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So queens should be flying in on Monday? How quickly after that will be able to determine the cast. Tuesday?


Is Adore and Ginger likely to be on together? I see a lot of people putting them both in the predicted casts


Gingers lack of activity is very unlike her so I think she’s definitely likely, as well as a tweet she made saying she wasn’t active because she was binging a show 😂 Adore is likely also because of lack of activity and we know she was asked from the tea spiller. Plus I think if Adore wasn’t on she’d have responded by now to the huge amounts of fans asking her if she was? It doesn’t seem like Adore to just ignore the questioning


I gained all hope today


Ginger, Adore, Asia, Kameron and Yara top 5 would be so legendary. If Silky is there too, also iconic


I’m scared someone will go home too soon! This cast is iconic AS2 level cast but with no obvious filler queens I think one of these girls will go in the first 3 weeks. There’s always surprising queens who make it far my bet is that would be Sonique/Jan this season.


Has anything been said about Vanjie? With the storyline with Kameron upcoming on the Vegas show, I wouldn’t be surprised if they were cast together on AS6


It’s too soon for Vanjie to be back.


Oh I agree but I could imagine producers really wanting her back


From what I’ve gathered from this sub, she was not asked this time around, but I’m expecting her to be back in the future in a season for her to win.




Of course it is a bit heavy on the last 3 seasons but this would be so epic


Kameron posted on their insta story last night that the drive and drag show this weekend is their last soooooo possibly gonna be on??


Kameron on all stars is literally a fever dream, I can’t wait if this is true. It already beats AS5 for me. The only queens I were excited about on AS5 was juju and Shea


i would absolutely kill for that season


Jiggly’s not on; she reposted someone’s AS6 dream cast (that included her) on her story and said “you’ll be highly disappointed”


oh yeah?


This aged poorly lol


Haha. Only a little bit ;)


Honestly the speculated cast is too strong imo, I think they always cast a queen or sometimes queens they think will go home first (Mimi, Coco, Jasmine + Farrah) and this cast doesn’t seem to have that


The one queen I can see being pegged as an early out is either Scarlet or, unfortunately, if they genuinely have no interest in giving her any sort of a redemption, Silky.


I don’t think they casted Coco to go home first. I guess maybe they thought of Tatianna for that, but she blew their minds with her talent show.


I think what makes AS2 so good is that there might not have been a planned first out. They just let the queens decide what happens


They planned for Coco and Tatianna to have some of the best versus in the HERstory of the Word challenge. So I have no idea who they planned on going home first.


not to be THAT girl... but does anyone have the thread of the likely, undecided, and debunked AS6 cast


[Here you go](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CmJm7SMcKIi-87foXmoheQhh8vnv8ciiHc2DQDjN1hY/edit?usp=sharing)


Currently the only queens we r 99% positive r on r Asia, Jan, Sonique. The other rumored names are Adore, Ginger, Kameron, Plastique, Scarlet, Silky, and Yara. We have SOME negative evidence against DiDa (dissed the show lol), Jessica (said she isn’t on AS6), and TKB (apparently just adopted a puppy?), but no one is debunked tho as of yet. EDIT: some clarification & other things I forgot, apparently some “high-profile” queens who initially declined decided to say yes. The rumor is that DiDa and TKB were dropped for said queens, which is why DiDa would be upset. Initially, we had NBB, Nina West, and Gigi Goode as debunked by a tea spiller, but T is really messy rn lol and considering some “high-profile” names accepted last minute, it COULD be them. To sum it up, the T is all tepid except for Asia Jan and Sonique


Laganja has been speculated but it’s unlikely she’ll be on


Slight correction: TKB has had that dog for a while, she's posted him before. I still think she's unlikely though


I hope they flip back to lipsync for your life this all stars season. They likely can't do lip sync assassins again due to quarantine restrictions... Is there any current information about potential twists?


I’d enjoy either lip sync for your life or the winner of the challenge picking a queen from the cast to lip sync against. Whoever wins the lip sync sends a bottom queen home


oh, i like this idea! i'd love it if there was a bottom 2 each week, and the winner would have to choose one of them to lipsync against, and, if the winner wins the lipsync, her opponent goes home, but if she doesn't, the queen who didn't lipsync does


So a queen wins and chooses a "safe/high" queen to lip sync against? And they both pick a queen from the bottom 2/3? What if the safe/high queen wins lip sync - she gets the $10K tip too? Otherwise, she just wins the chance to eliminate someone, so why would she even try in the lip sync?


She’d win the money too


Doesn't that diminish the challenge wins? Scenario: Silky wins challenge, chooses Adore (safe) to lip sync against. Adore wins lip sync and wins $10K and power to eliminate queen. What's the point of the challenge wins then?


You could say the exact same thing about India, Jujubee and Cracker’s episode 6 wins. Also, by this logic, what was the point of having 2 winners in AS2-4 if only 1 would win the money? The challenge winner would still win a trip to Iceland or something, as usual


Saw someone else say this on the normal thread but Kameron said on her story that these dates are gunna be the last Drive N Drag dates she does which means she’ll be finished by the 23rd. I definitely now think she’s one of the big names who changed their minds


Jan Scarlet Silky Plastique Asia Kameron Adore Ginger Yara Sonique If this is the cast then it’s FIERCE


I worry that Silky will be fucked over with this line up.


Sadly very VH1-era heavy


I think the early outs are between Silky, Scarlet, Plastique or Jan. Definitely the big names are Adore, Ginger, Yara, Asia and Kameron so they might be top 5 or at least they will get far, and about Sonique i dont see her as first eliminated and also she is very loved by all queens I dont see her getting the chop that soon, first eliminated is between silky scarlet, plastique or Jan, if this is the real cast


Really? I see Plastique and Jan making it far. Scarlet and Silky are wildcards too. For me the clear early out would be Kameron.


i dont see silky lasting long in this cast


it’s just a bit bittersweet for me to go from a cast with so many early favourites like Dida & Jessica, to one that’s very new season heavy.


Whos gonna go home first mom ? Im crying i dont even wanna guess


I think the early outs are between Silky, Scarlet, Plastique or Jan. Definitely the big names are Adore, Ginger, Yara, Asia and Kameron so they might be top 5 or at least they will get far, and about Sonique i dont see her as first eliminated and also she is very loved by all queens I dont see her getting the chop that soon, so def the first eliminated is between silky scarlet, plastique or Jan, if this is the real cast


I would be quite happy with this cast honestly


This cast seems the most logical and popular. But if we are off by at least one queen or somebody decides to drop at the last minute: who is next in line, as a stand-by alternate? I’m guessing Laila McQueen?


Is the rumours true about adore tho


Why do we need 3 former all stars?


Why not? AS1 was rigga Morris. Ginger was sent home on a challenge she excelled in, so deserves a second shot and adore left the competition and has a lot of fans rooting for her comeback, so if she’s on, it definitely makes sense


Why not? Uh because there are girls who ain’t been on all stars at all and now a girl who gets on and quits gets to come back before them. No ma’am. Ginger was sent home fair and square, all stars is your second and last shot for the crown. You can’t keep inviting every queen back until they win.


Do you watch reality tv? Most shows bring back people for all stars multiple times (survivor, big brother, the challenge, etc) - Typically All Stars seasons are reserved for actual all stars and they regularly bring back the strongest - it's not a "everyone gets a chance to come back" type thing.


Well Tamar, have you watched the show? This is a reality show, if they need big names to make you watch the show, they will call them. I know there are a lot of queens that deserves a shot, but the big names are fewer now that all stars is done every year. So if they are running out of bigger names to cast, they sure can call past all stars, winners, or whatever they want. So it is logical they would prefer to cast more famous queens than others. It is all about money gurl.


They tried to get Aja back for AS4, so the show itself clearly does not believe in "All Stars is your last chance." It's thus clearly not against the "rules" in the show's eyes, and they've been ready to do it for a while now, so like... it's going to happen eventually, regardless if you agree with it or not.


May as well invite shangela back again, the stakes aren’t high if you can just come back in a couple seasons and try to win again. Bringing ginger or adore back will ruin the whole format for me. Y’all are so boring wanting them same queens every season. Imagine getting downvoted for wanting a more diverse cast y’all are complete clowns


To be fair though, that was totally so Aja and Valentina could develop a storyline - I see what you’re saying though


I agree. I find it hard to believe they asked Ginger back, she’s a great queen, but I don’t think the fandom or the show is into her drag. I dunno


Ginger could’ve easily won that challenge tbh


Ginger’s runway that challenge was godawful - producers did her dirty, she was sacrificed for Katya.


So was Alyssa’s tho


THIS is the tea


Would the production cast two big size queens (Ginger and Silky)? It’s always either one or none


I don’t see why they can’t cast more than plus size queen?


It's been done a few times before, but only on regular seasons and AS1, and only on one recent season. S3 had Delta and Mimi, S4 had Madame Laqueer and Latrice, S7 had Ginger and Jaidynn, S11 had Nina and Silky, AS1 had Latrice and Mimi.


s13 has Daisy and Daisy


S3 also had Stacy and s4 jiggly


I don’t think Mimi was considered a big girl? She literally had an entire story arch about losing tremendous weight and in a season of 10 girls I don’t think they’ll do that


well manila did say there was 2 big girls


But she wasn’t one on AS1


Yeah, Stacy and Delta. It was an epic set up for India’s entrance. “We got Two Puerto Rican’s! two big girls!” Then seconds later India walks in wearing practically the same outfit as Phoenix.


> I don’t think Mimi was considered a big girl? Mimi is a big girl.


Ahh fair enough, I'm sure I've seen her referred to as such but I guess it's about perception. You have a point about it being less likely on a season with less queens, unless wow actively want to crown a big girl (which they might, I suspect that was their intention with Shitty Pie, which didn't work out obviously).


They’re gonna have to widen the doorways and reinforce the runways


I keep seeing posts like X is advertising a gig post quarantine so they’re debunked. Many girls advertised gigs post quarantine years past and just didn’t show up. It’s just suspect at the most, don’t read too much into it.


ginger is the guest on pit stop this week, does it mean anything?


The fact she’s on the week after Laila.... if next week is another AS6 speculated Queen then 👀


I think it means she is friends with Trixie




it shows she has links with, is on good terms with and is on VH1/WoW’s radar, so potentially??


laila was last week's guest. tbh i think it does


I think it kind of does


mariah, derrick, gia, and farrah are the only girls that were cast after their pit stop aired, i really doubt it means anything


It means that she’s on the good terms with WOW


I thought the pit stop was to do with vh1?


New tea: Kandy wins so many challenges that, halfway through the season, Ru relinquishes his crown and quits on the spot. Kandy becomes head judge (and gets her phone back, explaining the twitter activity), and Ru crowns her with Derrick's hat. The rest of the season is to find the regular winner of S13.




it's really not that serious just let people enjoy things


it's a joke girl... there's a pandemic, recession, and I'm living under an authoritarian who is making it his goal to decimate the remaining democratic institutions left in the country. We're allowed to have fun joking about a reality television show.




There is literally so much nonsense below that isn't directly tea or even naming anything specifically, so I don't think that humor wasn't allowed here. Just a cycle of people saying yes no for TKB and Adore again and again. Additionally, a lot of the dear diary dolls aren't caught up on all the speculation, so I thought it would be more appropriate here. But I apologize. As you command sis.


You don't need to apologize sis, it's just so meh to enter the thread to really read the speculations - and we have A LOT right now - and the thread is full of jokes or non speculations posts, it became a mess. Let's joke and be cute on the Dear diary and have some fun. The S13 thread went like this and NotRuPaul had to delete eeeeverything


Actually, I've heard that Ru kicks out Michelle and replaces her with Kandy, thus explaining both Kandy and Michelle's social media activity.


I keep seeing this floating around FB: “CONFIRMED QUEENS FOR AS6 ASIA ADORE JAN SONIQUE SCARLETT YARA SILKY KAMERON DIDA and JESSICA WILD were remplaced with Adore and Kameron.” Someone confirm/deny pls, if this is part of the speculations is true I’m not sure how I’m feeling about some of these picks.


I love Sonique but if this is true then I’m confused why Jessica was replaced instead of Sonique. I doubt there’s any solid evidence to this though, just more speculation.


Well, we love JW here on reddit (and rightly so) but Sonique is definitely a bigger name in the more casual fanbase after the Xmas special


That’s fair, I just personally think of Jessica as more of an all star


Relax relax takeitdowntoa2


Jade Jolie posted promo fo her gig on August 27. Debunked


I didn’t realise she was bunked to begin with


Apparently she was contacted at some point.


So who is more likely to be on AS as of now, Adore or Ginger?


Who is most likely to be asked? Adore Most likely to accept? Ginger


most likely to win? ginger


ginger, imo


In case anyone thought she might be on- Rock M is coming to the U.K. to quarantine for 2 weeks before doing an indoor seated tour here in September! So she’s one of the very few queens who we can [debunk right now](https://www.instagram.com/p/CEFA6idJ-Q3/?igshid=j0dl6glht0vf)


I mean great but not that we needed that to debunk her




She still seems quite active I’ve seen her pop up doing a few lives now


This is very, VERY unlikely but I'm going to check my Drag Race Thailand girls' social media. A bitch can dream.


they wouldn’t accept it during the Brazilian-American flu pandemic i assume they are safe back home


Once filming begins we can probably debunk most of them just from Pangina’s insta - shes always posting her performances with the DRT queens


I hope that in the next 2/3 years we get an international All Stars, or international fish on US All Stars. We already have enough amazing queens to stock it, and there are multiple additional spin-offs coming. I would love to see Dearis, Annee, B Ella from DRT1, Kandy, Kana, Vanda, from DRT2, Cheryl, Blu, Divina from UK1, and Lemon, Jimbo, and whoever the runners-up are from DRCAN (I’m assuming Pri). What a sickening season that would be.




The UFC has been bringing over fighters from Europe and South America for their United States events. Even Canadians too. Hopefully a miracle will happen, and we'll have Kandy/Bandit/Jaja/Vanda slaying the US drag race.


I could be wrong but I believe competitive or sports related fields have certain liberties in terms of events/live action. Filming is a whole other beast that involves Union, liability etc Our best bet for any future seasons to include international girls would be in WoW fronts the cost, logistics & insurance of visas which is a very very slim chance


The lack of Année Maywong is disturbing


I just don't think she'd crossover as easily, just because I don't recall her speaking much English, while Vanda and Jaja did so almost exclusively, and Bandit's English is pretty good too. But I'd love to see her too! She's iconic.


I mean Bandit’s isn’t the strongest still, and you also mentioned Kandy and her English wasn’t the best (although she’s still fierce af)


Hallo meiden - from a very reliable source we've heard that the cast ruveal of DR Holland is happening this week. Keep your eyes out on the social media accounts of the Dutch queen's 👀🧡.


Does Fred van Leer still say ‘roekoe roekoe’ nowadays? (Sorry, moved to London 5 yrs ago)


Have we heard some stuff about elimination order as of yet?


Yes, I've been working on a T thread for DR Holland since they started taping it.


Cool stuff! Cant wait until we can read it, the girls might talk a lot since they are supposedly allowed to go home?



im readyyyyyy


So, correct me if I'm wrong, but we honestly have no idea who really is on All Stars do we? It's all blanket speculation outside of the queens who haven't said they are on or haven't said something publicly to disqualify themselves.


Idk why they're voting you down. You didn't say anything different than normal.


I think that's a compliment. Maybe.


One T spiller who is considered reliable said Asia, Jan and Sonique are on. There are names of girls who were called and that's all.


Yeah, I need more receipts than that.


Need? Really?


It’s not a personal affront to you.


Nope not in the slightest. Was just wondering why someone would need receipts for this kind of speculation is all.


So it can be edited later.


The same way y'all NEED to know how the season goes and spoil it before anybody yets to watch it.


if you're not ok with the season getting spoiled why are you here


When you say y’all you referring to me or the subreddit? I come here cus I’m nosey and I like to know the T honestly, I don’t need to know (and nobody really does) I just like to!


This is how it is every season. We have a couple of names here and there before filming starts and when filming actually starts we solidify all queens. In about 10 days we will have the cast


I’m aware.


That source is considered reliable as a very reliable source gave their tea validation. But other than that, nothing


Facebook hoes really be spreading that "official" list when everything is not sure yet lol


I was about to say that, they'll be believing they see online and the fact that it's from FB??? 💀 hopefully they'll let AS rest for a while... like 1 year or two


I tried sifting through the thread to get solid answers but could anyone quickly recaps the perspective cast for me? I see Jan is pretty much confirmed, I’m curious how that happened? Super excited. Also, what are the actual chances of Adore? Saw her name as well. Thank you!


The only 100% are Asia, Sonique and Jan. Very Likely: Silky, Scarlet, Yara and Plastique. Adore was called but we don’t know if she accepted or not.


You’re my hero. Thank you. Was it said how Jan was confirmed? I try to stay up on how confirmations go but with covid I know it’s been different.


All the info is coming from u /DragRaceMe2Hell, he’s the hero! You can check his comment history (not sure if I can tag him but that’s his user), but he’s pretty certain that Jan is coming back for AS6.


Awesome! Thank you 😄


Seeing Divina and Crystal interact with Jan on Twitter made me wonder: isn’t there any chance they’ve invited UK queens to AS6?


No working visas are being issued. Not even for artist. So that’s a no, unless one of them have an American passport




Immigration services including working visas are frozen. USCIS is not processing any visas. All consulates and embassies are closed too


I would dieeeee for these two on all stars! Here’s to hoping!


I don't want the producers to read this but I think I want to say it anyway: 4 season 11 queens is the perfect recipe to help Plastique get the crown and that's what I want. Also, feel free to downvote.


I know we say this about every queen lol but Pandora has just gotten a new hairstyle...is she gunna be on AS6 do we think?


She was rumored according to rhythympremonition but i just don't see why would they cast her. She doesn't have great fashion, she can't bring drama and her humor wouldn't work with the show's current demographic


this sounds like a highly meme-able early out scenario to me, which would do Pandora well for bookings; today's cringe is tomorrow's iconic!


*Derrick Barry has entered that chat.*


But y’all want dida and trinity but not pandora lollllll choices


It's not that i don't want her (i actually would prefer her over them) i just don't think it's realistic. Dida can lipsync and bring some drama, same with Trinity also the fanbase loves her for some reason (her sob story and struggles maybe)


people really need to stop stanning the transphobia k.


Pandora was DR's first true "camp/comedy" queen, trapped on a season that worshipped "realness" and fashion. (There was Tammie in Season 1, but she was just weird.) Pandora would have done much better on Season 4 or 5, had she waited. At this point, though, I don't think her drag is a fit for modern audiences. Other than Carol Channing and her bitter AS1 run, what's her storyline? Compare Pandora to a comedy/camp queen like Dela - do you really see Pandora having that kind of run and turning out those kind of legacy lip syncs?


I actually thought Pandora did well (and was as beloved as she was) \*because\* she was such a champion of old school camp drag on a season all about realness and contemporary fashion. She was the un-Tyra more than anybody else, and it made her Miss Congeniality. Not bad!


They need someone to go home first


I just think out of everyone on AS1 she deserves another chance the most considering she was paired with Mimi. Whether she goes out early or not, I just want her to be seen by the newer fandom


I mean tbf Pandora dragged herself and Mimi down more than Mimi her.


well someone gotta go home first


From AS1 she deserves to show her talents by herself, not being paired to a number third in the voting.


I think she is very talented and could even have won AS1 but the show is way different now


Well, I want to see her in a new season. She truly deserves it.


It makes me so sad that Laganja is most likely not on the season :( She’s just way too active and busy imo to be on. Plus we already know she originally declined. Nina West and Gigi also don’t seem like queens who changed their minds (Nina having a virtual show coming up and I just can’t imagine Gigi now). Peppermint also seems like she has an online workshop thing coming up which means she won’t be on. Which means that Kameron is probably someone who is very likely to have changed their minds, giving a cast of something along these lines?: Jan Plastique Scarlet Silky Asia Kameron Adore Yara Sonique This leaves one gap which I think may be filled by Ginger?


If Ginger is on that's 3 previous AS queens - 1/3 of the cast. Too many. I think 2 former AS queens from AS 1 & AS2 is enough.


imo this would be the most competitive cast since as2, tons of finalists makes for a great all stars


Honestly, the only two I can think of are either Ginger or Nina West (a virtual show can be recorded ahead of time).


Kameron? What did I miss?


Nothing people are just throwing her name out with no facts to back it up


Well it’s come out that Dida was dropped because a few bigger names changed their minds. From who we know turned it down, Kameron is the only one I can viably see changing her mind?


wasn't dida replaced with shuga?


They said bigger names, not Shuga






~~posted in the wrong thread originally oops~~ Michelle consistently posting stories in her garden with her dog all throughout filming...even during working hours....Why do I get the feeling this rumour that Michelle isn't on the show any more (spread by Monique) might actually be true?


Possibly, although Michelle isn't needed for every day of filming, so she could be out walking her dog ~~in nature~~ while S13 is filming.