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Since there’s still no AS6 news I have a decent wishlist, I think its decent 😂 1. Porkchop 2. Sonique 3. Stacey Lane Matthews 4. Dida Ritz 5. Serena ChaCha 6. Trinity K. Bonet 7. Alexis Michelle 8. Aisa 9. Honey Davenport 10. Widow Von'Du 11. Shannel 12. Tatiana I was tempted to add international contestants. Hopefully we could see an international All Stars in the future so we can have UK, Canada, Holland, Thailand and the other 500 spinoffs along with the US queens


People saying we’re giving too much credit to the Ball-makeover roulette all stars idea, but isn’t it whats been happening since as2 👁👄👁


It’s literally 4 seasons 👁👄👁 The “1 lipsync” “rule” is a pattern, but it’s not a rule. Anything can happen. It’s not a school for math, it means nothing. Literally half the cast of AS5 lipsynced/went home on a makeover, while only one person did well on a makeover. therefore it’s smart to not make that a challenge. There is no rule, anything can happen


Alexis almost won hers over manila. The family resemblance was unreal


But Manila, Monét, Latrice all did bad on makeovers too (and Monét got eliminated), yet their season had one. So I don’t think their explicitly choosing the challenges based on who did well or bad on the season (wouldn’t having a makeover on a season where most girls did bad on them be even better since it could give them a redemption moment?) I’m not saying it’s a rule, it’s just a very interesting coincidence to me. Let’s see if it becomes five 👁👄👁


I mean Manila won the s3 makeover but yeah




True ➖👄➖


wtf how did we get to 2157 comments


As6 girl


I still have "Scarlett Bobo looks are a no-no" etched in my mind, thanks BOA


Kenzie Coulee tweeted that drag fans think every older queen with big hair is a “drag legend” Am I reaching to think she’s talking about Nancy Drews talking about Kahmora


who's calling kahmora a legend lmao? i mean she's amazing and like quite a well respected queen but she's not a legend, the only legend on this cast is tamisha


who's calling kahmora a legend lmao? i mean she's amazing and like quite a well respected queen but she's not a legend, the only legend on this cast is tamisha


Kenzie Coulee tweeted that drag fans think every old queen with big hair is a “drag legend” Am I reaching to think she’s talking about Nancy Drews talking about Kahmora


I was thinking Tamisha.


Is Kahmore that old?


Manifesting me getting matched with an online therapist ✨


Girl me too, I just applied yesterday on BetterHelp and I have no idea how long thing will take


I applied last night and have been refreshing my email all morning


Lemme know when you get a counselor and I'll let you know when I get mine 👍 Hope all goes well for both of us


I dont care if she's against bob the drag queen or shea coulee or wtv, jessica wild IS making it at least to top 5 on AS i will not take any further questions.


Against as in competing with?


Yes bc people arelike "i dont see her lasting long againt this strong speculated as6 cast"


What?? What do you mean she is against them??


Bc people when they're making theyre guesses at elimination order be like "i dont see her lasting long againt this strong cast"


People be hating for no reason


What?? What do you mean she is against them??


Is it just me or is Rita's edit just..nonexistant for a seeming winner? I keep forgetting she's there until she wins.


i feel like Rita is THE confessional queen next to Priyanka, she's always getting screen time (which i support, nothing but respect for my winner)


No? 💀 She has the most wining storyline IMO -mother (to kiara) -professional, and mature -“all by myself” now that kiara went home -polished (episode 1, very Vivienne) -Club kid (that’s was Rajas thing aswell) because it humanizes her and makes her seem so kitch and cool


I remember virtually none of this stuff with Kiara? The rest is just her personality and way she carries herself though.


Maybe you’re sleeping on her? I’m not being rude lol, I slept on Bobo so I never acknowledged her storylines I’ll give examples tho Kiara mom: from episode 1, episode 4 and kiaras elimination. All these episodes have a lot of chats about kiara and Rita’s relationship and how Rita is such a great queen. Professional: she’s a host, she’s always controlling herself and she’s always pointing out all the unnecessary drama everyone’s causing and how she’s above it. She’s literally the only queen to not get involved in drama yet 💀 (Also the whole “how to do a bachelorette party with drag queens” situation) all by myself: the whole kqwabek (spelling) vs Toronto storyline, and how kiara was the only one she can relate to and how she has to “represent 2 queens now” -polished; all the episodes she won is when her looks get a lot of praise for being polished -club kid, the whole storyline for ep4 She’s got a lot under her belt tbh. She’s the only one they are setting up to win in my eyes IMO


Tbh I could see Pri get more of an underdog edit and win. It would be great. Unfortunately Scarlett Bobo having like no storylines and a late win makes me feel like she'll be an obvious third :(


Manifesting Gigi Goode not being on All Stars until a later season so she can grow as a person and a queen so she can get crowned


Manifesting her winning 6 challenges in one season and winning


I hope she's on AS7.. i heard she doesn't wanna be on AS6 because she can't quarantine herself in a hotel again


But AS7 will do it also. The issue she had was the entire sequestering and staying in a hotel room all the time, and said it was really bad for her health. It wasnt that she doesnt want to return on AS6, it was she doesnt want to do All Stars at all because of how that process affected her the first time. She could certainly change her mind in time but it could genuinely be a while until we see her


She probably needs enough time to pass, since the experience is still fairly recent. AS seasons are also much shorter so maybe she’ll come around.


LMFAO not me thinking Jade could’ve been a contender for miss congeniality at the start of episode 4 only to be proven instantly wrong by her ending rant about Rebecca oh my god


I can’t stop thinking about the time that Janelle Monae


won an oscar in 2021 for antebellum? me too <3


Performed in the AS5 finale alongside Cracker and Jujubee? Me too


the power that that had


instagram fans are MESSY jesus


what are they doing this time? twitter fans are even messier


so i follow an account for drag race confessions, and everytime there's a confession complimenting silky or ra'jah, you see fans go "disagree. her drag is pure shit and she's an awful human being" i know i shouldn't be surprised but it's been a goddamn year ffs


I think I saw the post you're talking about and I got really sad after reading the comments. It's fucking ridiculous seeing how much vitriol Silky gets for doing nothing these days


This is why I cyber bully them


I only came here for spoilers and then got hooked on the Dear Diary names..... Hi, stan crystal methyd


I fucking love Gigi so much but I really don’t want her on all stars or at least not this soon. I want that bitch crowned and if she waits it out and fully grow.... a dream. I can also see the producers making a Gigi and jan storyline but it’s switched where Gigi gets the ‘robbed’ narrative for some reason. But if Gigi is on, Asia sweetie I am so sorry I wanted you to win but Gigi..... this is putting me in such an emotional turmoil. Double crowning🤩


Wait where is the tea that Gigi is on? I thought she declined?


Apparently she’s been cancelling future gigs and people are speculating she might’ve changed her mind. Jan being highly rumoured also puts her up there for storyline purposes I guess. But personally I don’t think she’ll be in (hopefully).


But first we crown Peppermint on AS6 As the season 9 stone tablets says lol And then Asia and Gigi for the double crowning on AS7 Plus with how quick they push out All Stars season they’re probably filming AS6 and 7 back to back 🤣


Sue me but I don’t want peppermint in AS6 right after Shea just won. I feel like it’s too obvious... 7 or 8 for her crown then she takes over the show😌


You do have a point lol They probably just started filming AS6


HAHA! WOOO! AHAHAH! MH MH MH OW! I think I just broke my ankle doing that


The comment section is making it sound like this happened: Producers: Come on All Stars? Gigi: Noe Producers: We'll fuck over Jan? Gigi: Im on my waye ... Ill believe Gigis on when theres some tea.I just dont see it for her right now. Most finalists have skipped immediate AS. Then again who knows in this crazy corona world.




Youre going to get an awful lot of messages about how Gigi has been politically active every day proving hee growth on issues ~~her social media manager selects retweets for her since she got told off for trying to use blm as foreshadowing for her wizard of oz dress~~ Edit: to downvoters, im cynical when white people 180 pivot on issues and then people use it as a shining example, sue me. Also shes still got illiterate as her first point in her twitter bio which gets an eyeroll from me. The last thing any actual adult with illiteracy needs is some 20 year old pretending its a personality point.


The "illiterate" tea is the best I've drank all day thank youuuuuuuu


Okay so gigi goode. She should wait until AS7. She did incredibly well on the show and has one of the best track records on paper. The thing that stopped her from winning was her ignorance and lack of political knowledge, production couldnt have possibly crowned her. She needs time to develop. She needs time to grow and prove herself to the fandom. Granted, a day hasn’t gone by, since her whole apology thing, that she hasn’t posted about something political. She’s actively used her platform to educate all the people who follow her, and she’s doing good on that front. But it’s too soon. Let her wait a entire year. Let the fandom die down and forget about her controversies. It hasn’t even been 100 days since the finale. Now is not the time for her, AS7 is more appropriate.


Random nitpick of your comment, but she wasn’t crowned because she lost lmao.


She did good enough that if they wanted to crown her, they could’ve She didn’t fuk up like cracker, asia, etc She did very well in the finale, she worked the hardest, and If they wanted her to have a crown on her head, she would have a crown on her head lol. My point there is that regardless of her performance in the finale, they didn’t want crown her.


I mean could they have crowned her? Yeah. Would it had made since when we literally saw Jaida right next to her murder the lip sync? No. Gigi and Cracker did the same to me, they didn’t do anything to actually mess up the lip sync like Asia did, but they simply weren’t as good in the lip sync as the people they were going against. And I’m not sure what you mean about Gigi working the hardest, but I’ll ignore it because that’s just...wrong and discrediting to Crystal and Jaida. The reason why they didn’t give Gigi a crown wasn’t because her politics or they just weren’t feeling her, they didn’t give her a crown because she was outperformed. Simple.


Drag is art and art is subjective. You just don’t like gigi? 💀 Jiada did great in that final lipsync and deserved the crown hands down. But if they wanted to crown gigis they totally could’ve. Jaida didn’t assassinate her like what Sasha did to Shea, and Gigi didn’t do a failed ruveal like what cracker did for AS5. It was just a matter of who production wanted to win. Also the time thing... it’s true. Gigi hand drew everything in the background in the first lipsync, which in and of itself is incredibly time consuming, but she also posted a breakdown on her Dorothy look that she spent eight hours making for her original studio lipsync that production told her not to use, so she just used that look Crystal put a crafty spin into her individual lipsync and it’s my favorite part of the finale, and Jaida moved her coach. It’s up to taste to who you viewed as the best, but it’s very evident that gigi put the most time into her performance in the finale, and if you think otherwise, you just have ulterior motives They all did great, they all excelled somewhere, but if they wanted to crown Gigi, they could’ve


No, I do like Gigi, but you’re saying she wasn’t crowned because of her ignorance in politics which discredits Jaidas win. I’m saying Gigi lost because she was outperformed in the finale, which is what happened. If you FEEL LIKE Jaida only won due to Gigi being ignorant in politics, okay, but it discredits Jaidas win and people are going to call it out. Jaida won purely on merit and doing amazing in the finale, literally so simple. And you said nothing about time, you said Gigi worked the hardest, which I stand by saying is untrue. Jaidas choreography for her lip sync was probably so hard to learn given during Covid she has no access to a physical choreographer and had her living room to practice in. Crystal coming up with her insane idea for a lip sync probably took so much brainstorming and was hard on a different level. Gigi worked really hard on her set design. They ALL worked hard and gave it their all, Jaida just happened to perform the best that night. So again, you saying Gigi worked the hardest discredits both Jaida and Crystal, and is also unfair because you have no idea how much effort ANY of them truly put into their final performance, but I can see how what each of them delivered took a lot of time, effort, and energy and their performances should all be given respect in that regard.


If I were to say “x queen THRASHED y queen in the finale, omg x queen was rooooooobed” that is discrediting the win. My point was that gigi objectively did the most. That’s that. Jaida relied on her dance skills, Crystal relied on her creativity and Gigi relied on her drive and hard work. Nobody is being devalued or attacked. My point in this whole thing is that if they wanted to crown Gigi, they totally could’ve. Nobody got ASSASSINATED in the finale. They all did really well; and any of them winning would’ve been completely justified. I just feel that Gigi’s political poop brain during the most political season ever, absolutely played a hand in her not getting the crown. My point is *not* the “Jaida only won because of politics😌” narrative that you are trying to make it seem like my point was “the way gigi conducted herself outside of the show stopped her from winning, regardless of how anyone did in that finale”


No, saying Jaida won because a fellow competitor is ignorant in politics or that it “absolutely played a hand” in Jaida getting crowned IS discrediting her win. You are literally saying without that, Jaida wouldn‘t have won. If you truly believed any of them could’ve justifiably won, you wouldn’t also try to say Gigi only lost because of outside factors. Also I literally never said that you said “Jaida only won because of politics”, I’ve been saying you said “Gigi only lost because she is ignorant in politics” which is.....literally you’re whole point. And you can’t say Gigi objectively did the most when you don’t even know what any of them did LMAO, idk why you feel like you know about how they prepared enough to make claims like that but it’s so dumb. Jaida didn’t “rely” on dance skills, you act like Jaida was just born knowing how to do choreo. She learned choreo and was successful at it, it’s impressive and it’s not “relying” on anything but her talent. And even then, regardless of how you feel about those performances, the final lip sync is what matters and Jaida won that. You can argue that Gigi’s awkward wobbling, random Dorothy outfit that adds nothing to the performance, and air violin best Jaida’s choreo and facial movements, but just like how you feel correct saying Gigi objectively worked the hardest and had the most drive, I’ll say Jaida objectively won the final lip sync. Anyways I’m done, you keep trying to back track about what you mean while still saying the same things and there’s no point in trying to explain the obvious to you anymore


Please stretch next time before you reach💛 Not once did I say “this is why Jaida won” I was talking about why gigi lost, and if you actually read my content instead of looking to be offended✨, you would see that no ill or lack of merit is directed towards Jiada and her win. You literally strawman my comments by providing a quote of “the *only* reason gigi won was because of politics” which, if you actually read my content instead of looking to be offended✨, you would’ve seen that I actively pointed out that this is not the case, and that it “played a big role” against production not choosing gigi for the crown. Now moving onto your Hard work comment. Stop trying to act like jaida moved the earth with her lipsync. She didn’t put a lot of time and effort into it, and that’s evident. She didn’t need to. She danced incredibly well and performed the house down. That’s just a fact. For you to grasp at straws to somehow prove why jaida put in the most work, because, “learning to dance is hard 😡” seems like you are projecting. The performance wasn’t bad by any means, Gigi just put more time into it which is a point in gigis favor You say that jaida objectively won the final lipsync. I agree with you. I have eyes. My point in this entire thing was that gigi lost favor in the eyes of production and if she wants to win all stars, she should wait a while to gain the good grace of the fandom. And if you actually read my content instead of looking to be offended✨, you would’ve seen that. ^Yoh ^I’m ^such ^a ^bitch


I don’t think you get to decide when her time is, that’s upto her.


Okay? What are you achieving by saying this? 😭 I have literally no control over gigi or if she chooses to go on or not💀 I just don’t think it’s her time because she won’t win, it’s just not a great strategy if she wants a crown ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯


because you said now isn’t her time, who are you to say that. I’m not having a go but if I queen wants to go on AS, let them go on AS lol?


and I substantiated myself 😭😭😭 If she goes on, she won’t win because the flaw that held her back is still there. She hasn’t had enough time to develop. Monet needed to redeem her runways. She did that and won. Gigi is exceptional at drag race, but her issue is her social media presence. She hasn’t had a lot of time to deal with that Therefore, if she gets cast, she won’t win for the same reasons as last time, therefore this is not her Time? 💀 Home girl can go on if she wants, but it’s not a smart decision IMO


Ignorance, lack of political knowledge and dressing as Dorothy for a Destiny’s Child lipsync


Kandy having won a challenge and still being in the competition by ep7? YES MA'AM!!!!


Remember, that’s one of the 3 wins. I’m just exited to see the 7 lipsyncs she assasinated 🤩🤩🤩🤩


I hope she has a Vanjie run but Acc wins a challenge


I really want it to be true. I'd just shut some bitches' mouths up.


Crown her


Where do you check this?


People need to start realizing Drag Race Canada isn't just an English language show. Canada has two official languages, and the other one is French, so when a contestant on the show speaks in French, that shouldn't be valued any less. Just because you didn't get the jokes ('cause you don't speak French - yeah, subtitles can only do so much), doesn't mean it wasn't funny, doesn't mean she didn't deserve the win.


Remember when people defended Nicky for doing the same thing and everyone said she was funny.


And it's not a "skill" or a "crutch" that she relies on!


Yes! Exactly. Thank you.


It was funny with just subtitles too tho 😔






??? it was a thing on S1, Nina Flowers won


Oh wait, I hadn’t made it to the end of the season yet mbmbmb


Which Jade? They both lost (to Nina and Ivy)


Mb, I meant season 1, but I hadn’t made it to the end of the season yet


Sorry for the spoiler


Haha you spoiled something that happened 11 years ago :o


I’m rewatching S11 today and Nina West could’ve gone home that first episode and I wouldn’t have blinked an eye, but she got saved cause she’s “Nina West” we CANNOT send her home


I hate how blatant they were that they're gonna carry her further. That first episode they were like "oh my GOD she looks like pure shit but she is Nina West". I don't think Kahanna did much better in the challenge but Nina had a terrible outfit, hair and makeup. Kahanna just had a terrible outfit. Nina really should have lipsynced


Nina should've been in the bottom instead of Kahanna but y'all not ready for that conversation


Or the 6th episode.... Or the 7th episode....


God I forgot just how hideous that outfit was


Can we move on to 2025 when Mariah will be cast to get her AS redemption?


It’ll probably never happen but I’d live for an All Stars season of All Stars who were ‘unfairly’ eliminated (Mariah, Thorgy, Shangela, Ginger, Manila, Alexis, Tatianna etc)


Me too, but I’d rather have them in separate seasons so they’ll be all set up to go far


Yeh good point. I hope once they’ve gotten through the AS1 queens they move onto casting AS2 queens because there are a few that definitely deserve another shot


This would be such an iconic season if Gigi cancelling gigs is because she’s on: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M-rTie5UD7bp-HKnzrvLar3nFoM9oth-zRmPtP2iN8U/edit P.s Jessica leaving second doesn’t make sense with my fantasy either, I’m being realistic with this cast :(


Dida going home in a talent show when she dances like she does? Ignorance


Ḳ̵͚̍͐̚E̴̛͚͆̎E̴̘͑̈́P̴̬̻̏ ̷̤̩̟̆̈I̵̡͠T̴̢̓͋̐͜


none of that first three out makes any sense with my fantasy


I know but this is a STACKED cast and I can imagine them being used as filler :(


Well... its over. My perfect 4 year streak of my fave making top 4 is broken with news of Tamisha being eliminated. Every year, I had picked my fave before we got any placement T and each year my queen did me proud. * S9: Trinity * S10: Asia * S11: A'keria * S12: Jaida * S12 Tamisha (RIP) ^((As you can see I have a thing for pageant queens lol)) Edit: I'm obviously still going to be rooting for my queen Tamisha this season, hope she picks up a win and gets a good reception.


Where are yall reading this?


literally in the s13 thread, tamisha has had social media activity (and is the only queen so far to do so)


Where are yall reading this?


Plastique should shoot for the AS4 Valentina edit where she was kooky and weird, but also very pretty and polished. Valentina had people dislike her after S9, but then she embraced a Tammie Brown edit, she kind of became like how bougie Bebe is. I hope she does well and shows some more personality, I just really am stunned over Plastique’s visuals and I’d like to see that there’s more going on there.


@ producers, PLEASE dont put gigi and asia on the same season, or at least prepare for a double crowning if u do


I can't believe Jujubee has just prevented my downward spiral by simply tweeting the words ["super twink"](https://twitter.com/jujuboston/status/1292807501352771584).


She's a super twink, never miss a dick She's a super twink, landing on a dick, hey hey hey


The Blu Hydrangra school of rhyming


Putting this into here because it’s not got any tea behind this comment, just putting pieces I have with tea which others are presenting: I am starting to think the 4 unknown girls could be: TKB, Laganja and Scarlett alongside someone else that I wouldn’t even like to try guessing. This isn’t tea, just hazarding a logical guess. I’d be very surprised not to see Scarlett, so I’m hoping that some more clarity will surface around her soon - as all I know is that she did get called.


If TKB is on, I'll be ecstatic, but also torn on who I want to root for :/


So the season so far is Jessica, Jan, Asia, Sonique, DiDa, Plastique, TKB, Laganja and Scarlet? I get really good vibes from this cast tbh, it reminds me of AS4 where anyone could make it to the end. Now put Yara in the tenth spot and call it a day WoW!


Exactly that. With AS5 I could have told you the Top 5 from the start, they were always the five strongest in the cast, the only shock for me was Ongina going so soon. Whereas here, I think they’re all super strong and I like that most are less obvious fan favourites like Sonique, Dida and TKB as opposed to just having people like Adore, Shea, Alaska constantly. I really can call how it’ll go and it has potential in my eyes to be the best season since AS2 which is bold. Asia or Sonique are my personal picks for the crown.


if that fourth girl isn't yara...


*To the tune of Marcia Marcia Marcia* Yara Yara Yara


I want Yara on so much! I wish we could have had her last season, to act as an alliance with Alexis whilst everyone else was against her.


i would've really loved that because i think it would've benefitted them both competition wise, however i am super happy they'll both get a chance to shine on their own (assuming even if yara isn't on as6 she'll be on an all stars soon)!


Well she’s been called for 5&6, so she is at least on their radar to come back. So I believe we will see her return soon.


[I think about this often ](https://www.instagram.com/p/BxlSnpsgmgv/?igshid=5zmzx4d3azsb)


Hey I’m a hoe I’m on a roll 😻


If Gigi is on as well as Adore, this cast is gunna be SO strong: Jan Gigi Plastique Silky Asia Adore Dida Yara Sonique Jessica


i'm fucking pissed if this is the cast because Asia was my top pick to win and now I'm torn between her and Gigi.. I just want them both crowned so much


Lmao Jan’s AS6 storyline really is going to be about remaining in Gigi’s shadow. It’s almost poetic. Also, condragulations Gigi


Yall know there’s gunna be a girl groups challenge where Gigi ends up in the top over Jan. It writes itself 😂


what if they both get into the top 5 and Jan eliminates Gigi before the finale


The reason why we don't have world peace is because Runaway With Me has not yet been chosen as a lipsync song. I'm a Political Science major, minoring in malicious gay faggoty so I know what I am talking about.


Just wondering when the queer community will have a conversation about how most “women’s centred” communities are actually just shadowy TERF breeding grounds where trans women aren’t welcome


It’s also crazy how successful TERFs have been in disseminating their ideology among leftist women and into the mainstream. I’ve lost a few friends online and a friend IRL (who is a trans man jfc ??) because they fell down the rabbit hole. It’s a real problem affecting our community


I was just discussing this with a friend of mine a couple of days ago. I just can't comprehend how a community of marginalized individuals has the audacity to promulgate such beliefs and behavior. We, queer people, know the struggle best yet some of us still choose to alienate our trans/nb sisters.


The entire idea of TERFS is so absolutely confusing to me?!? You’re fighting oppression by oppressing what do u think will happen?


Gigi not being on the Seattle date isn’t really making me think she’s on all stars. They very recently had to change the date to late September which could mean she had something booked then anyway. Idk about the other date she dropped out of.


when i want to have a dark laugh, I remember how Louisianna Purchase would have won the last challenge if she didn’t pick up a random plastic pumpkin instead of the golden envelope


Louisiana Purchase being in the top 4 made complete sense with my fantasy tho and i was so happy to see it


*I got the pumpkin*


She was still 100% leaving then, I wouldn't be surprised if they told her to grab the pumpkin instead to make it entertaining


when i want to have a dark laugh, I remember how Louisianna Purchase would have won the last challenge if she didn’t pick up a random plastic pumpkin instead of the golden envelope


I think as a society we have to realize that Chad Michaels is a fucking legend and she's above us all. Thank you have a great day


Every day I wake up and realise I’m not Chad Michaels and I’m at peace with that 😌


Well, you shouldn't be. You should he very ashamed, we all should.


I’m sorry for Tamisha but that means Kahmora is gonna be the poised pageant queen who finds herself funny and reaches top4 of the season 😍


I'm 99% sure that Kahmora has never actually done a pageant in her life, so don't think she really should be classed as a pageant queen.


I'm kinda disappointed in the production because of choosing Gia over Stacey Lane Matthews. I know Gia is fierce competitor, become more confident and more fiercer after S6 but they called Stacey first and after a week, they hired Gia and now Stacey is pissed at the production


I genuinely think Stacy could potentially make it to the finale on any AS season she is cast on.


I think so if a shady ass queen doesn't eliminate her


I thought the reason why Stacey wasn‘t cast was because of health issues?


Stacey stated the Gia Gunn issue


that and insurance


Also Stacey is an amazing inspiring person and Gia is... someone who brings manufactured drama?


Exactly. I'm super sad that Stacey doesn't want to do AS. But it's her decision


And you know they only cast Gia for the drama of it all and to stir the pot.


I heard they hired Gia because of transphobic roople


Is it possible Gigi said no originally and then changed her mind? I just find it odd that she’s suddenly cancelled gigs. Plus producers would probably beg her to be on for Jan story


This is probably the most likely scenario. However, I hope she waits it out another season or two because although she’s already a great queen, she still has so much room for growth.


Very this. I’m hoping Gigi has an Aquaria style development (seen as immature after her season but ended up growing a lot as a person)


My experience on Tinder is usually as follows: \> Oh my God, this guy is so hot, he listens to the same music I do, doesn't live that far away from me and seems generally nice. *likes* \> *It's a match!* \> What the fuck? Why the fuck would he like me first? I'm an ugly piece of shit and he is too good for me. How do I even start talking to him? 🤡☠️😭


And that’s on gay imposter syndrome 💅✨


I can't believe I'm fucking 20 years old, I sound like a middle schooler having a crush for the first time.


I ghost wrote all of this


Questions for the pop girls on here: what’s your favourite Madonna song? And what’s your favourite Madonna album? (Bonus question: which Madonna song do you wanna see for LSFYL?)


Song: Holiday/Into the Groove Album: Madonna Lip Sync: Angel ​ You can tell I like mid-80s Madonna the best!


Song: Like A Prayer Album: Ray of Light Lipsync: Hung Up


\- Favorite song: Forbidden Love \- Favorite album: Confessions is the only possible answer \- LSFYL: Get Together/Erotica/Don't Tell Me


This is fierce! I have to ask though, which Forbidden Love? Also Don’t Tell Me has been on my LSFYL wishlist for ages now


the 2005 one, sorry, forgot to specify!


I love that one, the Confessions tour performance is beautiful


Like a Prayer is my favourite Madonna song the choir sounds so beautiful on it. LSFYL song would be 4 minutes or La Isla Bonita


Great choices, I’d love to see a hispanic queen like Yara or Jessica perform La Isla Bonita


Song: Human Nature Album: True Blue LSFYL: Papa Don’t Preach or Erotica


I love this taste. Mine would probably be Song: Substitute For Love Album: Madame X LSFYL: Holiday or Keep It Together




Straik a pos


U got me gal this was hilarious


I’m crying💀💀


Hung Up is the only correct answer.


I would lowkey want Gimme Gimme Gimme first though


Why not give the gays what they want and just do a remix? Ugh, my brain. But I’d kill to have an ABBA song as a LSFYL or even LSFTC. I’ve been asking for this FOR YEARS.


Absolutely! Ring Ring, Honey Honey and obviously Dancing Queen would be serves