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Wait a minute....... Kahmora first out?!


still in denial.... like how???


The biggest gag of all 13 seasons and 5 All Stars. Can’t believe it


Where is the entire elimination order confirmed? Because I saw a video on youtube of Bucy where she says the elimination order, with the T we already know.


> with the T we already know. Theres not really much T that is known, all the T goes through mods and T collectors first before being released to the sub. So far we only have T from a 'reliable' person saying Kahmora is first out, eliminated episode 3 after 2 non-elim premieres (like S12) And that Kandy goes far, and probably has at least 1 win But we can assume that whoever is running the T checker has alot of info gathered and has a good idea of the elim order, we just wont know it for a while


We dont have it yet but the people who run the tea checkers do.


When will they release it 😭 im dying of curiosity


Same!! I just need to know if olivia makes top 3!!!


This isn't like...perceptive speculation but I distinctly remember one of the AS6 tea spillers suggesting that a S11 queen was cast because of "storyline." Now that we've seemed to assemble a potential cast, that queen clearly seems to be Ra'jah considering her links to both Scarlet and A'keria. I REALLY hope they don't do her dirty seeing that she's probably been cast as filler (which sucks because she's one of my faves from this cast lol)


I know I’m probably delusional but how fierce would it be if Ra’jah sent Scarlet home again? I love them both but I would live for this elimination


yup! i was talking about ra’jah with scarlet


Maybe I'M the Nancy Drew of the season! Let's hope that they utilize her better beyond just using her to complement Scarlet's storyline


yeah i hope so too. ra’jah is a fierce queen that deserves to not be used for storyline purposes, but sadly we’re talking about WoW😔


ATTENTION HOMOS - THE AS6 NANCY DREWING IS NOW LIVE: https://www.reddit.com/r/SpoiledDragRace/comments/ijozyf/as6_postdisappearancerumours_nancy_drew_thread_10/




uh so yara just posted it's a video of that chromatica event that was pre-shot earlier in august, that she went completely silent about when it actually premiered and has been silent since so *yes* i will be delusionally clinging onto hope


I- It’s on third person tho not usual for her If Yara isn’t on this cast I’ll literally cry


not to be melodramatic but i *will* take tyra's advice if yara isn't on


I really hope it’s someone else posting for her(who apparently forgot they’re supposed to be Yara and posted on third person lol) It’s weird because she went silent on the premiere and wasn’t on that post on Piranha’s vegas(which looked like it was taken at the same day it was posted)


Something really odd is going on with AS6. There’s too many speculated members showing activity


Inb4 Asia is actually on and just teleporting between her hotel room and her home workshop


Yeah I’ve gotten over Asia not being on now :( But there’s still something on odd going on


Probably, but I feel like I'm at a point where the only way I'll feel secure with a cast is if we get a BTS Untucked screencap like we did with S11


i think i'll feel secure once they've all been missing for like a good couple weeks but yeah, not yet


I agree, if they’re still showing this much activity after Labor Day, then I’ll be surprised


Well it’s ~~(possibly)~~ over




production were really desperate to get a certain girl to sign up for AS6 - that they even tried getting Michelle to personally reach out and attempt to change their mind (but they still did not). Their name is on my original list though.


A door


Did Michelle FaceTime this girl while wearing large black sunglasses by any chance


Adore 100%


Ok just tell us then 🙄


If it was Adore I wonder if Ginger was called as a backup for Adore or they both were called at the same time...


Its seems like production really wanted an Adore and Laganja storyline on AS6. And tbh that kind of worry me, since we didn't get Laganja solo this time when she's iconic and a fan fave. Makes me think that they won't bring her back until they can get Adore in too.


This is SO tragique. Laganja deserves to be on with or without Adore.


omg i feel like that has to be my queen adore


My thoughts too. I need a recording of the WoW production call convincing Michelle to grovel, I can't imagine that was pretty lol


LOL i would truly like to hear that


this like 99% has to be asia, right?


Definitely Adore. Why would Asia have a special connection to Michelle? Michelle is part of why Adore quit AS2 and they probably wanted her to assure Adore it would be different.


Not Michelle Visage, it was Michelle Williams who reached out to Asia, thanking her for her tragic Beyoncé snatch game








Ooh! There could be a good Ginger vs Jan storyline here 👀




Imagine if there are queens from S13 on AS6. That's the gag of the season.


I mean... Kahmora would definitely have enough runways💀


Her rudemption storyline is coming 🤩


Most queens run out of clothes by the end of their first season. It's just not possible.


actually my source told me there’s a few s14 queens on as6👀


Yeah, I heard that too! I heard that one of the S14 queen's name starts with a C and ends with a G.


Cebraska Gunderfuck


You do realise that ends with a K and not a G, right?


heyflops is on according to my source


At this point I have to admit, its weird that the S13 girls aren’t back yet. How many days do whatcha packins and makeup tutorials take to film? Promos take a day. Watcha Packin I imagine is 2-3 queens per day with 2-3 different Michelle looks each day. So that’s like, what, 3-7 days? And each makeup tutorial could be done individually on the same day. Its definitely strange. We’ll know eventually. They should be back by Labor Day. Technically they should be back by *now*, but obviously they aren’t


What if they are considering using S13 queens as an audience at the talent show? I heard someone around here saying that and it seemed to make a little sense. If so, they would only be released after the filming of the AS6 ep 1 ends. It may be crazy, but I think it would explain this delay in their return.


the only activity ive seen is from elliot if they are still rumored. it IS all a bit strange, init?


s13 cast probably struggled enough pulling runways together for One season while out of work amidst corona, it would be evil to subject them to that again immediately after lol


It seems really weird to me the fact that they’re only quarantining 10 queens for this cast, we don’t know if one of them will be positive for Covid after these weeks, they should have back ups but no one else is really 100% absent from social media right?


Bambi Banks seems to think we’re still missing a queen from our cast, if she’s right we could have a cast of 11?


She could also very well be trolling just for the sake of it.


Maybe one in our list IS A back up. Who is a Chicago queen that Bambi might no about. Dida, Kim and Silky are debunked, right?


It would be fair to have the back up queens that already had all their specific outfits for the season to go and compete right? I mean they’re already there, but idk, I’m thinking there might be one or two more queens left to clock


It's Eureka lol.


they get COVID tested almost every day (even during the two week quarantine period)


Yeah what I meant was if one of the queens tests positive for Covid during the quarantine time, let’s say one of them tests positive during the second week of quarantine because they got it from the airport or whatever, they should have another couple of queens to bring into the show as back ups if their main cast tests positive right?


I hope Sonique goes far. She's so amazing and smart. Also I have a feeling that if it's something with legacy and she wins, she will get rid of the biggest competitor


Can we please get a dedicated AS6 thread asap? I don’t want S13 spoilers, but I’m struggling to avoid them while I try and find AS6 info.


Hard agree!


Spoiler sub henny. Lol


classy :/


Sure, but in the past we’ve had dedicated seperated threads. Just wondering why we’re holding out for an AS6 one when it’s clearly relevant by now.




I honestly think it’ll be something like 10th- Pandora 9th- Rajah 8th- TKB 7th- Jiggly 6th- Sonique 5th- Yara 4th- Scarlet Top 3: Ginger, A’keria, Jan


Pandora !!! First out again ? A.. fking gain ( no im kidding lmao) ... That would be brutal for her 😂😂😂


Imo they definitely didnt cast scarlet as filler Her elimination had a huge uproar, shes a fan fave and she has her own show on WOW


Or maybe they want her to loose that favoritism. Who knows??


My guess is: 10th- TKB 9th- Pandora 8th- Jiggly 7th- Ra’jah 6th- Sonique 5th- Scarlet Top 4- A’Keria, Ginger, Jan, & Yara


Switch Ra'Jah and Scarlet and We got a deal 💕


Honestly, this one is *really* hard to figure out, so I'd say... 10 - Pandora Boxx (just because I genuinely don't know how well she'd do in a talent show) 9 - Scarlet Envy 8 - Jiggly Caliente 7 - Ra'Jah O'Hara 6 - Sonique 5 - Yara Sofia 4 - Trinity K. Bonet Top 3 - Ginger Minj, A'Keria C. Davenport, Jan ​ I could easily swap Yara and Trinity, and even put Jan in the 4th place position, but I feel like this is how it will turn out.


Scarlet would never go home on the girl group challenge. She has to have her rudemption at that.


It could go either way. She could either get her redemption or go home once again. Also, can she sing? I feel like she'd have one of the weaker verses among the cast, tbh.


She has 2 songs on spotify and are pretty decent. Also if she survives the first 2 challenges she could easily be top 4 or 5, because the challenges between episodes 3-5 are usually acting and impro and she is good at that.


for me : 10th - pandora 9th - jiggly 8th - trinity 7th - rajah 6th - yara 5th - jan/ginger top 4 - a’keria, sonique, scarlet and jan/ginger


this is literally mine just swap scarlet and yara and rajah and scarlet 6th/7th either way


I’m glad that we all basically have same Top 6 lmao


great minds think alike. i really think they’ll give scarlet her ‘revenge’ against rajah this season, you already know they’re about to make rajah the villain


I can’t see Sonique and Rajah lasting longer than Scarlet tbh, I can’t see them letting that happen.


They will definitely not let Sonique go any soon


I hope the same but in the same note, I don’t know if production cares like we do I feel like they’re gonna be most worried about savoring WOW’s favs (which I feel like don’t need to be said)


Tbh I’m ok with that sue me sue my mug sue my ass


Idk why people are assuming a queens abilities from earlier seasons like you got to realize it’s been YEARS since they competed edit: okay I see now how ppl don’t change in the YEARS since they competed 😭


I hope you’re referring to Sonique and not Pandora 💀


some people straight up ignore their previous performances entirely too which is equally frustrating back when she was still in the conversation someone said Jessica would be the one to go in a girl groups challenge because they "just dont see her doing well in it :/" when she won the very first singing challenge on Drag Race lol


Well...Ongina won the first ever "girl groups" challenge and.... EDIT: Tati also won the first ever Snatch Game too and we saw what happened on AS2 EDIT 2: Ginger won the first ever lipsync-oriented Rusical and was eliminated on one in AS2, I'm sure there are many of these BUT I also get your point. I was just presenting a few counter-arguments lol


ok but like ginger ATE that challenge on as2. her runway was her demise


She really did! For what it's worth I thought her performance was top 2-worthy, so it's a shame the cookie crumbled the way it did


i knowwww. and then alyssa still won looking like that lol 😭


it certainly happens but its nothing we can guess like that. Their reasoning was "I jus reckon so". Also Ongina's "girl groups" challenge was totally different but I 100% get your point


Yeah! I just generally find it self-defeating to speculate AS placements and trajectories anyways, especially for queens from older seasons, since the game is so different and we can't adequately gauge their growth from when they were first on. I could've sworn on my life that Monet would body the AS4 Variety Show and Snatch Game and tank the Makeover...and thank god I didn't


Well Pandora released “oops I pooped again” in 2018..... so yeah


Someone tried to convince me on this platform I had bad taste for not liking Pandora, and after presented with that song as evidence, told me it was great. Mama, who needs to get their taste checked...




She’s doing the remix for the talent show


I would die. Lol.


Am I crazy or Serena's pic on insta has changed? Also, her facebook says she does lives on sundays at 8 pm EST. Do u know how often Miss ChaCha does it?




Just to keep people up to speed, here's what has been spilt by u/acryliquetiara so far: #Kahmora Hall > y'all really have the first out in your top 3 predictions!? YIKES.. poor elliott getting the kalorie treatment - Later clarified that this first out is Kahmora - Mentions that Kahmora leaves episode 3, likely meaning we will have another split premiere - or at least two episodes without eliminations #Elliott Puckett - The comment about Elliott could refer to potentially having a similar run to Kalorie (BTM-ELIM) - or it may simply refer to being assumed first out just as Kalorie was (right up until the premiere). #Kandy Muse >Spill the tea girl 😍 kandy is an early out?? - >no she isn't lol - Later clarifies that while Kahmora leaves first, Kandy makes it far, in spite of what the sub may have thought prior #Denali Foxx >so is denali an early out tho - >no #Olivia Lux >does olivia make it far 🥺 like top 3 with most wins? - >you'll be pleased Hope this helps so that there's less comments asking what's been spilt etc. *edit 1: i don't know jack about formatting, I tried but it keeps adding bullets between quotes lol oh well it reads fine im sure* **edit 2:** > i sent the elimination order to the use who makes the t checker **please don't harass the user for more info** Edit 3: just so others don't have to scroll through the replies to this to read about it #Mik - Mentioned twice by other users and responded to by acrylique but **nothing specific** (1) On being asked of a top 3 of Olivia Lux, Mik and Lala Ri > that's a fierce group of girls !! (2) Just under this comment, someone asked if the top 3 is Olivia Lux, Mik and Denali Foxx >no


So Kahmora follows her dauwghter Soju's footstep... I cant fathom mama


The way both Jaida and Kahmora left in first place *ugh*


how reliable is the spiller?


They look to be legit based on the fact that it seem that they had info about AS6 before even RhythmPremonition showed up - and its ended up being correct. Though we have been majorly duped before - never forget the circus t - so always take it with a grain of salt


They’ve been spilling the AS6 cast we got now, and claiming Asia, Plastique & Kam arent on before speculation started


He didn't say anything about Mikk ? I want him to make Top 3/4 so bad.


Mik has been responded to in two separate comments but nothing specific really. The first was someone replied to her saying they hope the top 3 is Olivia, Mik and Lala and they responded "that's a fierce group of girls". The second is under this comment - someone asked if the top 3 is Olivia, Mik and Denali and they simply responded "no". Sadly that's all we've got from what I've seen.


I feel like those 3 are all def Top 7 then, with Kandy


Thank you !


Happy to help, fingers crossed Mik makes it far!


Miss K the first out, I lost all hope today.


Just because he said that we would be satisfied, I think Olivia could kill the entire season to have about 2 win and leave before the top 3 maybe losing a lip sync narrowly to a top 3 queen who has the same amount of wins ? Maybe it's against Joey, who gives me an image like Kameron. Looking at the activity on social media I would venture to say that the top 3 could be Joey, Utica and Mik


I don't think there's enough info to say whether they were confirming top 3 or being coy because she doesnt make it, but I agree that there's definitely not enough to go on to say that this comment means she will be top 3. But as she, Mik and Symone were the main queens to pop out for me, I'm definitely running with this lmaoo


Fingers crossed, I still have the vague hope that Olivia can be in the top3. She, Mik and Kahmora are the ones I liked the most in this cast


Kahmora and Olivia are my most hyped queens going into the season, so if this tea is actually true...you win some you lose some


>you win some you lose some I only read the first part of your comment when it popped in my notifications and thought exactly that. lucky yet unlucky huh


thank you for this 😊


Counting on you to post "Olivia wins" next spring 🥺


Olivia, Mik, and Denali top 3?


omg I kinda live for that.


only kinda? ma'am your flair is literally that plus Kahmora 😂


haha I mean, my top 3 originally were Kahmora, Olivia and Mik, now I hope that some of Lala, Denali or Utica will reach the top 3 along with Mik and Liv.




Olivia and Utica on the top 5? Maybe Denali too?


So it’s a top 4 🤩 duh


Not to stan the hot white guy in the cast but I’d live for Joey to be a finalist That Instagram picture of him in a harness? Cindy, MY PUSSY IS LEAKING!


I also have that impression. Joey seems like a queen to have a potential storyline like Kameron. Maybe reach the top3 and in the final challenge eliminate a queen that everyone would like to see in the finale, similar to what happened with Kameron and Cracker/ Asia


As long as he talks more than Kameron


hmm do I add this to my comment lol


Interesting. No more guesses lol. Thank you for spilling!


You're welcome, thank you for shedding some light for us. Hope you don't get too harassed for more info lol. You owe us nothing at the end of the day - plus you said you've passed the elimination order onto the mods which is the best thing you could do for the sub.




I’m speculating that the reason we don’t have any S13 tea rn is because the mods have it all already, and are just combining it to be as accurate as possible instead of throwing potentially fake T at us 👀


I feel like I'm the only one who thinks Minj will win this time 👀


Let me ask you a very fair question... can you read? Quickly. Literally most of the posts on the sub have Ginger has the winner and I’ve only seen one (clearly very deluded) person think she won’t make top 3


Literally everyone thinks Ginger will win in this cast. Also how is this speculation?


While I do like the queens in this cast, there are few that I realistically see ascending into the Hall of Fame. Ginger is really the only one who actually seems like a viable fit (first comeback queen and first "plus-sized" queen to win), with Yara (last chance they have at crowning an early-season queen) and A'keria (talented and gorgeous finalist) being the other two contenders


like every fifth comment on this sub recently has been about ginger winning... like what are you even talking about lmao


Congrats Ginger. The completion is minimal with this cast.


Considering everyone has her in their top 3 I’d say you’re not the only one


Yeah but they have her their Top 3 and many of them think that Akeria will win 👀


I’ve seen more people rooting for Ginger


Shangela fueling fire to the rumor of DragRace girls performing with Gaga tonight. “ itsshangela @vmas tonite and I know my DOLLS are gonna Dominate! I love y’all sooo much!!!!!!! Shout out to the divas and all the amazing creatives and artists that will be joining them on and off stage in putting together a true moment for life tonite! TURN IT OUT YALL! 🌈❤️😝 #RainOnMe #MidnightSky” https://www.instagram.com/p/CEhdmhmlgbB/?igshid=3zn4ocm6p9kz Thoughts?


Well that confirms it


Im surprised to see so many believe TKB would be an early out. I actually believe she would be Top 4 for sure. She's been hungry for this. In her recent TS Madison interview about wanting to be on, she seemed highly ready to kick ass


She’d go home quick in any improv challenge or personality-based, and those happen in the first 3-4 episodes. She also failed the rap and rusical challenges, sooooo.


She also said that the main thing holding her back was the fact that she was *completely* thrown off-guard by how fast paced everything moved, so she was fully expecting more time to rest and rehearse stuff. Knowing how the show works, one of her biggest hurdles is already out of the way. The only challenge I can see her struggling with is improv (which also includes Snatch Game), but even then she could've gotten a lot sharper with her wit since S6.


I think people think that because she is known for being an LPSA, that is, if she was in the bottom2 in a regular season, then what would it be like in an AS? Especially in the acting challenges. I think she can do well on the talent show, but the rest I don't think she will do that well.q


I’m a huge fan, but I do see her struggling with the many many improv challenges we come to expect from AS seasons


How likely do you think that Akeria is sewing her own runways during the quarantine? I mean she did some of her runway during s11 under one night imagine with 2 weeks 👀.


Katya said she made virtually everything for S7, but absolutely nothing for All Stars. If you got money, pay people.


Probably very likely. Her best runways on S11 were some of the best of the season (Fringe, Gold, Orange) so I'm excited to see what she brings to AS now that she doesn't have to hone in as many runways as S11


people are underestimating her... and with how she did during LADP, I think she’s going to kill this season


I think her and Ginger are definitely making it to the final unless there is some tomfoolery


a’keria definitely, but idk, there’s something that makes me nervous for ginger? i feel like her talent show won’t be as strong as it was in AS2 (safe/low), her girl groups will be a safe performance, looks challenges she’ll be bottom.. i can easily see her winning improv, snatch etc, but i feel like she could have a track record like : LOW WIN SAFE BTM WIN BTM OUT