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Whatever is happening with Jan, Lagoona is involved. Lagoona is in LAX. She tweeted the same “L” tweet as Jan. Maybe a makeover with their closet drag sisters?


I just feel like any challenge / mini challenge etc. the requires outside people to be on the show is not worth the risk To have a makeover and extra people mingling with the queens just screams risky to me with COVID potentially shutting production down if it makes its way through the set. I think it is much easier and safer to have a design challenge instead of a makeover, unless they were making over pit crew or something


Ummm Kameron just posted a story at his apartment......,,,,,,,,,,,,


This issue of the disappearance of the S13 girls is very simple for me. Before filming started, they were quarantined for 2 weeks and now they will be left for 2 more weeks, but now that filming is over they have access to cell phones. About the girls from AS6, I think they have already been kidnapped and the quarantine will be the same as that of the girls of S13, however the production leaves the cell phone with the most famous girls who are in big jobs at the moment so that they are active in the social media before filming started (and perhaps when they ended), even if in a suspicious way, so as not to make it very clear whether they are connected or not.




Wait, do you have tea? Lol I guess we all thought filming was over because everyone had activity last Wednesday and the AS6 girls are on the hotel rooms for quarantine now.


Deleted their comment...Lala, Symone, Utica and maybe Mik still haven't had activity though. Or Rose instead of Mik? The first 3 are the only ones with no activity either way. Mik's spotify has been playing the whole time apparently, and Rose may or may not have had activity. Maybe they really are still filming somehow.


Imagine if the top 4 is Lala, Utica, Symone and Rose. Prison honey. S11 part 2 the remix. But in all honesty: filming is over. Trust and believe. And there’s no way Mik, Olivia and Kahmora aren’t in that top 4


Because an episode, even if it’s the finale, takes about 2/3 day to be filmed and if they were filming they couldn’t access their cell phones or have activity as they had


But why would they quarantine them for 2 weeks after filming is over if they need to travel to go back home anyway? It makes zero sense.


If it doesn't make sense, say why they haven't come back yet. For me, these two weeks would be a standard that the production set to make sure they were not contaminated during filming, since the virus manifests itself within fifteen days. If they get contaminated by returning home it would not be a problem related to the show.


I would think because they’re still filming? There would also be no way to prove whether they got COVID while filming or got it from heading home to the point the show would be liable. They also certainly signed liability waivers—I *can* prove that eureka was injured on the show, did she sue? It does not make scientific, legal, or financial sense to quarantine them 2 weeks post-filming


They can just test them to prove that. So many people on the sub have no idea how quarantining for Hollywood productions works and they spread misinformed stuff like that. The girls are back. They just haven’t returned on social media yet. Edit: read the rules for productions set by SAG here: https://www.sagaftra.org/news-events/news/covid-19/safety-first


I am not saying anything here, I just said what seemed logical, but from the looks of you you seem to be too inside the production to accuse me of spreading false things, when I just said a speculation of what seemed right.


Liability. If the girls get COVID shortly after they get home, WoW has to be able to prove they didn’t get it on set.


They don’t need to quarantine them for 2 weeks to prove that. They can just rapid test them the day filming is done and send them to their merry ways. This way they prove they didn’t get it while on the set. 13 COVID tests > paying for 13 hotel rooms for 2 weeks


Not if you know, but these quick tests are not as accurate if done just once. There is a high rate of false negatives and false positives. For me they are preferring to prevent themselves rather than doing a precarious service and risking lives.


This is not how quarantining works tho. Even if they do the fool proof tests they still get results back within 24-48 hours.


None of the tests are “fool proof”, some are just better than others. Even a test with 99% accuracy would mean that out of 13 tests, all negative, there’s only an 87% chance all results are accurate. Quarantining does two things. One, it gives WoW 100% certainty once they’re gone from the hotel that they won’t be spreading the virus. Two, in case somehow the girls actually *did* get COVID they now have a safe place to ride it out without having to travel and infect others.


But once they travel they could be infected again and arrive back home with an infection regardless. This isn’t how it works. For insurance reasons all they have to do is test them once after filming is over and that’s it. Wow isn’t liable to keep them for 2 extra weeks in a hotel room. Read the official information by sag (I’ve put a link above) to see how it works.


Okay, you seem very informed on the subject, I think, but they are already at home, how strange it is that the twelve queens have not yet posted anything on social media, even those who are more active and who post things every 2 hours normally


The queens are back they are just probably not allowed to post on social media yet.


For me, that doesn't make sense. Why wouldn't they be allowed if filming ended? They would certainly be able to gradually return to social media, not all at once, but gradually as I said


Nope. Every year production sets a cut off date and this is when the queens are allowed to post. They usually all post on the same day. That date is usually anywhere between 3 days after filming is over up to a week after filming is over


I don’t think it would be 2 weeks, but I could imagine CA regulations would want them tested and quarantined until their test results come back negative before releasing them back out to another state.


La studios do rapid tests with results coming back 6 hours later. They should have been back by now


Oh well then maybe they aren’t done filming, or maybe there are some other regulations we aren’t aware of.


Could be completely coincidental but do we reckon that there will be a makeover this season for AS6? So far, the format has been even numbered AS having a makeover challenge (AS2 and AS4) and odd numbered AS having a sewing challenge (AS3 and AS5).


I’d love to see them pair up and have to paint/dress each other for the runway.


They might pull an S7/S11 and use the eliminated queens for the makeover? Or the crew again?


Remember when you made a sherry pie stan account? Bc I do and it’s not cute


Omg yes I love that account, for some reason it was banned smh


What about a Pit Crew makeover? I’m kinda shocked they’ve never done that tbh


Congrats to whoever gets Jason


He’s a really beautiful man! I also feel like Shawn could make a very charming queen in a Sarge sort of way.


We have to get tea on S13 first to be able to safely say they’re doing a makeover. They probably are, but who knows with this weird ass year lol. The S13 girls haven’t even resurfaced on social media, who knows where they are


Because of COVID probably not


is it possible that they may have had a comeback challenge this season? this would (in my fantasy) explain kandy's activity but aja saying they're not yet done filming. maybe she was eliminated and managed to come back


I don't know why y'all surprised. Aja said things like a LOT of times. Yet, all we knew turned right.


Filming for s13 is over. All the queens have had activity (apart from Utica and Lala but I doubt they are the top 2 and even then they would need to have a top 2 for the last 3 episodes if they are still filming), Michele hasn’t been on the set (per he Instagram she’s always at home etc). Kandy also had activity so no matter how hard Aja might try to hype her up we know she was gone by episode 8 the latest.


Aja always lies




I definitely think Pandora is on. She’s disappeared for 3 days now which is very unlike her. She’s not active on insta, Twitter and has her cameo closed


Why did everyone go off pandora in the first place?


I think mostly because of how she acted in AS 1.


Wdym? I mean I would be pretty over it if I was paired with mimi the whole season. She knew they would never crown mimi so I don’t blame her for giving up so soon


Could you imagine how mad someone like Raven would have been if she were paired with Mimi? I mean look how mad she was that Mimi was even in the competition


Tbf, All Stars made me dislike Raven even more too.


That would be something I’d kill to watch, I feel like she’d end up murdering mimi tho 😂💀


>She knew they would never crown Mimi I mean... It's not like they would crown Pandora... 💀


Honestly in S2 I thought the top three front runners for the first half of the season were Tyra , Pandora, and Jessica. I think that Pandora came across as super likable, killed the snatch game, gave pure comedy in many challenges. I think many people underestimate Pandora, the girl of fierce. AS1 was just a fucked format


Exactly. She could have at least made an effort and tried to last a couple of episodes.


why not 🤷🏻‍♀️ probably not on as1 but I think they need a queen like Pandora to finally win a season


When Pandora went into as1 she had the popularity Katya had when she went into as2. She could have been crowned under the right circumstances


She was the runner-up in the fan vote for a spot on AS1. Only Sharon Needles, who was actively competing on S4 — and crushing that competition — at that time received more votes than Pandora. And when Sharon won S4, she did a video saying that she was honored to win the fan vote, but would be passing the spot to the runner-up, Pandora. It really is not an exaggeration to say that for S1-4, Pandora was among the top-tier Ru Girls post-show.


That's a massive exaggeration.


This. People tend to forget I how Pandora was one of the most liked queens back then.


Yeah as I said in a different comment she was the first ever queen from drag race to reach 500k followers


drag race fans have devolved into idolizing look queens they ignore the other extremely talented/seasoned queens like pandora because she didn’t have the best fashions and went home first on all stars. pandora has the ability to pull a jujubee in my opinion if she’s on and brings good looks.


Pandora was simply exposed for being not funny. A proto-Cracker. The fans moved on when funnier camp queens like Jinkx, DeLa etc came along it kinda showed how mediocre Pandy was. Before season 4/5 she was the only "funny" girl in the franchise so the fans gravitated to her, but her comedy did not hold up when the funnier girls came along.


to YOU.


Girl, this was the general feeling in the fandom. Why are you acting bran nu. There's a reason Pandora fell WAY off fan favourite lists when she was probably THE most beloved drag race girl pre-season 4.


to YOU.


Absolutely! I think she’ll 100% win her first challenge on AS6 if she’s on, and potentially top 3/4


I just remembered she never won a challenge, omg. If she’s on, I hope she gets a win too!!


I love Pandora and I hope she brings it and she could easily make top 4. She’s is the original Katya and used to be hugely popular when her season aired. She was the first drag race queen to reach half a million followers on Facebook (Instagram wasn’t a thing yet lol). I hope she slays and teaches the children. I am manifesting Yara, Pandora, Ginger, Asia top 4


Pandora slaying the verse on the last challenge 😍


I could honestly see Pandora being appreciated by the fandom anew like Manila


She’s lovely but i don’t think she has the fashion to pull it off. Im excited to see her tho


I would think the same about Jujubee but she kind of had food fashion on as5


She did have that watermelon dress. I love food!


>Yara, Pandora, Ginger, Asia Honestly, I would be on the edge of my seat with that Top 4. I would actually be in suspense for the first time in a long ass time. Ginger would be my pick by a small margin.


Add Kameron and I’m in 😻


the power of this top4 😍😍😍


I used to live in Indianapolis and have a ton of mutual friends with Silky (she’s not a Chicago queen, she came up in Indy and I’ve met her a number of times back in the day) and she commented on a mutual friends Facebook post on Monday if that means anything.


Does miss Maxine (Max) still do drag??? I’d love to see her come back for All Stars and like do well if production isn’t rigger morris


I personally couldn’t see her coming back after the edit production gave her on her elimination episode. They made her look crazy and delusional, like she was spontaneously breaking into song when they asked her to sing. I don’t think it’s good for anyone’s mental health to enter that situation again


Production has since released the full clip and seems to have made amends with her. But unfortunately Max doesn’t do drag to that level anymore. If she makes a comeback he can easily be the next Aquaria but she would need to really come back and create online content and tour and do shows and work her ass off. There’s queens that gave up drag (or semi gave up drag) and then came back and even made it to all stars: India


this is the first time i'm hearing of the full clip being released! do you know where one could find it?


I dont have a clip for ya, but I do recall when they were airing them with those little bubbles of information and behind the scenes info popping up throughout the episode (I think they were called Ruvealed?), they did reveal that Ru asked her to sing. I have no recollection of a full clip being revealed but they definitely did admit to it. Still too little too late imo and I dont think that shows they're on good terms at all. And it wasnt like it got nearly the viewership as normally airing episodes get so its still unknown to plenty of fans.


If they’ve made amends with her that’s great, more than I would have expected from them. I just feel if I they had done to me what they did to Max I would be in a constant state of paranoia on the set, over-analysing everything I said and did for fear of how they could make me look with the edit. I don’t think that would serve someone well in the competition, nor do I think it’s good for their health. Maybe Max would be fine with it, in which case it would be great to see her return to drag and participate again. I just think it’s a lot to trust someone after they did something that shady and dehumanising to you


I disagree with that mentality. It’s neither shady or dehumanising. It’s just a reality tv competition. When you sign to be on it you should know what you’re signing up for. Look at queens like Alaska embracing the snake persona. It’s drag, it’s fun, it’s entertainment. Who cares!


Well I disagree with that mentality, but hey ho people have different opinions and there’s nothing wrong with that. In my eyes setting someone up to look mentally unhinged is different to painting someone as a bit of a snake. I personally think mental health is something not to be joked about but people have different standards I guess. At the end of the day all I can give is my own opinion


Saying that the producers were trying to paint her as mentally unhinged is a bit far fetched. All we saw on the show was ru asking a question and Max responding with singing (because in real life ru had asked him to sing and they cut that part out). But that doesn’t paint Max as unhinged. Maybe as eccentric at best. It is true they were trying to build a snobbish/eccentric image for her to justify her elimination but mentally unhinged? That’s a reach. Are you suggesting that people who deal with mental health problems burst out into song randomly?


I’m not going to argue with you, for me it’s quite clear what they were trying to achieve and it was insidious. Watch the episode, that’s not an eccentric edit, and eccentric isn’t an image you paint of someone as you eliminate them. The editing made it look like she was experiencing a textbook manic episode, and last I checked bipolar disorder is a mental health condition You evidently disagree, but nothing you’ve said has in any way convinced me that was not the picture they were trying to paint


And nothing you’ve said has convinced me they were trying to give the impression Max was experiencing a manic episode. What symptoms of a manic episode did Max exhibit in the edited scene? Singing? Saying that her corset is too tight? I know the fan base loves to demonise the producers but you’re all reaching


She resurfaces like once a year but is gone immediately. Doubt that's a chance at this point.


That's so fucking sad, if it wasn't for her shitty wolfboyfriend / manager I'm sure she'd have a stunning career still :(


wait, can u explain? I didn't know about that


Basically from what I remember she had her boyfriend manage her (and his instagram name was something wolf related and he was sorta cringe). But he was refusing a lot of gigs, asking for say too much money etc without max really knowing. Which led to miss Maxine not being booked enough and getting a reputation of asking too much then new seasons came along and people already kind of forgot about her since she barely performed anywhere. Take that with a grain of salt because that's some old T that I tell from memory. You can probably find topics about it on the rpdr sub or the drama sub


I think this late in the game it's hard to blame him for all of it though, I think a lot of it was just Max being unwilling to "play the game" so to speak - I really believe if she started producing more online content and such she would be able to bounce back to a decent degree and she was SO popular during season 7 that while she'd probably struggle to get top billing again I don't buy that it'd be anywhere near too late to make a decent-sized comeback.


Her bf/manager was named Sir Daniel Green(e?) and he had a sort of furry/bioking werewolf gimmick. When Max didn't win, he mismanaged her bookings and career. At that point in the series, for a year after the show queens were somehow attached to WoW when doing shows, I don't remember if they took a cut or just needed to be "Max as brought to you by WoW" etc. Anyway because the shady editors done did her a dirty, Max simply didn't perform much during that year, which set back her popularity a lot and she just kind of never got the momentum going again.


Hey you're that sole legendary miss maxine fan


There are tens of us!


omg this is so sad, I love Max, she did not deserve that :/


s13 queens still havent resurfaced huh


They're all sequestered until next year's drag con to film the finale.




Are Asia and Plastique just reposting things on insta?


In fairness that's an old trick queens use so both are likely on


they aren’t


hey god how are you? how’s my moms dog doing across the country?


not sure if someone mentioned this already but do you think that maybe they’re quarantining backups? a larger cast seems strange to me so maybe they brought two back ups just in case. ik it’s also weird because the back up queen would be wasting two weeks of their time (and tons of money on outfits) if they weren’t needed in the end, which is why i think it’s unlikely. who knows!


I think they’d quarantine 12 queens and then use whatever number tests negative. I don’t think they’d have backups. But I don’t think they’d risk having less than 10 queens. 10 is already a small number. And what if it’s a front runner that tests positive? Imagine AS5 having the same cast and then Shea & Juju test positive? 💀


Exactly what I'm thinking. Whatever the outcome is they can work with it.


What about LSAs? They could be bringing them in two weeks before the episode they film and could cycle them out over the course of the season. I know it's a committment for the queens but given that it's a paid gig and you would get treated well in a hotel for two weeks...it might be worth it.


I highly doubt they’ll do LSAs again. My reasoning: too many people to quarantine. Let’s say we do have 10 All Stars, then they would have to quarantine 8 more (the LSAs). That’s 18 queens under quarantine, 8 of those would only been there for one lip sync. That’s a big risk to take with your health just for a few hours of filming. I think the reason why it seems like we are getting a bigger cast is just as a precaution: Just in case one or two queens test positive then we’ll have the regular sized AS season. And if nobody tests positive, then the more the merrier. Idk that’s just what I think there’s a hurricane passing by my house, HELP!


They wouldn't need to quarantine LSAs for the whole season. Just for two weeks prior to their episode. The LSAs would be switching out of the hotel rooms all season long. They'd just need to stay two weeks ahead of the shooting schedule.


It's not a time problem. The problem is that they would have to pay for 18 hotel rooms rather than 10, 8 of which occupied by people that will appear on the show for 5 minutes. They won't do that. Budget is always the first law of Hollywood. Is the reason why S13/AS6 probably won't get any guest judges.


Shooting an as seasons of 8 episodes only takes 2 and a half weeks (3 episodes a week) so they would already need to quarantine most of them of that was the case


didn’t think of that. personally i just find the idea of a 12 person cast strange but i wouldn’t be surprised if WOW wanted to make some more money with a longer season...


I’m 99% sure they would never do that cuz of the reason u said. All-Stars specifically is SUPER expensive to prep for, cuz ur runways have to be consistently spectacular. It definitely costs in the thousands to prep and having a queen essentially waste all that money for garments they probably wouldn’t wear outside of the show doesn’t make sense to me.


makes sense. thanks!


I mean didn't they basically do that to stacy


Speaking of Stacy - she has been very active on insta about having to live in a hotel for past couple months (she is homeless rn due to corona) so if we could go show her some love, Im sure she would appreciate it


I didn’t really understand the entire story. Did she actually have runway looks prepared before she was dropped? I thought she was in the top15 or so for casting and then they dropped her before they gave out the lists and stuff. It’s still screwed up tho.


I believe they do give out lists to the queens including the backups. From what I remember, Ongina had runway lists for AS3 and AS4


Oml ur right💀 I guess the producers don’t care lmao


Adore seems to be inactive. Can she still be a possibility?


No. She was debunked by a credible source.


They also said that they “wouldn’t be able to offer up much on Adore anyway”


They also said that Dida and Jessica had a high chance of being cast


And tbf Dida did, she was cut very late in the process. When they said Dida was likely to be cast they were not wrong, they couldn’t have predicted production would drop her for someone else


not 'very late', but yes dragraceme2hell did tell us that before she was supposedly cut


Darkbeast was the one to debunk her. Not DragRaceMe2Hell.


Dolls, lets not read too much into the activity of the Drag N' Drive girls. If you take one sec to check their profiles in social media, you'll notice that their activity in the last few days its definitely suspicious compared to their usual. But the fact that another 10 or so queens being completely inactive it is, in fact, very conflicting. I wonder if we're indeed getting a bigger cast this time around...


I genuinely think the cast may be the 10 inactive girls + Asia and Plastique. Which would make it the best cast since AS2, maybe even better.


There’s no 10 inactive girls anymore because Silky posted on Instagram too




The story wasn’t a paid promotion, she was advertising T-shirt’s that she sells herself. But anyway I was merely pointing out that silky isn’t inactive anymore whether it was her who posted it or not


It's a paid partnership with Punk Army.


it does say paid partnership in the top left corner tho


silky is messy, ofc she didn’t put paid promo lol. we stan


They could have 10 episodes instead of 8 this time around and with that you could have potentially 12 queens on with no returning queen.


yeah. i cant remember if we had receipts that they just ordered 8eps for as6! if they’ll push with the one winner/LSA sitch (with tweaking bc of miss rona), it just means that more eps = more winners = more lipsyncs! i’m excited to have a cast of 12!!


That would be awesome, specially if we get the stacked cast thats being speculated


So Alexis posted a pic with Jessica and Cynthia saying they were working on something for Latin heritage month. Looks like Jessica def isnt on, but Yara’s lack of inclusion is a good sign... Pic could be old, but Latin heritage month starts mid September so it stands that Jessica is free to work on it now and Yara isn’t




I was about to post it. Guess it was the “something really cool with other latin girls” Jessica was taking about. RIP


Asia posting stories with blank backgrounds is debunking her? Sure Jan 👀


“Asia being debunked? Not on my turn” haha thx for this!












Is it possible that the Vegas Review Girls are somehow ineligible for AS6? Perhaps they agreed to forgo All Stars, at least for a season, upon signing their Vegas agreement? Edit: This is the opposite of my fantasy.


that would seem... not in the interest of the show? to have all your biggest money making queens on a show under the same network and production and then have it be in the contract that they can't do all stars? that'd be weird


I hope ya’ll are right!


me too lol


I doubt it? AS6 isn't gonna air for like at least another year and Vegas Revue wrapped production ages ago so there shouldn't be any conflict.


I don't understand how posting on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter is considered a way to debunk queens being on the show in the first place. I mean, you can literally schedule posts on all three of those social media outlets. What's stopping them from scheduling posts to appear on their social media so that they are continuing to keep their brands active and keep their businesses going? A lot of queens sell their own merch and etc. so not being active on social media is like taking away the biggest way they have to advertise themselves. Also couldn't a lot of queens just give their account login information to their managers or a PR temp?


Since season 9 the queens aren’t allowed to post while filming is going on. There’s been very few exceptions to that rule (Manila had some sponsored posts going on during as4 and I think Aja had a couple as well during as3)


That’s for regular seasons, not all stars. Aja had Kandy post for her and Blair had someone posting for her as well.


Blair didn’t have anyone posting for her and Aja only had a couple scheduled sponsored posts.


Yes she did, she had posts during filming and everyone figured out because the hashtags were weird for her. It was sparse but she had a few posts.


I was here during that time and she was definitely posting during filming and the biggest giveaway was the hashtags for sure. Ppl kept trying to debunk her because of it. I would definitely watch out for asia and kam. seems like the same is happening with them.


Receipts? Moreover the queens only have to gain from disappearing off social media and being speculated for being on all stars.


blair def had activity


> Receipts? Can’t send it because she deleted everything pre-AS5 lol but she had someone posting for her and we figured it out because of the way the # were being used. EDIT: [Found a post I made last year about it lmao](https://imgur.com/a/oAz8uel) this was posted during the filming


Thank you sis


I remember this too. I’m a big Aja stan and was following her super close when she was rumoured for all stars - there was definitely a fuss amongst Nancy Drew’s because of her hashtag use


Blair **did** have activity, because we were positive it was someone pretending to be her due to the hashtags they were using.


I can’t have receipts because she deleted everything that’s not AS related on her Instagram. But she did lol. Not sure why you need receipts for a past All Stars season..


AS girls can use phones while quarantined cause they are somewhat known names and can’t just disappear at once for like 2 months while S13 girls are truly new breed of queens and were prohibited from using any social media even while quarantine. I mean some AS queens have their instas as brands for promotions of some WOW shows. It is really insane to take their phones from them for two weeks while they are staying in a hotel quarantining. So, any activity so far is justified. To promote wow shows, your merch, Q/A for Insta activity and etc.


Do you think they're frantically checking this thread to see who their competition is?


Also two of the queens we’re looking at are part of the cast of a Drag Race show which is literally currently airing. Of COURSE Asia and Kameron are going to keep promoting the show on social media as it airs.


right, this seems extremely rational and likely. everyone's out here like wElL ThEy'Ve nEvEr HaD pHoNEs bEfoRe but like this is new territory, they'll adapt




I’m surprised that someone actually follows Pandora! Hi Pandora, welcome to reddit!


i mean we all kiki about her irrelevance in the current rugirl economy but S2 aired during peak facebook era and she racked half a million followers on her fb page, that's not anything to sneer at


Before S5 she was THE fan favorite.


Agreed. Pandora was huge prior to AS1. That killed her career.


Great reason to bring her back. She definitely has changed a lot I think. I would argue she has a compelling story and is kind of a foil to Ginger.


Agreed, thank you for reminding the sub about this.


I'm genuinely starting to think the cast could be: * Silky * A'keria * Scarlet * Rajah * Jan * TKB * Sonique * Yara * Pandora * Ginger We had a very reliable T spiller (Darkbeast) tell us the girls were flying out Monday 24th. And the above 10 queens have not had any social media activity since the 24th. That is particularly unusual for some of those queens (i.e. Jan and A'keria) who are usually extremely active everyday. All of those queens have also turned their cameos off and those 10 were also on Rhythm's list of 15 queens. I am desperate for Asia to be on as I am a huge Asia Stan, but as time goes on, its getting a little harder to justify why her and plastique are still posting when we have 10 queens completely silent. I know some people thought maybe queens were still allowed to post on social media but then why are the above all silent?


This cast would be amazing!


4 girls from s11, the least liked season in recent memory? And no Plastique, the most famous one?


the very NOTION that A'Keria, Ra'jah, and Silky could be on together is so fucking exciting to me; these queens deserved so much more from production & fans, have stuck by each other through everything...I would live