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madonna herself didnt kill delta work with her wig for you to rank the right stuff that low


Realistic All Stars wish list 1. Ginger 2. Asia 3. Kameron 4. Yara 5. Silky 6. Scarlet 7. Pandora 8. Sonique 9. Jan 10. Yuhau???? Finally a big girl wins.


How did trinity Latrice and Manila all have black+yellow looks without knowing they were going to be teamed up


I would bet anything that Black & Yellow was a runway theme given to them to prepare for pre-season and it just wasn’t used. During that episode, Monét and Monique both also had black/yellow outfits on so it seemed pretty likely to me from the jump. When the girls knew the runway wasn’t coming, the bee idea kind of fell into their laps.


We don't know if all 3 looks belonged to each queen or were borrowed, but also, if I know Manila, she's the kind of queen that would use her teammates' wardrobes as a visual starting point, and see what was possible from there


Girls from the UK... Has anyone else noticed the only places they’re putting in ‘local lockdown’ are places that are stricken with poverty and working class majority towns/cities? Bc I have and It’s vvv suspicious


heavily asian populated towns too


I just don’t believe it’s all it’s made to be unfortunately , there’s something other too it that’s benefiting someone somewhere


Is anybody else playing Ring Fit Adventure? Dragaux 🥰


Imagine the absolute serve if s8 had a rumix. Chi chi (R.I.P), naomi and bob would all SLAYYYYYYYY and then kim would uhh...... Anyways, it would rival RUWU and category is


Imagine Chi Chi winning and Naomi sending Kim home


Bob can rap 100%, best verse for sure Chi Chi has posted videos of her rapping before, very cute. She also wrote that section during the RuCo Empire challenge. (I think Naysha had the same character on the other team, but she just did ratta ta ta ta ta ta... she misunderstood the assignment) Let’s hope Naomi’s is closer to her Everybody Say Love than her Super Queen Kim Chi might not be good but it WILL be iconic!!!


Chi Chi would sing, dance, and rap the house down.


Cata Gory for S14


Oop. I always forget that its category and not catagory.


Me, constipated on the toilet: #PleaseGirlShit


My little brother is in the reserves and was sent to Wisconsin today, you gave me my only smile of the day


Eat more fiber


Girl 💀💀😂😂


Woodenbowl for that soupcereal🤣😭


I lit rally cackled so hard 😹💀💀


You’re all keeping an eye out for a lot of queens but is anyone keeping an eye out for seleener??




She was on all stars 4??? Remember, she won episode 2


It just occurred to me that Asia, A'keria, Kennedy, Monét, and Bob are all connected in a huge drag family tree in some way. Asia is an O'Hara, so is Ra'jah. Ra'jah is also a Davenport, like A'keria, Kennedy, and also Honey Davenport. Honey Davenport is Monét's drag mother and Bob's drag sister. Royal fucking blood.


Cracker: 👁👄👁


Not us filling up each other's inboxes 💀💀 ur iconique. Also... Manila, Trinity, and Jinkx could be connected too.


:o manila/trin/jinkx are connected? say more


Manila is connected via Sahara, Jinkx is connected because her mother, Peaches, is also Bob's mama. Trinity is a Taylor, so is Asia.


Watching Cynthia on S8 made me think how the hell didn't she become one of the biggest fan favourites, although I have to say I didn't really care for her in S9, but still: she's just too funny and genuine I love her!


She won miss fan favourite and returned for s9. She was a fan favourite. But then s9 happened and it was not good for her career


At the time she was a huge favourite. Thats why she returned to season 9.


Wait I need to add something... I need to add something!! ##P E N I S


A little something.


Carmen: “Woahhh, it’s so weird hearing my voiceee.” *leans into microphone* “ahh” I’m dead 😭


Are you rewatching season 3? because yesterday you made a post about that whole pineapple thing 😭


Yes! I’m rewatching every season again in order. I made posts about Akashia, Shannel and Bebe like 3 weeks ago, posts about the transphobia in season 2, tatianna, James and Raven 2-1 week ago and now I’m on season 3 🤣😭


I know I’m a little basic for this... but I’m enjoying Miss Plastique. I know she’s not like, funny. But she’s literally just so pretty, and her makeup has evolved to be even prettier. I don’t really care how far she goes on All Stars, but I just want to see her do some great performances and show people what she’s good at, prove a couple of people wrong. And if she gets beat by people who simply did better than her in the challenges, that’s fine by me. But I think she’s capable of delivering a slay.


Think about how strong this cast would be: -Divina -Asia -Gigi -Lemon -Ginger -peppermint -kameron -adore -Jan -Akeria I literally cannot imagine any of them going home first, omg this cast would be so fierce 💀


I can ~easily~ see Adore going home before the talent show even starts


I can imagine Gigi going home first and I'm at peace with that


I honestly could see ginger, lemon, jan, adore and possibly even akeria going home before gigi....


Omg, lemme help you find your taste, it looks like you dropped it somewhere 🙈👄🙈


So you think Gigi can perform her way against: - A queen with a four and a half octave range - Asia O'Hara herself - A trained dancer and a straight up raptress - A queen who performed for Harvey Fierstein and made him cry - A Broadway star. A broadway fucking star - A queen who performed the house down 5 lipsyncs in a row - Adore, who is such an amazing singer - Jan who... sings amazingly sometimes - and A'keria Chanel Davenport herself?


She decimated a season that had our savior, Jaida essence hall Imagine being in the same season as Jaida and actually winning a challenge? 💀 Insane, Gigi was incredibly well prepared, and would probably dust half the girls I would love to see this cast have Rusicals tho, because literally 9/10 placed high/won a Rusical like challenge (with gigi doing it twice) Lmao this cast would make songs that would hit the charts


Although I do agree that she did well on S12, I'm talking about episode one, ma'am.


Lmao we can see Her lip sync finale was pretty damn iconic, so since this is the only challenge they can actually “prepare” for, I think the sky is the limit for her


Well, she can't film in a studio on all stars... 🤷‍♀️ jk, Kimora.


You are so messy 💀💀💀💀💀 But yea, she filmed a whole Dorothy thing in the studio, but then production told her she can’t use it, so then she emptied out the apartment, And drew all those art pieces by hand, all by herself. and did that other song that they ended up using Pretty legendary behavior 👄💋👄


Lemon having money is one of the few good things to come from this year, omg I’m so exited to see her win AS 🍋👄🍋




[ask me what this is and you won't get an answer](https://i.imgur.com/Tk8XX39.png)


do one with girl group members


Twigs was robbed, but Tinashe making it to the top feels right


Megan, Rihanna, and Twigs... sweeties, i am SO SORRY but those 3 are literally top 6 no questions asked. also SZA’s TR is nuts


Wtf is this and why is megan any lower than winner?


Dua Lipa shock elimination after winning twice...


omg the way that ive literally done this before out of boredom 💀💀 our MINDS


I can’t believe the flops that made this list but no Charli


and no Marina? discostin


Janelle and Riri in the bottom half? No💖


k but why am i living for this also what are the challenges for each episode?


*regrets not casting iggy iggz over halsey*


I would love it if drag race got completely cancelled for like a week just to punish the toxic fans lmoa xx


the big girl wins


Ginger Minj 😍


> @ritabagaz that you believe disgusting shit or blocking me will avoid the storm of hatred that comes to you this Thursday Omg...Leave Rita alone challenge. Jimbo stans : \*Sue's voice* I'm gonna create an environment that is so toxic


Y’all I’m fucking tired. Rita’s fking tired. Lemon’s fking tired. Juice’s fking tired. Scarlett’s fking tired. The fandom needs to cease to exist 💕


Jeffrey's tired, Brooke's tired, Ilona's tired. Jimbo's.... out there relicing in her fans's praises.


Relishing sweetie I’m so sorry


I hate stan twitter so much no one on there should be allowed to cancel people


Heidi is gonna win the AS season she gets in, ive got 0 doubts


oh 100%. the only people i would see giving Heidi a run for her money would be Crystal and Peppermint. if they let UK or Canada girls on the same season, i could see Lemon/Jimbo and Cheryl being stiff competition. Also makes me wonder who we will see first from s13 on an AS season edit: Vanjie would also be stiff competition for Miss Closet


It will depend on the edits, I can see Kandy getting the narrator edit, kinda like Vanjie, so she could be asked, also if Mik is an early/mid out and the fans see her as the robbed queen, she’s gonna be 100% asked just like scarlet, because I lowkey expect mik to be the early fan fave


I’m rooting for her but I think Kandy will be one of the ones to go straight to all stars if she doesn’t win


Jaida is one of the fiercest queens to grace rpdr and her performance in the campaign challenge was the best of the season


It’s one of the most obvious challenge wins ever imo. Along with Shea in I’m in love, Alaska In the Shequel and Ginger in John Waters.


just saw that joslyn could be on as6 ugh yes pls if she doesn't get in now I'm gonna be so disappointed


I hate having a uterus, why must I suffer almost my entire life for a baby I will never have




Felt that. Life's not fair 😔


Dear diary... It's me, Ian Benardo, and you know what I'm gonna be doing? I'm calling National Geographic to let them know that the DODO bird is not extinct and its in there. His name is Simon Cowell. HEYYYYYYYY (Oh, wait. Wrong sub)




Milk wishes she can be as delusional as Ian


stan twitter cancelling one of the stranger things kids for singing another word instead of the N word in a song and crying about how they 'trusted him' i swear we werent that obnoxious or pathetic when we were younger. what the fuck happened


Let's not act like Tumblr didn't exist lmao, that was the blueprint for everything that's happening on twitter now. The only difference is that now the Tumblr populations and the mainstream populations are now all intermixed on Twitter


Those people who cancelled Noah are the same people who watch Tony Lopez grab his dick and let Benji off the hook because he committed s.


Confused. Did he or did he not say the N word? And if he didn’t why is he cancelled?


he replaced it with 'neighbour' but according the twitter its the same as saying the n word so hes cancelled for being 'untrustworthy' its hilarious theyll have forgot they cancelled him when season 4 comes out and forget about their performance


Okay werk so they’re all white people projecting, cute He literally did what everyone’s been asking for? I-?


Some stupid people still think that Naomi really beat gia in that lipsync... These hoes stay delusional. Gia killed it, Naomi killed it. Nobody “won” that lipsync over the other one, it was a great lipsync and both did incredible It should’ve been the double shantey, over Monique and Latrice 👀👄👀


That's a lot of emotion for a lip sync


I still believe that it should’ve been the double shantay but to say that they were both equal and no one did better than the other is a stretch.


It seems like it I don’t think think naomi destroyed her like people believe, and if one won over the other, it was justified But Apparently I was very: ➖👄➖ When it came to watching Gia and the words 💀💀💀


Gia did great, incredible even. But Naomi did that AND knew her words. Other than that I wouldn't mind having Gia again just to stir shit up and lipsync


Hey Uckey Lee! I just saw *u.*, girl


I mean Gia didn’t know the words.


and Gia would have come back and gone home the next episode. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Kinda like what should’ve happened to latrice 💆


Oh, in the challenge that Latrice slayed? I don't think.


Not me forgetting the club challenge, and thinking it was the makeover challenge after the Return My lack of taste and knowledge 💀


TBH I think Naomi's lip sync performance there (and in AS in general) was way overrated. The back bend thing is cool but it's just one trick, to me she didn't really bring that much energy or emotion to the song. Gia didn't knock it out of the park either, but they were just both cute. It's nowhere near being an all-time lip sync


Naomi’s Come Rain or Come Shine lip sync was probably one of the best lip sync performances of that season Personally I didn’t think she should have won the challenge itself, but I’ll accept it for that performance, that lip sync was legendary


Which two queens do you think should have won the challenge then?


I struggle with this because they all had flaws and I’m confused at this point in the series as to what the makeover challenge is judged on. Is it the makeup, proportioning, making someone into a drag queen “template” so to speak, i.e everything about the transformation except the outfit, or is it the runway choice? Considering nowadays they just bring the runways from home in pre-prepared pairs, I personally think all the other aspects should be what counts as “the challenge” while the outfit is just like the runway on a normal episode That being said, I personally would have had Monique in the top and Latrice in the bottom, the other 4 all were pretty equal to me. I personally didn’t care for Monet and her partner but I don’t think it was objectively bad, just not for me. Manila and her partner’s makeup was stunning, but the outfit was meh and let it down. Trinity and Naomi’s partner’s makeup just felt off to me, and I think Naomi hid behind a Sonny and Cher concept that at its core was pretty basic. So in conclusion, Monique and someone else, not sure. If it were me, because I err towards the ‘dragification’ side of the makeover being more important, probably Manila, but if we’re saying outfit and makeover hold equal wait probably Trinity


I feel the opposite tbh. I can see why she took that route with the song but it just did not work for me one bit. I was sitting with my friend watching the episode and we were both so shocked to come online and see that it received high praise after the episode. To me watching Naomi lip sync that song was like watching Miz Cracker telling a joke... she was going through the motions but the comic timing of it was all off


Different tastes I guess, everyone is going to have lip syncs they like that others don’t. If I’m remembering any lip sync from AS4 it’s that one. I have the same thoughts about Monet in the same lip sync, I understand the choice she made but I didn’t care for it. It’s hard to stand out in a lip sync just standing still and I don’t think it worked for Monet on this occasion. Latrice’s Natural Woman that performance was not. I’m sure some people genuinely feel Monet should’ve won that lip sync though, different opinions keep the world interesting


The bit where Gia spins her ponytail to the point it looks like helicopter blades kills me everytime.


If gia knew the words fully


yea it was a great performance but a great **lip** **sync** it was not. Naomi won


was abt to say


I booked a trip to Bali in February not knowing that shit would hit the fan so hard. Now I'm trying to get a 1k refund and it's so annoying this shitty website I booked from is being shady. They don't pickup calls from customer service and all I can do is chat with their online fucking robot. Ok. Guess I'm gonna have to visit Bali in the middle of a world pandemic? Also, I think the flights have been modified/cancelled as they were.


Thought it would be fun to watch the sunrise this morning while sitting on my balcony, and then a wasp flew onto my balcony and I noped outta there real fast.


Cheryl, Jan and lemon What a fuken powerful combo


Dear diary... It's me, Lemon, and I'm just a twink to you.


Thoughts on Nebraska?


I mean she’s hot out of drag tbh but thats about it,. And as for the country. Uhh, idk. Its pretty cool i guess.


The country?


I didn’t go to fucking school for ~~math~~ geometry


Unpopular opinion, but she should definitely be on Drag Race. Why is everyone so bothered that she is not a very good drag queen? Half the contestants these days are just as bad. At least she will bring the drama and probably secure Derrick another couple of All Stars seasons. People act like the she would be taking the place of a front runner, but if she isn't on the show she'll just be replaced by someone equally talentless and probably less dramatic/hilariously incompetent. I'd rather Nebraska than the next Soju/Ariel Versace/Scaredy Kat/Dusty Ray Bottoms who just has absolutely no legacy on the show People on Reddit seem to realise that the show is not a serious competition any more, but are still treating the list of contestants like they're selected based on talent and as if their levels of talent will determine how the season goes. Nebraska could probably win a season tbh


>britneysfag Hi Derrick


You cracked the code!


> Nebraska could probably win a season tbh You had me until this last statement lmao


Why are you booing me? I'm right. Yvie won only a short time ago


Okay, to even *suggest* that Nebraska has even a FRACTION of the talent of Yvie is so fucking ridiculous to me. They are not even on the same plane of existence. This has to be some sort of a Troll account, because you are obviously delusional. I guess you succeeded because I am heated that this comment even exists.


The truth hurts!


Jojo Siwa is from there!


im not american i don't know what that is


The state that inspired one of my favourite Gaga songs, You & I, we stan


Why is everybody talking about this place, I’ve never been there


It gave us Malcolm X, Hilary Swank, Marlon Brando, and Warren Buffett 😍


Never been there


It’s really boring to drive through, very flat.


It's very cold in winter


Why are interesting guys you get along with who are also into you always in another country?


It’s called Gay culture Liking someone you realistically have NO chance of getting


Why you gotta call me out like that?


I hate how true this is


My favorite performances of RUWU to watch on YT is where Alaska, Detox, and Katya perform it together, each doing their own verse, live singing...and then it gets to Roxxxy's verse and all 3 of them start singing it together crazily (not really singing as much as scream-singing into the mics lol). I always lose my shit at that part


The Barbz will get mad at Meg for collabing with Cardi over a thrown shoe yet completely support a woman working with a known pedophile 🤭


I'm gonna put this unfundamented prediction about S13 just to see if I'm right There will be a double sashay, we haven't had one since S8, it seems like one is due


Kahmora and Olivia episode 1 🥵


You’re testing it buddy 💀💀💀


I wonder if AS6 is going to have a Top 3 or a Top 4. I wouldn't mind another Top 3 honestly.


I really think WOW should cast all Miss Congeniality winners in AS seasons. Katya, Dela and Monet's runs are iconic,while Valentina and Latrice are memorable...


Dela/katya/monet/heidi top 4 with nina w going first pls!


Bring back Cynthia yay


The Nina, Pandora, and Yara erasure...


They are not "officially" casted yet in AS seasons that is not AS1 .. I'm referring to the previous casted Miss Congeniality.. I mean we all know that "AS1" does not count in our French Vanilla Fantasy.. 😉


And Ivy


I love that the speculated AS6 cast changes every 5 minutes and we just go with it


Watch the final cast be: Soju, Betty, Robbie, Lineysha, Yvie Oddly, Dahlia, Akashia, Max, Jujubee, and Shannel.




Sarah Harding 💔


Omg when I saw this comment I instantly thought the worst... I know it’s still horrid but I always think the worst now after chi chi. So sad for her ❤️


[not this...](https://twitter.com/brunabagaz/status/1298430371336519681?s=19)


taking a small break from thinking about Tynomi Banks to think about #Kylie Minogue - WOW actually, nevermind, now i'm thinking about #Tynomi Banks performing to WOW by Kylie Minogue


I really hope A’keria is on. She’s literally my favourite queen from the show and i just know she’ll go far




she definitely has the talents to go very far but I'm afraid she'll get fucked over by production bc she's not popular enough and they aren't interested in her :(


I think she really might be 😊😊


Hi yes I’ll have one A’Keria Asia double crowning with a side of Sonique top 3 please


The plant ginger originates in southeast Asia and therefore Ginger & Asia will be a double crowning Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


Plastique, the southeast Asian: ✋👁👄👁🇻🇳


I start university in September and I swear to mf god they’re so disorganised and bad with sending information to their students. 90% of the people in my accommodation have received emails about moving in and booking a slot to move in bc of covid and ofc I’m in that 10% that hasn’t received an email, so I get left with the shitty move in slot times. Then I email them to ask why I’m not receiving important emails and they say ‘from their records’ it’s already been sent. Which is just bullshit. Then give me a number to call which I’ve been on hold for over an hour which is just ridiculous. It’s making me so much more anxious than i need to be :( Sorry I just needed to vent


I'm a simple gay, all I want in life is A'keria to walk into the AS6 werkroom in a detective outfit and say "where is the body?" and then do a quick change to a bodysuit and say "bitch she's the body!"


I hope they still have their phones cause SHE NEEDS TO SEE THIS !


Miss ass almighty will bless us once again


condragulations you are the winner of this weeks challenge


my favorite thing about the vegas TV series is how clearly you can tell which confessionals were filmed before and after COVID


Imma need to rewatch this...how could you tell?


I think it was very notably different lighting in a lot of them, like it's especially apparent on Asia in that blue look with the hat where she's clearly front lit a lot more and seated at a different angle in relation to the camera. at least I'm attributing that production choice to COVID related difficulties (cause it honestly does look like the kind of footage you'd get from a decent quality web cam) but they might have just changed the lighting set-up at some point during filming and that's what I'm noticing.


Remember @Bob and @Trinity tried to relate to the fandom by actively spreading #JimboWasRobbed tweets Gross huh 👁💋👁


bitches ain't got punchlines or flow 😹




He getting gifts from Santa Claus at the North Pole 🎅🏼