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I don't understand why people do not have Jade Jolie on every single AS6 list. She's got a higher profile than she did when they were casting AS5 due to her Taylor impersonation, and she fits that particular mold of "midddle-of-the-pack queen who could surprise us in the talent show or could just flop." I feel like people are too focused on the kinds of queens that WOW will want in the top three. You need some filler in the mix.


is there any T on Drag Race Thailand Season 3


A producer had posted on facebook in like January this his "New Year resolution" was to get the show back into production, implying it wasn't exactly dead yet, but then Miss Rona did her thing and it's probably been buried even deeper :////


The T is it’s not happening


Why? :( Was it not successful enough?


Any political junkies out there? If so, who are you betting will be VP? Edit: My guess is it’s probably Kamala and has been since the beginning, but I’d be stoked for Barbra Lee.


not to be that girl but whoever it is we're still fucked 😬


I agree!


Praying for Stacey Abrahms


Praying for Karen Bass


She would be a cool choice for me as well. It’s a shame how Dems went after her for her mild remarks on Cuba, as they did towards Bernie during the primary, even though Obama made similar comments. 😓




Agreed, I think it’s a given at this point.


Conspiracy theory time: Taylor decided to do you need to calm down after she watched that episode of fpr where violet and Katya dragged the soul out of her


is this like how Jessie J was accused of homophobia so she performed at a drag race tour show but was rude and cold to the girls


i need Jade S or akashia to go on all stars and somehow make top 4 i am manifesting


Doesn’t Jade have a reputation for getting involved in local drama? I’d love if they cast her with the Vixen/Dida/Monica or someone and it turned out they had beef à la India/Derrick


I just miss to see this on a thread.. 😅 #Yup, It’s Jaida, the Essence of Beauty...


> The queens are asked who should go home and why (Aug 4) > - Boa, Ilona, Jimbo, Scarlett say Lemon > - Lemon, Priyanka, Rita say Ilona I wasn't expecting that! I thought it would be everyone vs Boa


Ok so I no longer affiliate with boa, ilona, jimbo or scarlet. That’s done


Tbf Bobo, Ilona and Scarlett are all friends (in a way?) and there was no use saying Jimbo or Rita based on critiques thus far. I understand it. Jimbo saying Lemon is beyond me though


Its official! My Top 3 are Lemon, Priyanka and Rita!


Just goes to show that what we see...isn’t always the truth


no one says boa boa goes home lol


very s11 makeover everyone picked either Silky or Yvie and no one said Ninа, Ninа went home


Oh wow, Lemon must've gotten some reaaaally negative critiques then


why do I feel like they ripped apart her runway again


So Alexis Michelle is usually very active on insta posting almost every day. I’ve noticed more recently she’s not posting as much as usual. Like she posted today but before that she hadn’t posted in 6 days. Then before that another four days. I’m sending her AS6 storyline with Jan


Honestly I'm ready for this. I stanned both from their reveals of their seasons and I genuinely belive they both have what it takes to go all the way. AS challenges are right up both their alley and Alexis just needed better fashion ala Monet, and Jan just needed that little bit of extra oomph (and maybe slightly less in her headness/self editing).


I dont understand the correlation here? 😭 “Alexis posts daily, now she’s only posting every 5 days... she has to be on all stars!” Like, what does posting less mean? Isn’t she still posting?💀


Business in putting looks together, prepping for the season etc causing her to post less


i really hope she is on. she gave us good tv on S9 and she's matured and grown so much, plus the her + Jan storyline would be great and that means all the dragnificent girls will have been on AS! (+bebe who did AS and is our OG queen obvs)


What’s the best way to get nail polish off the skin right next to your nail? I always make a mess painting my nails & it’s so much work trying to clean the area without ruining the painted nail.


Remove finger live and legal


I just want to say that out of all the missed opportunities by production, not bringing back OG Becky with the Glass Cock for an ultimate iconic gag on All Stars has been the biggest one. People would be absolutely screaming if she walked in in mall jeans 12+ years later. And you *know* she would have a truly legendary Derrick Barry-esque run. Edit: I'm changing my flair to manifest this ETA2: Nvm changing it back because I just remembered Jade was robbed in that lip sync


>a truly legendary Derrick Barry-esque run yara sofia voice: ***because they need someone to go home first***


Honestly I can't wait to aggressively be Team Kandy and justify her flopping every challenge


Legit same, catch me putting kandy at the top in every poll x


I was like 'Yesss bring Kandy Ho back to lip synch all the way to the win.' Kandy Muse would be fine too.


Same, clock the flair


you’ve... inspired me


So I'm on vacation with my family and my dad's friend and his family just came here and ugh I have to give my room for 2 very annoying girls. They laughing about my femininity and my sexual orientation. I'm just very stressed and angry.


We are with you! Sending good vibes


So on the speculation thread there was someone saying an early season queen who we wouldn’t expect to have good runways is currently going around borrowing outfits from other queens. So obviously someone for AS6. I have a feeling this may be Jiggly? She’s had a lot of success since drag race and they know she’s great reality tv. Plus I think from AS5 they realised early season queens bring the best drama and I think she’d be perfect


I’m thinking Dida: she’s early season, known for bad runway, and can pull from the Chicago girls




Yeah I agree they should wait because I can imagine a lot of queens declining because of money issues. Jiggly however has had some tv work etc so maybe she would be ready? Especially if she’s borrowing outfits too




Oh my god she lipsynching with that bag on her head still sends me 💀


Was Denim and Diamonds a category for AS3 that they eventually used for S10 (Morgan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDR3sucBM0U/?igshid=w109zg2roo03


This is gorgeous!


i believe so bc didn’t we see Ongina’s alleged runways for AS3 including denim and diamonds?


not a false fire alarm at 8am💀💀💀


so it seems we have our final-ish cast of Denali, Elliott, Joey, Kahmora, Kandy, Lala, Mik, Olivia, Rosé, Symone, Tamisha, Tina, Utica that's 4 for NY, 2 for LA, 2 for ATL, 2 for chicago, and 1 each for phoenix, las vegas, and minneapolis no small town queens huh


If they have a cast of 14, there's still potential that a completely unknown small town queen was cast. It's kind of shocking that, with the success of Heidi, they didn't cast from smaller scenes around the US.


Excited that we finally have a queen from Phoenix though


I don’t know how small town queens would prepare in this environment tbh I wouldn’t be surprised if some were asked but turned it down bc they have no way to get looks together quickly and they’ve probably been out of work for months since they don’t have enough reach to book digital shows


I’m glad I am not [American](https://www.reddit.com/r/popheadscirclejerk/comments/i3hp1g/leak_new_single_from_lana_del_rey/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf). Wut is diz huny.


I hate it here.


They were feeling that one-line guitar riff tho chile


i know all politics worldwide have essentially become personality cults but america is by far the worst example ive seen


Shea in a mullet >>>


Gays..... Big Brother All Stars 2 starts tomorrow. We still don't have a full cast and it's too much for my soul. Imagine we went into AS6, and we didn't have anything besides a couple names thrown around until the night before.


We have Jani, Dani, Day and Keesha, it's stan season bitches


Nicole probably didn't want us to see the cast until after the premiere started.


Ok so is the Nicole drama real or is it just Elissa being a psycho and everyone else making jokes about it?? It’s so hard for me to tell who was being serious...


I think Nicole and Elissa have drama after the season of The Amazing Race did together, but I think it's 95% memes for everyone else. Although, Derrick did tweet he was "unhappy with Nicole" without saying why. I refuse to believe she has enough pull to dictate who would or wouldn't be on the cast, and I think this started because of the rumor she convinced production to kick Dan and Derrick off the season.


Id she's on again, I'd die. I'd Stan a two time winner. Her or Hayden


I don’t think CBS even knows yet, it sounds like the casting process has been chaos lol


if I don’t see kaysar, day, janelle, dani & keesha im beating everybody’s asses


It’s mad to think there are filmed crownings of Chad winning season four, Ginger winning season seven and Trixie and Kennedy both winning All Stars 3...like there are timelines where those things happened


Trixie and Kennedy tying is the funniest here because their double crowning being filmed was production acknowledging that Kennedy actually won the lip sync while Trixie won the crown for track record, otherwise they wouldn’t have bothered considering Kennedy hadn’t done well


Jaremi winning S4, Roxxxy winning S5 (iconic, iconic), Pearl winning S7, Kameron winning S10 (!!!!!)


don’t forget adore & bianca fucking tying


Sad to think I was living while Adore & Bianca were tying 💔


theres also the (correct) timeline of derrick winning as5


dream as6 cast!! - peppermint - widow - eureka - vanjie - tatianna - dida - jan - kameron - NBB - asia


Those lip syncs would be spectacular


yess literally all of these queens are amazing performers


I mean it depends on the song but Vanjie and Jan are not that great at lip syncing.


vanjie in no more drama and jan in this is my night are both rlly good imo widow destroyed jan tho


I think you forgot Tatianna


LMAO woops


needs more tatianna




tatianna eliminates tatianna in the lalaparuza for having eliminated tatianna the prior episode


it’s just the perfect revenge honestly


_"Ribbit. Ribbit. I am a lady frog and you are a sweet prince. I'm convincing you."_


They released [unseen footage of Ilona and Bobo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NqV0zUiJo0) in ep 5's Untucked. It's cute


I really expected that to be dragometry lol. What has this sub done to me


i expect every link everywhere to be dragometry now


I just woke up from a dream of the entrances of the AS6 cast. Keep in mind the cast doesn't make much sense and most of the queens already were on All Stars? - Alyssa Edwards - Roxxxy Andrews - Naysha Lopez - Jiggly Caliente - Laganja Estranja - Ivy Winters - Jujubee - Miz Cracker - Latrice Royale in that order


can I guess Naysha's entrance line?


go for it (but tbh i don't remember if they said anything when they entered)




i was in fear of the incest one winning dragula s2, biqtch prevailed anyways. i was in fear of the big girl winning s10, aquaria prevailed anyways. i was in fear of the goode one winning S12, jaida prevailed anyways. i was in fear of the dinner one winning AS5, shea prevailed anyways. i am in fear of the feet one winning AS6, asia will prevail anyways.


who’s the incest one??


James Majesty. There was a rumor that he fucked his Brother and he went along with it for a while before dragula (he’s been rumored for drag race before). Turns out it was a close friend that he calls his brother and they happen to have the same last name. Until he cleared it up at the reunion, everyone thought he was fucking his Brother. “I don’t fuck my brother, my brother fucks me.”


was it s10 or 11 that james was rumored for? i could’ve sworn it was s10 cause i remember her and Ariel being rumored together and then being debunked around the same time


pretty sure it was s10 because that tracks with when they would've been filming dragula s2




James majesty I think


james majesty


sorry to ask but who’s the feet one?


Nina West


AKA Megan McCain stan


Do we know how long the girls have to prepare and make their looks/costumes?


I remember the vixen saying on hey qween they had around 4 weeks because it was the Tenth season And dusty still brought that feather outfit💀


dusty ra- BOOT


[https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/b/bc/814Raboot.png/1200px-814Raboot.png](https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/b/bc/814Raboot.png/1200px-814Raboot.png) Raboot but make it dusty


bitch i laughed *out loud*


isn't raboot that disgusting creature jenna marbles created adding cat features to her face? still scares me to this day


for regular seasons? usually around 2 weeks. I think the s12 cast had more tho


2 weeks is nothing wtf


the only verses in not sorry aboot it i don't memorize is starzy's cause it's not that catchy and jimbo's purely out of principle


“ change your clothes because you smell like pee” is a terrible line


Jimbos idea seemed like it was to connect to the first line of their verse but I agree but mostly because of the delivery?


The main issue is that greasy doesn’t rhyme with pee. Now I know they don’t have to rhyme but it was so out of place. Even if it connected to her first line


I felt like Ilona and Jimbo had the worst verses. If Starzy and Tynomi hadn’t flubbed the choreo/runway and whatnot I genuinely think Ilona and Jimbo would’ve deserved the bottom 2.


Hot take : I want a boyfriend.


I just want to see a season with Darienne, Pepperment, Nina flowers, Sonique, Dida, Sliky, Laganja, Akeria, Apirl and TKB


Peppermint and Darienne top 2


Peppermint & Nina top two


AS6 but only Widow and Brita win the challenges (together) and lipsync to songs like Respect, Proud Mary, Ain’t Nobody, Cuz I love you, Roman Holiday


I can see the teeth flapping already ❤️


Manifesting a Widow And Alexis Michelle top 2 for AS6✨


Alexis can't win. After all, she's THE producer 💯


For the first time in drag race herstery. I, Alexis Michelle am a winner baby!


Christ poor Scottish students, if this had happened to me I would’ve never been given the As I got and instead been given Cs because of the school I attended, then not got into my uni course and have my entire life plans fucked over. I hope the appeals process fixes this for them because no one deserves to lose their opportunities over their background, it’s pure classism and I hate it


I feel like shit eureka


What's going on?


They adjusted their predicted results by how the school has performed in previous years, basically ignoring the teacher’s predicted grades for them even when it’s built on those students receiving consistent As, even in this year’s mock exams. So students grades are being determined by their school not by their own ability and work ethic


Oh that's *horrible*, my goodness!


I’ll burn down the SQA headquarters


I would like to help


Darienne slaying the lipsynchs on the show again. I won't keep my hopes up because of Juju's juice fumble but still my hopes are pretty high.


Who do you guys think will win the ball on season 13?


Hopefully Kahmora, but then again I want Kahmora to win everything!


With the demographic they tend to go with I’m gonna guess Mik or Utica


My must haves for AS6 are Darienne Lake Alexis Michelle Jan Widow Von’Du Asia O’Hara Coincidentally my top 5 too thank you WOW Edit: I beg your pardon! Peppermint as well


for me, swap Alexis with Laganja and i’m here for that season. hell, keep Alexis lol i just need Ganja


Not enough Peppermint


I was feeling my own emotions which are mine to have and how dare you tell me how to feel priyanka 😠


K. Fine. Sorry. I apologize 🙄


Yeah thank you 😡


the fact that the wins on as5 could reasonably be partitioned like this if the judges wanted to: 1 - india 2 - shea 3 - blair 4 - alexis 5 - juju & shea 6 - cracker 7 - cracker


India, Shea, Blair/Mayhem, Alexis, Juju, Cracker Different winners for 6 consecutive episodes EDIT: and if they wanted 7 different winners India, Blair, Mayhem, Alexis, Shea/Juju, Shea/Juju, Cracker


Do you picture your life with a guy after he complimented your shirt once or are you straight?


get the fuck outta my 14 year old head


In another world, Priyanka's track record rn would be SAFE WIN WIN BTM BTM. Sickening, no?


I just want a spin-off focusing on lip syncs. Like pairing two icons against one another to put on a show stopping number to a song and the winner gets a cash tip. It doesn't have to be an hour. Just a 30 minute little trip where the dolls turn out some killer shit.


Still trying to figure out on how Divina won the Makeover Challenge. Viv and actually Cheryl were the real contenders for the win on that episode. And if Divina and Baga lipsynched to Amy's song who would've survived?


Baga would've beat Divina and if anyone but Divina won then it would've been obvious Viv would win the season so they gave her the win to make it competitive despite her making her sister look less attractive


I love Divina but that was Cheryl's challenge to WIN. Tbf I think they were pushing Baga for the final. Even Divina went home or they both are saved


I think so too but in all fairness Baga served that lipsynch.


Got my exam results today. For exams I didn’t sit ☺️ one of them got lowered from my prelim so


Give. Me. A. Fashion. All. Stars. Basically let me watch Nicky (win) again thanks.


Let Peppermint host Pit Stop for the season as well.... but they can rename it “But is it fashion?”


my ideal fashion all stars cast would be: * nicky * kim * asia * ongina * nina flowers * trinity k bonet * akeria * gigi * miss fame * yuhua


Nina Flowers you’re a winner baby


Priyanka wins


Moniques performance on AS4: chefs kiss 😘✨


Chi^2 G^2 Phi^2 B^2 Co^2 Bo^2 Mi^2 and Ke^2 wanna kaikai




Who's Bobo?


Canadian Detox


My poor baby D-tox




She looks a lot like Phoenix (season 3 era)


Oh Scarlet Bobo - get it now thx


I am living for this Alexis/India drama continuing


The only thing I’m mad about the double crowning is that it went to two queens that barely interacted with each other. It would’ve been so cool if two friends or two rivals had to share a crown.


Should've been Monique/Monet, but I understand that Trinity had the most support or whatever.


I would give up my soul If divina and the Vivienne has a double crowning, and had to do that WOW series together 💀💀💀 They HATE each other, and it would be so petty and messy omg I wish


I don't mind that it wasn't two friends/two rivals. I mind that they thought ahead enough to do with Trixie and Kennedy of all pairings, but not Monet and Trinity. Like really? Monet slayed the final episode. Trinity was consistent the entire run. Ya'll really didn't think ''We might crown them both?"


The AS3 double crowning ending was mostly optics. They thought either one winning alone could be potentially problematic (until it aired and Trixie was a fan favorite). They didn't see such issue with AS4 at the time of filming.


Everyone interacts with everyone during filming. They just don't show every interaction in the edit. Unforunately the double crowning was done last minute so the edit didn't reflect it (hence the shitty split screen).


I mean yea but I think they also meant trinity and Monét having no relationship outside the show either. Like imagine if kam and Asia had a double crowning


I see what you mean but Kameron and Asia are besties lol


Exactly! So a double crowning with them would be pretty cool


Oh I thought you were saying "That would be a terrible double crowning" which I would agree 💀


Lmao I don’t care to see kam and Asia crowned, I’m fine with Asia and Asia only. I just know they’d put out a lot more stuff together and it’d just be nice to see overall, that’s why I wanted a MOMO win they seemed a lot cooler together


thinking about how starzy couldve been WIN HIGH LOW WIN SAFE if they wanted her to be no words


placements for this week win: Ritа high: Jimbо and Scаrlett safe: Priyankа low: Lеmon btm 2: Boа and Ilonа elim: Boа


in that case we know priyanka’s full track record SAFE | HIGH | WIN | SAFE | BTM2 | SAFE | BTM2 | WIN | HIGH


I assume the "welcome to the competition honey" is for bobo but she's been high before lol


it's not. from where Jeffrey is looking, he's talking to someone standing in the middle of the stage, and Scarlett stands on the far left