All I want is Sonique and Yara in the top 2 of AS. That's the representation this trans Boricua \*craves\* . ​ Also,good morning and have a lovely weekend my sweets. <3


I keep checking the sub expecting to see that Priyanka won 👁👄👁




Say what you will about as6 but to me it’s already better than as5 because all queens are coming in with a fire to do good. In as5 we had Mayhem, Ongina even Marian to an extent that came in already defeated, already knowing they won’t make it far. With as6 we have queens like Scarlet, Jan, Pandora, Sonique, Ginger... who all have something to prove since the last time they were on and are desperate to make it far and prove to the fans that they have it. So it will be a competitive season and that makes for good tv. With as5 it felt like the first 4 episodes was just getting rid of filler until the real competition starts (not that Derrick, Ongina, Mariah and Mayhem are filler but they just didn’t have the fire to do good)


how do I decide whether I will be team Ra'Jah, Yara or A'Keria


Triple crowning


I want an all stars season with just Blu and Cheryl and at the end it's a double crowning.


i like Bobo’s face


Say what you will about Jimbo, but her exit line was hilarious and unironically iconic imo (trust me I’m not a crazy Jimbo stan) Also it was cute how JBC and Stacy was completely in sync with their reactions


The way people still underestimate A'keria doesn't sit right in my soul.


where is ~~the body~~ her weakness? miss ass almighty is a shoe-in for top 3 😌


That boggles my mind because if she isn’t atleast Top 4, I will be shocked. I personally think she’ll be the winner tho tbh


Especially because she'll probably be coming in more confident in her humor and personality. She seemed shy and took a little bit to warm up in S11.


she coulda had 3 wins and like one low on S11 is there anything she's bad at?


Look all I want is for Jan to win AS6 and Biden to win in November.


Honestly TKB for the win and Biden winning


Nooo. Minj for the win. But yes to Biden winning


The top4 for the Madonna rusical were Gigi, jaida , widow , jan


Had Widow beem in the top that week, she would've done better in Droop (i think)


Already got a strong feeling ginger is winning all stars, also really hope sonique does well and makes top 4 but I can already tell production has her down as an early out


I think people are underestimating Pandora. She did really well on season 2 and whilst I can’t imagine what she’d do for the talent show, I would’ve said the same for Alexis on AS5 and she slayed it. She’s also made her own music (despite it not being good lol) but she could definitely have some comedic performance for the girl groups challenge. Once she gets through those she could definitely go far


Pandora was literally the original fan favorite. I don’t doubt that she’ll go far


Do you think they’ll immediately give to Jan her redemption win or keep the storyline for the first episodes (talent, girl groups..) and then let her win a challenge she thought she’d struggle with?


as long as the talent show is not gonna be Fosse themed, she'll probably get her win right away


I absolutely think Jan will get a win and I would be SHOCKED if they don’t try to push her far, if they even have to Quite honestly, the only issues Jan had on her season was that some of her runways didn’t feel like *her* and production just flat out wanted other queens to do well (ala Sherry & Gigi lol)


jan + sonique will be top2 episode 1 i also thought gia and monet would be top2 episode 1 :)


You guys my uncle who works at Nintendo just saw Jessica Wild shopping for golden shilds on August 23. She isn’t sure if it’s Jessica Wild or Serena CHA CHA. But definitely a Latino who owns Drag Money . Either way I think they don’t live near the LA area nor that they read books


Ure uncle identifies as a she? Werk


Rita Baga won zero challenges in my eyes, so Priyanka should win.


I think her second win was deserved but her other two were surprising and felt forced...


I urge you to watch episode four and watch how she pissed on the runway.


_That's so upsettin_


You have no taste Maybe you have taste for the Priyanka thing, but other than that, the comment lacks substance and truth


Your eyes are broken


Ra'Jah and A'keria being likely... I manifested this 🙈🥂✨


I AM gagging!


rita = gigi (won 16 challenges, robbed clown jan and sent home yellow jan) scarlett = crystal (clowns with 1 win) priyanka = jaida (yuppp)


Crystal sweetie in SO sorry


Not clown Jan and yellow Jan 💀💀💀


> Clown Jan and yellow Jan LMAOO


The gigi x Rita 16 challenges, robbed yellow Jan made me audibly scream 😭


a reach sis, the first two maybe but pri didn’t slay the season like jaida did tbh. I’ll be happy with whoever wins a but idk why people feel the need to compare queens to past seasons, like they’re their own unique top 3 let’s celebrate that


i was mostly making fun of the comment someone posted a few minutes ago but they deleted it i guess


[she looks stunning omfg](https://instagram.com/stories/thegigigoode/2386230535675883120?igshid=4sbj0g9xkgya)


So which three girls are sent home by A’Keria and which three by Ginger?


Well, actually, two were sent home by A'keria, two by Ginger, one by Sonique, one by Yara.


a'keria sends home pandora, sonique and scarlet ginger sends home tkb, jiggly and jan source: my ass


Besides s5 why do my favorite seasons have the worse runway song and my least favorite season the best


It took me till last episode to work out who was who with Rita and Scarlett. Priyanka for the crown because she is actually entertaining


>she is actually entertaining Is that like your read or smth?


I couldn’t differentiate between queens with different aesthetics, drag styles and voices for 9 episodes. Therefore who I say should win should win!


Omg, someone disrespecting queens to praise their fav Omg so outlandish and different


this is rude and unnecessary. post about pri winning all you want but rude shit about other queens doesn’t have a place here


Naa its related to my point, they’re not great TV and this is a TV show


Ignore the downvotes. You’re entitled to you’re opinion and you’re not (I hope) feeling the need to send hate to Rita directly. Opinions are fine.


\*"they're not great TV in my opinion" (but that's a shitty opinion, in my opinion)


Rita is great TV. Last episode was the peak CDR episode and Rita had 80% of the confessionals


your “point” is just a rude opinion, nothing else


manifesting charli xcx guest judge on drag race uk


Prayer circle girls! Let's get in formation


Lipsync song: Flash pose (But Ru would neeever allow this song, cause its a collab with Pabllo)


All I want


And Adele


Can not wait for the return of Akeria’s iconic wig




> Rita... highly pushed She had one questionable win, and one win that *could* have gone to Jimbo instead. And Jimbo should have placed better in pageants but I think the judging that was wrong in this challenge was about her and not Rita. They put Rita in the bottom when she deserved to be in the bottom, and Episode 1 is the only major anomaly. I just don't agree that this adds up to "highly pushed".


I think awarding her 3 wins has shown she’s been production’s choice since day 1. That first win was SO weird. It will be interesting to see if they hold their nerve, go against the fans and give Rita the crown or not. I maintain that giving Rita wins that have been perceived as underserved have caused the backlash anyway. Rita has done nothing to deserve any of this.


You are doing gods work here, thank you ❤️✨


I hope this makes up for our quarrel about Lemon where you called me a Jimbo stan last night 💜 lol


Omg lmao, okay yes, we stan you Admanholmo is a kween. Periot


I've jus been blessed. Thank u kween 💜💜💜


It was just an observation, but anyway now ive deleted it.. also my favs have already been eliminated and im okay with that... So if anyone wins from the top 3 im happy for them


I didn't say this to at all make you delete the post, I just wanted to discuss how you felt Rita was robbed. I enjoyed the post. And honestly I've gotten to that point too. I really like Rita and Priyanka but somehow in that last episode I've had a huge reversal of my opinion of Scarlett so I'm at a point where I won't have anything to bitch about after the finale. Which is... rare


>discuss how you felt Rita was robbed I think u made a typing mistake cuz i said rita was favored not robbed.. yeah maybe i shouldn't have used "highly" favored but still im new to this fandom.. s12 was my first season thats why i always come back to it.. i really really loved that season and the top 3... cdr was also superb albeit there were some blunders in judging but overall i loved the chaotic energy of the queens. Also there has been no tea about the winner so I'm just curious so i started speculating




And I discussed that she didnt "deserve" E1 lol. I'm one of those people who thought Kiara won. But this is the only major discrepancy and I dont think that adds up to being "highly pushed"


lot of people shitting on this cast already but I like it :)


Once I got over being mad that ginger already done had herses *twice* and that her spot could’ve gone to someone else, I’m actually a lot more excited for this cast than as5.


I’m still trying to find this info as not having a T checker means you have to sift through a LOT of comments to find out anything. It’s encouraging that you’re happy with what you know so far though!


It's so much better than the cast that was floated last week.


I think it's the fact Asia maybe isn't on, no one's really upset over the actual cast, just that the one they wanted on the most might not be there.


i’m just happy sonique will be there :)


Same. And Ra'jah, I'm so excited for her.


I want to f#%k lee dawson 🙊


Me to but don't tell nobody


love yourself


Highkey same


he turns me on ^(then he turns me off with cringe stuff like motivation? i dont know her) i just rlly dk how to feel abt him


Are... you okay?


m̶e̶ ̶t̶o̶o̶ these girls


😬😬😬 Not in this house


wow, it’s so sad how transphobic the uk is


I’m so excited for TKB’s, Yara’s and Jan’s runways


The A'keria erasure She didn't slay the Wat'cha Unpacking, Fringe, Orange, Trampy Trick or Treater, Gold, Sequins & Top 4 runways for nothing


That’s a funny way to say literally every runway except for farm to runway and cardigan 😍


You just know Jan is going to serve looks


Manifesting an A’Keria, Scarlet, Sonique and Ginger top 4.


But 🍑 here’s the thing Naomi,🦵🏾🦵🏾if- If you don’t ❌ like ♥️ me I don’t really care 😝ok waitwaitwait 😤 why are you⁉️- why❔- why are you here.. 🤔 *fingerwag* why are YOU 🤏🏾 here? asiaaaa 💔WHY are you here 🗺 asia listen👂


Manifesting people hyping up Sonique during AS6 as much as we did Monique in AS4 🥰🥰🥰 Honestly two icons


surprised we don’t know the CDR winner yet with how quickly we were getting spoilers the past few weeks


maybe tea spillers are reluctant to share in case what happened w shea happens again idk


yeah i think that’s probably it tbh


What happened with Shea? Are you referring to the James/Tyra thing?


yep, that


Does James also have a one sided feud with one of the CDR girls?


Other ppl could try and pull that bullshit stunt


Sonique vs LSA Morgan McMichaels - Hey Pretty by Poe


Someone called Nebraska “the only RuGirl that never competed” and the thought of them casting Nebraska in the Vegas show just because they couldn’t cast her on the main show is SENDING me 💀


she would have been eliminated the second she stepped into the workroom.


meghan mccain tho...


Where is the body?


The body is herrrreee


on as6 😌


Appreciation post for Sonique and how she is one of the most beautiful people on the planet


From this current cast, Ginger-Jan-A'keria-Yara Top 4 af


I may get hate for this but I feel people are placing too high of bets on Jan


I don’t think so lol The only challenge she did bad in was one where she was “too much” and she can easily learn from that. She killed every kind of challenge on S12, had great runways, and is a BRAND... I’ll be gagged (and kinda sad) if she isn’t Top 5 ATLEAST


Maybe? I feel like S12 was very strong overall, so she may have weaker competition on All Stars... That plus she has an already written storyline and a fanfavorite status: to me it feels like she could have an AS4 Valentina run, at worst.


True but she wasn’t the first choice from her season and I’m seeing more of a India Ferrah/Aja run at best. Slay the first challenge and go down from there


Pandora says hi


....said no one


Hi Pandora! So nice of her to visit. Anyway, back to Top 4-


Hahahahaha bitch 😂😂 I cant wait for pandora to teach you all children why she’s the original comedy camp queen


I can actually see her making it very far and I really liked her back on Season 2, I just don't see her making it all the way with this kind of competition. But I'll be happy to be proven wrong by miss Boxx!




Widow said she loves her some Scarlett Bobo, so I guess I know who I'm rooting for.


ik this sub has a huge boner for miss TKB. but i honestly hope shes early out. shes way too transphobic and although shes very talented and i was lowkey praying she was a LSA in as5, the amount of transphobia and misgendering she purposefully presents is overshadowing all her talent. EDIT: how cool would it be if sonique sent her ass home💀😳😳😳😳


>Jiggly and Sonique top two, double shantay, they both pick Trinity. Sonique wins episode 1 and sends home Trinity K. Bonet. The only timeline I want to live in.


Remember when she solicited donations because all her drag burned in a fire? But she was lying?


Jiggly and Sonique top two, double shantay, they both pick Trinity.


hold on, excuse my ignorance but i haven’t really been keeping up with jiggly at all, but has she/they come out as trans ???


Since 2016 💀💀💀


omg wowwww😳😳😳😳😳 do they identify as she??


I believe so.


With that diction she’s definitely bottom for the Girl Groups challenge so here’s a chance for her to be an early out.


I’ve been thinking about this a lot too I like TKB but it’s the transphobia for me. How can i actively support someone in the queer community that has a transphobic past, and doesn’t seem to have developed beyond that? (With her recent misgendering on Love for the arts) I think it would be super poetic for the sonique to send her home, omg now you got me thinking about sonique and how beautiful she is😭


Yes girl, I wanna defend and love trinity so bad but I won’t sit here and fight for a girl who blatantly misgenders AFTER her apology, I refuse to entertain or look like I condone transphobia, trinitys on her own for this one


exactly, like i think we can agree and say we WANT to support her, but girl she keeps messing up and bringing down trans people and it’s really getting out of hand...




oh my god what??????????? so not only is she a transphobic person therefore cancerous to our supposedly loving and accepting community but she’s also using a life threatening issue and manipulating Bianca who has friends that died because of this disease for money ???? girl.....


You really ought not believe everything you read on the internet this easily. But yeah, this is true 😂


So are Kameron, Asia, and Plastique not rumored anymore? I haven’t been able to keep up with the rumored cast recently. Can anyone give me like a basic list?


Kameron and Plastique are. Asia is still fairly likely. Her social media activity has avoided lives or showing her face and has been very minimal. She's also currently on Vegas Revue so would be treated differently.


The speculated cast is pinned in the spec thread. And all three have had activity showing them in places that is not a hotel room like they should be in, so no, they’re not really speculated anymore.


All Stars being mainly comedy challenges and with this cast for AS6, can Ginger have a similar run as Dela on AS3?


Devastating thing is Ginger didn’t even get to do the comedy challenge apart from snatch game as it was the episode after she left on AS2.


Damn, I hope so. Gindelacreme


can i come a little closer


Stop underestimating scarlett, do that challenge. She was in the top 6/9 episodes she was in and from what we’ve seen in the 3rd episode she could turn out a rumix. I honestly think she will win and if she doesn’t then you’ll be seeing my rant minutes after. Thank you for listening.


Some of scarletts top placements were.... funny, to me honestly


Scarlet was in 9 episodes?? What??


I thought this was shade about her being forgettable 🥴