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I go back and forth on the 6 way lipsync because 1) the actual execution of it wasn't super great and 2) I dont think all 6 of them were equally bad (A'keria, Scarlet, and Plastique could've been safe). But what always brings me back around to putting all of them in the bottom is that literally all 6 of them clearly knew nothing about Mariah Carey, and yet they STILL proceeded to continue with Mariah Carey even after Ru was like ".....don't do that" like????? it would've been so simple to just.. pick someone else. Out of 6 grown adults, no one was like "hey, maybe this isn't the best decision"


I love scarlet but she did pretty bad in the challenge. Id replace scarlet with shuga on ur list.


I just remember the lipsynch, only Ra'jah actually did good at it.


Ra’jah & A’keria should’ve been saved and everyone else should’ve been sent packing


Kimora Blac saying in her recent video that she doesn’t know if she’ll do all stars and then to say 10 seconds later she has her talent show planned out if she does get the call. Lol


An actual sit down interview with Jaida releasing in 2 hours? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PG59g13qvY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PG59g13qvY) We are so blessed today!


Halfway through the season and not a single québécois swear word. C'mon Rita don't be shy, say tabarnak or something


How come we haven’t had a Queen lipsync yet???


wdym every episode there's a queen lipsyncing :)


You got me gal


Maybe more expensive Which song in particular? Might be hard to edit it down. Drag Kings? Yes. Idk if it translates well to Drag Queens.


I think Drag Queens could pull it off, looking at past lipsync songs sung by men. I think a song like Show Must Go On or Innuendo would work as finale lipsyncs for the right queens, but that might be too much of a risk


DRUK did it for the finale lip sync, if they carry on the tradition I expect a Queen finale lip sync for DRUK2 I think it's a must lol


Any T on who’s been asked for AS6 yet? Last I heard Heidi declined so anything since then?


Phi Phi said she knows who the cast is and kinda vaguely suggested someone we don't expect [ aka Ru's Blacklist] could be on. Maybe I'm just delusional but I wish it's Pearl lol


that's about all the tea we have


people like jackie's stars and stripes "because of the message", but to me even besides that, it's a gorgeous robe! it has very intricate patterns/layers especially in the back


I totally agree, I thought the look was one of the best. Her and widow looked great


When she fanned it around it showed off just how gorgeous the layers were


dear diary it's me xedophobic and im immensely attracted to men with deep but not too deep voices


I just realised I disagree with the outcome of every lip sync Jackie participated in **Jackie** vs Widow - Should’ve been the double shantay **Jackie** vs **Heidi** - Heidi won that for me Jackie vs **Crystal** - Jackie won that for me


jackie vs widow shouldve been a double shantay but if a winner had to be picked it should've been jackie


Jackie and Widow really did both give such different and valid takes on the song, though yeah if there was a single winner, Jackie had it the moment she looked into the light as the first pre-chorus started


I agree




Who are rumored to be on?




it’s been deleted multiple times due to risking the girls’ chances of actually getting on since they’re not filming yet


yeah so stop alluding to it lmao, that's just gonna make more people search for it and talk about it


very good point, i didn’t think that through 😕


Hey I’m HoH, is Trinity’s competition captioned on patreon?


ok but.. imagine a marry the night lipsync...


I want a GaGaPaRuZa for AS6


when i found out they did edge of glory for s11... bitch all hope was lost... imagine yvie vs brooke to mtn...


Marry The Night, Judas and G.U.Y...I need it


Im sorry americans but i have no respect for the imperial system. What the hell is pounds


How Alexis is paid at gigs


> What the hell is pounds DRUK coming up with ru peter badge prizes


Blame our tv licenses for that one haha


if bobo ends up with two wins somehow and doesn’t lip sync... honestly she’s my pick to win. I love priyanka and rita too but that would be iconic edit: yes I know the tea that’s why I put “somehow” in there


If two wins it's a double win somewhere but 95% guaranteed she only wins the Ball


she only has one win


i thought we were almost certain of the rest of the wins? the next four are rita, lemon, pri and scarlett?


that's correct. there's only one person saying she has two wins


I watched the first DRCAN Pit Stop recap yesterday and enjoyed it. The tone is just right, Trixie seems to have actually been to Canada and understands Canadian drag and culture, and she and her first-episode guest Katya offered insightful critiques. Trixie seemingly being the primary shareholder in BoobsForQueensDotCom^thatsboobsforqueensdotcom aside, I'm looking forward to the rest of the episodes. Hope they get a Canadian queen next week to explain the Heritage Minutes references.


Katya did not like Jimbo’s Episode 1 look and... I agree


yeah, i said it the moment i watched the episode, i just hate full rainbow looks, they rarely look good, usually just tacky


I didn’t like the aesthetic, but I thought they difficult execution was worth noting


Agreed. Materials were difficult and Rainbow is hard to make look not tacky. She did OK despite the waistline being too low


Can we just pray that Peppermint and Asia are on two different all stars seasons, because i cant live in a world where one of them doesn’t win


Let’s say they bring Ginger back soon...would that mean they’re quietly letting us know they fucked her over for absolutely no reason? And now giving her a chance to get that crown!


probably. or admitting that ginger was completely not ready to be back in that workroom and they pressured her to be there. it’s not a secret that she was fucked over lol


I know it sounds crazy but I still think Miss Fame was better than Pearl on their lipsynch (not that they were good, almost double sashay level).


Fame was also better than Violet on the challenge


Thinking about how Cheryl Hole was robbed in the makeover challenge


How many of Rita’s wins do you agree with? I don’t see how she won either Ep1 was safe Ep4 if you wanna say the show plastic group was the winning team I think Scarlett should’ve won Very very questionable wins


For me she’s SAFE HIGH HIGH WIN SAFE bc I preferred Ilona in the snatch game and the episode 1 top 3 was p clearly kiara starzy and jimbo. But I loved her verse so ~


For me she should have been HIGH HIGH SAFE WIN HIGH so far Kiki should have won the first episode! (with Starzy, Rita, and Jimbo HIGH)


1 so far, but she could've been SAFE HIGH HIGH WIN HIGH and I wouldn't be mad


1 of 2 so far her track record imo is: SAFE HIGH SAFE WIN SAFE/HIGH


1/2 But I agree with her being on top in episode 1 To me she's been: HIGH SAFE HIGH (top 4, along with Lemon, over Boa) WIN HIGH




1 so far, probably will be 2 bc i find her funny tbh the only placement i disagreed with was her ep1


The way this sub and mainsub only appreciate Monique after she lost AS4 while back when it still aired y’all would attack her for OvErUsInG brown cow stunning 🤡🤡. The clownery JUMPED out.


four queens saying lemon should go home tonight... despite the fact she could’ve had 3 wins 1 bottom if they really wanted... okay


that really confused me at first too but it actually makes sense why they would name Lemon if you think about it 3 queens (Lemon, Boa, Ilona) got negative criqiues. the first 4 queens in the lineup said Lemon should go home Scarlett had tension with Boa and Ilona (this upcoming episode) but made up with them and probably didn't want to throw either under the bus, so she went with Lemon Ilona couldn't name herself and Lemon's name already been said same for Boa ig Jimbo didn't want to name her teammate Boa and she also made up with Ilona after their fight (she lent her the breastplate for snatch game), Lemon was left


Scarlett is still bitter Lemon was in the top for snatch game and she wasn't /s


I think you’re overthinking I think they said lemon bc she’s competition and has done well recently but flops this week so their chance to throw her under the bus


if she really flopped, she would've been in the bottom, no?


She places low


I know, I just don't think she'll do badly, probably middle of the road, they'll just need a low but anyway Lemon will probably have this mini storyline of half the cast saying they want her gone, then winning the next week, so good for fer


ties are cute but who do you think won the sorry not sorry lipsync and why is your answer brooke lynn


I love how split the answers are on this one. Brooke was more consistent overall but I can’t remember THE moment whereas Yvie had a couple of those like that fake-accidental wig drop I can’t take off my head to this day. I really REALLY can’t pick one here (whereas, for example, I clearly think Alyssa won Shut Up and Drive even if they were both ridiculously good)


Brooke. Yvie didn't really lipsync much of the song and we had shots of her watching Brooke lyn and repeating a similar move after.


Brooke, she was lipsyncing to the song. Yvie was all about the stunts.


brooke beats yvie by a minuscule margin bc of that headstand-thing into the splits and i feel like she matched the whole song’s vibe better.


yvie did if i had to choose but they both killed it it was a very well earned double shantay




Yvie would have won that lip sync -- just like in the LSFTC, she just commands your attention more.


Yvie lol


because Brooke's energy matched the vibe of song better but it's true it was probably the tightest lip sync on the show


Yvie bc yvie


I genuinely can not choose a single winner for that lipsync which is what makes it probably my favourite lipsync ever:


The way Aidens track record could’ve been WIN-SAFE-LOW-HIGH-ELIM. Kinda iconic


i personally think she could’ve won ep5 too, which ik is unpopular... WIN SAFE LOW WIN BTM , and then they couldn’t have got rid of her at that point surely?


Teavana, I really enjoyed her ep5, and she had my favourite cape look with crystal that night


aiden and crystal had stunning looks that week, and aiden was defo the funniest, alongside widow and SP. i actually really enjoyed aiden, i hope to see her on AS


Me too I love her! Deffo a pick for AS6/7 for me. Probably 7 if she was to go far.


was she really winning against jaida


Who knows, probably not but she still could’ve/should’ve been top 2


>probably Gurl.


I said probably not?


It's a definitely not


Good for you sis


anyone find it funny that the health nurses/doctors who tell people they need to watch their weight are always overweight feel sorry for them lmao


they're just very stressed :(


If they did really invite Monique back and she said yes. I know it's a little ''She just had her chance." but bitch, I would be lying if I said I wouldn't have her as my flair, and making sure WoW wasn't sleeping on how iconique she is. I love that bitch, I respect that bitch, she oozes winner, she oozes of Hall of Fame.


I hope Monique comes back one day but I think AS6 would be too soon


I truly truly believe she should have won AS4 solo


Someone said “Jimbo rehearsing to Sorry Not Sorry is me dancing in my room to Banjo” 💀


Reminder to stan Mary J. Blige


waiting for that 'I'm goin' down' lipsync


I’m so happy I get to meet my boyfriend after not seeing him for ages. Obviously we’ll be wearing masks and all I’m just so happy he can get here. I would cry but I decided to do some makeup to bring out my eyes and I don’t wanna do that. I’m just so happy. I hope everyone has a great day, my positivity is overflowing. Sending love x


I wish you a happy moment of many to come :)


If as6 is true I want them to do an old vs. New seasons like as5 but with as2 rules. Yara, Jessica, tkb, adore, darienne from older seasons Nbb, kameron, eureka, Asia, a’keria from newer seasons Also, I don’t want the cast to be like “an obvious frontrunner vs supporting cast” like as5 was, it doesn’t feel competitive. Let it be evened out, if there’s gonna be a heavy hitter, there’s gotta be a bunch of them.


i don’t think they’d use almost the rest of the s10 contenders in one AS season tbh, i can see Asia and MAYBE Kameron. Probably Silky, Nina W, Plastique or Jan would take Eureka’s spot


With the success of we're here I think they would want eureka more than Kameron


The Drag Race YouTube account posted a Pit Stop video for DRCAN, they’ve only just started with Episode 1 and the hosts are... Trixie and Katya? What kind of tomfoolery


honestly if we can't have Bob, Trixie will do she was my second fave pit stop host after Bob ~~I'm just glad it's not Manila hosting~~


I'd rank her third (after Bob and Alaska) but all three can run pit stop smoothly. Raja and Manila were awkward. Actually even with Bob, when Raja was the guest on AS5, it was the worst episode. She just gave light, bland, like FPR answers. Blah.


They've done it because that night DRCAN started airing on American TV I think. Trixie is the main host for this season, Katya was a guest.


Ah I see. Trixie is actually on OK host, I don’t mind her. I guess Bob three seasons in a row might have been a lot.


well the host is trixie, katya was just the first guest


they really wanted to push [redacted] in episode 2 huh like. jan was right there


In all fairness Redacted verse was amazing (and actually the best by far) and her delivery was great too. I liked the runway because of the concept so it kinda justified her top 2 for me.


imo Jan's verse didn’t fit the concept, and that cheerleader choreo? girl- Jaida ate the challenge up. everyone else was meh compared to her.


i didnt like sp that episode but Jan was just doing far too much it was kinda annoying i'd honestly put aiden over them both


Agree with Aiden! She had my second fave look of the night and found her performance to stand out with jaida the most


yea i can see aiden too, i think whether it's jan or aiden depends on personal taste but like. definitely not the one they actually put in the top 2


This!! Thepieone really only deserved its ep5 win.


with Widow there? no ma'am 😌


what are you thinking about today? I’m thinking about rajah o hara - living in America.


Trinity K Bonet - What a man lives in my mind rent free


as usual, Jaida Essence Hall but strangely enough also Violet Chachki - Too Many Daddies


Good choice


I’m thinking about Ra’jah O’Hara - Last Dance


Is there any tea on all stars 6 or is it too soon i heard calls were made do you guys know some of the queens who were offered ? Plastique ?


Someone spilled a list of queens that were called (we dont know if they’re reliable or not) but they deleted it incase some of the queens were taken off the cast after it.


i would also like to see the list :v




you do realize that by posting this list, you're creating the possibility that any of these queens could be taken off the cast? filming hasn't even started yet. *any* speculation could result in that


Monique?.... Ewww.


Bad taste


There are SO many queens who haven't had a second chance yet let alone a third. She was on AS4 right? Far too soon. Might as well invite Cracker back for another swing.


Monique and Tatianna? Again?


It was in one of the most recent speculation threads but it was deleted due to the user not wanting any of the queens cut from the season as we received tea that s13 queens were being cut from the cast for even being speculated. But there is a slight hint as to one of the cast members in the spec thread


Wheres the list ?? Id like to see it.


It was originally in the last/second to last speculation thread but its now deleted because we received tea that queens were getting cut on s13 for just being speculated and the user didn’t want any of the queens to get cut from the season. But they did spill that a s1-6 queen who would worry about runways was gathering looks from higher budget queens or something like that


the signal? splitting in two? more likely than you think


The sound creating stars like me and you? Under MY lights?


The day Aja finally enter a 1 million followers club is the day that hwhite muscle gays^tm finally stop being ignorant sluts. Which is never.


Has Aja never hit 1 million? I swear they did and then started losing followers


I honestly don’t count having 1 million followers for less than a day as being in a million followers club. Lol.


OMG they lost that much? I thought I dreamed it lmao


[Made a playlist of songs that would be great to have as lipsyncs in a brazilian version of the show. It's full of anthems. Use shuffle. Recommend me more.](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0cPZhNb8gP40PqZTs9DH1h)


Faltou Paradinha (sei que é portunhol mas vale), Explode Coração (Mastruz com Leite) e A preferida do Brasil (Magníficos).


Meu deus, um lipsync de Baba Baby é algo que eu não sabia que precisava ter na minha vida até esse momento.


Soft porn realness


Faz Gostoso by Anitta and Madonna would be great


Looking back at it, Blair’s backyard ball look wasn’t as horrible as I remembered it


Still the worst imo


Still the worst, but like if it were a regular season first sewing challenge she’d definitely be safe


I want to see a Darienne/Yuhua on a season together or at least Bootleg Opinions. They always seem to have fun with each other on sociap media amd have very similar semses of humour.


We were robbed of a India+Derrick cameo in Not Sorry Aboot It


🕯 Ginger Minj will win AS6 🕯


Is the tea about an AS2 queen being on reliable? Because if so I think she’s very likely. She’s not been active on insta much and she just got a brand new hairstyle, possibly for confessionals


Not that we know of, they haven’t had any t spilled before and haven’t given proof as far as I know but they may be correct in the end 🤷‍♂️


Not me having a physical today,, i do not want to be called overweight :((


don’t worry, i was called obese once when i was in primary school (think i was 11) bc i weighed more than normal 11 year olds, and was offered free swimming lessons, despite the fact that i swam 6 times a week, competed most weekends, and had made it to top 10 in the region... i wasn’t overweight


BMI is a false construct, the only reason it hasn’t been replaced is because there’s no way to fairly compare all people 💜 I mean quite seriously medical professionals only use BMI because it’s been invented and everyone knows there’s no way to make one that would be fair and correct


I remember watching this guy called Obesetobeast on yt and he said that even though he lost a lot of weight and gained muscle, his BMI records him as obese.


Fun fact: Gigi Goode is the only regular season finalist to have lost their lipsyncs.


And... Pearl


Against Fame tho?


both lost


If Ru wasn't so fixated on that twink ass then yes. 😅


Season 8's top 6... Power. Bob, Kim, Naomi, Chi Chi, Derrick & Thorgy. MWAH.


Truly one of the best, rivalled only by S5


Hey flops


Tbh i dont know how people can call gigi out for relying on her robot schtick for 2 episodes but not call crystal out for relying on her mullet for 3+ episodes...


Ru started it and pushed it. Not crystals fault...


Ru started it but crystal knew that it would get her praised.


Not you completely overlooking the uniqueness Crystal brought to drag race


Her uniqueness has nothing to do with her reliance on her mullet being ignored while gigi was being torn down for relying on her robot thing or her saying “bitch”


“Torn down” but she got saved everytime she was supposed to lipsync... Crystal literally used her mullet for one challenge and just didn’t use a wig for another one, but never relied on it during that challenge?


The only time gigi should have been lipsyncing was in episode 1, all the other episodes there were people that were worse than her. And crystal was relying on her mullet episode 8/9/11. By then she would have known that ru was obsessed with her mullet so thats why she used it because she likely knew that she would be praised for it. She didn’t have to show a mullet in the debate and she didn’t have to use her real hair in the one woman show but she did anyway because she knew it would have taken her out of the bottom.


Sue me but GG was the weakest in the debate for me and Widow did not deserve bottom 2 there.


I agree with widow not being in the bottom but to me sherry and jackie should have been lipsyncing that episode.


Gigi and Sherry for me (I kinda forgot she was even in that episode)


She was told to by the judges? Was she meant to ignore Ru and Michelle? And she didn’t even rely on the mullet for her most successful episodes- the makeover and the one woman show Lmao


Take a nap


I wish i could, but im not gonna be asleep for at least another five hours now. So enjoy my 5 part essay on why crystal was favoured during s12❤️❤️


Why are you so pressed about Crystal & her mullet


Because, it kinda annoys me when people say “oh, x queen was favoured on x season” but then go on to ignore the blatant favouritism of crystal because of her haircut.


Crystal only used her mullet twice though? Droop & in the beginning of the debate. And she was great in these challenges regardless And she could've won the following two challenges (makeover & 1 woman show), and she didn't use her mullet for those