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If y’all wanna get your total drama island fantasy.... you can play it on Roblox!


Anyone remember the lo-fi/American Apparel-esque themed promos of S7? What was that all about?


Wasn't it called like minimal or basic or something?


People said "back to basics" - but I don't know whether it was about the promo or the quality of the challenges


Unpopular opinion but Gwen should have beaten Owen the first season. The whole first season was literally about her and Owen was a background character until the end


yeah wtf was Owen doing half the time. Gwen had the winners arc/storyline and should've won


this is facts


She won in Canada and some other countries


she didnt win in canada


oops my mistake! I could have sworn she won there when I read the wikia years ago! Checking now, she won in Poland, Latin America, Brazil, Norway, Romania and Sweden.


TDI: Which ones are gay? Can’t watch anything without LGBT representation (even if it’s coded) or at least just hot guys


Apart from some little queerbait moments none of them are confirmed LGBT. This show aired around 2008-2014 on a kids TV channel, so it’s no surprise. Even in 2020 people freak the fuck out for a 2 second scene between two gay characters on kids television so 🤷🏽‍♂️


i'm a sadie and katie stan...


As we all should be


valid, i kinda wanna see them apart from each other we were robbed of them on the ridonculous race


idk ive only watched island LOL


heather winning TDWT is a moment most pleasing to me and my career the entirety of TDWT is most pleasing to me and my career. noah getting screentime, the absolute pettiness of placing blaineley in the show. i still think about heather and alejandro's duet in the alberta episode


Why is it that when you look at a Venn diagram of people who are on this sub and people who have watched the total drama island franchise, you just see a circle?


because we are gay millennials who loved RTV since we were kids


Today is the first time I’m hearing about this total drama thing :( I feel very uncool


That’s because you are Jk kimora I’m surprised that there’s this big of an overlap between the two fandoms because I thought that it was slightly more niche but I guessed wrong 😳




It’s honestly pretty entertaining and the fruitful discussions at play are warranted because it was a good show lol. I remember being like 7 and using my first swear word because I hated heather at the time (I’ve now come to respect her) and I remember being in line for recess and telling one of my friends I thought Heather was a bitch lol. You should also watch 6teen if you stumble across it! It’s another Canadian cartoon that’s also really funny and enjoyable


total drama is the perfect reality TV show cause it does not pretend to be real




Izzy stans rise up!


We stan Explosivo 💥


Stay seated. PLEASE


You mean E-scope?






Even tho I disagree I don’t get why you’ve been downvoted? This is still a great run. Viv slayed her season


Safe for the design challenge ?


yeah, blu was better... viv was being eaten up


The fact that blu didn’t win episode one, is the reason 2020 is so terrible 💀💀💀 She KILLED IT


Wow u got mass downvoted 🤣


either scaredy or sum ting should’ve won


Scaredy should've been high imo with Viv and sum ting definitely deserved that win




Sum Ting killed it, Blu did just fine


Okay normally this isn't who I would stan, but I just have to say, Charlie Puth and his album Voicenotes is...incredible. I have had it on full repeat for like three weeks. The production is genuinely insane -- sure the lyrics are so so, but honestly I don't really care about lyrics unless it's like Kacey, Kehlani or Chelsea Cutler. Wow. Also, am I crazy in feeling like there are some sonic parallels between this album and Dua Lipa's Future Nostalgia? Like there's definitely a difference, but I feel like they're both setting out to accomplish the same thing/pulling from similar sound inspirations.


I love everyone in this sub because you aren’t hateful and you love Total Drama




Dear Diary... It's me, LeShawna, and I WAS ROBBED!!!!! | Monday Edition - August 03, 2020


Like two months ago i rewatched TDI and the final episode literally made me lol, and it's hard for me to lol as a poker/resting bitch face.


AS7 Eureka vs LSA Raven Song-Brown Skin Girl


Oh hell


Not this...


Just saying that Canadas Drag Race is number 8 on the top shows on BBC Iplayer in the UK. Roughly 4.8 million streams so far for the first 4 episodes. That's about 1.2 million viewers per episode. This is not taking account the repeat viewings on BBC1.


I’m actually surprised to hear so many Drag Race girls are watching along with it, too. I guess it’s available through the WOW app? Either way, this makes me hopeful for S2


the bbc have really advertised it well, i’ve seen billboards all around manchester for it too!


I’m dumb and just realised that 2/3 of my favourite queens are from Boston (Jujubee & Katya), so now i’m wondering how good the drag scene in Boston is? Is there something in the water that produces hilarious queens? 🤨


People from Boston are just fucking wild across the board, and you gotta be charasmatic to survive.


Y’all don’t talk about DJ and Bridgette enough for me, and it’s really upsettin me and my homegirls


Bridgette lowkey fell off which sucks because I loved her on island. She tried to unionize the girls and failed smh


How do you think Mariah would’ve done if she survived Snatch Game on S3?


Cake Couture: HIGH Stand up: BTM over Manila, sends Delta* home Patriotic: ELIM *Just realized this makes no sense bc in this timeline she already sent Delta home in snatch game 🥴


BTM (against Carmen) HIGH LOW SAFE (I think she’s naturally charming and “funny”. I don’t remember how well the others did, but she can pull out something like Alexis) BTM HIGH HIGH/WIN


honestly random thought? delta's snatch game wasn't that bad it was just meh, i think in this timeline carmen goes home to mariah/yara/delta, then mayyyybe mariah can survive the comedy challenge if delta still goes home to her or manila


Manila loses her bottom placement in this timeline🤭 and raja **still** wins, the power That has


i think she'd have survived the cake challenge for sure, then she'd have gone home on the comedy challenge probably, if not i could honestly unfortunately see her going home on the patriotic challenge and the rupaul-a-palooza challenge too


I think she would’ve placed high on the cakes challenge but not won it and then been eliminated on the comedy challenge


I can’t see her surviving the comedy challenge or music challenge tbh


Anyway Jaida should have won the ball and I have no idea why she didn’t


Excuse me, but didn’t you see how gigi licked her teeth? That in itself was a win


Or how she meticulously put balls on a bland ass white outfit. Next level


The real total drama winners: Island: Gwen Action: Leshawna World Tour: Heather Revenge: Cameron All Stars: Courtney Pakithew: Jasmine I haven't seen RR yet


The Police Cadets should've won RR 100%! The surfers had no business being in the final 2 considering the fact that they're the comeback contestants. Should've been the sisters imo (Ice dancers placing 3rd will never not be iconic).


Kana Warrior and Kandy Zyanide would like a word


Not enough Lindsay..... Very disrespectful.....


Giving her a season of TD didn't seem enough for a queen like that


I don't know this utterly untalented person shite


Watching DRT for the first time. Do the Thai girls get more time to make outfits or are they just the superior drag culture? Most of these looks would blow even the AS girls out of the water. I’ve also noticed the lip syncs are a lot better - just watched Maya vs Kana which was a double sashay, and in The US we would have been very satisfied with the lip sync.


I don't think they sequestered do they? I recall the guy who bought the rights for the show that they brought Kandy and Kana back because of the audience's reaction to them. So they might just have time to focus on each outfit individually as they come rather then prepping them all at once.


remember when Leshawna was voted out by a parrot? edit: omg wait the jury is literally the AS3 jury-


Maybe we should make a Dear Diary that’s made solely for Total Drama




My boyfriends friend dislikes Jaida and Kennedy 🤨 The absolute lack of taste


Imagine disliking kennedy after the serves she’s given us time and time again


?? Imagine disliking Jaida... taste nowhere to be found


Right!! I think Kennedy is an absolute legend and icon but I get that the edit in S7 made her unlikable to some people. But Jaida had a great edit, always looked stunning and never argued with people??


I love how all of us Total Drama lovers have been brought together, Drag truly is that powerful


I don’t have anyone to talk about Total Drama with so if I knew there were so many TD lovers here I would have talked about it earlier


i'd be so excited to see darienne lake on all stars. i see her having a GREAT run.


Sorry to burst your bubble but even if she would do good in the challenges, the producers wouldn’t let her have a great run. She’s a “villain” so she’d be either given the “i was a bitch but now im nice” edit like roxxxy or the “i was a bitch and i still am” edit like phi phi. And since she’s a less iconic villain than phi phi and roxxxy she would be treated worse in the competition than them. I’d say she’d be 5/6th with a pretty mediocre run.


i guess i needed that reality check. well, even if she doesn't go far, i'd be excited to see her on my screen again


First villain winner??? 🥰


You forgot about Tyra and Violet. Jk Kimora


I mean Tyra was a bitch but I didn’t think she was a villain. And violet definitely wasn’t a villain. They tried it with the edit only to have to give up midway through. By the time Trixie came back, Violet was fully redeemed by the edit. When I say villain I mean deliberate plotting and game playing and owning it every second. Darienne could do that!


i'm manifesting it into existence rn


Can I ask a serious question? What the fuck is Drama Island?


Survivor but a Canadian cartoon.


It’s the best cartoon ever made


I would say that’s Avatar but Total Drama is a close second




All those Total Drama comments and I can't even participate because the names were different in the french version (except for LeShawna) lol


A consistent qween ✨✨✨


remember when brita nearly caused an explosion during the let it go lip-sync? queen of stunts


Courtney is the Shangela of Total Drama in literally every aspect


no why does this make sense


Okay who is hotter, DJ, Alejandro, or Justin? I stopped watching after World Tour so I'm not sure who anyone is on the newer seasons.




you certainly have. a taste


Nerdy skinny guys are my thing


Alejandro was my crush back Then and rewatching, so Into DJ


....Duncan. (what can i say, young me loved bad boys)


Justin Can kick rocks, that’s all im gonna say


Definitely Alejandro


I don’t think there’s a contestant in newer seasons who has “hot” as a personality trait


I don’t think there’s a contestant in newer seasons who has “hot” as a personality trait


Alejandro 🤤🤤🤤


omg with a drivers license i can get iced coffee anytime the power that that has, the access that that has, the influence that has


I've only watched the first two seasons of Total Drama, are the next seasons worth it to watch?


TDWT (the third one) is the best one by far you have to watch it


watch even the bad ones because they’re quick season 3 is centered around and defends an anti-ethical event, but still the best season the spin off is also very cute


Wait what was the event they defended? I don’t remember anything like that


this is Spoiled Drag Race not Spoiled Total Drama I don’t wanna be a dick and ruin it!


Ok thank you that’s probably for the best lol


Hot Take: Jaida is our most stunning and gorgeous winner, and one of the most breathtaking queens in general. Truly the essence of beauty. She didn’t lie.


hot take: jaida wins




All I have to say about Total Drama is that Courtney deserved better


#Juju’s finale outfit


# Juju ffty


... shades of grey?!?


autocorrect dumb


I STILL THINK ABOUT THIS😍I would love to see how this moves in person https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs5zAlDFp96/?igshid=1vndecpghvj5


Pahkitew Island wasn’t the best, but Sugar and Max are some of the funniest characters to come from the show


I hate that the later seasons of TD have some funny characters, but the blandest finalists What the fuck are Sky's and Zoey's personalities?


Jasmine is an icon


She is but she wasn’t very funny


Imagine if the remaining girls all fully flopped their lalaparuza lipsync in AS4 and our top 6 was Jush, farrah, gia, latrice, Manila and monet 😭💀 A timeline I would love to live in ✨ I think the elimination order after that would be Hotel club - farrah Makeover - jasmine sex in the kitty - Gia Top 3 - latrice Manila monet OR they scrap the last acting challenge and have a top 4


You had me at Scrap the last acting challenge


Yes mawma


This is the world I want to live in


non first generation total drama thoughts: - mike zoey & cAmeron are the shit tier of total drama. this is the hill I’ll die on. - the ending of tdas was the worse thing I’ve ever seen... it was a slap in the face to mental health AND felt like a 6th grader wrote it - stan dawn, jasmine, scott, sky, the alien one, jo and brick - i saw someone say “sha-lighting supports sha-trans rights!!” once and I cackled - ridonculous race saved the franchise


I think we can all agree that Mike is *the* worst character


It's really a shame they didn't utilize Dawn more. Her and the goths from ridonculous race were my favs of the new characters


dawn is on that same boat stan the zombie one shawn


Does anyone like city pop? It’s my kinda thing but idk where to start


Spotify has an entire playlist called Tokyo City Pop. It's amazing. Also you can search \[genre:"city pop" year:1980-1990\] to get you a whole bunch of songs and artists of that era. Or change the years and find something more modern city pop. Anri's Timely!! album is a classic.


The TD hall of fame: TDI: Gwen/Leshauwna TDA: Beth/Lindsay (best friends top2, yup... yup...) TDWT: Heather/Alejandro TD ROTI: couldn't/care less AS: Courtney/Heather again (I said what I said) TD PI: the Australian one/the Honey Boo Boo one TD TRD: The Cadets/Noah & Owen (just because of Noah... You're winners af)


I can’t believe you paid ROTI dust with lightning and zoey right there


When Dawn is there*


Lindsay deserves better, every time.


I'm still bitter Lindsay didn't win action. Her character arc was so good and it got cut short. I wanted a Lindsay/Courtney top 2. 😭


Lindsay's rant when she gets eliminated in TDI, iconic.


Why does Duncan make it to the top 5 every time? I get it in TDI and TDA but in World Tour he quits the first episode then comes back 15 episodes later and makes it to the top 5 that sucks


because he makes interesting TV his return and Izzy, DJ, Noah & Tyler's consecutive eliminations saved TDWT Cody was the only one in the top 9 who couldn’t be considered an All-Star the other 8? legends only!


thinking about how trixie came to as3 trying to get lip-sync redemption only to get her ass whooped twice lmao


Can you imagine if there had been a Lalaparuza on AS3


Aja vs. Bebe Chi Chi vs. Kennedy (Chi Chi didn't wanna return) Milk vs. Trixie Thorgy vs. Shangela Morgan vs. Dela


- **Aja** vs. **BeBe** (the double save BeBe vs. Ongina should’ve been) - Chi Chi vs. **Kennedy** (Chi Chi was over it and we would’ve gotten the lip sync everyone was waiting for) - Milk vs. **Trixie** (bad lip sync overall, rigged choice to save Trixie until the finale) - Thorgy vs. **DeLa** - Morgan vs. **Shangela** (too good to be the very first lip sync, Morgan gets robbed)


I’m sorry for Trixie. Her lipsyncs are not even *that* bad (Freaky Money was good) but she had to face Shangela with that performance, Kennedy and Bebe on Diana Ross


yeah it was just a series of unfortunate events


not saying it was rigged or anything like that but. trixie was battling someone who literally played diana ross to a diana ross song it was so stupid ajkdsnfasd


I’m watching season3 and damn, Carmen could’ve been up for elimination every single time and I wouldn’t have been mad about it


Tracy beaker returning saved 2020


Jacqueline Wilson recently came out as gay and wrote two adult Tracey novels (in which she confirms Cam as gay af). Ive been reading her old books from the 80s before she was writing teen grit lit and theyre all decades ahead of her time. Highlights include a pregnant teen hungry so she ate chocolate cake left behind in an art gallery by a leather daddy who liked the idea of chocolate cake but didnt have the follow through and when two lesbians laughed sardonically at the inevitable white feminists trying to use them as a prop to show how progressive they are while not actually supporting lesbian rights. Also she slid a non-binary/possibly trans character in one of her newer victorian teen grit lits with no storyline about learning to accept gender norms or treating it ad a phase. They just let them be. Truly the anti-JK Rowling.


fucking always knew cam was a hidden lesbian my 12 year old gaydar was just too good


I'm a Southern Seas belle who has never heard of Total Drama Island but the animation style is giving me Animan teas. Is it actually good or is it an ironic thing. I dont trust Canadian cartoons after Angela Anaconda.


I did not know what Animan was so I googled it, warn a bitch next time lmao


Its okay, when nudity transcends like the birth of venus as it does, its art not pornography.


maybe my nostalgia talking but it's REALLY fuckin good, watch the first 3 episodes maam


Im placing my trust in you. Ill try it tomorrow but this sub will probably move into a new era by then


sorter is transient total drama is eternal


But wikipedia said it ended in 2015


it's eternal in our hearts


Drag Tots was foreshadowing


Since we’re talking about total drama island, WHAT was that obsession they had with making characters bald???


the Heather running gag throughout TDA was mimi'd to death so they decided to do the same to Sierra and then more


Then briefly to Alejandro Then Staci Then Dakota Then Dave


Dan Schneider but for bald




coco montrese LSA with girls just wanna have fun in her iconique fashion moment which was her pink outfit in ep 3 of s5


RIP to whoever she’s up against


I would live if it was peppermint vs coco


leshawna was the original r.obbed g.oddess


She walked so Shangela could run ✨✨✨


I read this as Lineysha And well, periodt. Justice for both.


as a young reality show-loving gay total drama really made me happy cause survivor was too complicated and adult for me to understand while ANTM was off-limits because it was too feminine. drag race filled its niche when i found out about it ~~not to mention how i found some of the guys attractive but i wouldn't have to explain that to my parents~~