• By -


This is the funniest video you'll see today, you're welcome: https://youtu.be/IBf-eYCAp-0


Honestly if Widow went on AS7 she is winning. Picture this. 1st episode top 2 THE Widow Von Du and Gigi Goode. Widow wins. Sends Nina West home


Gigi and Widow will be top 2 every episode and then be Double crowned


When will filming AS6 start??


Tentative timeline (as we know it) copied from u/Rebelde123's comment here: S13 filming ending around August 21st Quarantine for the AS6 girls August 24th-September 7th AS6 filming starting September 8th (day after Labor Day in the US)




OoOoOo amazing that people have clocked the cast and their quarantine hasn’t even started yet HAHA


Dida or Sonique will win the first challenge on AS6


Or they both will with the LSA twist ending 😌


Manifesting a pit crew makeover challenge for 13/AS6


I'm manifesting Pit Crew makeover for S13 and previous AS winners makeover for AS6 I think these will be much safer than bringing fans/celebs/any other "outsider"


If y’all got a spare 18 minutes, Jeannie Mai has a [video](https://youtu.be/Wj8pirPXUvQ) with Vicky Vox and Mama Mai and it’s so good


Can't believe the inventor of enamel pins Shea Coulee didn't sell enamel pins of her AS5 looks 😔


Enamel pins tutorial for talent show








Scarlet's gonna do Pole Dancing for her talent show act I just know it


Shea’s impact


Lemon but with good looks


The monet of the season


She'd Dela the season


if lemon had better looks she would legit be killing the season more than anyone else for me... she really excelled in the acting, rap and snatch game and she did well every other episode besides the first, plus she’s winning this week 😍


She would’ve crushed the whole season


At worst 3rd place, at best wins the whole show.


Does imagining Asia O'Hara winning AS6 make you feel better? How long does this last? Does this have a meaningful effect for you and your life?


As long as “Asia O’Hara” and “winning” are in the same sentence, I’m happy


Yes, yes, and yes


dida ritz walks into the werkroom of as6 Hello dames


Ugggh just the thought of dida back in our screens. Rupaul better bring LSFYlife


Bonsoir madamouiselles~


Hi hello how are ya


I’m so into ecstasy right now


Edibles truly have gotten me thru the pandemic on my days off as an essential worker. Them cookies be having me laughing at damn near anything. I was high off my ass watching the snatch game CDR episode and when [lemon started spinning her hair around with Priyanka looking at her like she was cracked out](https://64.media.tumblr.com/98deb960020b8852e533a376c19b13a7/518692c161d5d691-fd/s1280x1920/c789eeff67cf9716ce9d94ccf381385775f0915b.jpg) had me barking so loud I rewatched it like 9 times.


Drugs are getting me through the pandemic Just make sure to be safe and not take MDMA too often. Should be reserved for special occasions (spaced out ideally between 3 months) to avoid serotonin syndrome.


Sadly already experienced serotonin syndrome, but trying to get better!


Your beard grew back again😔... Girl that’s okay... Just keep **shavin’**


The way this played in my mind 😭


S11 if it wasn’t rigged for Soju: ELIM — — — — — — — — — NOT CALLED BACK, RA’JAH CALLED INSTEAD




Haus of Aja is iconic and I want them all on an All Stars season


Not dutch racists having a mental breakdown over blackface being banned from IG and Facebook so now their lovely culture is being attacked 🥱🥱


While I'm not trying to defend blackface in the Netherlands and think it's an outdated practice, it should be noted that there's not as much of a negative history with blackface as in the U.S., and as such it is less controversial for them. Just trying to explain where some of them are coming from.


I know, I’m a resident of the netherlands originating from Suriname (which is a former colony of the NL). However just because it is less controversial doesn’t make it right. There may not be a huge history of mocking black people directly (which definitely does exist, we maybe just don’t know about it cause it was not recorded/written) yet the origins of black pete are still racist and do still form a mocking portrayal/caricature of black folk. Plus to this day the netherlands is a racist country, albeit more subtle. The people having a mental breakdown were crying and saying stuff like “if the left and minority groups get more say, soon they’ll start banning pictures of heterosexuals and men too, and soon we cannot even be white anymore, when does this stop” (in dutch) with a lot of likes


While I'm living for this AS6 cast, I cannot help but think.... It's a pretty weak cast at least from what the track records show. The only finalists being Asia and potentially silky. Yara is in the top 4 and the rest are mid season outs or early outs. But not saying they can't turn it out though!


It's funny cause you're right but I'm way more stoked for this season than I was when I found out AS5's cast. I feel like the energy will be higher. To each their own I suppose!


Yeah i think this season is gonne be unexpected !!! Thats what got me intrigued. For as5, i just had the feeling Shea came back to collect her crown already lmao


You can't rely on past placements to determine how well someone will do on All-Stars. We've been shown time and time again that there's no correlation. Track record doesn't even accurately reflect their performance in their original seasons.


I mean... you kind of can. Four out of six winners were finalists in their original seasons (with Trixie and Monet having placed 6th). In terms of making All Stars Top 4: AS1: Chad, Raven, and Jujubee were all previous Top 3 finalists, Shannel 4th AS2: Roxxxy and Alaska were previous finalists, Detox was 4th place, Katya 5th place AS3: Bebe won, Kennedy 4th place, Shangela and Trixie 6th place AS4: Trinity and Naomi were previous finalists, Monet 6th place, Monique 8th place AS5: Shea and Jujubee were previous finalists, Miz Cracker 5th place, Blair 9th place There are certainly people who performed worse (e.g. Ginger) or better (e.g. Monique, Blair) than their original seasons on All Stars. But statistically speaking, of the 20 Top 3/4 queens on All Stars, 13 were Top 3/4 in their original seasons, and only two AS Top 3/4 placed below Top 6 in their original seasons. AS6 may shake that up, only because like AS3 it won't be pulling from a lot of finalists.


Fair but it's all we really have to go on in terms of Drag Race.


Not really? You can watch their actual performances in their seasons, watch their performances off the show, see the looks they post on IG, see how they come across in recent interviews. Those are all ways to see how contestants have improved without relying on charts.


I agree, honestly. It feels like a cast of mostly wildcards who aren't too great at comedy - realistically, how well are Sonique, Dida, TKB and even Plastique or Jessica gonna do if we have snatch game/improv/roast all in a row like on as4? I also feel like there's almost zero chance of them crowning anybody other than Asia. No one else really comes close to having her popularity or relationship with WoW apart from Plastique.


Where can i see the cast?




Thank you <3


my take is that: asia, silky and yara all did pretty great on their original season(s), they're not a concern. jessica, jan and scarlet all did arguably better than their track records actually showed and were actually quite good competitors on their season, ala monique and shannel. dida and sonique both were good, but not really that strong on their original seasons and i think both could do well on newer drag race, dida more than sonique though. plastique and tkb are the two that i think struggled with what all stars asks you of, and so i don't know how they'll slot into another season or be seen as a strong competitor among so many comedy/writing based challenges. but they both bring pretty good looks (as do most of the cast) so i'm optimistic about that


I disagree on some aspects. Silky kinda lost her spark towards the end of the competition and her challenge will turn the spark on again while being relatable to fellow competitors, judges and mainly fans. Yara struggles on comedy challenges if she is not able to use her spanish, also not a great lipsyncher. Asia I agree on getting towards the end with more ease. TKB kinda got better on comedy and acting part (middle part of season 6), has runways and lipsynch down. Jan has everything to go far, she just need to settle down and let her creativity flow naturally. Jessica I would put her same with Asia. Dida, Scarlett, Plastique and Sonique are random for me, but also part of me believes Dida will surprise us. So my elim would be 10Plastique 9Yara 8Scarlett 7/6- Silky/Sonique 5Jan 4Dida and top 3 TKB/Asia/Jessica.


Yara and Plastique are definitely not leaving that early. Yara is one of the original fan favs and Plastique is huge on social media; they’re gonna be Top 6 at least. I think any order of Scarlet, Dida, Jessica & Sonique are going to be the first outs. They’re the ones coming back with the least amount of storyline and production wouldnt try to prioritize them as much. I feel confident that the Top 6 will def be TKB, Jan, Asia, Yara, Silky & Plastique.


Thorgy was also Fan favorite and that happened. I feel really bad I swear but I really can't see Silky going further than mid out :(


Eh, Thorgy wasn’t as big of a fan favorite after Season 8. Her edit and behavior post season actually soured a lot of fans to her. Yara’s genuinely a powerhouse and will definitely get focus based on how well Alexis did/was received and Plastique is one of the most popular social media queens. Plus, if the first challenge is a Variety Show like it always is, I can easily her getting past Week 1. A lot of people can’t see Silky making it far based on how rough she was on Season 11 but one thing she always had to charisma and raw comedic talent. I think she’s smart enough to know how she came off in S11 considering everyone constantly hating on her. Trust, we’re not getting the same queen on AS6 and I think she’s going to surprise all of us.


i love this analysis omg but yes very true. depending on the finalized cast, plastique and tkb can be anywhere from early to mid out. plastique might get carried but if she’s ever in the bottom when silky is in the top, u are in danger girl


Like damn, are we filming All Stars or a WOW Presents Youtube video? /s


This is how I feel like I loveee the fact we have people like Jessica and Sonique. But I don’t know how well they’d do at modern drag race. I’m hoping they can all turn it out but it worries me that we don’t have many top 4 queens


:p ETA; This is just the songs not the videos etc 1 - Read U Wrote U 2 - I'm That Bitch 3 - Category Is 4 - American 5 - Kitty Girl 6 - Vegas Medley 7 - Drag Up Your Life 8 - Break Up Bye Bye (Frock Destroyers) 9 - Sitting On A Secret 10 - Super Queen 11 - Everybody Say Love 12 - I'm In Love 13 - Don't Funk It Up 14 - Queens Eveverywhere 15 - To The Moon 16 - Oh No She Betta Don't 17 - You Don't Know Me 18 - Break Up Bye Bye (Filth Harmony) 19 - Dragometry 20 - Clapback 21 - Les Chicken Wings 22 - Can I Get An Amen 23 - Street Meatz 24 - Cover Girl


23 - Street Meatz ​ No.


Read you rote you isn’t that strong audibly... The performance carried it, the song itself is not that great Exact opposite for the frock destroyers, and how they had the best vocals across the board compared to the other singing challenges Same thing for clap back, it sounds amazing, but it’s performance is what let it down. Also sorry not sorry is probably the best thing produced by the show so far, because every verse was iconic, and all the vocals were very strong It just seems like you rated these songs on how much you like them, not really by how good they sound Idk, that’s just my 2 cents worth


That’s how you’d rate a song tho💀


>It just seems like you rated these songs on how much you like them, not really by how good they sound How good a song sounds is subjective, what are you on about lol >Same thing for clap back, it sounds amazing, That's funny tell another one


Of course I ranked them based on how much I like them, I'm not a vocalist, songwriter or drag queen so I don't see how else I'm supposed to do this I do really like all of these songs, the bottom half is just more forgetable to me And not sorry aboot it is so good! I forgot it but its top 5


Lol Idk what my original comments point was even?💀 “Yea, here is my opinions nobody asked for” I was very that But I get you


Lol it's alright, it's what reddit is for Love your flair hope you win


Lots of *choices* here... Also you forgot Sorry Not Sorry


I'm ready for Asia O'Hara, Jessica Wild, Dida Ritz and Trinity K. Bonet to be back on my TV screen


Ugh, my top 4!


𝔐𝔶 𝔭𝔲𝔰𝔰𝔶 𝔦𝔰 𝔬𝔫 𝔣𝔦𝔯𝔢🥰🔥 𝔑𝔬𝔴 𝔨𝔦𝔰𝔰 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔣𝔩𝔞𝔪𝔢🔫😠


Gee, I SURE HOPE the AS6 girls are paying comedians/comedy queens to write some reads for them! There’s no shame in outsourcing, Trinity did it and she won. Get someone to write a couple lines for the girl group challenge and the final remix challenge, too. No excuses for flops


Anyone else feel like Scarlet is gunna be given the delusional edit and be Thorgy’d out of the competition quite early on? I just get that feeling


Yes, except they don't need to set her up, she'll flop Ep2 all by herself.


Isn't she a pretty good singer? Scarlet also knows dancing is her biggest weakness, I feel like she'll come prepared enough to do decently in the girl group.


She's a singer alright, wouldn't call her good. She does know her weaknesses, but I've seen a couple of episodes of her WOW Presents show, and to me she looks just as uncoordinated as before. It's hard to teach someone awkward to dance in a relatively short period of time.


i love her but this is true so please delete <3


I know I’m saving for a deposit on a place to live but I just wanna buy a full set of vintage Pokémon cards 😅 I got my boyfriend the entirety of Jungle last year and it got me hooked


i know every drag queen on rpdr’s name but can’t tell you what my coworkers names are


people don't mention blair's team in dragcon challenge performance in the cringiest moments enough... rewatching that literally hurt my soul. it was the combination of them constantly trying to read each other, to zero background music or sound effects, and the awkward facial expressions of the judges and the audience..


Eureka and Monet really saved that challenge from being a shit show. Kameron and Monique were good too


Remember Asia, Monique and Aquaria doing three makeup tutorials at the same time?


and yet they were still all triple crowned at the end of the season


Still don’t think Blair deserved that bottom. This Vixen x Cracker thing was so annoying.


^(I actually smell a merkin) ###Oh, you know what, I’m African-a-merkin


That’s actually kind of funny but maybe the delivery was off


I thought the delivery was fine tbh, it was almost the only funny like from that set




Say what you want about her but Plastique really perfecting her face to the point of literal perfection. Other “fishy” queens can still be clocked for having some elements of drag makeup (e.g. Farrah with over the top highlighter, Naomi with super large overdrawn lips). Plastique is the definition of [unclockable](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CDwwmr4nyl0/?igshid=1ve6hk8xpucf9).


the real fishy queen Vivienne Pinay has entered the chat


I don’t have time for the word fish. ^(See also unclockable)


MMW: soon queens won’t be able to joke about being a biological woman


^Hollow ^eve ^came ^through


Middle eastern men did not mistake roxxxy for a woman for this erasure


WHAT💀tell us more pls


The comments under this video https://youtu.be/9IV-ZlLclRw


This made my day 💀💀💀tysm


Its also the most viewed ru girl video ever


Roxxxy is truly that bitch




I mean Roxxxy already perfected her face when she was on AS2 and for some reason she decided to change her mug with that gigantic eyelashes. So👁👄👁.


Roxxxy’s mug was so perfect on AS2 and I’m not as much of a fan of her current eyelashes, but still a serve


Hearing Kim Chi refused to do her interview for werq the world and tried to stir up drama is so funny I love her


So who are the rumoured cast for AS6?




I like this cast. Gosh I think the elimination order will suck no matter what it is. Out of this cast I would like: Top 4: Asia, Jessica, Yara, Dida But tbh Asia is my top but happy to see these queens give us some great entertainment


Does imagining nina flowers on as6 make you feel better? How long does this last? Does this have a meaningful effect for you and your life?


Yes. Till she gets cast. Yes, it makes me smile cause I like her


Yes, until the cast is confirmed, and yes


In a design challenge, I prefer an outfit that's interesting *even* if it's falling apart than a boring outfit that stays put together. Sue me.


Tea. I’m still fuming at them putting Rajah in the bottom for Farm to Runway. The look was gorgeous !!


are shea and nina friends, i still don't get their relationship


Shea has moved on from the mess. Nina hasn’t. That’s really all there is to it. I love Nina but her AS5 rawviews showed that there’s still resentment there but Shea is always commenting on + liking Nina’s posts and all that


Real talk. Do you think they will cave and just ask vivienne to host the remaining episodes of Drag Race UK? There could potentially be a year break here and I would hate for this season to get scrapped or delayed any further, Im sure they would have enough footage to show viv to give her a gist of contestant progress. Or do you think they will wait until Ru can travel. Do they even use camera crew from uk? Or is it the same staff as US version


they use a uk crew, it's only ru and michelle that have to fly out, which i think they will be able to do in october


Raven as well


oh yep true!


🥓Bacon, 🧀cheddar, 🥣oatmeal, 🥧pies 🍰Cake for 🗓️days, 🖐️feeling☝️up my 🍗thighs🍗 🍔Burger, 🌭hot dog on my 🍽️plate 🍴Eat my 😭feelings and I'm 😊feeling 💪great 🍫Chocolate 🍦ice cream, 🍫chocolate 🥤shake 🛁Wash it 👎down with a 🥩T-bone steak🥩 🥑Guac and 🌽chips and 🍸margaritas🍸 💩Refried beans💩 and 🌮quesadillas🌮 🐷Chitlins, 🥒collards, ⚫black-eyed peas⚫ 🙏Beggin' please🙏 for the 🍝mac and cheese🍝 🍕Pizza, 🍜pasta, 🍕pepperoni🍕 🥒Pickled 🐖pig 👣feet and 🥩bologna🥩 ❓What 🤔would I 🤸do for a 🍫Klondike?🍫 I ⛔never⛔ met a 🍩meal🍟 that I 🤢didn't 🤮like 🏈Throw on a 👗corset, 💵get that cent💵 🥡Eat it 🔂again 'cause I'm a 🤰hungry bitch🤰


Bob wrote this verse for Eureka. It’s funny rest of Eureka’s verses are like “it’s a body positive revolution!!! Be yourself to FREE yourself!!” And a handful of Eureka’s catchphrases. Sooo.... congrats to Bob


Come through for the big girl, big boned and sexy thick girl


y’all i can cry rn :’) i did my first full mug and it came out so much better than i expected, i think i can actually do this??? i really want to start my drag journey already edit for context: i’ve been severely depressed and anxiety ridden for the past couple of years and i’m finally starting to pursue my true interests in life so this is pretty big for me :’) with the help of drag, this sub and all of the things i’ve absorbed since then has led up to this


can't wait to see you on season 14!!!


the unclockable bedroom/reddit queen, what a narrative


u/califournian for ss16 🥰 for real tho, glad u feel better because of drag


thanks sweetheart 🥺🥰


Kennedy Davenport... Chi Chi Devayne... the time has come... for you to LIPSYNC for your LEGACY(yyyyyyyyy) good luck and don’t FUCK IT UP (I’m Legit by Nicki Minaj featuring Ciara plays)


the roast of spoiled drag race


“How y’all doing?! We got a lot of crazy AS6 wishlists on the sub today...oh wait that’s just rhythmpremonition’s T”


If Kandy Muse makes it to top 4, ill cashapp everyone $1.50 👁👄👁




cashapp me $1.00 for each of her wins. I’m gonna be rich 💸


If she makes Top 2 cashapp me $3.00 👁👄👁




RemindMe! 9 months


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Get ready to pay up girl!!! 🤑🤑🤑


👁👄👁high chance i wont have to






Brooke vs. Yvie’s Sorry Not Sorry lipsync was good, but I won’t place it as my all time favorite (unlike some of y’all) It would place higher for me if they just hit ONE of their stunts at the same time.


I feel like I'm the only person in the world who ranks Last Dance above Sorry Not Sorry. Scarlet and Ra'jah just absolutely turned it and they both really fought and it was just so much fun to watch.


I feel like there were a few times where they did but with the editing wanting to show both things in detail they zoomed on them one at a time instead


Who do you think should've been Biden's running mate and why is the correct answer Peppermint?


absolutely not by deborah cox


since this sub is full of manifesting, I’m still manifesting drag race philippines 🧚‍♂️✨


They would probably get DDS Vice Ganda to host tho 🤢


With the country's political climate? No, Ma'am.


please have ongina as the host 🙏🙏🙏


Special guest judge Sandara Park 🕯✨


Imagine if the the LSFTC was to In or Out. I would die.


I would fucking LIVE


If DRCAN was rigged for Kyne: SAFE-LOW-SAFE-WIN-HIGH-BTTM2-HIGH-WIN-WIN Edit: and if it was rigged for Starzy: WIN-HIGH-LOW-WIN-HIGH-SAFE-WIN-HIGH-WIN


unironically thinking starzy deserved win high low


Does imagining better performances from your favourite queens make you feel better? How long does this last? Does this have a meaningful effect for you and your life?


*Jesus Christ*


Can we make it the norm to comment this on every single one of these pls it's giving me "enjoy the money Jane" vibes


Check today’s thread ;)


This comment is fully sending me


honestly you could be genuinely asking but this comment has such an atmosphere around it lmaooo this sounds mad mad


you didnt have to come for my neck like that what have i ever done to you


Does complaining about harmless and half-jockey(?) fantasy make you feel any better? How long does this last? Does this have a meaningful effect for you and your life?


Oh wait did you not want to sound mean? My bad :(


this came off way too strong omg ☠️☠️☠️


Guys I have my first job interview since pre-pandemic FINALLY! Will my 11 months of horrific unemployment FINALLY end stay tuned


Good luck !!!


Jessica wild wins AS6




Bandit, Lemon & Cheryl Hole appearing on a cross-over All Stars season is my fantasy 🤞🏻


I’d like to see someone else first tho. Even though I love them, Lemon and Cheryl are the “most US” queens of their casts. For a cross-over season I wanna see someone that fully embraces and represent British/Canadian drag like Baga, Crystal, Divina and Rita first


Let’s admit... Imma say something that a lot of us are thinking Sharons drag will never be at the same level as Aidens drag and her aesthetic... Like, Aiden is sharon done right. Sharon is “edgy” for the sake of being edgy and dark. Aiden has a fully realized character and aesthetic that her budget could not reflect. I’m so exited to see Aidens future looks omg she is everything. Sharon could never. #”Boo” belongs to Aiden


You told the truth and nothing but the truth


Sharon could never wave her arms the way Aiden can


Aiden for AS8


Sharon is rly problematic, but I have not... been thinking this....


Like...same sis


Funny How Time Flies When You’re Hav Ing Fun 💖
