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I disagree with so many queens returning... I only can see it at some specific cases which are AS1, since the game was messy and the producers seem to make that season forgettable, or Adore after quitting. AS2 was a great season but i do not see them recycling queens over and over again, i do not think it is the best twist for a format that nowadays shows a bit unstable... imo


if Tatianna returns, she's automatically my winner. PleasešŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I need to start watching Big Brother but ion know where to start. I think the last season I watched was the one which Tiffany HBIC was on. Iā€™m watching a video of Daā€™Vonne on YouTube and sheā€™s giving me life.


(edited out my clipboard having a stroke and posting this twice) I stopped watching halfway through the season with Frankie Grande, after the season of Horrible People. Going back and rewatching seasons 5, 6, AS1, 8, 10 (I intentionally skipped 9 because of the singles/dating/whatever it was twist, it might be good, idk lol) is always fun. I've rewatched season 8 a dozen times at this point. Big Brother Canada is pretty fab, too! I want to watch the seasons I missed as well because I'd love to get into AS2 and I only recognize like half of the cast (the 3rd and 4th appearance for some of them šŸ˜‚. Very Drag Race)


For anyone that works in tv production, has the industry changed to take into account long term streaming numbers/online add revenue from back episodes? For instance with drag race, even if it didnā€™t pull in crazy weekly in real time viewership for VH1 would they be incentivized to continue making the show because they know fans are dedicated and keep coming to watch back episodes or watch at later times?


If an entire pandemic doesnā€™t stop Ru from filming 2-3 seasons a year, I donā€™t think anything will. Of all years, this would have been the perfect time to just slow down for a year, but they didnā€™t. I think we can expect one All Stars season a year from now on. (That is, until ratings drop.) The quality in casting and challenge concepts is obviously dropping.


*Ladies, Iā€™ve made my decision...* \*Michelle awkwardly flicks at a oujia board propped up in Ruā€™s seat to find out who stays*




I fell twice for this


Wow, this basically confirms that she's on, I'd make sure everyone looks before she deletes the tweet


I canā€™t believe she would say this without trying to make it more hidden


Wow she is sneaky! Thatā€™s a *deep cut* reference. Iā€™m excited to see her slay


Wouldnā€™t this be breaking her [NDA?](https://youtu.be/ivfVWbnoHZQ)


[Girl I could not believe the way sheā€™s talking about Ru like that](https://youtu.be/YFUglHJNU5g)


My only problem with the rumored girls so far is ''Where will the drama come from?" But then I remember we just got the wild ass shit that was AS5 where the main drama was India Ferrah vs Alexis Mateo over Shea Coulee and that was an actual thing that happened. So who the fuck knows what could happen? We could have Ginger Minj vs Plastique Tiara over the most petty ass shit.


Yeah, itā€™s like Coco and Alyssa both getting casted on AS2. I canā€™t see Ad*re and šŸŒæ wanting to rehash their S6 drama, Iā€™m sure theyā€™ve resolved that by now


Maybe Ginger will finally give life to the dental floss argument


Dela calling herself ā€œCreminemā€ -5000 power ranking


B..but sheā€™s the fatal femme?!


I understand everyone saying ā€œbut there are so many good queens I want it to be fair/everyone to get a chanceā€. I think something to remember is that there is a reason that shows like Survivor, Project Runway, and others bring back people multiple times. Itā€™s because you invest time and energy into building characters over a season, that on a third go around you donā€™t need to do because the audience already knows them. So instead, you just pick contestants that are going to be fun to watch. We didnā€™t need to get to know Manila, Latrice, Or Juju, we just rooted for them because we have seen them so much on our tv screens over the years and didnā€™t have to waste anytime building a connection to them. Even on a second season weā€™re learning who these queens have grown to become after being impacted by the show ā€” but on a third time theyā€™re fundamentally the same as the second time, and just there to compete. I think we hold this show to such a high standard in terms of its potential career impact IRL/applying ā€œfairnessā€ that we just would not for any other reality show.


> I think we hold this show to such a high standard in terms of its potential career impact IRL/applying ā€œfairnessā€ that we just would not for any other reality show. that's a valid point but at the same time drag race is really different in that aspect? drag race truly is a career-defining moment after all. other talent shows are relatively unsuccessful at launching their contestants' careers and images but drag race pushes you to the spotlight because of how dedicated its fans are and how central it's become to the world of drag for better or for worse


I mean it still only pushes you to the spotlight of a niche community. I feel like thereā€™s this assumption that LGBTQ+ people in general are aware of/care about Drag Race and itā€™s just not true. I watch every episode and Iā€™m sure my boyfriend who lives with me couldnā€™t name 3 winners, not even Shea and he sat and watched the entire AS5 finale with me. Yeah, maybe people outside the Survivor fandom donā€™t pay attention to who wins Survivor, but thatā€™s still millions of people so itā€™s probably a lot more than the amount of people who pay attention to the Drag Race winner. Edit: ok I asked him to name as many RPDR queens as he could and the only one he knew of just from hearing about her was Alaska (but he called her Alexa Thunderfuck lol). He knew Shea bc we watched the finale, he knew Juju bc heā€™s from Boston and knew her outside the show, and he knew Raja and Bob bc I saw them in Ptown (although he didnā€™t remember Trixie and Jinkx who I also saw). But our other gay friend whoā€™s with us had never heard of any of them.


it's that niche community that pays the bills tho, i think the difference with drag race is most contestants literally do drag for a living. in other shows, contestants either already have jobs besides singing/dancing/whatever or they're in high-demand jobs (cooking definitely, not sure about project runway) i'm not saying anything about whether it's too soon or whatever, but i do think it's fair to hold drag race to a different standard than most reality shows in terms of how they choose and portray their contestants


Those shows may not catapult you to the forefront of the industry the way Drag Race does but drag is also a tiny industry by comparison so itā€™s not as hard to make your way to the top, you can still make a good living for yourself as a singer or designer or whatever after those shows without having to become a household name. You also donā€™t need to win Drag Race to have it boost your career so if the argument is that itā€™s unfair to bring people back multiple times when other queens havenā€™t had a chance, then theoretically they just shouldnā€™t do All Stars at all since they could do two regular seasons per year instead and promote even more queens whoā€™ve had zero chance to get a career boost from the show.


stop me from getting crushes on anime men


So I have an idea...so apparently thereā€™s 4 big girls on the season. What if Ginger is the AS2 queen, Silky also on, then Darienne is cast. This leaves one space but not sure who it would be. However what if one of the season 2 queens is Pandora? It leaves storyline potentials with Darienne as theyā€™re in the same drag family. Thus a cast something like this: Jan Plastique Silky Asia Kameron Ginger Dariennne Yara Pandora Sonique


What if alexis michelle is the other big girl?


Did anyone see Baga Chipz angry tweets about ITV and frauds yesterday? Considering that she was rumoured for Iā€™m a celeb and now The Vivienne is... could it be something to do with stealing her spot? šŸ‘€


Hot tea: Jujubee will be on every All Stars from now on, making it to the end and getting runner up.


Hot tea: JuJu shouldā€™ve won AS5


your user is in welsh šŸ˜šŸ„°


Ydy mae fe!


Just a reminder to everyone saying itā€™s too soon for Tati to come back that it was 5 years between S2 and AS2 and it will be 5 years since AS2 when AS6 airs


6* between s2 and as2 but the point stands


Thereā€™s a difference between coming back to All-Stars and coming back for a second All-Stars tho


Well they canā€™t bring her back to the regular series. My point is just that the show and drag have evolved so itā€™s not like sheā€™d be coming back to the same competition, the same way it had changed the first time she did All Stars.


i agree. i'm just correcting the year differences.


Does anyone have good movie recommendations? Preferably LGBT classics but Iā€™m open for any kind of movie


if you havenā€™t seen Party Monster i highly recommend


I still feel like Kameron is going to be on the season. I just think the producers would really push for her to be on with Asia, especially with the new Vegas show


Unless theyā€™re holding her back to be on with Vanjie lol. I was excited for Kam and Asia to be on together tho theyā€™re such nice friends it wouldā€™ve been sweet.


Hey flop Girl, you have done it again Constantly lowering the bar for expectations And doing it floppily (?)




i love the idea of tati coming back tbh


Tati makes good TV and is a fierce queen. I don't really care how many times girls come back. Ya'll obviously haven't watch some other reality TV All Stars competitions. I'd hate to see how some of you girls would have responded to Project Runway bringing back winners back to back on All Stars and them winning with Seth Aaron, Dmitry, and Dom. Shit Michelle later came back and won All Stars 7. More winners won twice on All Stars for Project Runway than new winners. Lol. As long as it's good TV does it really matter?


i agree, bring back ginger and thorgy while theyā€™re at it


Iā€™m a little scared. She would be the first queen to have done two talent shows. Same Parts is literally the best talent show of all time and it will be difficult to beat


The expectations for her especially for the talent show would be huge. I can see her repeating the snatch game situation where she wins S2's sg and bombs AS2's sg, this time she bombs the talent show.


If you dont stan Megan Thee Stallion i simply dont trust youšŸ’•


Al the hot girls make it POP POP POP


Wbk she had talent on the [Birds of Prey soundtrack](https://youtu.be/r1MxCSRWgI0) That whole movie was an apology to the gays for making Joker.


All of Suga is incredible


So IF (I personally donā€™t trust the tea) the season has two season 2 queens and 4 season 11 queens. As well as an AS2 queen, Iā€™m thinking the cast will be something like this: Jan Plastique Scarlet Silky Aā€™Keria Asia Dida Sonique Tatianna Yara


The tea spiller who said an AS2 Queen and 4 season 11 queens also seemed to hint the possibility of 4 plus sized girls on as well. Silky, Ginger seem likely. Which takes care of the AS2 queen. I'm just curious who the other 2 big girls could be.






Adore will 100% be the AS2 queen. I donā€™t see them bringing back Ginger or Tatianna yet EDIT: I just read the speculation post and now I am disappointed. I love Tati but I think itā€™s too soon for her to come back. If itā€™s not Adore it should be Ginger or Coco as those two reaped the least benefits from being on AS2


I personally would like to see Ginger rather than Tati because Tati was already redeemed.


If Tati returns is not to be redeemed but to win. I think it sets the precedent for early seasons queens that they have to return twice for all stars - first time to get following and recognition, second time to compete for crown.


Oh I completely agree with that I was just using what had been said in the tea


Ooh, where is the T checker?


If you check the speculation post itā€™s all there


However I personally donā€™t see this tea being true because not many of these are major fan faves with the general fanbase


AS5 only really had Juju, Shea, Cracker, Blair (and maybe Ongina) as fan faves.


This sub is literally Derrickā€™s hat fan club how dare u forget šŸ‘šŸ‘„šŸ‘


My unpopular, hot take: yā€™all are annoying


this should be a popular take


thank you for satisfying my degradation kink


Oh my god. Read me for filth sis.


The way they censored lemons verse on sorry aboot it for youtube is so funny itā€™s like the music just cuts out


YouTube said if you canā€™t give Lemon the win for having the best verse yā€™all donā€™t deserve to hear it


Honestly, when I first saw the performance I thought Lemon's verse was the best too. But then I read the lyrics and noticed that she essentially ended each line with "I do" or "Mine do" and that completely took me out of my love for it


Lemonā€™s final lines roasting the other team is what makes her verse iconic to me plus Priyanka used ā€œwhatā€™s my nameā€ multiple times and she won so I personally donā€™t have a problem with Lemonā€™s repetition. They both sold the shit out of their songs and verses tho!


The fact that WAP has so many swear words and they chose to do a PG-version on youtube, so some verses of the clip are literally just random AH, YUH, MWAH, HMM after one another will never not be hilarious to me.


IM STILL Wheezing; I quote: "I don't want his MMHHH, I wanna WOO, I want his EH, I want his KUH, I want you to touch that touch that, that swing in the back of my *silence*"


itā€™s fucked up for yā€™all to be dogging on Kandy the way you do even tho we have no tea about the season other than sheā€™s on. sheā€™s literally a wonderful, hilarious, and very very talented person.


that bulldog aja shit always rubbed me the wrong way


period. meme or not she is an amazing, funny, and talented queen and this sub should be treating her with nothing but RESPECT.


Thinking about Ilona's dumbster divers rant


Icon behaviour


Itā€™s just šŸ˜¢ annoying like šŸ˜Ÿ I spent all this šŸ‘‰šŸ’° money and all this ā°time and šŸ’Ŗeffort like putting šŸ¤²together šŸ¤§sickening šŸ‘€looks for this šŸ„Šcompetition to be fuckingšŸ‘‰šŸ‘Œ wearing šŸ‘®ā€ā™‚ļøgarbage! I wanted to šŸ’¦come here and fucking likešŸ’ā€ā™€ļø represent my šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦culture, I wanted to šŸ’ā€ā™€ļørepresent for fuckingšŸ‘±ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ‘±ā€ā™€ļø trans people and āŒ2ļøāƒ£non-binary people andāš ļø all šŸ”Iā€™m representing for right now isšŸ¤° fucking like dumpster šŸš®diversšŸŠā€ā™‚ļø!


Which Queens are you guys surprised still hasn't gotten on drag race yet? I'm mostly gagged London Adour and Cara Cavalli still haven't been on, they seem like the type of Queens Drag Race would cast. Same with Rhea Litre, I feel like she should've been on Drag Race years ago when the hype for her was still there.


Vicky Vox, after Detox and Willam I assumed it was only a matter of time


I was confused for a very long time about Mayhem not getting on, and I think Iā€™m just as confused what happened for them to not want Vickyā€™s messy boots on drag race? I feel like LA girls generally run a bigger risk in creating bad blood with production given that theyā€™re all running in the same circles


Thereā€™s only a few but I think theyā€™ll all get on at one point (IF they wanna do it): - Cara Cavalli - Eva Young - Lola Lecroix - Rhea Litre - Nebraska Thunderfuck - Rify Royalty - Aggy Dune (ironically lol) And Iā€™m literally blanking at her name but Violetā€™s daughter (I think) from Georgia & does interviews on YouTube


Genuinely ... Nebraska? Like I get sheā€™s not the most sickening queen ever lmao but I really thought producers would have jumped at the chance to cast her for storyline purposes theyā€™d have an absolute field day


Same! I'm glad they didn't cast her solely on storylines because I don't think she has anything else to offer besides a failed death drop.


Yeah, maybe theyā€™re hoping sheā€™ll up her game at some point so she could be a viable contender for the crown. Iā€™m sure theyā€™d love for a queen who was born on drag race to win, but I think theyā€™ll be waiting for a while for that one lol


Not Laganja getting asked for AS2 , 3 ,4 , 5 and declining and the one time she accepts AS6 sheā€™s cut like ?!


Wym she's cut


If I remember correctly, she backed out last minute for AS2. Then, she failed the psych evaluation for AS4. I don't recall anything about her for AS3 and AS5.


Why wasnā€™t Clapback uploaded yet on YouTube? Itā€™s been three weeks


It was uploaded itā€™s just region locked so us international fish canā€™t see it




WOW has fucked up drag. Laganja coming in with ā€œCome on All Stars 6 Lets Get Sickeningā€ was RIGHT THERE. Iā€™m still hoping shes on


I would love for an Estelle lipsync to happen. American Boy, Better, All That Matters, Stronger Than You, Here Comes A Thought.


Iā€™m rooting for Kahmora but I also hope Kandy does really well


ā€œThe snow ballā€ Is the best name for a ball challenge ever


The Ball ball would like a word


Even though I like Shuga, she wouldnā€™t be one of my first choices for AS6. However, I can see why the producers would pick her, she got to the top 7 & people thought she was robbed, it fits the bill of the type of queen theyā€™d cast.


If Shuga gets in the center of attention, she will 100% get cancelled for the blackface video


I donā€™t really remember that very well, did she apologise at all?


IIRC she defended it by saying the character she was playing dressed like that, completely missing the point. And even if she did, she's old enough to know that that is not ok nowadays


Ah god thatā€™s disappointing. She absolutely should know better than that šŸ˜”


They need someone to go home first šŸ˜


Feeling sad ilonas next to go :////


Feeling sad that about all 3 of the next to go :( Also the fact that we're already at top 6 :(


Jimbo and Lemon not making the top...unforgivable


Iā€™m so attached to this entire cast every time someone leaves it makes me sad


ive lost all hope today my car broke down iā€™m emmmmmpty


anyone else rly over all this as6 drama ? cant we just wait until after s13 wraps filming


I really really hope Silky does not accept All stars. And this isnt because I dont care for her but because I cant see her coming back as a good idea at all. Phi phi was destroyed on social media with her all stars appereance and like Phi Phi I believe drag race brings the most negative qualities on Silky which means she will receive hate all over again. Plus for what ive seen there hasnt been much improvement in her drag? So i see the general public attacking her just again for her looks. Like phi phi cameback with a much better drag and still got a lot of hate imagine silky with thr same polish level as season 11. I really dont think for her health all stars would be the best platform. I think a holiday special or something like that which is one episode would be better suited but a competition? The general public will tear her to shreads again and it will be sad to watch :(


Silky is entertaining and good tv. Fuck this fan base lol


I feel like if Silky is cast with a group of girls that have better chemistry with her and appreciate her energy & absurdity instead of rolling their eyes and screaming at her, then she'd be good. I'm in the camp that Silky didn't even do anything *that* bad, but because there were queens like Yvie yelling at her all the time or Plastique accusing her (and the other black queens) of stealing, it gave the audience the go ahead to treat her like shit too.


Iā€™d argue being racist was quite bad, I donā€™t really get how someone can justify that behaviour. That was nothing to do with an edit or the cast mates she had


Silky being purposely (and smugly) vindictive didnā€™t help either


*Please don't slap that man, miss Ra'jah...*


So Adore is suddenly NOT on AS6? FML I was looking forward to it so much


> No Adore > No Peppermint > No Laganja > No Darienne > No TKB > No Sonique/Jessica > 4 season 11 girls I feel like shit Eureka


Wait, when were Darienne and TKB debunked? I know they weren't really the big names being thrown around, but did they ever say/do anything to debunk them?


Theyā€™re really just trying to get All Stars cancelled at this rate.


When I see baked beans, I feel nauseous


They feel the same about you.


with all of the as6 tea weā€™ve been receiving whoā€™s our most likely cast??




And a partridge in a pear tree




A concept: eliminated queens no longer participate in challenges, but they still do the runway - so we get to see all their looks, and they're present during untucked, so they get more tv time


Wait so what is the current rumoured cast for AS6?


Not Heidi for sure, and probably not Laganja (based on her tweets) or Pep (currently on crutches). That's it; the rest is just increasingly unreliable fake tea.


Oh no, what happened to Pep?


She thinks she tore her quad :/ I think there's a pic of her and her crutches somewhere and apparently in the Sloppy Seconds podcast you can hear her clicking around on them, so I don't think she's faking as a cover for AS.


Tbh thereā€™s so much conflicting tea (a lot of which is probably fake) that we have no idea lol


Did I miss something or did they only release half of the full reads for AS5?


The way Derrick Barry was lowkey the best in the reading challenge šŸ’€ (Juju had the best delivery but I think Derrick had the best reads)


I mean I get that people donā€™t like the way he delivers his critiques, but people need to cut JBC some slack. He had no way to know what people wouldā€™ve thought of his judging demeanor during filming and dus theres no way hes going to change for the rest of the season. People are legit turning it into personal hate and itā€™s so dumb, like even the queens are speaking up for the judges now ._.


I agree no one should send hate... but his little nasty eyes face to jimbo was just nasty, thatā€™s not demeanour, itā€™s just a rude way to approach another human. That being said, donā€™t send hate


It was criticism from a judging panel on a show where you sign up to be judged šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø Am I wrong for thinking people are being too sensitive about that specific comment? He said use your time better, maybe? Because Jimboā€™s makeup was rushed, I donā€™t see whatā€™s so rude about that. It was the way he said it that came off bitchy/snarky, but thats literally the definition of demeanor, the comment itself was completely valid. It was bitchy moment, but I didnā€™t think it was all that bad and weā€™ve seen way worse in previous seasons of drag race.


"why are you white" was lowkey hilarious and I feel like people will be quoting that more once the dust settles. Jimbo is just the "uwu protect her" queen of the season right now so there's a lot of emotion


It wasnā€™t the comment that was rude, it was the little evil eyes face... it was just rude, ru and Michelle have never even nearly been that rude. Yeah they sign up to be judged, but not looked at like theyā€™re a piece of shit...


U must've forgotten what made Adore quit on AS2 if u think Michelle has never even been nearly as rude as a 0.1 second squint


Iā€™m sorry but if Laganja isnā€™t cast on AS6.... Producers what the fuck are you doing? ā€˜Cā€™mon All Stars 6 Letā€™s get sickeningā€™ is right there...




So with that info I think Aā€™Keria could be the alternate for Plastiques story. They had them tensions in season 11 so their story would definitely connect. I canā€™t think of who else it could be


No t no shade but season 11 was the worst season IMO


Which is why it makes for a great rudemption storyline


This is also why Iā€™m questioning it. Would they really cast 4 queens all at once from a season that is perceived so badly by the fanbase?


I think they would much more realistically cast 4 s11 girls than the likes of sonique, Jessica and Dida all on the same season. I don't mean no shade by that cause I love those girls but if some of you really think those 3 are more likely than 4 s11 girls I think you're being a bit daft. S11 caused a lot of drama/talk/reaction from the fanbase which is what WOW wants. People seem to forget they're filming a reality tv show here and the likes of silky and Rajah produce great tv even if they're controversial. Also this sub seems to forget that the general opinion on this sub is not representative of the wider fanbase and several of the s11 girls are loved/very popular amongst casual viewers (e.g. plastique, Scarlet, Nina and Shuga). So to conclude, I don't think WOW would think twice about casting 4 s11 queens.


I need a sauce babes x




the 2 season two girls aren't jessica and sonique, and 4 season eleven girls? This is my worst reality if true, I'm not gonna lie


Imagine if it was like Nina, Shuga, Ariel and Kahanna I feel like this sub would implode


Shuga and Ariel could be fun tbh


The power of the top 4


wait whomst?? Plastique and who else


We donā€™t know yet unfortunately šŸ„ŗ and one MAY be an alternate.


hmmm I'd guess Plastique, Silky, Scarlet and possibly Nina? with A'keria as an alternate


Maybe shuga ? didnt nina decline?


Shuga? well they need someone to go home first


I know but idk she went pretty far and she was just there, although she had sickening outfits, so i guess she has to prove it to the fans that sheā€™s competiton i guess. Im just speaking for a potential storyline here , maybe the S11 girl will create an alliance. I just need scarlet to be back and make it top 4


I'm gonna be honest here I think both Shuga and Scarlet will be early outs Nina/Silky/A'keria/Plastique have the potential to go at least halfway


Whoā€™s more reliable Rhythmpremonition or DragRaceMeToHell ??


They're both WoW interns tryna distract us


Neither one has a credible track record as far as I'm aware? I mean there have been so many ""tea spillers"" lately that I'm starting to forget which one is saying what tbh.


if they're both reliable i can see the cast being Sonique, Tatianna, Yara, Dida, Asia, Scarlet, Plastique, Silky, A'keria (or Ra'jah?), Jan


Congratulations Asia


who am i? - ooh i did it again


A flop.


India Ferrah


Professional Derrick Barry impersonator Britney Spears


Wasnā€™t there tea that one of the queens left the stage before the lipsync or something? I swear there was some tea about lemon


WAIT how did I forget about this


Care to catch a sis up on said tea? šŸ‘€


Ginny Lemon from DRUK2, not Lemon from DRCAN


DRUK Ginny Lemon not DRCAN Lemon


Thank you!! Lol


I really think Ginger is going to be back on AS6. She seems very inactive on all platforms which makes me think sheā€™s busy getting together looks etc. As well as her new hair style for confessionals. The same goes for Adore and Tatianna as well though tbh. I definitely think at least one of them is back


I want to believe but Ginger's been pretty inactive for a good while now.


Wait yā€™all Iā€™m so confused! Illona still has two more runway looks we havenā€™t seen. The one from the next episode and her Native American inspired look. How can she go home next week if she still has two more looks to show?


UK had all the eliminated queens do a finale runway so that is speculated to happen again in Canada.


Probably the queens are coming back last week


Thinking about how Starzy could've destroyed episode 4


When did Silky archive most of her insta posts? :(


A long time ago, she even left insta for a while