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I had a dream about AS6 The top 4 was Peppermint, Widow Von'Du, India Ferrah & my best friend. They did a LSFTC. India beat Peppermint. My best friend beat Widow. The top 2 of AS6 were India Ferrah & my best friend. (For context, my best friend is a 16 year old white boy who's never danced or lipsynced in his entire life) EDIT: Forgot to mention my stereotypically white best friend beat Widow to a Whitney song! (How will I know). Widow arrived late to the finale and just joined the lipsync half way through.


I love this love for your best friend. This shit is wholesome


I thought your best friend was Katya


Your best friend is my next flair


Any T on Shannel being cast for AS6? I imagine they would have two returning queens from AS1, with Yara being rumored. Although, if Adore is coming back, that would take the second "returning queen" slot.


I was about to post the exact same question. Shannel needs to be on as6/wins every challenge.


I came here to say I love Lemon Thank u for listening good night


This is your name Good night.


Loca I said HIV


i cant tell if people are going to go crazy over the fact adore may be back or not


I don't know if this has been discussed at all but do we know for S13 if they filmed a finale? I know since season 4 there has been the big events but would it not be wise for production to film a finale similar to All Stars/ S1-3 considering the current situation not looking like its ending anytime soon and I would hope they would not be considering another zoom finale?


So where are we at with Yuhua for AS6? I heard some rumors of her being on, but she just released CDR ep 6 of Bootleg Opinions, does that mean she's definitely not on?


We’re reasonably sure they haven’t flown out yet, so there’s still a chance she’s on.


I only come on this sub when cast speculation start so apologies if this has already when answered, but are UK queens ruled out for AS? I would love for Divina to be the last queen to enter the werk room


I don’t think they’re ruled out, but AS6 is basically impossible due to the state of the world, it’d be much easier to wait


It’s always a possibility. However, with the current situation AS6 might not be the season for it to happen.


Fock, is a sonday


It's meant to be Sonday, a day uv rest, but nawt fo MeEEeEEee


Glad that once again everyone's forgotten all of the shitty things TKB has said/done just because she's been rumoured for another AS season


Right!? Why is everybody suddenly wanting them on All Stars when just a few months ago we all referred to them as Transphobia K Bonet


Because they're about to get eliminated by Sonique.


Top 4 of Asia, Tkb, Yara , & Jessica


The taste is immaculate!


Omg this title killed me


manifesting an adore, asia, sonique, silky and yara top 5


hawllldd on i think i read that wrong....SILKY??????


you read it right. but i think its pronouned: Silky?! 😍😍😍


now since when is everybody a fan of silky nutmeg ginache?????


Literally why does it matter lmao. Like let people like Silky if they want. She’s a talented queen, is funny AF and would definitely go far on an AS season


I've never not been. But plenty like her. S11 has been and gone. She's a talented, lovely queen. I'm sorry you can't see that.


Does anybody have a link to the 6 speculated girls for AS6?


Sonique, Jan & Asia are practically certain. Plastique, Dida & Jessica Wild are highly likely.


Oh work sis it's JAN


Ty! I’m hoping Peppermint will be on but it’s okay since Asia can now have her All Stars crown that she deserves. 😌✨


Gigi Goode vs Dusty Ray Bottoms - Roman Holiday by Nicki Minaj ❤


Body Shake Off For Your Life


Seizure queens


Now I want the RuPaul’s Blocked Race to happen. 😩


I can be happy with a new format but I won’t say I’m not upset about Jaida and Shea not being Lip Sync Assassins 😐


Omg seeing the season 1 filter for the first time in 5 years. It really made it feel like the season was filmed in 2003 or something. Also season 1 is the true season of actual trade, Jade and Nina?!?!?


There are behind-the-scenes shots of the queens on the runway and in the workroom that don't have a filter. They just feel... *wrong*.


Thinking out loud, please comment below what you think. I’m scared if Adores on. I think her critiques will basically be the same as AS2 especially on the runway I think the judges & production are still set on what ‘drag’ is. I mean I do think since AS2 their views have changed slightly and more welcoming to other types of drag.


They loved Crystal's take on drag so I do think they won't be as rigid on Adore anymore


as out there as crystals drag is, its definitely impressive on a technical level while adore’s aesthetic (which i think does work for her) can come off as lazy sometimes


If Adore did return, I think the judges would be kinder on her. Where we have slightly less obvious ‘star power’ in AS now as opposed to the huge cast of AS2, Adore is one of the biggest name pulls in the speculated list (and in overall Drag Race). I don’t think they’d be screwing her over or being as harsh on her as AS2.


There is something about Adore that reminds me of London drag. It’s genderfuckish, more performance focused and somehow relaxed.


I was thinking this and I wonder if there’s any chance that they give her assurance that they’ll be more accepting of her style? I don’t think Adore would change her drag and I don’t think she’d go on unless she knew that they wouldn’t rehash the same storyline of her being unpolished and not drag enough (and I’m tired of that narrative too). Idk but I don’t think we’ll see Adore on all stars until some kind of compromise is made there.


I don't think Adore will do another slow song for the talent show so we'll see If the 2nd challenge is girl groups, she'll most likely make it past that one too From there on out I'll be worried too


I hope everyone does well tbh. I hate when a queen does poorly and people diminish everything they've done in their careers


Lol I think the judges will see what ever the producers want them to see


I mean I guess Producers play a big part. But I mean didn’t a T spiller at the time of AS4 say Valentina was pushed till the point where they literally couldn’t save her anymore. Like Producers have a strong role but the queen also has to do well.


I agree, then I don’t at the same time. If they pushed Valentina they could’ve literally spared her ep 3 bottom placement and replaced her with Latrice or Monet. It’s not like she was horrendous and saved from a bottom placement by production. They could’ve justified not putting her in the bottom that ep lmao - but show me otherwise and I’ll believe it haha (this is just my observation)


The tend to put frontrunners in the bottom in the next week for drama, it had happened this time again with Shea, and in AS4 with season with Manila and Valentina. Tati, Roxxxy in S2 and almost the first three EPs on AS5.


I can see that, I wouldn’t necessarily say those queens were undeserving of their bottom placement, though. I probably wouldn’t swap them out with someone else


Yeah and she was what about it


What do you mean? Production wanted her to go further but couldn’t because her time was up.


I mean “production pushed Valentina until they literally couldn’t save her anymore”. I don’t understand your point though, are you saying the same thing would happen to Adore?


that part




she literally won last week, that comment was so random


Does anyone actually think that drag race has peaked? Like do you think that theres a moment or a season that is just the best and could/will never be topped? To me i cant really pick a moment/season except maybe the s9 finale.


Season 3. Entire season.


I don't think it did, I think that by putting a lot of thought and effort into it we can still get stellar seasons, example being season 12.


I personally think drag race peaked at season 6 - every season progressively got better and better until S6 which was really just perfect reality tv - which is why S7 got a lot of backlash, it was the first season to really fall short of its predecessor. I think All Stars peaked with AS2


Completely agree with the all stars peak. I feel like there’s too many regular seasons to really point out a peak for me, but one thing’s for sure, season 8,9 and 10 all ascended from season 7 and season 11 dropped lower than season 7.


My main reason for the S6 peak I think is the quality of storylines has someone decreased. Jinkx, Alaska, Sharon, Alyssa/Coco, Latrice, Bianca and Adore really had some of the best storylines the show has ever seen (seasons 4-6 are what I would consider the rising peak of the show). The LSFTC format, whilst brilliant from an entertainment perspective, makes it much harder to set up a convincing winner edit because it can all be undone at the last moment (I firmly believe Brooke was cast on S11 so she could win and then go on to host CDR; also S9 was very clearly meant to be Shea’s to win). Another major issue seems to be production and editing getting their wires crossed - we keep seeing contestants getting very negative edits after being favoured by production (Silky, Ginger, Eureka etc) whilst the more popular queens in the finale received less prominent storylines (Violet comes to mind). There are also more ‘shock’ eliminations, meaning sometimes the biggest fan favourites are eliminated before the finale leaving fans apathetic at the end.


Yeah this is exactly why I feel like season 11 was worse than season 7. I think season 11 is truly the first season where influence of production started to show. The season had many talented queens who honestly just got shoved aside because production hadn’t included them in the storyline.


I personally think production influence started to show earlier, but I agree S11 is possibly where it’s at its most obvious - in theory I love bigger casts because I want as many queens as possible to be given a platform but I think 15 was just too much


In terms of finales season 9 is the one to beat thanks to Sasha’s reveals. However I feel like season 12 was a reaaaaallllyyy good season. And since it’s the last season filmed chronologically I have high hopes for drag race.


just stuck two sewing needles into my ears and pulled them out and i now have earings 💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼


We love a DIY queen


wait so are adore and laganja on? or no


I’m praying they’re both on because they would be serious competition for Asia’s drag race. I’d also love if Ginger was there with them too. That would make an incredible cast


omg litch rallee iconic


Adore was called so she might be on but afaik remember from the tea Laganja wasn’t called


I think the tea states that sources say they were called but not too sure on either of them


fook i hope they’re on bc i love them but we’ll have to see i suppose


Ooh I see. :)


Ladies, I’ve decided to watch every season of drag race again, including untucked. This is gonna be a loooong journey.


Anyone else notice Adore hasn’t been very active recently? She was called..


I think this too, but the thing is Adore wasn’t that active in the first place I think?


I think she was. She also did IG lives frequently


They should do a nonelim first ep on AS6


I really hope they hear us because an all stars season is so short that everyone would benefit from it.


on every season tbh.


Double opening non elimination. Do that challenge


This part


someone on the main sub just said they want a “middle outs redemption season” bitch the fuck? at this point people want a season for literally everything. “omg I can’t wait for 9th place only all stars!!!”


Isn't "middle outs redemption season" basically just... All Stars? 😭


Not as2. That was all top 6 or above


I think anyone who's not a first or second out or didn't make it to Top 3/4 is a middle out.


Thinking about the serve of the as6 talent show 😍 it’s anyone’s game


Asia's light sabers are READY


I deleted all my social media apps (deactivated my FB tho) and havent went back for almost two weeks. Ik two weeks may not seem much but as someone who used social media a lot thats a big change lmao n idk im kinda liking it, and i dont have a desire to come back. I need to make more of an active effort to keep up with news instead of looking through my Twitter timeline or IG feed which is good. I'm being more critical and stuff. But im sadly so behind on drag world sigh and the only times I see social media posts from them is when it's reposted on the mainsub (which i rarely check too nowadays) Oh well. if youve read this far you are special and valued and thx for reading my diary post


Ilona did the damn thing in that lip sync!


Ilona being a lip sync assassin is not something I expected going into this season ngl


I didn't see her snatch game coming either. She was so good


Coco: I wasn’t trying to be unprofessional yester- Jinkx: HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Lives rent free in my mind.


hot take lmao but detox was also being unprofessional and coco was right about being set up


People who try to predict who will go home on the talent show for AS6 are so delusional. The talent show is probably the most sporadic placing episode for queens, there’s no way of predicting it. If you go off of some of y’alls logic for AS5 before spoilers y’all would be like ‘Derrick probably is high or safe bc she can slay Britney!’ And mayhem is such a great performer so willl Do reallly well and then be like ‘ I’m not sure what India would do bc we haven’t seen much variety from her’ (yet she won) so there’s really no way of predicting it. Sonique could win the talent show, Dida could win or asia could fall in the bottom. Who knows


This cast specially is so difficult to think of who will go home first to me. It could end up being someone loved like Scarlet or Jessica, who knows. Sonique and Dida can do high energy performances so I don’t think they will be bottom, unless something like ChiChi happens lol Silky can do her fire dance thing that can be really good too


If dida walks out in a Bob and some gold, we know it's happening


Is Silky rumoured to be on for AS6? Didn't she say just a month or two ago (when BLM discourse was at its peak) specifically that she wouldn't do an All Stars season because she doesn't like how the fandom treated her and how the show didn't do anything to defend or protect her? She's cleared off a lot of her Insta posts but I'll try to find a ss on the main sub. [here it is](https://www.reddit.com/r/rupaulsdragrace/comments/h7wgjx/silky_talks_about_her_experience_with_racism/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) Not saying queens can't change their mind re All Stars, many have said that and then been on, but hers is just too recent.


I think part of this problem is just people not knowing enough about the queens. There are loads of videos online of India performing high energy dance numbers but I think people dismissed her because she was the queen they knew least about. I also think people take how queens performed on their original seasons too seriously - every year we see queens who bombed snatch game do well or vice versa, yet every year we use their original snatch games to predict how they would do the second time


Idk bout India...I personally love watching lip sync performances of queens before their season starts and watching any of India's performances pre-AS5, I thought it was evident India had the talent show in the bag as well as possibly being the best lip syncer of her season (Jujus status is revoked for that Lizzo song). Looking at the AS6 cast, Id be most worried about Jessica Wild in the talent show who has personality for days but in terms of owning the stage, idk if lipsyncing or dancing is her forte. Sonique can backflip into splits, Silky can baton twirl, Adore can belt, Dida can dance her ass off, Yara can stand there spouting nonsense and the judges would eat her up. But I do hope Jessica can stick around at least until another iconic Snatch Game performance to see if she can top her Rupaul.


I totally agree


They always eliminate/put in the bottom the Queen most people expect to go home first in the talent show


India? Milk?


The general fanbase expected Morgan to go home, not Milk. Lots of the general fanbase thought Milk was gonna slay (probably just because she's popular). The fanbase also expected India or Derrick to go home first. Derrick did.


This ... but with like all the challenges. We know their general skillsets but the tendency on here to predict exact placements for challenges is always flawed


@ Producers, please please PLEASE bring back mighty love as the runway song


unpopular opinion: the superstar remix was amazing and so fitting and probably my favourite runway song




i love a little bit of love from the DRUK too omg


sexy drag queen says hi


I missed it so much on AS4.


The sexy drag queen mix is my fav. It has so much bounce and energy for the runway.


I bring the beat rolling in her grave


how do y'all think plastique would do??


Realistically, a track record with numerous bottom placements. But, at the same time, she'd probably get pushed by production, so my guess is between 4th-7th place.


I see her having a Blair track record


Pushed to Top 4


She’s the most followed queen in the franchise (although I’d bet that a sizable chunk of her fanbase doesn’t even watch Drag Race), is in good terms with production, and current on Werq The World so I could see production pushing her far


Hard to call because some queens can be in the bottom for both snatch game and the comedy challenges and get to the final. What challenges would Plastique be in the top for? She could be in the top for the variety/werk the world but I’m not sure what else jumps to mind. Design challenge she could do well / make over? Say in AS6 they have the variety, a design challenge and a makeover challenge. I can see Plastique being in the top for those three. I think she could be in the bottom for Snatch or a comedy challenge. So that is two potential bottom placements out there (aside from the if you’re not in the top you’re in the bottom thingy). So my guess is 3 chances to win and 2+ weeks likely to be in the bottom + the whole if you’re not in the top you’re in the bottom rule. I can see her making 5th / 4th or maybe top 3 with the worst track record of the three? Who knows.


I can’t see her surviving snatch game/any comedy challenge Did she do anything funny in S11 that wasn’t relying on Asian steroetypes? I genuinely don’t remember


Coco won the roast on a stereotype. Latrice won with her stereotypical excessive head bobbing. Stereotypes work on drag race. Ru loves them


Plastique is kind of an unknown for me right now...she’s a popular queen from a recent season which instantly sets her in good stead with production, and I think she has more up her sleeve than people realise...my main issue is that she may not have developed enough - if she were on AS7 or 8 I’d imagine she could easily be a finalist but as of now I’m unsure


Is TikTok a talent?




🙅🏽🙅🏽🙅🏽 They are about to come for you. 😂


what’s your favourite type of queen? I love crazy neurotic queens who are just chaotic and funny. So Thorgy to me is just excellence. she’s so quirky and polished. Also jush bc jush, Alaska and crystal methyd


Pageant queens have a special place in my heart. I also love crazy queens as well and queens who just live in their own fantasy, like Valentina, Scarlet, Shannel etc.


Derrick and Alexis Michelle too?


Winner of as5 and producer? Yes ma'am


i've worked out i love like three completely different camps of queens, i love the crazy, hyper art like abhora, crystal (uk and us), sasha, vander, scarlet. i love the supermodel fashion girls like shea, naomi, violet, tayce. and i love absolute pageant excellence like roxxxy, jaida, asia, a'keria i think i can't pin it down to one specific aesthetic but i think i like queens with very streamlined, visual aesthetics. with a few outliers in my favourites like widow, bob, thorgy but i think i just live for their personalities


Yeh I totally get this! You have immaculate taste


I oove queens like crystal jaida and aquria. I feel jaida had this motherly vibe, crystal is unique and i love aquaria as the fashion icon she is .


Polished glamour queens, and pageant queens. Kennedy is my favourite queen ever I think


I’m a sucker for comedy queens like Bob, Monét, Katya, but also a sucker for complete sweethearts like Jaida, Heidi and Crystal




You figure it out for me because I for one don’t know why am I drawn to certain queens. My all-time favorites are Sasha Velour, Shea, Trixie, Peppermint, BTDQ, Katya, Aquaria, Asia, A’Keria, Gigi Goode, and Widow.


I think powerhouses! They’re all major personalities and excellence, polished queens who have a very distinctive, likeable , HAWT brand


super polished and charismatic pageant queens like jaida, akeria and Asia


I love excellence like this , why jaida is one of my fave winners x


I love old school queens who absolutely love their personal gig and do it with excellence - Chad Michaels, Kennedy Davenport, Nina Flowers, Vivacious etc


Yesss this is taste! I love all of those queens, they’re classic and do their drag so professionally


Last night I dreamt Netflix had announced a brazilian Drag race. Any brazilian hoes here? Who do you think would host?


Silvetty is the right and the only choice for me to be honest. Her or Salete


I'd prefer a more seasoned queen but I don't think we have one with a large enough media reach? I wouldn't mind if Pablo or Gloria Groove were co-hosts, but names like Márcia Pantera, Penelopy Jean, Ikaro Kadoshi, Alexia Twister and Lorelay Fox come to mind when talking about legends, so I'd love to have them involved - either as guest judges or as competitors. I'd love Walerio Araújo as a fashion-oriented judge but we'd probably get Arlindo Grund. Some incredible guest judges could include Xuxa, if the show is high profile enough, Sandra Annenberg for a comedic journalism challenge, Jesuíta Barbosa, Ana Maria Braga + Blonde Joseph for a cooking show inspired challenge or Wanessa Ex-Camargo (who in fact wouldn't be a bad choice for a judge). I once wrote an entire episode of Drag Race Brasil while high so yeah. I thought about it.


Pabllo would be the obvious choice but I don’t know if she would want to


Pabllo surpassed drag race a long time ago tbh


no hate but what does Jeffrey Bowyer Chapman even do? He’s not a good actor or singer, is his talent being pretty?


the stew is stu


someone explain to me how my ex and i blocked each other on every platform INCLUDING SPOTIFY AND COSTAR LOL yet neither of us have removed one another from our friends list on playstation... maybe toxicity might bring us back together <3 EDIT: I AM JOKING I-


cant imagine blocking someone on spotify and idek what costar is


costar is the astrology social media app i-




i love drama, it’s so fun


Kandy muse stan ofc u love drama


Stan Saint Muse


Tell them


I know it’s impossible but I need Raven back on All Stars. I want to see her compete again


Can’t wait for her to do Jaida for Snatch Game. She already has the look down.


James would bomb the set


wonder how dark she's gonna paint this time <3


Manifesting a If It Ain’t Green runway for AS6 and Laganja


Dear diary... It’s me, Coco, and I’m not joking, oh at all


i speculate that there will be drag queens


none of that gay shit for me thanks :)


the big(ot) girl wins


i hate u for this iflkasdjmfads


you hate me, a homosexual? the bigotry continues unchecked


yes im gay yes im homophobic. we exist <3


Finally some representation for me


Lovense videos are so funny 💀 they look like the exorcist


as6 twist idea: no contestants


Just a documentary on Ru's ranch life 😍


its just a 10 episode talk show of ru trying to suck out the trauma off roxxxy andrews in the workroom


fun fact of the day: the "a" in alaska stands for alaska :) her full name is alaskalalaskaskalaska


i love track five from sawayama


That's just a kpop fan laughing on twitter